NobodysHome |
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Well, my body decided that Christmas Eve is a GREAT time to have a 100+ fever. I’m having none of it. Kitchen is cleaned, laundry is sorted and started, and my body can go ahead and get its revenge tomorrow; I’m busy today!
EDIT: Of COURSE I’m naked; it’s hot!
And REALLY autocorrect? Replacing a correct “its” with an incorrect “it’s”? That’s just not kosher!

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, my body decided that Christmas Eve is a GREAT time to have a 100+ fever. I’m having none of it. Kitchen is cleaned, laundry is sorted and started, and my body can go ahead and get its revenge tomorrow; I’m busy today!
EDIT: Of COURSE I’m naked; it’s hot!
And REALLY autocorrect? Replacing a correct “its” with an incorrect “it’s”? That’s just not kosher!
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. This is an awful time to be sick.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. This is an awful time to be sick.Well, my body decided that Christmas Eve is a GREAT time to have a 100+ fever. I’m having none of it. Kitchen is cleaned, laundry is sorted and started, and my body can go ahead and get its revenge tomorrow; I’m busy today!
EDIT: Of COURSE I’m naked; it’s hot!
And REALLY autocorrect? Replacing a correct “its” with an incorrect “it’s”? That’s just not kosher!
Oh, it has its advantages:
Impus Minor: I’m not feeling so well; do I have to go?NobodysHome: Well, I have a 100-degree fever and I’m going, so yes, you have to go.

Drejk |
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Orthos wrote:My sister was and has always been stereotypically girly (except for her love of football, which... well, it was Texas, everyone is expected to love football, it's only playing it that's a boy thing), so this wasn't something that we had much conflict with when I and my siblings were little.
Though I do remember a few comments about me being "too old" to have stuffed toys at one point - I liked Tamagotchis and Pokemon, and considered for a while collecting the plushes of both that were being sold in the late 90s - and in hindsight I wonder if "too old" might have been somewhat code for "too male". My sister certainly never got chided for such things, no matter her age.
And eventually "too old for stuffed toys" did become "too old for games about cute little monsters". I very vividly remember getting dragged into the living room and yelled at by my dad for a half hour because he caught me on an internet forum discussing Pokemon and Digimon. I was 16.
My nieces thankfully have parents who happily thumb their nose at such restrictions and grandparents and uncles and aunts who are willing to ignore those stereotypes in favor of what the kids actually request. Given my parents' highly conservative leanings in every other aspect of existence, it was something I and my brother and SIL were highly concerned and worried about when the nieces were just being born/in the toddler phases.
I dont get it.
There are TONS of worse things for a 16 year old boy to be into.
Hey, if he is into underaged drinking with his buddies, doing crack, or hooliganism he is manly!

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:My sister was and has always been stereotypically girly (except for her love of football, which... well, it was Texas, everyone is expected to love football, it's only playing it that's a boy thing), so this wasn't something that we had much conflict with when I and my siblings were little.
Though I do remember a few comments about me being "too old" to have stuffed toys at one point - I liked Tamagotchis and Pokemon, and considered for a while collecting the plushes of both that were being sold in the late 90s - and in hindsight I wonder if "too old" might have been somewhat code for "too male". My sister certainly never got chided for such things, no matter her age.
And eventually "too old for stuffed toys" did become "too old for games about cute little monsters". I very vividly remember getting dragged into the living room and yelled at by my dad for a half hour because he caught me on an internet forum discussing Pokemon and Digimon. I was 16.
My nieces thankfully have parents who happily thumb their nose at such restrictions and grandparents and uncles and aunts who are willing to ignore those stereotypes in favor of what the kids actually request. Given my parents' highly conservative leanings in every other aspect of existence, it was something I and my brother and SIL were highly concerned and worried about when the nieces were just being born/in the toddler phases.
I dont get it.
There are TONS of worse things for a 16 year old boy to be into.
And if I'd known that, I would have pointed them out.
But "I could be doing something worse" never flew as an excuse in my family. So it probably would only have made my dad angrier.
It took him until my mid twenties to really accept that I wasn't going to ever be the football-watching, cars and-carpentry-loving, heavily-stereotypical son he had always expected and wanted. I was going to be a loner nerd who read books and played video games and memorized useless trivia and spent too much time talking to fake people on the internet.
He still doesn't LIKE it, but he's given up lecturing about it in favor of passive-aggressive disapproval and occasional disparaging comments about needing to spend more time in the real world with real people.

Orthos |
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Freehold DM wrote:Hey, if he is into underaged drinking with his buddies, doing crack, or hooliganism he is manly!Orthos wrote:My sister was and has always been stereotypically girly (except for her love of football, which... well, it was Texas, everyone is expected to love football, it's only playing it that's a boy thing), so this wasn't something that we had much conflict with when I and my siblings were little.
Though I do remember a few comments about me being "too old" to have stuffed toys at one point - I liked Tamagotchis and Pokemon, and considered for a while collecting the plushes of both that were being sold in the late 90s - and in hindsight I wonder if "too old" might have been somewhat code for "too male". My sister certainly never got chided for such things, no matter her age.
And eventually "too old for stuffed toys" did become "too old for games about cute little monsters". I very vividly remember getting dragged into the living room and yelled at by my dad for a half hour because he caught me on an internet forum discussing Pokemon and Digimon. I was 16.
My nieces thankfully have parents who happily thumb their nose at such restrictions and grandparents and uncles and aunts who are willing to ignore those stereotypes in favor of what the kids actually request. Given my parents' highly conservative leanings in every other aspect of existence, it was something I and my brother and SIL were highly concerned and worried about when the nieces were just being born/in the toddler phases.
I dont get it.
There are TONS of worse things for a 16 year old boy to be into.
Not too far off. I still would have been in a ton of trouble, but I think dad would at least UNDERSTAND those. Boys being violent, reckless, or destructive fits the narrative.
Being a nerdy gamer internet-dweller was and to some degree still is too far out of his experience zone to really grasp,and thus he rejects it.
Or something.

captain yesterday |
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Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. This is an awful time to be sick.Well, my body decided that Christmas Eve is a GREAT time to have a 100+ fever. I’m having none of it. Kitchen is cleaned, laundry is sorted and started, and my body can go ahead and get its revenge tomorrow; I’m busy today!
EDIT: Of COURSE I’m naked; it’s hot!
And REALLY autocorrect? Replacing a correct “its” with an incorrect “it’s”? That’s just not kosher!Oh, it has its advantages:
Impus Minor: I’m not feeling so well; do I have to go?
NobodysHome: Well, I have a 100-degree fever and I’m going, so yes, you have to go.
I marched in a parade with a 100 degree fever, behind a float that was a manure spreader painted pink, afterwards I was so exhausted I fell asleep on the living room floor and everyone else ate my Batman birthday cake.

John Napier 698 |
Christmas Eve is also Fritz Leiber's birthday!
As such, I've been looking at the evening ahead, thinking 'What would the Grey Mouser do?', and then not doing it, as whatever it was would almost certainly be wrong and highly illegal.
Drinking ale and enjoying the company of prostitutes?

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Get well soon NH!
My parents kept wanting to put me in a dress when I was a kid and I was happy following my Dad hiking in the forest(back then no proper broad walk-you balance on the dirt track or you get wet falling into the reservoir). Tended to be a little boyish with my habits(go gaming!), but no I don't do any kind of sports.
I wouldn't hit a bully because I don't want to get into trouble fighting. There was one incident someone tried to whack me from the back with a plastic ruler, I blocked and accidentally broke the ruler in question. I was really apologetic about that.
I mean if I can break a ruler just by blocking..eh I don't want to know what might happen if I actively want to hurt someone.
I watched WWE with my Dad, so you did not want to grab me from the back as a kid. You'd just get elbowed in your stomach for the trouble. Call it combat reflexes.

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I don't have improved situational awareness it's just that when something happens you just react, you're not even thinking about it. Then after that you go, ooops.
Not to mention since I hit puberty early so I was bigger then the rest of the class, so yeah I'm definitely not going around fighting.
Its like if you know you're going to do more damage to others if it actually boils down to a fight, you really should avoid that kind of thing so you don't hurt others. It's a combination of a decently high str score and being clumsy.
Back then martial arts training for kids wasn't a thing.

Limeylongears |

Limeylongears wrote:Drinking ale and enjoying the company of prostitutes?Christmas Eve is also Fritz Leiber's birthday!
As such, I've been looking at the evening ahead, thinking 'What would the Grey Mouser do?', and then not doing it, as whatever it was would almost certainly be wrong and highly illegal.
If that were all, it wouldn't be so bad (although the former is NOT on the table, since I'm in a reslashlionshlip). Suffice to say that the Grey Mouser's Proclivities would get you straight on any number of highly unenviable Registers.

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It boils from my great grand father. He was an actual martial artist, he refused to teach my grandfather kung fu, saying it just lead to more violence(yeah you guys might find that attitude weird). And he said practicing martial arts you'd get prone to injuries(eh I suppose that can happen), so he didn't pass it down to my family.
My great grandfather migrated to Singapore after being prosecuted by the authorities for murder (apparently he got a disagreement with someone, punched him, and the guy somehow ended up dead 2 days later). We still don't think it's his fault but again China's justice system was probably just looking for a scapegoat.
I'm not sure if I'd sign my kids up for any martial art classes. Probably not unless they ask for it. Then well Id say if you wanna go ahead.

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Don't have any because I'm nose buried in phone like all the time. Until I go nature rambling, then I make a decent squirrel spotter.
It's like:
*hear rustling noise from side or back*
*turns around*
So fluffy!
Haven't managed to spot the snake yet though.
Our eyes are attuned to movement so you generally spot animals only when they move.

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I more or less make it a point to run 5 km every Saturday on my bishan Park run
I walked half the way back since I wanted to stop at a shop to get some soya bean drink.
Oh and Freehold, my BF was happy there was less abdomen and tummy to grab. Aka less flabby there, so I think those squats and leg raises worked.

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And the Bishan Park runners helped me with the blister problem by suggesting it may be a shoe issue, but I realized the problem could be fixed by using those multi purpose socks from the sports store instead of my usual cotton socks. Yay for blister free running!
Next stop, how do I deal with stitches?
Sure if I don't eat too much for breakfast, and don't run too fast(like today since I was carrying all my swimming gear, goggles and all), I don't get any. But I don't want to go around at a snails pace...I'm not beating any personal records that way.

gran rey de los mono |
Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate! To those who don't - well...congrats on a day off work tomorrow (and possibly today)!
To those who don't have the day off because you're emergency workers of some sort - YOU ARE AWESOME!
To those who don't have the day off for another reason - your boss is a piece of s!!$.
I'm not off work because hotels don't close. At least I get time and a half for it.

Vidmaster7 |

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:I'm not off work because hotels don't close. At least I get time and a half for it.Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate! To those who don't - well...congrats on a day off work tomorrow (and possibly today)!
To those who don't have the day off because you're emergency workers of some sort - YOU ARE AWESOME!
To those who don't have the day off for another reason - your boss is a piece of s!!$.
I'm working tonight but then there making the new guy take the next 2 night shifts. So its not too bad. plus yes time and a half. Really All my family holiday stuff will be done before I would have to go into work anyways.

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Mmph, today is a relaxing Christmas day. I got to just run and swim without worrying about catching up with PBPs, and sorted out some personal stuff like getting a screen protector for my phone and fitting in a phone stand. I've also finished my 40 leg raises, and 20 of the squats all the squats, I'll tune in to more Billy's rough and tough Tae Bo later this afternoon when I'm feeling less full from lunch.

The Vagrant Erudite |
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Puppy snoring is adorable and annoying at the same time. My 10 month fur buddy is PTFO next to me. I tried to go to bed early and it ended up a four hour nap so I'm awake.
After a decade with a woman who was adamantly anti-pet, my best buddy here really makes me happy.
Hope I pass out soon. Time with gf's family in the afternoon. Not the ones who screwed her job wise, but the parents of cousin queen drama. We probably won't stay long. Queen drama pissed me off a lot by continuing a lie when caught with evidence, and her husband is a dick.