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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I always thought the abstinence until marriage was a good thing... until I hit puberty anyways.
I still think it's a good thing!
try before you buy. Always. Or you may end up married to someone whose sexuality does not match your own.

This is, honestly, pretty terrible life advice, even outside of sexuality. There are plenty of applicable situations, but it is not always possible to do so; and there are other issues when sexuality is brought in, too.

More specifically, the warning is well-taken, the intent is good, the suggested method of dealing with it is not.

I will say that I have friends who deeply regret youthful actions, even in situations where “nobody got hurt.” Regret does not apply to everyone, obviously, but it does apply to some - and some quite deeply. This applies to Christians, non-Christians, and people in various parts of the world, so it’s not a, “my culture”-exclusive thing.

Beyond that, I have never accepted, “But you don’t understand - I really, really want to.” as a reasonable cause for behavior from anyone, myself included. It is a good and important first step, but it is not a reason to act. This is true in life in many situations. I don’t care how old you are, or what your body is going through though I got Vid’s joke and thought it was funny.

And I will say: I get it. I’m not an Ace, and am highly sexually active and desirous. I went through puberty and, frankly, get it. I was engaged for two years. Trust me, I know.

I also know people who did get deeply, personally hurt. Either pressured into things they weren’t ready for or interested in, or finding expectations of post-encounter relationships deeply traumatizing.

And here is where, “try before you buy” almost becomes solid: discuss before you engage. The “new” idea of Consent as a major and important thing is... weird to me. For one, because Consent is critical, and I can’t...

if what you said was true, at least three people I know, including myself, would be acting as beards or purses for the rest of/a significant majority our lives. Some people really dont know until things become or start to/lean towards becoming physical with a partner. If your situation was different then I can only envy you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Tac, we discussed. We went through months of premarital counseling. It came up. A lot. Trust me.

It's not as cut and dry as you say with everyone. You got lucky that your wife had the same drive as you.

And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F~+$ that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s%@& done sometimes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Keeping clothes on for this one, amazingly.

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Tac, we discussed. We went through months of premarital counseling. It came up. A lot. Trust me.

It's not as cut and dry as you say with everyone. You got lucky that your wife had the same drive as you.

And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$~@ that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s&+& done sometimes.

Which is why I added, it’s very complex. I don’t pretend to judge anyone’s personal lives, here. But telling people they need to try it is bad advice, and I know people who are the living proof.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I mean...I'd rather not label it at all. Why should the amount of nighttime activities someone has done/wants to do determine their identity to others? The only people who should even care about it are potential partners and their doctors.
labels are important for some situations. They can be detrimental, however.

Some labels, yes. Bi, ace, poly, etc. are useful labels that communicate possible compatibility or lack thereof.

"Prude" and "whore" are insults that tell you whether or not a woman is "worth your time" because they carry the inherent baggage that that's all she's good for.

I would argue that goes well beyond labels into outright insults, but fair point.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Orthos! Just the person I need! I assume you're familiar with Stardew Valley? Anywho, that is Crookshanks' favorite video game, which it reminds me of the old 8 bit RPGs so would you get her a Super Nintendo classic, NES classic, Genesis Classic, or preferably one of those a million games on one PlayStation 4 disc.

I actually recommend constructing a RetroPi. It only costs about $30-$50, depending on shipping and if you want to customize its appearance, plus ~$20 or so for an Xbox usb controller and whatever the cost is for the appropriate SD card. It comes with a ton of games from almost every system pre-GameCube/PS2.

Mine looks like a tiny NES, a little smaller than the NES Classic, and is hooked to an old monitor I no longer use since I don't have a desktop PC anymore.

Quoting this for Cap for the new page. Feel free to post or PM if you have any questions, but I think you can find instructions online with a simple Google.

Freehold DM wrote:
if what you said was true, at least three people I know, including myself, would be acting as beards or purses for the rest of/a significant majority our lives. Some people really dont know until things become or start to/lean towards becoming physical with a partner. If your situation was different then I can only envy you.

I’m going to be honest and say that I don’t understand you.

EDIT: I am clarifying, because I feel it’s important: if you are suggesting that others are outright lying about their own life journeys - or that I am in order to make a point - we obviously have no further need o discussion, and I will ask that we end the conversation. Clearly, with no trust established, no meaningful conversation can be had. If, however, you are suggesting #notallfolks, I am very interested in how you read me not saying the same thing from another angle. You said, “always try,” and I pointed out, “that’s how several folks I know got severely hurt and/or had lifetime regrets. Don’t do that, but find other ways.” You posit there are no other ways? I don’t believe that. That said..

Further, I will say that there are differen stages of physical intimacy. I did not say anything about how all people are (and attempted to clarify this by the emphasized “extremely complex” part). I wish to understand where I posited that all react in the same way. That said, I’m also going to ask that you start taking it to PMs, as now we are firmly exiting “FaWtL-okay” territory.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Tac, we discussed. We went through months of premarital counseling. It came up. A lot. Trust me.

It's not as cut and dry as you say with everyone. You got lucky that your wife had the same drive as you.

And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$~@ that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s&+& done sometimes.

Which is why I added, it’s very complex. I don’t pretend to judge anyone’s personal lives, here. But telling people they need to try it is bad advice, and I know people who are the living proof.

just as I know people who are living proof that not trying is truly awful, and leads to a lot of pain. Standard deviation, perhaps.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Orthos! Just the person I need! I assume you're familiar with Stardew Valley? Anywho, that is Crookshanks' favorite video game, which it reminds me of the old 8 bit RPGs so would you get her a Super Nintendo classic, NES classic, Genesis Classic, or preferably one of those a million games on one PlayStation 4 disc.

I actually recommend constructing a RetroPi. It only costs about $30-$50, depending on shipping and if you want to customize its appearance, plus ~$20 or so for an Xbox usb controller and whatever the cost is for the appropriate SD card. It comes with a ton of games from almost every system pre-GameCube/PS2.

Mine looks like a tiny NES, a little smaller than the NES Classic, and is hooked to an old monitor I no longer use since I don't have a desktop PC anymore.

If I knew what any of this meant, I would totally do it.

But I don't. :-(

Which would you prefer, a Super Nintendo classic, NES classic or Genesis Classic.

Also if you wanted to provide links to what you're talking about I'll look into that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Orthos! Just the person I need! I assume you're familiar with Stardew Valley? Anywho, that is Crookshanks' favorite video game, which it reminds me of the old 8 bit RPGs so would you get her a Super Nintendo classic, NES classic, Genesis Classic, or preferably one of those a million games on one PlayStation 4 disc.

I actually recommend constructing a RetroPi. It only costs about $30-$50, depending on shipping and if you want to customize its appearance, plus ~$20 or so for an Xbox usb controller and whatever the cost is for the appropriate SD card. It comes with a ton of games from almost every system pre-GameCube/PS2.

Mine looks like a tiny NES, a little smaller than the NES Classic, and is hooked to an old monitor I no longer use since I don't have a desktop PC anymore.

If I knew what any of this meant, I would totally do it.

But I don't. :-(

Which would you prefer, a Super Nintendo classic, NES classic or Genesis Classic.

Also if you wanted to provide links to what you're talking about I'll look into that.

I would rather emulate everything.

I am still surprised by what happened there. Like really REALLY surprised...but that's a story for another time. If anyone can guide you with respect to setting up a pi, its orthos.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$$! that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s##& done sometimes.

Honestly everything about my life suddenly made a ton more sense once I got that understanding of where I fell on the spectrum and what asexuality is.

I honestly could Not understand throughout my teens and 20s how people had such trouble with controlling their reproductive urges. Why it was so hard for people to just keep their pants on. And given my upbringing, I was already strongly conditioned to blame it on a lack of self control and a choice of moral ineptitude.

It was only when Scint explained to me what asexuality was and I figured out how I fit into that particular puzzle that i actually understood that people were dealing with biological impulses above and beyond anything I personally had ever experienced, and thus I was in absolutely no position to try to judge their reactions and behaviors, as they were battling against instincts and biological, inborn demands I simply do not possess.

Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Tac, we discussed. We went through months of premarital counseling. It came up. A lot. Trust me.

It's not as cut and dry as you say with everyone. You got lucky that your wife had the same drive as you.

And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$~@ that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s&+& done sometimes.

Which is why I added, it’s very complex. I don’t pretend to judge anyone’s personal lives, here. But telling people they need to try it is bad advice, and I know people who are the living proof.
just as I know people who are living proof that not trying is truly awful, and leads to a lot of pain. Standard deviation, perhaps.

There is a difference, though. One represents the idea that other solutions are available, though I don’t claim to have them. One represents, “you must do it this way, even if you bitterly regret it, later.” That’s what I am pointing out, and that’s the limit. I do not, broadly, agree with typical Southern style Conservstive thought. It’s problematic. But I’ve seen the problematic sides on the other end, too. And ignoring that is... not good. Which is why I’m against it.

Aaaaaalso sociol-political religious stuff, but tats not FaWtL-kosher. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Orthos! Just the person I need! I assume you're familiar with Stardew Valley? Anywho, that is Crookshanks' favorite video game, which it reminds me of the old 8 bit RPGs so would you get her a Super Nintendo classic, NES classic, Genesis Classic, or preferably one of those a million games on one PlayStation 4 disc.

I actually recommend constructing a RetroPi. It only costs about $30-$50, depending on shipping and if you want to customize its appearance, plus ~$20 or so for an Xbox usb controller and whatever the cost is for the appropriate SD card. It comes with a ton of games from almost every system pre-GameCube/PS2.

Mine looks like a tiny NES, a little smaller than the NES Classic, and is hooked to an old monitor I no longer use since I don't have a desktop PC anymore.

If I knew what any of this meant, I would totally do it.

But I don't. :-(

Which would you prefer, a Super Nintendo classic, NES classic or Genesis Classic.

Also if you wanted to provide links to what you're talking about I'll look into that.

I'll get you the details when I get home then. I'm on my phone now and getting links on mobile is a pain and a half.

I do not recommend any of the classic systems. For the cost they give so very few games and cannot be added to or modulated. They are all a poor investment in every case imo. Save your money and lose the stress =)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm on my phone also! Though I'm walking the dog.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$$! that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s##& done sometimes.

Honestly everything about my life suddenly made a ton more sense once I got that understanding of where I fell on the spectrum and what asexuality is.

I honestly could Not understand throughout my teens and 20s how people had such trouble with controlling their reproductive urges. Why it was so hard for people to just keep their pants on. And given my upbringing, I was already strongly conditioned to blame it on a lack of self control and a choice of moral ineptitude.

It was only when Scint explained to me what asexuality was and I figured out how I fit into that particular puzzle that i actually understood that people were dealing with biological impulses above and beyond anything I personally had ever experienced, and thus I was in absolutely no position to try to judge their reactions and behaviors, as they were battling against instincts and biological, inborn demands I simply do not possess.

that sounds like it was a very, very powerful and liberating conversation. Getting seriously emotional here, thinking about it.

I am glad you two are together to this day, it can only lead to a deeper connection for you two.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$$! that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s##& done sometimes.

Honestly everything about my life suddenly made a ton more sense once I got that understanding of where I fell on the spectrum and what asexuality is.

I honestly could Not understand throughout my teens and 20s how people had such trouble with controlling their reproductive urges. Why it was so hard for people to just keep their pants on. And given my upbringing, I was already strongly conditioned to blame it on a lack of self control and a choice of moral ineptitude.

It was only when Scint explained to me what asexuality was and I figured out how I fit into that particular puzzle that i actually understood that people were dealing with biological impulses above and beyond anything I personally had ever experienced, and thus I was in absolutely no position to try to judge their reactions and behaviors, as they were battling against instincts and biological, inborn demands I simply do not possess.

Thank my then-roommate. I'd never heard of it, either, til she brought it up (she was heavily involved in the Rainbow Union on campus). I'd actually kind of been half-joking when I asked if there was a term for "just not into it, thx."

"Oh, yeah, you're probably ace."
"Oh." pause "Cool." immediately resumes playing Pokemon

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

"Oh, yeah, you're probably ace."
"Oh." pause "Cool." immediately resumes playing Pokemon

This is me in high school to a T.

"Okay, x girl is pretty, you wanna sleep with her, whatever. Can you leave me alone now? I'm trying to catch Ho-oh."

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$$! that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s##& done sometimes.

Honestly everything about my life suddenly made a ton more sense once I got that understanding of where I fell on the spectrum and what asexuality is.

I honestly could Not understand throughout my teens and 20s how people had such trouble with controlling their reproductive urges. Why it was so hard for people to just keep their pants on. And given my upbringing, I was already strongly conditioned to blame it on a lack of self control and a choice of moral ineptitude.

It was only when Scint explained to me what asexuality was and I figured out how I fit into that particular puzzle that i actually understood that people were dealing with biological impulses above and beyond anything I personally had ever experienced, and thus I was in absolutely no position to try to judge their reactions and behaviors, as they were battling against instincts and biological, inborn demands I simply do not possess.

All I can say is when a group of girls want to streak around a clearing in the woods in the moonlight you don't ask questions, you just join in.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

One of my other roommates was considerably less helpful. Roommate's bi? Cool, support! Roommate's ace? Wow, that's so weird, are you sure? You've never been interested in sex?

It's like she felt threatened at the idea.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$$! that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s##& done sometimes.

Honestly everything about my life suddenly made a ton more sense once I got that understanding of where I fell on the spectrum and what asexuality is.

I honestly could Not understand throughout my teens and 20s how people had such trouble with controlling their reproductive urges. Why it was so hard for people to just keep their pants on. And given my upbringing, I was already strongly conditioned to blame it on a lack of self control and a choice of moral ineptitude.

It was only when Scint explained to me what asexuality was and I figured out how I fit into that particular puzzle that i actually understood that people were dealing with biological impulses above and beyond anything I personally had ever experienced, and thus I was in absolutely no position to try to judge their reactions and behaviors, as they were battling against instincts and biological, inborn demands I simply do not possess.

Thank my then-roommate. I'd never heard of it, either, til she brought it up (she was heavily involved in the Rainbow Union on campus). I'd actually kind of been half-joking when I asked if there was a term for "just not into it, thx."

"Oh, yeah, you're probably ace."
"Oh." pause "Cool." immediately resumes playing Pokemon


Did you seriously just redo Orgasmo with the martial arts style conversation, but apply it to sexuality?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$$! that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s##& done sometimes.

Honestly everything about my life suddenly made a ton more sense once I got that understanding of where I fell on the spectrum and what asexuality is.

I honestly could Not understand throughout my teens and 20s how people had such trouble with controlling their reproductive urges. Why it was so hard for people to just keep their pants on. And given my upbringing, I was already strongly conditioned to blame it on a lack of self control and a choice of moral ineptitude.

It was only when Scint explained to me what asexuality was and I figured out how I fit into that particular puzzle that i actually understood that people were dealing with biological impulses above and beyond anything I personally had ever experienced, and thus I was in absolutely no position to try to judge their reactions and behaviors, as they were battling against instincts and biological, inborn demands I simply do not possess.

Thank my then-roommate. I'd never heard of it, either, til she brought it up (she was heavily involved in the Rainbow Union on campus). I'd actually kind of been half-joking when I asked if there was a term for "just not into it, thx."

"Oh, yeah, you're probably ace."
"Oh." pause "Cool." immediately resumes playing Pokemon


Did you seriously just redo Orgasmo with the martial arts style conversation, but apply it to sexuality?

What's Orgasmo?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Granted, this was the same roommate who was convinced that I was texting someone about her because I wouldn't tell her who I was texting. I was, at the time, holding a Nintendo DS and trying to beat Brock. She did not believe me until I turned it around and showed her the game.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

One of my other roommates was considerably less helpful. Roommate's bi? Cool, support! Roommate's ace? Wow, that's so weird, are you sure? You've never been interested in sex?

It's like she felt threatened at the idea.

I've experienced this as well, but mostly from older people at church. Usually accompanied by "you'll change your mind when you find the right person" or "but children are a blessing" or "well that may be what you want but God may have other plans".

It's INCREDIBLY irritating and frustrating.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

"Oh, yeah, you're probably ace."
"Oh." pause "Cool." immediately resumes playing Pokemon

This is me in high school to a T.

"Okay, x girl is pretty, you wanna sleep with her, whatever. Can you leave me alone now? I'm trying to catch Ho-oh."

sex is extremely important to me.

But seriously, when am I going to get a chance to catch Ho-oh again?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

One of my other roommates was considerably less helpful. Roommate's bi? Cool, support! Roommate's ace? Wow, that's so weird, are you sure? You've never been interested in sex?

It's like she felt threatened at the idea.

I've experienced this as well, but mostly from older people at church. Usually accompanied by "you'll change your mind when you find the right person" or "but children are a blessing" or "well that may be what you want but God may have other plans".

It's INCREDIBLY irritating and frustrating.

I have found that the longer I talk to someone, the less firm their stance on me having kids becomes.

"Ms. Scint, are you having any kids?"
"Do you really think there should be more than one of me?"
long silence
"I'm gonna finish my essay."
"You do that."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

"Oh, yeah, you're probably ace."
"Oh." pause "Cool." immediately resumes playing Pokemon

This is me in high school to a T.

"Okay, x girl is pretty, you wanna sleep with her, whatever. Can you leave me alone now? I'm trying to catch Ho-oh."

sex is extremely important to me.

But seriously, when am I going to get a chance to catch Ho-oh again?

Probably when the Let's Go series gets to Gen 2.

And now - exceptionally stereotypically - to church!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$$! that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s##& done sometimes.

Honestly everything about my life suddenly made a ton more sense once I got that understanding of where I fell on the spectrum and what asexuality is.

I honestly could Not understand throughout my teens and 20s how people had such trouble with controlling their reproductive urges. Why it was so hard for people to just keep their pants on. And given my upbringing, I was already strongly conditioned to blame it on a lack of self control and a choice of moral ineptitude.

It was only when Scint explained to me what asexuality was and I figured out how I fit into that particular puzzle that i actually understood that people were dealing with biological impulses above and beyond anything I personally had ever experienced, and thus I was in absolutely no position to try to judge their reactions and behaviors, as they were battling against instincts and biological, inborn demands I simply do not possess.

All I can say is when a group of girls want to streak around a clearing in the woods in the moonlight you don't ask questions, you just join in.

I prefer skinny dipping for these situations, but I see where you are coming from.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I dont feel comfortable wearing shorts outside. Streaking/skinny dipping is so off the table it's rolled onto the floor and under the fridge to be forgotten forever.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I dont feel comfortable wearing shorts outside. Streaking/skinny dipping is so off the table it's rolled onto the floor and under the fridge to be forgotten forever.

But...they're comfy and easy to wear.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I dont feel comfortable wearing shorts outside. Streaking/skinny dipping is so off the table it's rolled onto the floor and under the fridge to be forgotten forever.
But...they're comfy and easy to wear.

That's jeans, Youngster Timmy or whatever your name is.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
And Orthos, you are lucky. Sex is awesome. I love sex. But drive? F$$! that. I wish I could just flick a switch and turn it off so I can get s##& done sometimes.

Honestly everything about my life suddenly made a ton more sense once I got that understanding of where I fell on the spectrum and what asexuality is.

I honestly could Not understand throughout my teens and 20s how people had such trouble with controlling their reproductive urges. Why it was so hard for people to just keep their pants on. And given my upbringing, I was already strongly conditioned to blame it on a lack of self control and a choice of moral ineptitude.

It was only when Scint explained to me what asexuality was and I figured out how I fit into that particular puzzle that i actually understood that people were dealing with biological impulses above and beyond anything I personally had ever experienced, and thus I was in absolutely no position to try to judge their reactions and behaviors, as they were battling against instincts and biological, inborn demands I simply do not possess.

Thank my then-roommate. I'd never heard of it, either, til she brought it up (she was heavily involved in the Rainbow Union on campus). I'd actually kind of been half-joking when I asked if there was a term for "just not into it, thx."

"Oh, yeah, you're probably ace."
"Oh." pause "Cool." immediately resumes playing Pokemon


Did you seriously just redo Orgasmo with the martial arts style conversation, but apply it to sexuality?

What's Orgasmo?

Firstly, Scint, thanks for the flashback.

Orgasmo is a movie that came out several(almost 20) years ago by the guys who did south park. It is about a devout mormon who becomes a porn star that parodies old school batman TV show in its approach. It has a few real life porn stars in it in cameo roles, including Ron Jeremy, who plays the villain. It lampoons the porn industry, repressive views towards sex, and nudity itself, as the movie is billed as having tons of naked women in it, but all that is ever shown are men's asses.

The movie is not meant to be taken seriously. However, Chodo Boy, Orgasmos sidekick, was my hero for several years. His cool approach to public sex acts inspired me on the second job when things got dicey.

here is the martial arts style conversation from the movie.

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Scintillae wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I've been saying that for years.

For those who come later*, I’m pretty sure the cap, here, was responding to Scint, not me. I could be wrong, but that’s my guess.

* Hah! It... it wasn’t intentional.

Given the context, this means we have sex ninjas.

throws flash grenade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Granted, this was the same roommate who was convinced that I was texting someone about her because I wouldn't tell her who I was texting. I was, at the time, holding a Nintendo DS and trying to beat Brock. She did not believe me until I turned it around and showed her the game.

Admiral Filibuster?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Granted, this was the same roommate who was convinced that I was texting someone about her because I wouldn't tell her who I was texting. I was, at the time, holding a Nintendo DS and trying to beat Brock. She did not believe me until I turned it around and showed her the game.
Admiral Filibuster?


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Yay! I knew this alias would be good for something!

Puts on all mesh shinobi shozuku .

Church accomplished! And now: food!

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Took the shuttle from the terminal to the rental car location and realized we had forgotten to pick up Hermione and Val's booster seats at baggage claim.
Now I'm waiting in line for the car while WW and the kids take the shuttle back to the terminal.

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I currently have no interest in sex. Don't get me wrong. When I was younger, I'd have loved the idea of starting a family and raising another generation of gamers. But now, no. Because of the combination of all of my medical issues, I no longer have the desire. Perhaps, on an intellectual level, I realize that I shouldn't be spreading about my defective, broken genes. Furthermore, when I was younger, no-one expressed any interest in me. There's no reason why anyone should, now.

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The company that she quit didn't give my girlfriend her last paycheck due on Friday. We already missed utilities last month and now if we're even a little short on the check from her new job this coming Friday we won't make rent. Damnit. Everything is going to be better when I start in January but my anxiety is exploding in the meantime.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

...okay, phew, they sent it to her old bank account. Now we can pay...the late utilities. Hey, it's something. We're catching up! Man, that was like having your seatbelt hit your chest in a car accident!

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This is for Cap - Weird Al on Hot Ones

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I dont feel comfortable wearing shorts outside. Streaking/skinny dipping is so off the table it's rolled onto the floor and under the fridge to be forgotten forever.

I don't wear shorts or anything that exposes legs...

On the other hand I wouldn't mind streaking/skinny dipping with a group of attractive ladies...

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I don't know who just made that anonymous massive donation to my GoFundMe but...Holy Crap! Seriously! God bless you if it's one of you guys. Just...words. Fail at words. Oh my freaking freaker! I'm so thankful. I almost cried. Considering every other donation was a FaWtLer and not a FB friend, I know it's got to be one of you. I would hug you if I could! Hug a family member and get yourself a proxy hug. Oh my freaking gosh.

Between the generosity of friends, my new job, my girlfriend's new job, and the move to Ohio (I do like it here), this has been the best Christmas season I can remember for years - even though we aren't really celebrating in the traditional sense.

I feel like I'm a modern Tiny Tim right now. God Bless Us, Every One!

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Pyroceros, an elemental juggernaut of Earth and Fire Planes.

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This pleases me greatly.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

I don't know who just made that anonymous massive donation to my GoFundMe but...Holy Crap! Seriously! God bless you if it's one of you guys. Just...words. Fail at words. Oh my freaking freaker! I'm so thankful. I almost cried. Considering every other donation was a FaWtLer and not a FB friend, I know it's got to be one of you. I would hug you if I could! Hug a family member and get yourself a proxy hug. Oh my freaking gosh.

Between the generosity of friends, my new job, my girlfriend's new job, and the move to Ohio (I do like it here), this has been the best Christmas season I can remember for years - even though we aren't really celebrating in the traditional sense.

I feel like I'm a modern Tiny Tim right now. God Bless Us, Every One!


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Ah, nothing like being sick in bed for the first two days of your vacation, because that's always all kinds of fun. So far it's been:

  • Friday Night: Hide in my room from a swarm of teenagers, then run off to the 24-hour pharmacy at midnight to get a prescription. fun.
  • Saturday: Woke up feeling crappy. Didn't matter. Off to the tree lot to learn that this was a terrible year for trees (I have no idea how that happens), so they had nothing taller than 4'. So we have a teensy tree. At least it looked cute on top of the Prius. Off to Best Buy and Sears to look at fridges, and we finally decided on a Kenmore Elite that's a little bigger than the one we have now (yet surprisingly far cheaper than Smeg). But by the time we got home I knew I was in trouble, and my lungs were in greater and greater pain 'til I gave up and Nyquiled at 7:30 pm to get some rest.
  • Sunday: GothBard is off doing the last-minute Christmas shopping on her own because while I'm perfectly comfy lying down, siting up is a chore.
  • And then we get to the whole, "Don't buy me anything for Christmas" spiel everyone ignores every year. I have a storage unit and multiple racks in the studio shed full of crap I have to sort and throw away. My clothes already won't fit in my dresser. I just cannot conceive of anything I want beyond an angle grinder to cut up some stuff in the back yard.

    Yet every year, every family member and friend buys me something, trying to figure out that unique little thing that I don't already have, but I didn't know I needed.

    And it's basically, "Nope. Please stop buying me things."

    I think it's why old men come across as grumpy. You give them stuff and they get unhappy with you. It's like, "Bake me something! Take me out to dinner! Buy me some online swag! Do ANYTHING that does not involve another physical object coming into my house. PLEASE!"

    But nope. "We HAVE to buy you something! It's Christmas!!!"


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Off to the tree lot to learn that this was a terrible year for trees (I have no idea how that happens), so they had nothing taller than 4'.

    Several factors, but apparently partially it's because a few years back, there was an economic downturn and with that came fewer purchases which means that several tree-companies had to either close up shop, and fewer trees were actually actively tended/grown. Also something about beetle plagues because fires weren't able to kill off the beetle population due to how thoroughly managed they are.

    It was weeeeeiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrd to hear about.

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