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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

All interview questions are baffling to me.

What's my greatest weakness? Job searching and interviewing, the whole process makes me want to give up and live under a bridge.

Why do I want to work here? Because I [strike]can push a broom[/strike] have a skill you need and I want a paycheck, but that's not what you want to hear but what do you want to hear...?

Probably it will get easier for me next time I interview because I'm now in a professional field, but I'm not looking forward to it.

Yeah, I think that's a very good reason the Vagrant, Freehold, and I are seeing things differently.

I'm looking at things from the point of view of a competent hiring committee that's actually looking to get a good candidate. For massive chain stores of any variety, from McDonald's to Wal*Mart to Toys-R-Us, my experience is that managers aren't hired for their managerial competence, so they tend to look at interviews as an excuse to tell people why they're not worthy to work at their store.

Personally, when I'm hiring someone, I just want them to relax, be themselves, and tell me what they've done, what they can do, what they think they're good at, and what they think they'll need help with. It should be a pretty chill experience for all involved.

EDIT: And I find that interviews go much better when everyone is naked.

Grand Lodge

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So, why do I want to work at your company?

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NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, gods. "Why do you want to work here?"

Now THAT is a question that needs to be expunged. I *despise* the whole, "Tell me how great the place I work is," and I argue vehemently against it every time it shows up in our list of questions.

Now THAT is a stupid question.

Yes, that one needs to be launched into the sun. Especially for lower-tier employees. They want to work there because they want to be able to feed themselves, their families, and pay their bills.

You can't expect company loyalty from someone who hasn't worked there yet. The company needs to prove to the employee that it's not worth looking for other jobs. How they do that is the real variable.

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Also, I love it when the manager asks someone why they want to work there when it's an internal candidate from another department. That always makes me laugh. "Um, I already work here?"

8 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, gods. "Why do you want to work here?"

Now THAT is a question that needs to be expunged. I *despise* the whole, "Tell me how great the place I work is," and I argue vehemently against it every time it shows up in our list of questions.

Now THAT is a stupid question.

Because the prophecy foretold it.

Because they have my family.
Because the terrorists will win if I don't.
Because it will make for some dank memes.
Because capitalism is my best friend.
Because I'm engaging in corporate espionage.

How stupid can we make this?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

I love job applications, and their stupid question, and interviews, and their even stupider questions.

I know to completely skip applying for a job if they ask me a series of stupid questions anyone who knows how to lie will answer correctly. "I would always tell the truth, even if I knew a friend was stealing" - Gee, I wonder what I'm supposed to put here... I mean seriously?

My favorite are stupid interview questions. I know I don't want to work anywhere that has the balls to ask "What would you say is your greatest weakness?" Loaded question. Only correct answers are weaknesses that are reloaded as strengths, with the go-to being that b#@~#$&# "workaholic" answer.

How do I answer when they ask what my greatest weakness is?

Answers I've used in the past:

-Latin Women
-A good back massage
-My inability to not tell people who are stupid that I think they are when they're being stupid.
-Latin Women (it required emphasis)

and most recently...

-"Stupid questions interviewers give that make me wonder if the people coming up with these questions have ever run into a single person with a triple-digit IQ score in their entire lives"

I found if you put "I can shave an angry bear with a skid loader" as a special skill you'll get a call back every single time.

No joke.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, gods. "Why do you want to work here?"

Now THAT is a question that needs to be expunged. I *despise* the whole, "Tell me how great the place I work is," and I argue vehemently against it every time it shows up in our list of questions.

Now THAT is a stupid question.

I once answered "To steal your women!" in a faux spanish accent.

I got the job. :-)

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
The cheapest cheap beer! Old Milwaukee of course!
I've never heard of or seen that before. Given it's brewed by Pabst, I'm glad of that, and shall do my best to avoid it in future.
I have yet to find a beer brewed in Milwaukee that I consider edible.

it worries me that you describe beer as edible. I could easily see you calmly chewing through an unopened can.

Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, gods. "Why do you want to work here?"

Now THAT is a question that needs to be expunged. I *despise* the whole, "Tell me how great the place I work is," and I argue vehemently against it every time it shows up in our list of questions.

Now THAT is a stupid question.

Because the prophecy foretold it.

Because they have my family.
Because the terrorists will win if I don't.
Because it will make for some dank memes.
Because capitalism is my best friend.
Because I'm engaging in corporate espionage.

How stupid can we make this?

great. Now I am nostalgic for this thread.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
The cheapest cheap beer! Old Milwaukee of course!
I've never heard of or seen that before. Given it's brewed by Pabst, I'm glad of that, and shall do my best to avoid it in future.
I have yet to find a beer brewed in Milwaukee that I consider edible.
it worries me that you describe beer as edible. I could easily see you calmly chewing through an unopened can.

I'd have gone for potable, but it's so bad that it's not even worthy of describing it in those terms. Edible, when dealing with beer, seemed to be the next rung down.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

A good, heavy stout is more or less edible.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Actually, while we're on the subject, I think the single-most offensive question at a job interview is, "How much would you like to make?"

Adam Ruins Work explained it very well: The whole "Don't discuss salary with your co-workers" is a fantastic way for employers to exploit their workers, and workers receive NOTHING for hiding their salaries.

You can hide flagrant racism, sexism, or favoritism just by ensuring employees don't talk salaries with each other. The one example I know of was at my first tech job where my manager accidentally gave me a salary sheet as a piece of scratch paper. My co-workers, all with the exact same job and job title, made between $48,000/year and $120,000/year, depending on how much they asked for.
That's just so beyond screwed up I can't come up with a word for it.

The government alternative is to publish salary tables: In my college professor days, I had a Ph.D. and xx years of experience, and I could look at the table and see to the penny exactly how much I'd be making, regardless of my job performance.

There's got to be a middle ground where employees discuss their salaries openly with each other, but high-performance employees make more than low-performance employees, and managers are willing to say, "Yeah, here are the numbers that prove that he outperformed you."

Instead, we get a system whereby people in the same jobs can have salaries that differ by more than a factor of 2, women and minorities can be discriminated against without anyone knowing, etc., etc., etc.

Definitely my biggest peeve in the whole interview process. You wouldn't believe how relieved I was when I came to my current job and my current manager said, "This was what we pay all incoming CDs. We'll adjust your salary based on your performance. Take it or leave it."

But now, 14 years later, I still have no idea what any of my co-workers make, even though I was on the hiring committee for every single one of them.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

OK. I'm finally getting to the point where I'm (*gasp*) agreeing with Captain Yesterday: That anonymous favoriting thing really is starting to drive me batty.

"Post. Get favorited 3 seconds later. Say, 'Wow! That was fast! Wonder who's on right now?' Click the link. Get NOTHING. Grr..."

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

OK. I'm finally getting to the point where I'm (*gasp*) agreeing with Captain Yesterday: That anonymous favoriting thing really is starting to drive me batty.

"Post. Get favorited 3 seconds later. Say, 'Wow! That was fast! Wonder who's on right now?' Click the link. Get NOTHING. Grr..."

Oh, that was me.

I want names, damn it!

The Exchange

Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, gods. "Why do you want to work here?"

Now THAT is a question that needs to be expunged. I *despise* the whole, "Tell me how great the place I work is," and I argue vehemently against it every time it shows up in our list of questions.

Now THAT is a stupid question.

Because the prophecy foretold it.

Because they have my family.
Because the terrorists will win if I don't.
Because it will make for some dank memes.
Because capitalism is my best friend.
Because I'm engaging in corporate espionage.

How stupid can we make this?

I like the first one. But me, being a not people person, dislike interviews.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
mindblowing stuff about California's social services

o.O Are you sure you even live in the same country?! :P

Okay, yeah, in light of that your annoyance makes so much more sense. Yeah, we....don't have that. Not even close. Our school district is very well funded so we have the before and after school care, which is not normal. And the paperwork to get reduced rate for that may or may not involve signing away your immortal eyes glazed over partway through the packet and I just don't remember....;)

Anyhow, sorry for late reply/bringing things back up. I got sidelined by bureaucracy. I've spent all of my free time for the last couple days filling out various forms. :/
My eye doctor is especially bad. Literally three hours to fill out forms for info they already have but can't be arsed to save from year to year and won't set appointments before you fill them all out. >.<

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
mindblowing stuff about California's social services

o.O Are you sure you even live in the same country?! :P

Okay, yeah, in light of that your annoyance makes so much more sense. Yeah, we....don't have that. Not even close. Our school district is very well funded so we have the before and after school care, which is not normal. And the paperwork to get reduced rate for that may or may not involve signing away your immortal eyes glazed over partway through the packet and I just don't remember....;)

Anyhow, sorry for late reply/bringing things back up. I got sidelined by bureaucracy. I've spent all of my free time for the last couple days filling out various forms. :/

No worries! Since I was the offender, it was absolutely your right to take your time.

Yeah, people complain about California's misuse of funds, lack of funds, or gross underfunding of schools, to the point that we've passed initiatives to force a certain percentage of the state budget into the schools. Unfortunately, none of that money goes to actually paying teachers a living wage.
*BUT* we have a mandate that the public schools have to satisfy the needs of ALL California students. It's a double-edged sword. We have teachers who can't afford to live where they teach, or who have to move out of state just to realize their dream of some day owning a home.
On the other hand, we have TWO severely mentally-disabled students in our high school choir alone. And they have a dedicated, full-time therapist who spends the entire day with them, personally chaperones them on field trips, and in general takes care of them without costing the parents a dime.
Our middle school has under 1000 students, but boasts three full-time counselors.

So yeah, California is rich with services. But with a property tax of 1% of my home's value, a sales tax of 9.75%, and an income tax of 9%, we sure as heck pay for it.

lynora wrote:
My eye doctor is especially bad. Literally three hours to fill out forms for info they already have but can't be arsed to save from year to year and won't set appointments before you fill them all out. >.<

Oh, don't get me started. To chaperone the kids I had to get thumbprinted, pay for my own full background check, provide proof of residency, proof of insurance, a TB test, and so forth.

But wait! There's more. EVERY SINGLE YEAR I have to go back into the office and get ANOTHER TB test, present ANOTHER clean DMV record, and provide NEW proof that I'm insured.

There's a reason I'm one of only a handful of parent drivers in the entire school district.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:
my boy trained his sister to howl like a wolf on command

This is awesome! :D

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have an uncle who can bark like a dog. He's so realistic that the first time he did it I turned around to look thinking there's a dog behind me. I asked him to teach me and I tried that, but I sound more like a puppy. You really need a deep voice for that one.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And it's Mid Autumn Festival with moon cakes everywhere. Do you know how calorific they are? Each moon cake without yolk is 716 calories. Put in salted egg yolk it goes even higher.

I love eating moon cakes but gosh, the calories!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Shiro does scary good bird whistles. It's really fricking irritating, because he does it so rarely you always look around for the bird. He loves pulling that on people!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Happy belated birthday, LM.

About kids - if your kid is not "normal", I would think it would take a lot more to find daycare. You see you have kids with mild autism, and sent to mainstream school. The teacher can either deal with the kid when he starts getting one of his episodes and be unable to deal with the class, or just let the kid do his own thing, telling the class to ignore him. Autism isn't the sort of thing you can just tell the kid to behave, and if other kids see the autistic kid misbehave and get away with it, they will misbehave to test the boundaries.

I strongly feel that children with mental issues shouldn't be in mainstream schools. But that's my two cents.

I would expect that Lynora would find it hard to get day care for her kiddo, since you'd need specially trained professionals to deal with someone with autism.

And in Singapore, the cost of living is so high that both parents have to work, so you try to drop the after-school care to the grandparents, or in the case of my cousin, my aunt. I still think that my overly energetic nephew needs to be taken to the Mc Ritchie nature reserve to get to the great outdoors, though I think he would probably want a place where he can see more animals.

Mc Ritchie you can spot stuff, like slinks and monitor lizards but you need to move quietly, which he hasn't gotten the idea off yet. Is it too early to start teaching a 4 year old kid, if you want to see your furry friends, you need to be quiet?

I almost started arguing the point on sheer reflex. See, the way the school system works here, if your kid gets put in a special ed classroom they don't get the same education as the mainstream kids get. So parents have to fight to keep their kids in mainstream classes even if they have special needs because it's the only way to get them the education they need to have any chance at college. But no, if I'm being honest, it's not really good for anyone. Not because of misbehaving and boundary pushing though. It's that you have kids processing input differently. So imagine trying to do lessons in the middle of a concert hall with pounding music and flashing lights. That's a reasonable approximation of how it feels to try to do school with sensory sensitivity (a major component of autism) and then every stress relieving behavior is deemed misbehavior even if it isn't hurting anyone just because it isn't 'normal'. It is not a good environment for learning. But when it's literally the only option, what can you do? And schools that are supposed to be designed for autistic kids are often not better. It's all about trying to 'fix' them (ie make them act more allistic - it just means not autistic) which has long-term bad effects as I can personally demonstrate. :/

*sigh* Sometimes I wish I had lots of money and could just build a school for autistic kids that was set up to be actually sensory friendly and had lessons in how to interact with allistics successfully. You know, being taught explicitly instead of this between the lines osmosis weirdness that 'normal' people apparently do? Whatever that is... :)

NobodysHome wrote:

Shiro does scary good bird whistles. It's really fricking irritating, because he does it so rarely you always look around for the bird. He loves pulling that on people!

I do that! I also do a super good turkey call.

The Exchange

I'll say that's something I won't understand since when I focus on something, the rest of the world ceases to exist for me. It's also why I'm a horrible grouch if you interrupt me while I'm doing something else.

lisamarlene wrote:

Yes, I am staying up at least until midnight working on the thrice-damned library AGAIN.

Because after finally getting all the shelves assembled, and jerry-rigging the shelves with broken or missing bits, and then getting it over halfway done when WW said, "Oh, are we still doing categories? I thought we'd agreed on straight alphabetisation this time" so I had to rip it all apart and start all over... the problem is that we only have 180 linear feet of shelf space.
So I've been averaging about 5.5 hours of sleep a night.
(Yes, and I can hear Tequila Sunrise in the back of my head saying, "Wow... yeah, that's rough. My heart bleeds for you.")

lol. Oh, man.....yeah, so back when we had a lot of physical books, as opposed to now when we've mostly switched to ebooks and just have a few favorites that we kept physical copies of, I had our whole library arranged in dewey decimal because I had it purely alphabetized but my mom made a comment about it while helping me unpack when the kiddo was a newborn. So I understand that particular flavor of rage.... :D

gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
If the board game Candyland could be made into an RPG, the BBEG should have a baker's hat and an apron. He'd go around everywhere shouting "I AM THE BAKER MAN!" before throwing pies at unsuspecting people.
Once upon a time I found a free adventure for 3.5 that featured a Calzone Golem. You have reminded me of this. I wonder if I still have that pdf tucked away on a backup disc somewhere?

We played that adventure! The calzone golem almost killed my character! It was very memorable. :)

So, is it time to mention to lisamarlene that I think she still has my Legacy of Fire, Book 2, or should I wait 'til she's pulling her hair out a bit more...

Oh, and it was your birthday! Can I ship you the set, or did you already get it in PDF form?

NobodysHome. Sending random things to random people since 2015.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All of our pathfinder stuff was in the second load that just arrived last week, and we've been waiting since June to finish book 2. We have about two hours left. It's infuriating.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

And it's Mid Autumn Festival with moon cakes everywhere. Do you know how calorific they are? Each moon cake without yolk is 716 calories. Put in salted egg yolk it goes even higher.

I love eating moon cakes but gosh, the calories!

Mmmmm.......moon cakes! I really need to figure out some way to make a gluten free version....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And don't you dare. The module/AP cabinet is crammed full and I can't afford more bookshelves right now.

lynora wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
If the board game Candyland could be made into an RPG, the BBEG should have a baker's hat and an apron. He'd go around everywhere shouting "I AM THE BAKER MAN!" before throwing pies at unsuspecting people.
Once upon a time I found a free adventure for 3.5 that featured a Calzone Golem. You have reminded me of this. I wonder if I still have that pdf tucked away on a backup disc somewhere?
We played that adventure! The calzone golem almost killed my character! It was very memorable. :)

I would just eat it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Tomorrow I get the joy of spending lots of time at the car repair place. I need new tires and an oil change. Normally that would be a two day thing, but if you schedule for the first appointment slot of the day they can get you out in a couple of hours, and I'm up anyways to drop off the kiddo at school. Well, I should have plenty of time to finish sock number one and work through the extra fiddly cast-on for sock number two at least.

lisamarlene wrote:
And don't you dare. The module/AP cabinet is crammed full and I can't afford more bookshelves right now.

I am a lot happier now that my books are electronic.

Not me! I love me some physical books.

And yes, I do occasionally use them as weights for lifting.

Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
If the board game Candyland could be made into an RPG, the BBEG should have a baker's hat and an apron. He'd go around everywhere shouting "I AM THE BAKER MAN!" before throwing pies at unsuspecting people.
Once upon a time I found a free adventure for 3.5 that featured a Calzone Golem. You have reminded me of this. I wonder if I still have that pdf tucked away on a backup disc somewhere?
We played that adventure! The calzone golem almost killed my character! It was very memorable. :)
I would just eat it.

To be fair, I think that my barbarian did just that after we defeated it. Once she was healed. The rest of the party was more than a little disgusted. :P

captain yesterday wrote:

Not me! I love me some physical books.

And yes, I do occasionally use them as weights for lifting.

I like physical books, but electronic ones dont result in arguments.

lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
If the board game Candyland could be made into an RPG, the BBEG should have a baker's hat and an apron. He'd go around everywhere shouting "I AM THE BAKER MAN!" before throwing pies at unsuspecting people.
Once upon a time I found a free adventure for 3.5 that featured a Calzone Golem. You have reminded me of this. I wonder if I still have that pdf tucked away on a backup disc somewhere?
We played that adventure! The calzone golem almost killed my character! It was very memorable. :)
I would just eat it.
To be fair, I think that my barbarian did just that after we defeated it. Once she was healed. The rest of the party was more than a little disgusted. :P

not enough sauce?

Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
If the board game Candyland could be made into an RPG, the BBEG should have a baker's hat and an apron. He'd go around everywhere shouting "I AM THE BAKER MAN!" before throwing pies at unsuspecting people.
Once upon a time I found a free adventure for 3.5 that featured a Calzone Golem. You have reminded me of this. I wonder if I still have that pdf tucked away on a backup disc somewhere?
We played that adventure! The calzone golem almost killed my character! It was very memorable. :)
I would just eat it.
To be fair, I think that my barbarian did just that after we defeated it. Once she was healed. The rest of the party was more than a little disgusted. :P
not enough sauce?

Basically yes. It had used its spurt attack to burn my barbarian badly, so not much sauce left in it. And there was some muttering about not eating sentient things, but come on. It was a golem made of pastry and cheese. Not eating it would have been wasteful...

Golems so don't count as sentient.

lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
If the board game Candyland could be made into an RPG, the BBEG should have a baker's hat and an apron. He'd go around everywhere shouting "I AM THE BAKER MAN!" before throwing pies at unsuspecting people.
Once upon a time I found a free adventure for 3.5 that featured a Calzone Golem. You have reminded me of this. I wonder if I still have that pdf tucked away on a backup disc somewhere?
We played that adventure! The calzone golem almost killed my character! It was very memorable. :)
I would just eat it.
To be fair, I think that my barbarian did just that after we defeated it. Once she was healed. The rest of the party was more than a little disgusted. :P
not enough sauce?
Basically yes. It had used its spurt attack to burn my barbarian badly, so not much sauce left in it. And there was some muttering about not eating sentient things, but come on. It was a golem made of pastry and cheese. Not eating it would have been wasteful...

theres a manga that revolves around the party eating exotic monsters that can only be found in dungeons. I'll see if I can find it for you. Also, the game dragons crown has cooking and eating monsters between stages as a very important part of the game(its the only way to heal).

I think I've heard about that one. Its also how blue magic works in final fantasy 9 and you can get your stats up by doing it in ff8 but you have to have eden (maybe edea I can't remember?) GF.

lynora wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
If the board game Candyland could be made into an RPG, the BBEG should have a baker's hat and an apron. He'd go around everywhere shouting "I AM THE BAKER MAN!" before throwing pies at unsuspecting people.
Once upon a time I found a free adventure for 3.5 that featured a Calzone Golem. You have reminded me of this. I wonder if I still have that pdf tucked away on a backup disc somewhere?
We played that adventure! The calzone golem almost killed my character! It was very memorable. :)

I found it.

Glue a dead wasp on the palm of your hand and you can go around slapping people on the head and claiming that you saved them.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Glue a dead wasp on the palm of your hand and you can go around slapping people on the head and claiming that you saved them.

WTF. I mean really wtf.

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I probably would enjoy working for NH. He seems, you know, component.

But 20 years working in more fields I could remember, I can say I've had about 4 compotent bossses, 2 who weren't narcissistic a$~~%#*s...the rest...f&*$ing idiots promoted via nepotism and the peter principle who ignore intelligence and innovation in favor of cronyism and traditionalism and "because we've always done it this way."

I'm a very bitter man when it comes to employment. I don't mean it in an arrogant way, but it will probably come across as such: people would rather promote a dumbass than a smartass, because personality matters more than merrit.

I liked it. >.>

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