Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:Just a Mort wrote:Talking about bad Manners. My dad ever once asked a young Chinese waitress to read the Chinese menu out to him and got some looks from her as she thought he was trying to be funny, since he speaks perfect Chinese.
He's of the older generation that can speak, but never studied written Chinese. So of course he can't read. Now he's not dying his hair, I told him just say you're far sighted so you can't read the menu.
You may have had that sign out, but what if the people in question can't read, either because they don't know the written language, or have bad eyesight? Is that their fault?
Apparently talking about Manners makes you nekkid. That's two pages in a row!
So that's a thing. Why?
None of the older generation of Chinese faculty at our school can teach children over 4, only the 0-3, because they can't read/write Traditional characters, but even considering all the political/cultural questions I've asked and they've answered over the years, I've always been shy about asking "Why can't you read your native language?"
I don't see it as an issue but the answer is slightly influenced by Asian politics.
** spoiler omitted **
fascinating history.

lynora |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I came across plans for a speech synthesizer using an Atmega128 microcontroller. It seems to me that this could be used for an electronic talking polyhedral dice roller for visually impaired players. The buttons would have Braille on them. This seems to be something worthwhile to develop.
This is a really awesome idea

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:NobodysHome wrote:I'd only need to get a sitter for Hermione, since Val will be at my mom's. That's not as hard. The only remaining question is a budget one: bluntly, what do you anticipate the per-person share of the tab being, in the end? I'm guessing based on the kind of restaurants you go to that it will be around 50-75 per person? Or am I lowballing it?Speaking of random communications: Hey LM! Any update on Friday the 29th? I'm hoping to make the reservations tonight for 7:00 pm. So you'll need a sitter from roughly 6:30 - 10:00 pm (expecting dinner for such a large group to take a while).
Let me know via PM, text, or FaWtL, since FaWtL folk LOVE watching other people's social engagements! :-P
Er... it's *MY* birthday. Your share will be $0.
Captain Yesterday has his amazing set of horrifying birthday stories.
My least-favorite birthday?
Last year, when I invited everyone to Rivoli to celebrate my 50th with me, I told everyone it was MY treat, and then stubborn Portuguese woman insisted on paying NobodysWife anyway, making everyone else decide to pay.
It was aggravating. It was humiliating. I had people come to me after the fact saying, "Y'know, it was your 50th and all but that was really expensive."
People who want to pay me for my BIRTHDAY GIFT OF BUYING DINNER FOR THEM should not come to my birthday!
(Sorry, but it was a major, MAJOR sore point with me last year. I invite everyone to dinner, tell them I'm paying, and ended up not paying a dime. For guys like Shiro yeah, if he insists on grabbing the tab I'll let him because I happen to know he makes more than me and NobodysWife combined and his kid is all grown up and out of the house. But when I'm inviting unemployed writers and schoolteachers to dinner, THEY WILL NOT PAY FOR THEIR OWN DINNERS, damn it.)
Yes. There are things that piss NobodysHome off. Making people who thought they were getting a free dinner shell out $100+...
Why did you think I was hemming and hawing about our RSVP?WW is checking his emails to make sure there isn't a conflict he's forgotten about (you don't want to know how often that happens) and I'm looking for a sitter. I'll have an answer for you later today, but it's probably yes.
As soon as WW gets over his "they only like you, not me" whinge.

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
John Napier 698 wrote:I came across plans for a speech synthesizer using an Atmega128 microcontroller. It seems to me that this could be used for an electronic talking polyhedral dice roller for visually impaired players. The buttons would have Braille on them. This seems to be something worthwhile to develop.This is a really awesome idea
It is. The more I think about it, the more I want to do it. But, programming / working with microcontrollers is a bit out of my area of expertise.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Why did you think I was hemming and hawing about our RSVP?WW is checking his emails to make sure there isn't a conflict he's forgotten about (you don't want to know how often that happens) and I'm looking for a sitter. I'll have an answer for you later today, but it's probably yes.
As soon as WW gets over his "they only like you, not me" whinge.
LOL. He does know that he's invited, right?
Or is it that whole, "No, we won't be attending the dojo potluck," thing.
'Cause that is all about how much the entire personality of the dojo changed once it moved back to Berkeley. There's a good reason almost all of the old-school aikidokas stopped attending, and it wasn't the location.
But that's neither here nor there. He's welcome to come, and he can complain that our invite was through you (who always responds promptly) rather than him (who doesn't respond until the day before) all he likes.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And now NobodysHome is sad.
We have roughly 3 sessions of Crimson Throne left before LM moves with her family to Texas.
NobodysWife just got sent home with the same symptoms Impus Minor has, so we have a major virus rampaging through the household, putting Saturday's game in jeopardy.
Well, I'm rather determined, so we can either Roll20 it or game it, depending on how bad this all turns out to be. On the bright side, it's only Monday and we're seeing a doctor this afternoon to find out what it is (other than the requisite, "It's probably a virus," response.

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:Crapmonkeys.
Why did you think I was hemming and hawing about our RSVP?WW is checking his emails to make sure there isn't a conflict he's forgotten about (you don't want to know how often that happens) and I'm looking for a sitter. I'll have an answer for you later today, but it's probably yes.
As soon as WW gets over his "they only like you, not me" whinge.LOL. He does know that he's invited, right?
Or is it that whole, "No, we won't be attending the dojo potluck," thing.
'Cause that is all about how much the entire personality of the dojo changed once it moved back to Berkeley. There's a good reason almost all of the old-school aikidokas stopped attending, and it wasn't the location.But that's neither here nor there. He's welcome to come, and he can complain that our invite was through you (who always responds promptly) rather than him (who doesn't respond until the day before) all he likes.
It has nothing to do with the dojo.
It has everything to do with "they all treat me differently than they treat you and they're really your friends more than they are mine and nobody really likes me and I'm gonna go eat worms and I'm only invited as your plus one".Which is usually *my* schtick.

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And now NobodysHome is sad.
We have roughly 3 sessions of Crimson Throne left before LM moves with her family to Texas.
NobodysWife just got sent home with the same symptoms Impus Minor has, so we have a major virus rampaging through the household, putting Saturday's game in jeopardy.
Well, I'm rather determined, so we can either Roll20 it or game it, depending on how bad this all turns out to be. On the bright side, it's only Monday and we're seeing a doctor this afternoon to find out what it is (other than the requisite, "It's probably a virus," response.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

What you NEVER want to hear from a "competent" development team:
"It looks like the script got run twice and so it incremented all of the dates to twice the expected distance from today."
Basically, a fundamental rule of writing code is, "Make the assumption that your code is going to be called multiple times in a row, even if it's not supposed to be."

Freehold DM |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:NobodysHome wrote:I'd only need to get a sitter for Hermione, since Val will be at my mom's. That's not as hard. The only remaining question is a budget one: bluntly, what do you anticipate the per-person share of the tab being, in the end? I'm guessing based on the kind of restaurants you go to that it will be around 50-75 per person? Or am I lowballing it?Speaking of random communications: Hey LM! Any update on Friday the 29th? I'm hoping to make the reservations tonight for 7:00 pm. So you'll need a sitter from roughly 6:30 - 10:00 pm (expecting dinner for such a large group to take a while).
Let me know via PM, text, or FaWtL, since FaWtL folk LOVE watching other people's social engagements! :-P
Er... it's *MY* birthday. Your share will be $0.
Captain Yesterday has his amazing set of horrifying birthday stories.
My least-favorite birthday?
Last year, when I invited everyone to Rivoli to celebrate my 50th with me, I told everyone it was MY treat, and then stubborn Portuguese woman insisted on paying NobodysWife anyway, making everyone else decide to pay.
It was aggravating. It was humiliating. I had people come to me after the fact saying, "Y'know, it was your 50th and all but that was really expensive."
People who want to pay me for my BIRTHDAY GIFT OF BUYING DINNER FOR THEM should not come to my birthday!
(Sorry, but it was a major, MAJOR sore point with me last year. I invite everyone to dinner, tell them I'm paying, and ended up not paying a dime. For guys like Shiro yeah, if he insists on grabbing the tab I'll let him because I happen to know he makes more than me and NobodysWife combined and his kid is all grown up and out of the house. But when I'm inviting unemployed writers and schoolteachers to dinner, THEY WILL NOT PAY FOR THEIR OWN DINNERS, damn it.)
Yes. There are things that piss NobodysHome off. Making people who thought they were getting a free dinner shell out $100+...
remind me to take you with me to the strip club for your birthday. It will be awesome.

lynora |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

So keep in mind that we're looking for a word whose definition is, "Verbally expressing appreciation/enjoyment of an event or situation".
This eliminates enjoying and euphoria right off the bat, as they're passive. Appreciating DOES have a secondary meaning of verbally expressing oneself, but its primary definition is silent. "I am appreciating the sunset," usually does not connote a verbal component.
Praising and lauding aren't the same to me; they're both talking about how great someone is, not expressing your enjoyment of someone. For example, I've never heard someone say, "He was praising the sunny weather," and that would sound very strange. "He was complaining about the lousy weather," is extremely commonplace.So the only one I see in the list so far that I think is a good antonym of "complaining" is the secondary definition of "appreciating".
I'm not trying to pit nicks; I'm just looking at the number of English words that mean, "Verbally expressing unhappiness or disapproval with a person or situation," and marveling at how hard it is to come up with words that mean, "Verbally expressing happiness or approval with a person or situation."
Enthused. Exclaimed. Chirped. Beamed. Bubbled. Crowed. Defused. Exulted. Gushed. Sang. Trilled.
I left out the weird ones.Never ask a writer for synonyms for said. ;)

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:So keep in mind that we're looking for a word whose definition is, "Verbally expressing appreciation/enjoyment of an event or situation"...
*Tilts head, browses web for a bit*
Would panegyric count?
Wax lyrical?
You didn't specify that it should be common every day speech right?
Adds words to list. Yes, I keep a list! Of course I keep a list! Using too many saids in a conversation makes it start to feel like a tennis match...

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I leave for one night, and I have 107 posts to read through!? What is this madness, I had less than this, from Saturday morning to Sunday evening!
One night, 107 posts? We are slaking again...
In the good old times of FAWTL, dozens of FAWTLers would spew hundreds of posts each!

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've encased my lower leg in block silt from cutting blocks with the chop saw.
On the plus side, I'm pretty sure it provides armoring.
The down side, I'm not looking forward to chiseling it off once it dries and hardens.
You're going to lose a lot of leg hair. If you do a good enough job at it you could earn some extra money on the side.

Vanykrye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:...People who want to pay me for my BIRTHDAY GIFT OF BUYING DINNER FOR THEM should not come to my birthday!
(Sorry, but it was a major, MAJOR sore point with me last year. I invite everyone to dinner, tell them I'm paying, and ended up not paying a dime. For guys like Shiro yeah, if he insists on grabbing the tab I'll let him because I happen to know he makes more than me and NobodysWife combined and his kid is all grown up and out of the house. But when I'm inviting unemployed writers and schoolteachers to dinner, THEY WILL NOT PAY FOR THEIR OWN DINNERS, damn it.)
Yes. There are things that piss NobodysHome off. Making people who thought they were getting a free dinner shell out $100+...
remind me to take you with me to the strip club for your birthday. It will be awesome.
It might only work if you can get an actual dinner (of high quality) at the strip club, based on the rules as he laid them out. But, you know, aside from having to work around that minor issue, I can't disagree with you on this one.

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So the new web filter got turned on for my office over the weekend. There are certain things web filters should not be interfering with, but ours seems to be going above and beyond the call of duty.
My bigger question is why is the new filter blocking work-related sites that were specifically allowed in the old filter? Why did you do that?

Scintillae |

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:Draw me like one of your French PokemonThe Game Hamster wrote:One night, 107 posts? We are slaking again...WHAT THE!!??
I leave for one night, and I have 107 posts to read through!? What is this madness, I had less than this, from Saturday morning to Sunday evening!
My eyes. My poor, poor eyes. That image is far too small for my old eyes to see.
No, no...that's ok...it really doesn't need to be larger either...

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:I still like Avatar: The Last Airbender better, as it IS my #1 Tv show of all time, but Gravity Falls is a VERY close third place. With One Punch Man a close second...Woran wrote:It really, really is. It's funny, the animation style was off-putting at first, but I loved the whole series so much, that now I like it.Tacticslion wrote:Gravity Falls is the BEST!Soos, Handyman of Mystery wrote:"Wait, am I a side character! Dudes, you ever think about stuff like that"Are you watching GF again? Saw two episodes on tv the other day - so good!
Unfortunately, it was just kind of "skip around the timeline day" or something, so it was part 1 of the S1 finale (the one about dreaming and Grunkle Stan), and then straight to "Northwest Mystery Noir" for some reason.
You have excellent taste! AtLA is also my absolute #1 favorite! :)

NobodysHome |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

remind me to take you with me to the strip club for your birthday. It will be awesome.
So anyway, for his birthday he decided he wanted to do the San Francisco strip clubs (Broadway, I think?) because cops get "special treatment" at such places. (Apparently having cops show up to relax reduces the chances of being raided and makes the other patrons behave, so win-win for the club.) I'd never been, so I joined him. It was December, so I wore slacks and a fuzzy sweater.
And OMG, "Harmless shy fat guy in a sweater" is a stripper magnet. I've got to figure that strippers can read people from a mile away, and knew that while I wouldn't be earning them any money that evening, I'd be well-behaved and harmless, so if a particular girl was having a "down" night (as I'm sure they do, as any other workers do), I was a safe haven that counted as "working" while not actually doing anything.
So yeah, I spent the evening with a naked girl in my lap. She occasionally got called up to stage, but then she came back down to sit with me. When she was gone, other girls would settle in. And my primary visitor kept asking, "Don't you want anything?" and I'd respond that no, I was married.
And I learned something fundamental that evening:
Stripper: But your wife isn't here.
NobodysHome: So?
S: So she'll never know.
NH: But I'll know.
S: ???
And it really was fundamentally amazing to both of us. I carry my morality internally; I did not cheat on my wife not for fear that someone would catch me doing it, but because I found the very concept morally repugnant. She could not comprehend why I wouldn't do something fun when I could get away with it without fear of consequences. Lawful vs. Chaotic, right there.
But she was nice, and we talked about all kinds of stuff, and the cops were jealous and asked her whether she'd like to be with them, and she responded that no, she was perfectly happy in my lap.
Like I said, I think she was just totally NOT in the mood to be at work but was stuck there anyway, so I like to think I was a welcome haven, even if she could have earned a lot more with the cops.

Scintillae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Summer vacation is bad for my getting anything accomplished. I'm completely fallen into binge-mode for various cartoons. I cannot get this out of my head.

The Game Hamster |
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NobodysHome wrote:FAWTL is way too long. FIWTL? FAWTLIWTL?Freehold DM wrote:This is also only happening on the fawtl page. Hm.YAY! WE BROKE IT! WE WIN!!!!
Now I have to do a pronunciation guide for fawtLiwtL?
Pronouce the "hw" as a soft "w" as in wrong?

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:remind me to take you with me to the strip club for your birthday. It will be awesome.** spoiler omitted **...
wait, its working now!
Yeah there are nights like that. If someone doesnt want to work, they are always free to hang out with me. I have had damn interesting conversations with strippers, most of whom are working on their undergraduates, so sometimes we talk about stuff I remember from school. Other times we talk about tattoo plans and who the best artists are. Sometimes we talk about politics- the INTENSELY fiscally conservative woman who almost circuluar kicked my head off during a spin was one of the most interesting people I ever met. Ditto the amateur bodybuilder who had awesome tattoos, who did slow pullups during her routine that left the people watching in awe.

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Summer vacation is bad for my getting anything accomplished. I'm completely fallen into binge-mode for various cartoons. I cannot get this out of my head.
Which anime are you binge-watching?

Scintillae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Scintillae wrote:Summer vacation is bad for my getting anything accomplished. I'm completely fallen into binge-mode for various cartoons. I cannot get this out of my head.Which anime are you binge-watching?
Honestly, it's mostly Disney stuff. Wander over Yonder at the moment now that I've caught up on DuckTales.

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
John Napier 698 wrote:Honestly, it's mostly Disney stuff. Wander over Yonder at the moment now that I've caught up on DuckTales.Scintillae wrote:Summer vacation is bad for my getting anything accomplished. I'm completely fallen into binge-mode for various cartoons. I cannot get this out of my head.Which anime are you binge-watching?
Oh, okay.

Hermit the Frog |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey! Caught up for now!
Hallucinogenic Fever Dream wrote:You have to lick the right frogHey.
Hey man.
Lick the frog.
Do it.
I dare you.
Lick the frog.
It's a wild trip, man.
Do it.
♫♪ "Sweet little princess, let me introduce his frogness..." ♫♪

Eekster Buhnay |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Oh Mort...
Sweet sweet Mort.- Warning!!! NSFW content in the link below! -
(or at least somewhat NSFW depending on your particular workplace, beware!)
If you won't give me the Centaur, at least give me this!
- Warning!!! NSFW content in the link above! -
She's not a centaur, but there's a couple photoshoots of Bianca Beauchamp in full latex ponygirl outfits floating out there in the Intertoobz that might do it for you, Mr. Turtle. You'll have to Google for yourself, likely NSFW for everyone except Freehold.