Vanykrye |
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Vanykrye wrote:
I'm sure it's Britain's fault. All the bad stuff that's ever happened in the world throughout all of history is Britain's fault.Excuse me very much!
If it wasn't for Britain you'd still be British, so there.
Further devastating rebuttals are likely to provoke the attentions of Fritzy's Flaming Bicycle Katyusha, so I'll shut up now.
Oh, the self-deprecating irony. I love it.
Kinda figured you'd pop in on that one. ;) I wouldn't mind being British...right up until that Brexit nonsense. It's looking like the French and Germans are the ones that are going to have to do the heavy lifting for us until our populations regain their senses.
And I'm pretty sure that's Britain's fault too.

Cover Turtle |
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Tired and aching turtle today…
Stupid allergies (damn plant semen!)/sore body/hot humid weather…
Re Heroics.
I wanna be I really do, I'm just not any good at it. Besides my slow reaction time, a almost obsessive need to calculate/weigh every possible response and being rather averse to conflict in general.
Re Termination notice.
Should be included in every labour agreement/law. We can always discuss, how long notice you should get or if it always possible (triggering different compensation in such a case), but I really believe it should be there.
(We got a minimum of 1 month up here in Hamlet-land).
Re Kitty (Yay! :P).
Of cause you should get playtime!
You sound a bit like me...I know I'm a better GM, then player, which is why I desperately grab at any chance to be a player. I have some bad habits at the gaming table, that I feel can best be addressed on the player side of things (concentration issues, activity lapses, meta-thinking, that sort of thing), so I jump at the chance to do so. That said everyone has their own pace, so do what your comfortable with, and I'm sure folk will support you!
Kitty, You can yowl at me any time ;)
*Slips out of his covers, lounges on a kingsize basket and taps a spot besides him, wiggling his eyebrows, with a rose in his mouth - sincerely hoping there's no recipe including roses and turtles as he might look like a pig with an apple in its mouth to Kitty*
Re Rats.
Yes, Rats are in fact cute (and disgusting too, especially your average sewage rat...).
If I had one as a pet tough, I would want a African giant pouched rat! These look adorable.
Re Spellpoints.
I like the mechanic, though it can be a pain to balance properly. Still the option being there makes nearly every system richer in my opinion.
Re Wealth By Level.
I can see the point, but I'm personally not very invested in it. I tend to be somewhat generous with tresure (maybe a mite more the Paizo-standarts) and I have kind of a mental list of things I don't throw at players without them being capable of handling them equipment-/spell-/other-wise (unless my player are downright out to test the limits of he campaign/AP).
I other words I use a mixture of calculation, common sense and what "feels" to be the right amount of wealth.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, since Fritzy's out anyway...
FOUR WEEKS of receiving one particular candidate's daily glossy fliers, ALL of which had photos of her smiling. Sometimes with Obama, sometimes with Hillary Clinton, sometimes with her family. Sometimes with strangers.
Every flier had the word "Progressive" on it at least a dozen times.
And yet in a solid month of hardcore campaigning, she didn't manage to put a single issue on any of those fliers.
Honestly, if she'd just taken the time to say something like,
Flier #1: In my opinion, here are the top 10 issues facing California (list).
Flier #2: And here's issue #1, how I feel about it, how I'll vote on it, and why I think I'd be the most effective person to see this implemented.
Flier #3: Issue #2...
I'd probably have voted for her.
But a month's worth of ads and not a single position or policy statement?
Wow. Modern-day politics at its worst finest.

The Game Hamster |
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Wealth by level: I handed plasma rifles to all of my players at 6th level I think it was, I haven't really worried about it since, because no matter how much money I throw at them, nothing will beat the plasma rifles. which is why I had a very convenient plot excuse to take it from them now that they are Cr 19-ish and I want this to be the second most challenging part of the adventure.

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Vanykyre, I think you're like Lynora who can twist herself without even realizing it. But is your finger causing you pain or something? I don't think I'd go around with a broken finger...
Oh I'm also running a sleep defecit but it's my own darned fault for too much slay the spire. I just had an electrifying run last night.
Psst: I played the defect and focused on lightning powers, then started blowing everything up in short order. And it looked completely natural.

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*high paws the cover turtle*
Well, I don't like conflict either =( Besides small means lack of reach, which screws you over in a fight unless you've learnt to compensate for it (yes, NH, I'm looking at you).
I would say I've never figured out exactly my issues at the gaming table. (Don't look at yourself in the mirror, you're never going to like what you see). I suspect it may be my need to be in control at all times, leading to metaing and backseat GMing.
*joins Cover Turtle in the basket, then takes the rose and makes Bandung for two out of it*
*massages the achy turtle*
Yes, we have some interesting drinks here. When Hi was here I made it a point to introduce him to the local funky drinks like luohanguo and longan and grass jelly.
I am biased against rats after that hamster bit me. They may be easy to care for but I'm not looking after them, because they bite!
WBL: Whatever the AP says you get. If you try to pull WBL where you shouldn't, weird stuff will happen. If challenged, I'll just say the AP said so. And I don't know how to homebrew. Live with it.
Like trying to pull Dreamlands loot onto Golarion.

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You know you're doing a good job when you send pics of your progress to your boss and he responds in all caps "BEAUTIFUL!"
Yay CY! =D
Still trying to sort out numbers in the office.
*counts paws*
Though I'll admit I got very irritated yesterday after I reminded the person twice in person over the last 2 weeks and the job was still not done, I called him yesterday and he said he forgot about it.
And it seems to be KYC time of the year and some of the requirements are... Ridiculous. Which makes me grouchy.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I bet that she couldn't get elected Class President in Kindergarten.
Elected class president is overrated. I signed in office before(curiosity, hey you should try new things no?) and it's basically managing a whole bunch of angsty teens when you're one yourself and is a thankless task. I suppose if you like dealing with people, it can be rewarding.

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About to leave for "work" but:
Tacticslion wrote:Wait, I just realized you’re not ImHidingImYourCloset! Hello! Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you too! I arrived here two weeks or so ago making a shameless plug for a silly RPG. Now I occasionally pop in and post. Not too much, considering how fast pages fill up here, but when I see topics that interest me.
Freehold DM wrote:no, he's clearly Captain yesterday!You probably remember this. But really, you have no proof! You'll never take me alive! *Jumps out escape window*
*Casts featherfall on Cap'n Crunch then waits for Freehold and/or TL to collect*

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Just a Mort wrote:"Look, it's complicated..."gran rey de los mono wrote:Grandma's food wasn't so good because she put love in it, but because of all the fat and sugar she put in it.A little fat and sugar never hurt anyone.
Or not.
There was a documentary on the truth about sugar. Saying sugar is more harmful then fat.
But again grandma had more physical activity then we do.
I'm quite good with fats(as in I'll naturally avoid deep fried stuff like fries), but a piece of cake just gets me =(
I'll watch it eventually as I'm still on phone.
I'm still trying to lose those pounds and I wonder if all those whatever heat treatment thingies to lose fats work. Again I feel it's cheaty, and think you'd put on the weight again once you stopped.
I'm like 37% body fat or so =(
I am willing and will exercise, but I can't put more then an hour a day, and unfortunately I am very fond of sweet stuff...

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, since Fritzy's out anyway...
FOUR WEEKS of receiving one particular candidate's daily glossy fliers, ALL of which had photos of her smiling. Sometimes with Obama, sometimes with Hillary Clinton, sometimes with her family. Sometimes with strangers.
Every flier had the word "Progressive" on it at least a dozen times.And yet in a solid month of hardcore campaigning, she didn't manage to put a single issue on any of those fliers.
Honestly, if she'd just taken the time to say something like,
Flier #1: In my opinion, here are the top 10 issues facing California (list).
Flier #2: And here's issue #1, how I feel about it, how I'll vote on it, and why I think I'd be the most effective person to see this implemented.
Flier #3: Issue #2...I'd probably have voted for her.
But a month's worth of ads and not a single position or policy statement?
Wow. Modern-day politics at itsworstfinest.
Well, at least she isn't lying about her stances and policies...

Tacticslion |

Wealth By Level - I use it if I'm starting a campaign at a level other than 1st. I don't really worry about it too much after that, as I tend to be a bit more generous with loot/money than Paizo envisioned. I'm fairly permissive as a DM, and I hand out a fair amount of extra loot, but I've *never* been accused of being a Monty Haul DM. I've got a reputation with my players as being fairly deadly in my encounter design.
I've been called a monty-haul GM. Ironically (or whatever), I was accused of such in the same campaign where I had more near-deaths and PCs rendered unconscious than the majority of other games.
(Admittedly, not by my PCs, but rather it was a dude on the internet who was overwhelmed by my liberal "gifting" of actual artifacts at the very beginning of the game - evil artifacts that no one in my group wanted, and that - universally - made the game much harder, especially as they were kept but left unused but he had no real way of understanding that at the time.)
But here's what I like to do:
You get +1/3 your level "enhancement bonus" to attack and damage with a weapon (or unarmed strike, if you have ki), AC if you wear armor (or if you don't if you have ki) and again if you wear a shield, saves and natural AC if you wear a <necklace, cape, ring, mantle, etc.> (or regardless if you have ki), and to a number of ability scores equal to 1 + 1/5 your ability scores (-1 to each after the first). You get a deflection to AC if you have a different <necklace, cape, ring, mantle, etc.> (with optional not needing with ki). Equipment needs to be at least "masterwork" to gain this bonus. Basically all of that stuff is treated as "magic" for all other purposes, even if it's not.
Spells that duplicate the effects allow for powerful mages to enhance lesser minions, but otherwise aren't necessary. Powerful "+" items can be great boons to lesser levels, but, again, aren't necessary (though you still have to pay for a basic +1, if you want other effects).
Feats can obviate the need for the physical stuff.
Thereafter, I... don't care about WBL. Like, at all. It's unnecessary. Items are cool, but the bonuses are taken care of.
But if I run for a group that really cares, I do the WBL thing.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:Just a Mort wrote:"Look, it's complicated..."gran rey de los mono wrote:Grandma's food wasn't so good because she put love in it, but because of all the fat and sugar she put in it.A little fat and sugar never hurt anyone.
Or not.
There was a documentary on the truth about sugar. Saying sugar is more harmful then fat.
But again grandma had more physical activity then we do.
I'm quite good with fats(as in I'll naturally avoid deep fried stuff like fries), but a piece of cake just gets me =(
I'll watch it eventually as I'm still on phone.
I'm still trying to lose those pounds and I wonder if all those whatever heat treatment thingies to lose fats work. Again I feel it's cheaty, and think you'd put on the weight again once you stopped.
I'm like 37% body fat or so =(
I am willing and will exercise, but I can't put more then an hour a day, and unfortunately I am very fond of sweet stuff...
Heat treatments? You mean sweating fat out like in a sauna? No. Those don't work at all. You lose weight by losing water. You drink water (which you need) you get the weight back. That means nothing to your fat content.
If that's not what you mean, I'unno.

Tacticslion |

John Napier 698 wrote:I bet that she couldn't get elected Class President in Kindergarten.Elected class president is overrated. I signed in office before(curiosity, hey you should try new things no?) and it's basically managing a whole bunch of angsty teens when you're one yourself and is a thankless task. I suppose if you like dealing with people, it can be rewarding.
Kindergarten is for five-year-olds.

Tacticslion |

*high paws the cover turtle*
Well, I don't like conflict either =( Besides small means lack of reach, which screws you over in a fight unless you've learnt to compensate for it (yes, NH, I'm looking at you).
I would say I've never figured out exactly my issues at the gaming table. (Don't look at yourself in the mirror, you're never going to like what you see). I suspect it may be my need to be in control at all times, leading to metaing and backseat GMing.
*joins Cover Turtle in the basket, then takes the rose and makes Bandung for two out of it*
*massages the achy turtle*
Yes, we have some interesting drinks here. When Hi was here I made it a point to introduce him to the local funky drinks like luohanguo and longan and grass jelly.
I am biased against rats after that hamster bit me. They may be easy to care for but I'm not looking after them, because they bite!
WBL: Whatever the AP says you get. If you try to pull WBL where you shouldn't, weird stuff will happen. If challenged, I'll just say the AP said so. And I don't know how to homebrew. Live with it.
** spoiler omitted **
Hamsters =/= rats.

Tacticslion |

captain yesterday wrote:You know you're doing a good job when you send pics of your progress to your boss and he responds in all caps "BEAUTIFUL!"Yay CY! =D
Still trying to sort out numbers in the office.
*counts paws*
Though I'll admit I got very irritated yesterday after I reminded the person twice in person over the last 2 weeks and the job was still not done, I called him yesterday and he said he forgot about it.
And it seems to be KYC time of the year and some of the requirements are... Ridiculous. Which makes me grouchy.
I don't... I don't think I'm your coworker...

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well this is a description:
Their special Heat Treatment right after my regular scraping and cupping. It is supposed to burn 6,000 kcals – twice the amount in a regular session – and this can be done on either one’s thighs or abdomen. I chose abdomen. Slimming cream is applied to the area and carefully covered in plastic and then towels. The towels are then soaked in some Chinese herbal liquid which is, by the way, flammable – and then set on fire.
I was asked to indicate when I could feel the heat from the fire on my skin. The flames are then doused with a damp towel, which is left on top of my tummy for a few minutes to allow the heat to sink in. This is repeated four more times, with the heat allowed to get more intense each time the towels on my tummy are set alight.

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NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, this is the kind of thing that always cheers me up about living where I do.
It's time for the annual teacher's gift to our amazing choir director. As usual, I'm late, so I'm sending an envelope full of cash.
This cash is going to pass through many hands:
- Impus Major will take it to school
- He will hand it off to one of four designated recipients, all other high school students. I know all four of them
- One of them will hand it off to the lead parent
- She will then purchase a gift card for the choir director, and we will never know the amount.
So, in spite of the unlabeled money passing through three different people's hands, one of whom I'm not even sure of, I'm 100% confident it will reach the choir director.
For me, that's just a level of honesty and faith in humanity that makes me happy.

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Re Spellpoints.
I like the mechanic, though it can be a pain to balance properly. Still the option being there makes nearly every system richer in my opinion.
See, I don't mind if people have different tastes (which is totally okay), but it's statements like these that convince me that people really haven't given a good look at psionics or are missing very important or major parts of the system.
I'm not saying that you haven't; but I am using this because it sounds so familiar.
In 3.0, psionics was an awesome idea that sucked a lot. It sucked because it was weaker than magic with fewer uses of that power, because it was more limited than martial abilities, because you always auto-stun-attempted non-psionic enemies (will negates) and always auto-rock-paper-scissors v. ability-score-damage'd psionic enemies at the beginning of every battle until you were out of power points - that's a ton of dice rolls to make before you do anything else, and OP in a non-psionics campaign and a slog of absolute awful in a psionic campaign. It sucked because you had a limited number of known powers, but still had the problem of having to know multiple iterations of the same power for none of the abilities. It sucked because it had several exploitable loopholes... but that was nothing new to 3.0. Don't get me wrong - it was brilliant: there were subtle pieces of game designing know-how, world-building, and all sorts of other excellent things that were shockingly well done. But it was a wreck.
It was a brilliant piece of genius that was an absolute pain to play with.
In 3.5, the combat modes were eliminated, and powers were re-balanced. And the power point system became the single most balanced aspect in all of 3.5 - all of it. Even Complete Psionics (a book I personally largely didn't like because of "non-psionic-like" elements that just felt "out of theme" for me) was basically a smooth and elegant whole that (internally) was more balanced than the rest of the system. Psionics was more powerful than martials, but magic had been more powerful than martials since the PH, and psionics was not as powerful as magic.
But the "floor" of psionics was higher than for either magic or martials, which means that it's easier to make competent characters that can outstrip martials... but it absolutely cannot match the power of a similarly well-built arcanist.
So, balance-wise, it was strictly in between other elements of the PH.
But, and here's the thing, people don't care. They find something unfamiliar with an exploit, and often and repeatedly point and decry that thing.
And I will say, having power points doesn't automatically make a system balanced. That was proven with the (rather hilarious) "arcane erudite" - where they replaced the cost gold pieces for various wizard spells with a +2 spell point cost. That means two levels after you could normally cast something tat would normally be expensive, you could cast it for no gold cost. So... no-cash simulacra, no-cash planar binding of any strength, and so on.
But, the thing is, that's got absolutely nothing to do with the idea of power points, or even augmenting lower-level abilities to imitate higher ones: the augmenting element was developed in the 3.5-era, the balanced one.
Many people compare the power to augment and "nova" between the two systems, but it's been repeatedly demonstrated that arcane nova is muuuuuuuuuuuuuch more powerful and damaging than psionic nova - it's just that psionic nova is more obvious because it drains them faster. Just do a simple Google search for all of these comparisons and math involved - or, if you don't trust math (Freehold), you can trust straight forward facts: arcane nova deal more damage, more SoS or SoD abilities, and equal or greater effects for less effort because of automatic scaling that magic gets for free.
But anyhoo, that's a thing. Easy to look up.
"But someone in my game played a <psionicist> and it was super OP!"
- 1) ... yeah, and?
- 2) Also: if you're the 3.5 or later era, you're likely wrong.
1) You really should look closer to home. If a <psionicist> is OP, in what way is it OP? Because in whatever way you think it's OP, any given arcanist (except, maybe, the bard) is more OP. The only advantage psionicists have is their ability to switch elemental damage kind on the fly... but this does not equate to more damage, by any means, as psionicists actually pay to deal scaling damage, while everyone else gets it automatically; and, of course, damage is pretty much the least-optimized way to run a caster. If you're comparing to a martial... hahahahah! Adorbs! ... also, look at your local wizard and/or cleric. Just take a quick perusal of the boards and C/M-D and you'll quickly realize that, even if you don't buy into it (I'll get back to this, later, in the next section), it's a real phenomenon at many other tables. Power imbalance and "OP" classes (and spells) come packaged into the system from the Core books. Nothing new, here.
2) I ran a campaign that was mixed arcane and psionic power. They were fighting a dude with a really poor will save, but had no anti-will-save abilities. So the psion got the wizard to cast invisibility and dex-buff on him and the cleric to buff his intelligence, and the martials engaged the minions. One of the martials got to the bad guy, and made lots of attacks! But he was a meaty-type with hit points to spare and a high AC and many attacks missed, and he simply ate the damage. Cleric dispelled cleric, wizard shut down both arcanist an many minions and did more damage to main baddy than the martial (as the others were dealing with minions). After multiple rounds of combat, with major damage from the martial and wizard on the boss, the psion finally got a good bead on the baddy, and used an ability... and failed because the dude made his will save. And then, the following round, used the ability again, and dropped the dude. And that was his contribution for the day. The rest of the party could not stop exclaiming how OP psionics was. Let me reiterate that: a poorly-made psion who was buffed by wizard (twice) and cleric, met an ideal target with low will save who had taken a lot of damage, and manged to down him on a second attempt by a relatively more damage, and was declared OP... nevermind the fact that he actively never did anything so potent on his own ever again (though he used Leadership to do great things... as did most of the others). This one act, however, indelibly marked psionics as "OP" to most of the other even though it clearly, demonstrably did not do the heavy lifting in that battle. And, yes, he was really cool and dealt a lot of damage - he rolled five d10s! Five! Meanwhile, the barbarian had dealt about five times that damage - twice that in a single round - and the wizard had outclassed even him over-all.
And that's really the thing: usually something only seems OP, even when it isn't. That psion? Actually didn't contribute all that much, comparatively. He did contribute well, and the game ran that much smoother with him, but he contributed less than the other members of the party in the battle he was declared OP.
Further, again, take a look at the declaration of the C/M-D ("Caster/Martial-Disparity") across not just these forums but many others, and take a look at those who don't experience it, and you'll start to notice trends... methods that most who don't experience it have kind of subconsciously adopted that aren't within the actual print of the rules, or actively applying readings of those rules that change the perception from a truly neutral reading of base language, or minor (often unnoticed) house-rules or similar. And none of these are wrong - should they make your game run "properly" then by all means... but then there are the people who argue that they do none of that still haven't experience the "problem" and that's easily explained by 1) they might just not (and usually don't) notice that they do that, 2) if they don't do that, there's statistical variation, and 3) RPGs are generally built on a foundation of playing with others and absorbing (or actively rejecting) their traits and habits which actively skews results in local circles. Again, none of this is wrong. This can skew or even entirely hide the C/M-D from very intelligent people.
And then along comes psionics which doesn't have as homogeneous a history as "Vancian" casting, and often doesn't have ingrained and cultural filters that automatically block stuff... and does have other actually printed filters that people often overlook because they're not used to that sort of thing. And suddenly a well-balanced system really, really seems unbalanced - and, for that particular group is unbalanced - because either they aren't filtering the abilities in the same way or they aren't applying the rules properly. Hence the "psionics are broken" argument echoes many of the "there is no C/M-D" arguments, only in the other direction.
"Mere exposure" effect has a heavy hand at skewing how people look at stuff, after all.
But either internally, or across the system as a whole, in 3.5, the balance of psionics simply can't be beaten.
None of this, of course, acknowledges that people have different tastes, which is legit. I mean, I don't particularly care for a lot of music that's still liked by many. Nothing wrong with that, either way.
But psionics is actually extremely solid - at least in 3.5 and now, again, in PF. Much of this is due to the power point system and proper application of augmenting (which is really only a balance difficulty in the same vein that Vancian spell levels have balancing difficulty). And it's not hard: if you can handle hit points, and you can, then you can handle power points. They work the same way, but you need less math for power points, as they are reduced at extremely regular intervals, so it's rare to suddenly drop <YdX> points, meaning it becomes pretty easy to turn your power points into effective "uses per day" if that's your bag.
(Also, 2E psionics was complete nonsense. I mean, like, wow. I can't even. At least the 3.0 version acknowledged the way that the rest of the universe worked and more or less went along with that.)
Short version: pre-3.5 psionics was all over the place; 3.5 and the augmentation system produced the most internally balanced 1st-party "magic"-like system produced to date (which is mostly upheld by DSP's update in PF); personal anecdotes are great, but there's a reason personal anecdotes aren't accepted in the scientific community.

Tacticslion |

Well this is a description:
Their special Heat Treatment right after my regular scraping and cupping. It is supposed to burn 6,000 kcals – twice the amount in a regular session – and this can be done on either one’s thighs or abdomen. I chose abdomen. Slimming cream is applied to the area and carefully covered in plastic and then towels. The towels are then soaked in some Chinese herbal liquid which is, by the way, flammable – and then set on fire.
I was asked to indicate when I could feel the heat from the fire on my skin. The flames are then doused with a damp towel, which is left on top of my tummy for a few minutes to allow the heat to sink in. This is repeated four more times, with the heat allowed to get more intense each time the towels on my tummy are set alight.
That... that sounds as specious as the "vacuum ear wax candle" thing.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just a Mort wrote:That... that sounds as specious as the "vacuum ear wax candle" thing.Well this is a description:
Their special Heat Treatment right after my regular scraping and cupping. It is supposed to burn 6,000 kcals – twice the amount in a regular session – and this can be done on either one’s thighs or abdomen. I chose abdomen. Slimming cream is applied to the area and carefully covered in plastic and then towels. The towels are then soaked in some Chinese herbal liquid which is, by the way, flammable – and then set on fire.
I was asked to indicate when I could feel the heat from the fire on my skin. The flames are then doused with a damp towel, which is left on top of my tummy for a few minutes to allow the heat to sink in. This is repeated four more times, with the heat allowed to get more intense each time the towels on my tummy are set alight.
Yeah, I was trying to be polite, but there are no laws of physics that indicate that such treatment would do, er, anything for weight loss.

Freehold DM |
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I'm biased and prejudiced and I like it=D
Vidmaster7 agent of hydra wrote:It feels good to be bad!
Yes Good Good let the hate flow thorough you
so...about this yowling...

lisamarlene |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

Teensy Valeros is doing the standard thing of deciding that food is "horrible", "gross", and "disgusting" before he's tried it, bursting into tears, throwing a tantrum, and demanding dried cereal.
And when he didn't get his way, sat on the staircase outside the dining room playing his harmonica sadly until it got taken away.
And I thought Hermione was a drama queen.
(Dinner, btw, was a crimini mushroom, red pepper and Italian sausage risotto with fresh basil, and roasted asparagus (or "despairagus" as Val calls it) on the side. Not in the least disgusting unless you don't particularly like risotto.).
I am doing my best not to let it hurt my feelings. Hermione went through this phase as well (albeit without the sad harmonica) and now eats everything I make.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:I think that applying there might cause some of my friends to attack me. They work in IT at a local hospital and have had plenty of stories of trouble with EPIC. Usually just after an update screwed things up, which isn't unusual for software, but still. When you hear about how an entire hospital full of doctors and nurses can't access any patient files or order tests or whatever because the new update has royally screwed the pooch you have to wonder about the company that did that.Epic Systems is based in Verona, I'm pretty sure with your resume you'd get a call back almost instantly.
Especially if you put "can shave an angry bear with a skid loader" on your resume.
We have issues with EPIC as well. It's a pile of dung, but in the medical software world, it's one of the best there is for what it does. It's a really sad state of affairs - it's utter crap, and yet everything else is somehow worse.
Also...I probably know which hospital you are talking about, and I know a couple people there as well (assuming I'm guessing the right hospital). One of my players works there, and I know a guy in IT named Eric W. Curious if it's someone you know.
Nope. I don't know any Erics.

gran rey de los mono |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
As an aside, how many people here are wealth by level adherents?
The only time I've ever seen it used, as either a player or GM, is when a character dies and is replaced with a new one. The new character starts with the listed amount worth of stuff, and no one really cares if it puts them ahead or behind of the rest of the party.

The Game Hamster |
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Freehold DM wrote:As an aside, how many people here are wealth by level adherents?The only time I've ever seen it used, as either a player or GM, is when a character dies and is replaced with a new one. The new character starts with the listed amount worth of stuff, and no one really cares if it puts them ahead or behind of the rest of the party.
mostly this as well.

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Freehold DM wrote:As an aside, how many people here are wealth by level adherents?The only time I've ever seen it used, as either a player or GM, is when a character dies and is replaced with a new one. The new character starts with the listed amount worth of stuff, and no one really cares if it puts them ahead or behind of the rest of the party.

The Game Hamster |
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Teensy Valeros is doing the standard thing of deciding that food is "horrible", "gross", and "disgusting" before he's tried it, bursting into tears, throwing a tantrum, and demanding dried cereal.
And when he didn't get his way, sat on the staircase outside the dining room playing his harmonica sadly until it got taken away.
And I thought Hermione was a drama queen.(Dinner, btw, was a crimini mushroom, red pepper and Italian sausage risotto with fresh basil, and roasted asparagus (or "despairagus" as Val calls it) on the side. Not in the least disgusting unless you don't particularly like risotto.).
I am doing my best not to let it hurt my feelings. Hermione went through this phase as well (albeit without the sad harmonica) and now eats everything I make.
I was always told that I had to try at least a bite of anything.
Now look at me, a finely adapted Gaming Hamster, able to eat anything that people set in front of me, no matter how disgusting.