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Just because.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I simply, fundamentally, do not understand how many of my co-workers function in everyday life.

I don't trust them with string.

NobodysHome wrote:

I simply, fundamentally, do not understand how many of my co-workers function in everyday life.

NobodysHome: OK. Test this doc on setting up users and see how it goes.
(time passes)
Co-worker: OK. I'm done. But this "HCM View All" role didn't exist, so I didn't add it, nor did I contact you, nor did I worry at all that omitting a security role with a name like "View All" might cause issues. I just searched for anything starting with "HCM", didn't find anything, and gave up and moved on without telling anybody 'til after I was done.
NobodysHome: Er, did you consider searching for "Human Capital Management", or maybe CONTACTING ME!?!?!!??!?!?!!?
CW: Nope. Such thoughts never crossed my mind.
NH: Well, congratulations! Your user won't work because he can't see anything!
CW: Why not? I followed all your steps! YOU must have messed up somewhere!
NH: (sigh)

Is this one of those "ask for help you are incompetent, dont ask for help you are an idiot" situations?

Sharoth --

Sorry to hear about your mom's health issue. My best to her, and you and the family. Beat this thing!! Again!!

Sharoth wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
F#@!ing cancer!!! Not the zodiac sign either.
=( I'm very sorry to hear that. Who is it?
Mom. Again. 5th time.

will call after work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Is this one of those "ask for help you are incompetent, dont ask for help you are an idiot" situations?

No. In a company the size of NH's, there are literally thousands of acronyms flying around and they change on a regular basis. There's no possible way to know/remember all of them, so not knowing what HCM stood for is simply par for the course.

The sin here...the whole reason for the testing is to test it to the letter of what NH wrote. If *anything* doesn't line up exactly, NH needs to know about it to understand where the error really is. It might be the procedure is unintentionally vague and needs to be adjusted. To confirm that a section confused you and then flat out NOT contacting the author of the procedure you're testing...that's incompetence. The tester had one job.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I simply, fundamentally, do not understand how many of my co-workers function in everyday life.

NobodysHome: OK. Test this doc on setting up users and see how it goes.
(time passes)
Co-worker: OK. I'm done. But this "HCM View All" role didn't exist, so I didn't add it, nor did I contact you, nor did I worry at all that omitting a security role with a name like "View All" might cause issues. I just searched for anything starting with "HCM", didn't find anything, and gave up and moved on without telling anybody 'til after I was done.
NobodysHome: Er, did you consider searching for "Human Capital Management", or maybe CONTACTING ME!?!?!!??!?!?!!?
CW: Nope. Such thoughts never crossed my mind.
NH: Well, congratulations! Your user won't work because he can't see anything!
CW: Why not? I followed all your steps! YOU must have messed up somewhere!
NH: (sigh)

Is this one of those "ask for help you are incompetent, dont ask for help you are an idiot" situations?

No; we dedicate entire team meetings to, "PLEASE contact the author if anything goes wrong. We do not understand this reluctance. You MUST reach out!"

We've gotten to the point that we put "Contact the author" in bold red. We dismiss testers who refuse to contact the author.
We have never once, in our existence, even so much as chastised someone for contacting the author.

Yet we still have an entire department of people who refuse to contact the author, and instead ruin entire testing cycles by boldly pushing through major errors.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And yeah, good healing feelings all around:

  • Sharoth's mom: Good luck! Again!
  • Shiro: Good luck! Again! (Shiro's once again on a low-iodine diet, and once again getting radiation treatment for his thyroid cancer, which remarkably keeps coming back in spite of his not having a thyroid any more...)
  • La-Z-Boy: Get to work, you! (My eternally-idle friend needed a heart transplant at 53 due to a life of inactivity. He was too weak for the procedure, so they assigned him an hour of physical therapy a day to get strong enough to survive the transplant, but only gave him a physical therapist for 30. So in one of those "incomprehensible things", he refuses to do the work on his own because it's "not his job" to get himself in shape. He could quite literally die out of stubborn refusal to do something he considers "not his job". We are... displeased.)
  • And anyone else out there who needs well-wishes!

  • Huh.


    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I didn't even finish reading the paladin blog. "So the plan is to (maybe?) write nine unique paladin classes, which JJ has in the past specifically commented how infeasible an endeavor that is, but right now to just write the LG one? Gee, how can this possibly not generate further flamewars in the present, and long-term frustration in the future..."

    From an outsider's PoV, it just looks like Paizo is stringing some portion of its fandom along.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I will give them that they at least came out and said "we're just as divided on this here in the office as you all are in the community", so finding a solution that makes everybody happy is something they know firsthand is just not going to happen.

    Might be my personal opinion but I think the vast majority of the blame for a lot of the current conflict lies squarely on the more extreme traditionalists. It's one thing to say "I prefer my paladins to be LG" and play them only that way or restrict them to only that way at your table. You do you, do what you like.

    It's very much another to say "Paladins should ONLY be LG and any system that has any option whatsoever for non-LG Paladins (except Antipaladins, who must be only CE) does not have Paladins at all, and anyone who is pushing for any sort of non-LG Paladin is pushing to destroy the class and everything I love". This is the sort of thing that only ends in tears.

    With that on the table, it's impossible to not look like you're stringing SOMEONE along by even floating the possibility of non-LG Paladins but not actually committing to it. Either you're stringing the people who want more options along by bringing up the idea with no intent to follow up, or you're stringing along the hardcore traditionalists by presenting just the LG option and hoping they won't notice when you introduce the other alignment options.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Wow! Two tirades in one day!

    So, I was at the corner store, and Wednesday is shelf-stocking day, so there isn't room for two carts abreast in an aisle. I was mid-aisle, and an older woman (maybe mid-70s) just came down the aisle with her cart anyway, staring at me.

    Being polite to a fault, I moved some boxes so I could get my cart out of her way, then went back to where I was shopping. She spoke up.
    "Oh, you shouldn't do that."
    "If you leave your bag in your cart someone'll just come by and reach in and take all your money."
    "There's nothing in the bag except other bags."
    "Well, I didn't look. It's still stupid, though."

    So, I was just called "stupid" for having enough faith in humankind to believe that no one was going to steal my shopping bags (of which I have so many I'd honestly be happy if someone stole a bunch). I was stunned speechless as she went around the corner.

    I decided she needed a talking-to about having enough faith in humanity to NOT spent your life a bitter old woman, paranoid of all those around you, but she'd vanished and I didn't feel I'd get through her thick skull anyway.

    But seriously. Over my lifetime, I've practiced friendliness, honesty, and placing faith in my fellow humans. I've been ripped off to the tune of a few hundred dollars, and been robbed six times to the tune of maybe $30 total, but in return I've lived a happy, content life, with many, many half-strangers willing to go out of their way to help me if and when I need assistance.

    And to me, that's worth a hell of a lot more than a few hundred dollars.

    I just don't understand people so overwhelmed by bitterness and paranoia that they try to drag all those around them into their circle of despair.

    What a miserable existence they must lead!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'll fully admit that I'm one of those people with next to zero faith in humanity. It still seems rude to call someone stupid to their face, especially over something so minimal as "your bag full of scrap bags might get stolen".

    The more realistic response would have been something along the lines of "Oh, that makes sense [why you don't care all that much if someone snags it]." Maybe with a "just be careful" tacked on. Not "you're stupid".

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Paladins can be of any alignment in Freehold.

    However, the gods are dead, so paladins are a little crazy as a result.

    NobodysHome wrote:

    Wow! Two tirades in one day!

    So, I was at the corner store, and Wednesday is shelf-stocking day, so there isn't room for two carts abreast in an aisle. I was mid-aisle, and an older woman (maybe mid-70s) just came down the aisle with her cart anyway, staring at me.

    Being polite to a fault, I moved some boxes so I could get my cart out of her way, then went back to where I was shopping. She spoke up.
    "Oh, you shouldn't do that."
    "If you leave your bag in your cart someone'll just come by and reach in and take all your money."
    "There's nothing in the bag except other bags."
    "Well, I didn't look. It's still stupid, though."

    So, I was just called "stupid" for having enough faith in humankind to believe that no one was going to steal my shopping bags (of which I have so many I'd honestly be happy if someone stole a bunch). I was stunned speechless as she went around the corner.

    I decided she needed a talking-to about having enough faith in humanity to NOT spent your life a bitter old woman, paranoid of all those around you, but she'd vanished and I didn't feel I'd get through her thick skull anyway.

    But seriously. Over my lifetime, I've practiced friendliness, honesty, and placing faith in my fellow humans. I've been ripped off to the tune of a few hundred dollars, and been robbed six times to the tune of maybe $30 total, but in return I've lived a happy, content life, with many, many half-strangers willing to go out of their way to help me if and when I need assistance.

    And to me, that's worth a hell of a lot more than a few hundred dollars.

    I just don't understand people so overwhelmed by bitterness and paranoia that they try to drag all those around them into their circle of despair.

    What a miserable existence they must lead!

    do you lock your doors when you leave the house?

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:

    I'll fully admit that I'm one of those people with next to zero faith in humanity. It still seems rude to call someone stupid to their face, especially over something so minimal as "your bag full of scrap bags might get stolen".

    The more realistic response would have been something along the lines of "Oh, that makes sense [why you don't care all that much if someone snags it]." Maybe with a "just be careful" tacked on. Not "you're stupid".

    It's funny. My mantra is: "In groups of 1-4, people are generally good. Once you get a group of 5 or more people together, they become the vilest horde imaginable, and should be avoided at all costs."

    Works well, and explains why I have faith in people not to steal my shopping bags, but no faith in people to vote wisely nor act in humanity's best interest. Ever.

    EDIT: And sadly enough, it's even true in my own small circle. Shiro and I are both generous to a fault, and we both know it. We typically pay for meals, and start the tip at 20% (so maybe $22.56), then just round up to something reasonable ($25, or $30 if the service was good) and call it good. We've had people say, "Oh, no! I got a bonus last week! Let me pay! I insist!" and then after leaving the restaurant, "Oh, yeah, I only tipped 4% because I thought she was wearing too much perfume," or whatnot.
    People just like to be mean to each other for petty reasons.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Wow! Two tirades in one day!

    So, I was at the corner store, and Wednesday is shelf-stocking day, so there isn't room for two carts abreast in an aisle. I was mid-aisle, and an older woman (maybe mid-70s) just came down the aisle with her cart anyway, staring at me.

    Being polite to a fault, I moved some boxes so I could get my cart out of her way, then went back to where I was shopping. She spoke up.
    "Oh, you shouldn't do that."
    "If you leave your bag in your cart someone'll just come by and reach in and take all your money."
    "There's nothing in the bag except other bags."
    "Well, I didn't look. It's still stupid, though."

    So, I was just called "stupid" for having enough faith in humankind to believe that no one was going to steal my shopping bags (of which I have so many I'd honestly be happy if someone stole a bunch). I was stunned speechless as she went around the corner.

    I decided she needed a talking-to about having enough faith in humanity to NOT spent your life a bitter old woman, paranoid of all those around you, but she'd vanished and I didn't feel I'd get through her thick skull anyway.

    But seriously. Over my lifetime, I've practiced friendliness, honesty, and placing faith in my fellow humans. I've been ripped off to the tune of a few hundred dollars, and been robbed six times to the tune of maybe $30 total, but in return I've lived a happy, content life, with many, many half-strangers willing to go out of their way to help me if and when I need assistance.

    And to me, that's worth a hell of a lot more than a few hundred dollars.

    I just don't understand people so overwhelmed by bitterness and paranoia that they try to drag all those around them into their circle of despair.

    What a miserable existence they must lead!

    do you lock your doors when you leave the house?

    LOL. Such a classic reaction. "If you have faith, you MUST have TOTAL faith or NO faith! You can't be anywhere in between!"

    I lock the front door because our street is frequented by homeless people who will help themselves to anything they find in your car or living room should you leave them unlocked. I don't lock the back door because they never bother entering people's yards. Heck, I leave the studio wide open all day.

    EDIT: And for the record, Shiro *only* locks his doors when he's at home and asleep. Otherwise he figures if someone wants to break into his house it's cheaper to just let them in than to pay for replacing a door.

    Vanykrye wrote:
    Orthos...ouch...F(*& cancer, indeed. I hope she kicks its ass and remains undefeated.

    Crap, I got lost in Kjel's nested quotes. Sharoth, sorry. I was reading too fast.

    NobodysHome wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Wow! Two tirades in one day!

    So, I was at the corner store, and Wednesday is shelf-stocking day, so there isn't room for two carts abreast in an aisle. I was mid-aisle, and an older woman (maybe mid-70s) just came down the aisle with her cart anyway, staring at me.

    Being polite to a fault, I moved some boxes so I could get my cart out of her way, then went back to where I was shopping. She spoke up.
    "Oh, you shouldn't do that."
    "If you leave your bag in your cart someone'll just come by and reach in and take all your money."
    "There's nothing in the bag except other bags."
    "Well, I didn't look. It's still stupid, though."

    So, I was just called "stupid" for having enough faith in humankind to believe that no one was going to steal my shopping bags (of which I have so many I'd honestly be happy if someone stole a bunch). I was stunned speechless as she went around the corner.

    I decided she needed a talking-to about having enough faith in humanity to NOT spent your life a bitter old woman, paranoid of all those around you, but she'd vanished and I didn't feel I'd get through her thick skull anyway.

    But seriously. Over my lifetime, I've practiced friendliness, honesty, and placing faith in my fellow humans. I've been ripped off to the tune of a few hundred dollars, and been robbed six times to the tune of maybe $30 total, but in return I've lived a happy, content life, with many, many half-strangers willing to go out of their way to help me if and when I need assistance.

    And to me, that's worth a hell of a lot more than a few hundred dollars.

    I just don't understand people so overwhelmed by bitterness and paranoia that they try to drag all those around them into their circle of despair.

    What a miserable existence they must lead!

    do you lock your doors when you leave the house?

    LOL. Such a classic reaction. "If you have faith, you MUST have TOTAL faith or NO faith! You can't be anywhere in between!"

    I lock...

    no, just curious. Remember the vast differences between where we live.

    Shiro would have been cleaned out (down to the copper in his drains) mutiple times by now. You would probably have gone home naked or woken up in the hospital(we hope)if you didnt have enough money to satiate the person robbing you. We live in different places.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks everyone. Mom says thank you too.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tequila Sunrise wrote:

    I didn't even finish reading the paladin blog. "So the plan is to (maybe?) write nine unique paladin classes, which JJ has in the past specifically commented how infeasible an endeavor that is, but right now to just write the LG one? Gee, how can this possibly not generate further flamewars in the present, and long-term frustration in the future..."

    From an outsider's PoV, it just looks like Paizo is stringing some portion of its fandom along.


    The cynic in me has come to expect such.
    I just kind of bummed out by it all.
    Heck there's a thousand and one positions in the great play-test debate, no reason to raise heckles and sneer at any or all suggestions.
    Which is precisely what I fear most, when the sneering becomes real bad blood. That can really do a number over on the community as a whole.
    I guess, again, that might be expected. You can't please everyone.

    I'll continue my vigil though, as an unabashed opponent of Alignment restrictions and (unnecessary) Alignment mechanics - spell descriptors anyone?! :P
    Scourge of Do's and (mostly) Don'ts in Codes, Oaths, Obedience, Anathemas and Edicts.
    And I promise you! I shall trip paladins both in this life and the next!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I just returned from watching Avengers: Infi...

    We leave our front door locked, but the side door is 50/50 whether or not we'll lock it or not. We're not in a high crime part of town, but we're not in a no-crime part either.

    Now, where I grew Hardly anybody locked their doors. Ever.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Re: Paladin threads.

    Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha.

    Something's never change, from edition to edition the Merry Go Round goes around.

    Freehold DM wrote:

    no, just curious. Remember the vast differences between where we live.

    Shiro would have been cleaned out (down to the copper in his drains) mutiple times by now. You would probably have gone home naked or woken up in the hospital(we hope)if you didnt have enough money to satiate the person robbing you. We live in different places.

    Yeah, we pay through the nose to NOT live in such places.

    The scariest part is that neither Shiro nor I could possibly afford to live in San Francisco, yet from everything I've heard from the people I know who live there, it's as bad as what you describe. (I think my uncle's car has been stolen 6 times now.)

    So it's not just how much an area costs. It's its "personality". Which is why we old-timers are so ornery about people coming to our city and advocating "change".

    Change is bad. You learn that when you get old and crotchety.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:

    no, just curious. Remember the vast differences between where we live.

    Shiro would have been cleaned out (down to the copper in his drains) mutiple times by now. You would probably have gone home naked or woken up in the hospital(we hope)if you didnt have enough money to satiate the person robbing you. We live in different places.

    Yeah, we pay through the nose to NOT live in such places.

    The scariest part is that neither Shiro nor I could possibly afford to live in San Francisco, yet from everything I've heard from the people I know who live there, it's as bad as what you describe. (I think my uncle's car has been stolen 6 times now.)

    So it's not just how much an area costs. It's its "personality". Which is why we old-timers are so ornery about people coming to our city and advocating "change".

    Change is bad. You learn that when you get old and crotchety.

    And yet, the thing that always strikes me oddly when looking at cities - and not even major ones - anything around 50k people will quickly the tone of a neighborhood changes just crossing one street.

    As far as the map is concerned, you aren't that far from Oakland, but it's just a completely different feel even just looking at it on Google street view.

    NobodysHome wrote:
    Orthos wrote:

    I'll fully admit that I'm one of those people with next to zero faith in humanity. It still seems rude to call someone stupid to their face, especially over something so minimal as "your bag full of scrap bags might get stolen".

    The more realistic response would have been something along the lines of "Oh, that makes sense [why you don't care all that much if someone snags it]." Maybe with a "just be careful" tacked on. Not "you're stupid".

    It's funny. My mantra is: "In groups of 1-4, people are generally good. Once you get a group of 5 or more people together, they become the vilest horde imaginable, and should be avoided at all costs."

    I can definitely agree with this. That's about where my group of friends tends to cap out as well... I don't think I've ever spent any significant amount of time outside of a gaming session with more than 4 people at a time that didn't want to make me tear my hair out.

    Every pleasant outing I can think of usually was 3-4 people. 5 on some rare occasions when the 5th was someone we knew well visiting from out of town or some such, and thus didn't tend to make trouble because they were the guest.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    ......they've managed to successfully rod of wonder their way out of a problem.

    We have nonlethaled an NPC down to 1, attempted to kill him only to have the rogue parry it, the oracle to backstab said NPC and then immediately breath of life him back when the rogue got mad...

    NH - I'd probably just shaken my head and moved on. But yea that's odd even for a bitter old lady.

    As for locking doors here, you could get away with not doing so, then again, this is small town.
    That said, still for its size and population, we get some burglaries. Though here in the apartment complexes its mostly petty theft (ie anything you leave out in the open with easy access). People living here haven't gotten enough expensive goodies lying around to warrant breaking and entering.
    (That's what the water-front properties, and the hill-side villas are fore after all.)

    Scintillae wrote:
    We have nonlethaled an NPC down to 1, attempted to kill him only to have the rogue parry it, the oracle to backstab said NPC and then immediately breath of life him back when the rogue got mad...

    Uh, unless the total lethal damage exceeds the hit points then the creature dies. If only part of damage is regular damage and the rest is nonlethal then the creature is merely unconscious.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:

    I will give them that they at least came out and said "we're just as divided on this here in the office as you all are in the community", so finding a solution that makes everybody happy is something they know firsthand is just not going to happen.

    Might be my personal opinion but I think the vast majority of the blame for a lot of the current conflict lies squarely on the more extreme traditionalists. It's one thing to say "I prefer my paladins to be LG" and play them only that way or restrict them to only that way at your table. You do you, do what you like.

    It's very much another to say "Paladins should ONLY be LG and any system that has any option whatsoever for non-LG Paladins (except Antipaladins, who must be only CE) does not have Paladins at all, and anyone who is pushing for any sort of non-LG Paladin is pushing to destroy the class and everything I love". This is the sort of thing that only ends in tears.

    Yeah, I mean I get why some of the traditionalists are so vehement -- also some of the inclusionists -- because once paladins become inclusive as they did in 4e and 5e, the onus of justifying an alignment restriction is on the traditionalist DM, and he or she can't simply fall back on RAW. And there aren't many DMs willing and able to do that. Additionally there are a whole lot of DMs who lack strong feelings one way or the other, and thus simply go by RAW, so a traditionalist can't simply walk into any old game group and expect to get his or her way. Not to mention organized play.

    Traditionalists know all this, and that's why some of them are so vehement.

    Orthos wrote:
    With that on the table, it's impossible to not look like you're stringing SOMEONE along by even floating the possibility of non-LG Paladins but not actually committing to it. Either you're stringing the people who want more options along by bringing up the idea with no intent to follow up, or you're stringing along the hardcore traditionalists by presenting just the LG option and hoping they won't notice when you introduce the other alignment options.

    Yeah, this is the kind of thing that creates the impression of faux-playtest PR stunt. Almost regardless of what Paizo ends up doing with the paladin(s) from this point on, some part of the fandom is going to feel like Paizo was going to do what it wanted to do from the beginning, and the playtest was just stringing those fans along to generate buzz.

    Possibly a peacable middle ground would be to print the LG paladin in core, and then other paladins in splats. It'd irritate inclusionists to have to wait to get paladin choices, but traditionalists might justify the exclusive paladin in their home campaigns with the ol' "Oh, we play core-only / we allow splat options on a case-by-case basis."

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Drejk wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    We have nonlethaled an NPC down to 1, attempted to kill him only to have the rogue parry it, the oracle to backstab said NPC and then immediately breath of life him back when the rogue got mad...
    Uh, unless the total lethal damage exceeds the hit points then the creature dies. If only part of damage is regular damage and the rest is nonlethal then the creature is merely unconscious.

    Right. Point was more threaten, fight, prevent fight, fight anyway, undo fight...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tequila Sunrise wrote:
    Possibly a peacable middle ground would be to print the LG paladin in core, and then other paladins in splats. It'd irritate inclusionists to have to wait to get paladin choices, but traditionalists might justify the exclusive paladin in their home campaigns with the ol' "Oh, we play core-only / we allow splat options on a case-by-case basis."

    Which of course will have its own problems.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Drejk wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    We have nonlethaled an NPC down to 1, attempted to kill him only to have the rogue parry it, the oracle to backstab said NPC and then immediately breath of life him back when the rogue got mad...
    Uh, unless the total lethal damage exceeds the hit points then the creature dies. If only part of damage is regular damage and the rest is nonlethal then the creature is merely unconscious.

    Speaking of math education, I am eternally amazed at just how hard nonlethal damage is for people to understand. Even people whose intelligence I respect a great deal have serious issues with it.

    I think it's the whole idea of keeping it as a separate running total, but when it exceeds current hit points the PC falls unconscious, but it's not until it exceeds maximum hit points that the PC starts taking lethal damage.

    So there's usually this huge 40-50 hit point range where you're beating on an unconscious person but not hurting them, which doesn't make sense.

    So most people I know take the approach of, "Once the person is unconscious, any further nonlethal damage becomes lethal."

    Incorrect, and makes nonlethal damage far more lethal than intended, but more intuitive for most people.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Seems a reasonable houserule, but I likewise thought that the intended ruleset was fairly clear.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    ......oh my god.

    They just rod of wonder flesh-to-stoned Sermignatto to death.

    What a time for a nat 1.

    The sheer beginner's luck...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Re: Scint:
    That's going to be the ugliest piece of statuary in the new king or queen's garden.

    NobodysHome wrote:
    So there's usually this huge 40-50 hit point range where you're beating on an unconscious person but not hurting them, which doesn't make sense.

    It still counts as being beaten harder, extending the time spent unconscious/healing needed to recover, so it's still "hurting" them. It's just that it's still the nonlethal hurting.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **

    He was flying 40' up. Smash.

    Scintillae wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **
    ** spoiler omitted **

    That is significantly less amusing.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Fair enough, I don't usually make the rice, I just make it into stuff, like Rice Pudding.
    It's quite embrassing since Rice is considered as a cornerstone of Chinese cooking.

    You have a rice cooker, yes? If yes, this is super simple. The cooker would have come with a special measuring cup for the rice. Or replacements can be bought. I’ve no idea what unit of measure they actually are except that it doesn’t match up to US standard measuring cups. (My rice cooker was made in Japan and none of the instructions were in English, so *shrug*) Anyhow you measure out how many scoops you need (I usually find two scoops serves three people pretty well) into a rice washing bowl. You can use a normal bowl if you want but it’s gonna be a mess to drain. Best to use a rice washing bowl which is basically a colander with really small holes. So you wash the rice and then pour it into the rice cooker pan. Add water to the appropriate fill line (if you put in two scoops of rice fill it to the line marked two, etc) and also a pinch of salt unless you like bland rice and close the lid. Plug in the cooker and press down the button to cook. Go do something else, like cooking the rest of the meal, for 30-40 minutes and there you have it. Perfect rice for five minutes at most of effort. If you want to know how to make it in a pot you have to ask someone else. I always end up with rice burnt on the bottom. Which is why I have a rice cooker. :)

    Sharoth wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    Sharoth wrote:
    F#@!ing cancer!!! Not the zodiac sign either.
    =( I'm very sorry to hear that. Who is it?
    Mom. Again. 5th time.

    So sorry sharoth :(

    I hope she recovers

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:
    Tequila Sunrise wrote:
    Possibly a peacable middle ground would be to print the LG paladin in core, and then other paladins in splats. It'd irritate inclusionists to have to wait to get paladin choices, but traditionalists might justify the exclusive paladin in their home campaigns with the ol' "Oh, we play core-only / we allow splat options on a case-by-case basis."
    Which of course will have its own problems.

    Oh yeah, there will be kicking and screaming and gnashing of teeth no matter what. It's just a question of who and how much.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    NH, there is no one who does rude better than old ladies in grocery stores :P

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    "Mom! Do you know what you have to do this summer! Buy a game system for your only son!!" - Tiny T-Rex, forgoing subtlety.

    The Exchange

    Sharoth wrote:
    Mom. Again. 5th time.

    I'm sorry to hear that. Be supportive and try to stay optimistic in front of her. If she needs stuff in the house taken care off, do it.

    The Exchange

    Can't be arsed to read the paladin threads. To me they're a waste of time. Because I don't question rules. Now in my Game worlds you just need to be helping the forces of Good + whatever the tenets your God sets for paladins.


    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:

    Can't be arsed to read the paladin threads. To me they're a waste of time. Because I don't question rules. Now in my Game worlds you just need to be helping the forces of Good + whatever the tenets your God sets for paladins.


    okay. Who are you and what have you done with mort?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Speaking of just being goofy, honest, and friendly and having the world work out for you, I had to go back to the corner store to pick up a couple of things for NobodysWife. The total was $9.75. I handed her my credit card, totally forgetting that they have a $10 minimum purchase policy. She paused just long enough that I remembered the policy, then said, "Oh, no, it's OK!" and rang me through anyway, saving me from having to buy an extra item or go home and get cash.

    Be nice to people. It just makes life better.

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