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Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Crashing now. I watched episodes 2 and 3 of American Gods while I was working. Ian McShane is the perfect Wednesday. But I have to teach tomorrow, and I am going to be sooooo tired.
guess who I met at the con?


Says the man who hasn't watched teevee since c. 2002.

EDIT: Because the teevee watches back, and what it sees may not be to its liking.

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Feel kind of *blegh* right now. Nausea and muscle pain in various places, but no headache though.

The Exchange

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Art thou naked, limey?

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lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Where is everybody? I am completely hangover free after a day spent drinking hangover cure, what is your excuse?
It’s early? Especially for west coast folks. Heck, I wouldn’t be up either if I hadn’t had to take the kidlet to school. Sitting in my car now in the parking lot in front of my apartment building drinking my coffee and trying to muster up the energy to go up the stairs...sad but true :P
i would gladly carry you upstairs if I could. Or would that exacerbate the problem with the joints?

Lol. Probably. I’m like one of those old dolls with the limbs held on by rubber bands, but the rubber bands are too stretchy ;P

But I did make it up those darn stairs! Whenever we do move, which won’t be soon because rents have gotten so high in the last few years we can’t afford anywhere else in town, I want a building with an elevator dammit! Or a first floor unit. That would be fine too. :)


The Exchange

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*paddy paws to John's house with ginger tea and muscle rubs*

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Tiger Balm used to work for me, but now it does absolutely nothing. Biofreeze is the stuff I use now.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Feel kind of *blegh* right now. Nausea and muscle pain in various places, but no headache though.

I hope you feel better soon

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Just the "joys" of growing old, I guess. Rysky doesn't like me saying stuff like this, but it seems that the warranties on the bargain bin parts I was made from are expiring.

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I learned something new (and useful) today.

Knifemaker Explains The Difference Between Chef's Knives

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Kids seem to be enjoying Gatsby. I feel almost bad for them.

Discussing whether or not Daisy can live up to Gatsby's memory of her:

"She will! She has to. I have decided she has to!"

Oh, honey...

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How To Sharpen Dull Knives

Can you tell who microwaves most of his meals?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Last week I said that I was thinking of calling in sick on Saturday (yesterday, as I type this). I wound up doing so, but only because I actually got sick. I had been feeling guilty about it, but now that I've read through the pile of notes that were written over the last two days, I'm very very very VERY glad that I wasn't here.

Once per month or two I take an afternoon off as a "sick of work" day.

It's a HUGE perk of having actual sick time (yes, I used to be a professor, of the, "If you don't come in, your class doesn't get taught and you still have to cover all of the materials" variety, so paid sick time is amazing).

And to be blunt, everyone in my department is in the "flirting with 50 or above" age bracket, so compared to the number of medical appointments other members of my group have, my overall annual sick leave just isn't too bad...

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Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Crashing now. I watched episodes 2 and 3 of American Gods while I was working. Ian McShane is the perfect Wednesday. But I have to teach tomorrow, and I am going to be sooooo tired.
guess who I met at the con?


Says the man who hasn't watched teevee since c. 2002.

EDIT: Because the teevee watches back, and what it sees may not be to its liking.

Never seen it, but knowing McShane, I'm guessing it's along the lines of Ian Rankin's D.I. Rebus series?

British crime procedurals are odd to me... I loved reading P.D. James, but even though Marsden was well cast as Dalgliesh, I couldn't get into the videos. Prime Suspect was brilliant but depressing. And, as much as I love Rankin, I didn't like either the John Hannah or Ken Stott adaptations. Broadchurch, though, I loved. Maybe because there was no book first.

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Lovejoy is a loveable rogue, an antiques dealer (a bit like American Pickers). A ladies-man, with a naive side-kick, an old codger friend & his love interest, Lady Jane.

It was a light drama, more of a comedy really - I didn't watch much of it at the time, but it's still pretty good.

McShane is the complete opposite of the gritty, dark, persona he has been in some of the US series.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow... some of the things you learn at chaperone meetings.

Way back in 1987 I chaperoned the Chemistry Club's trip to Washington D.C. That trip had two very notable events:

  • I met F (a student at the time), with whom I did LAN parties in early 00s, who I got a job for at my first tech company, and who has been on the traffic board, city council, and has even been mayor
  • Another chaperone bought the kids several cases of beer, resulting in one of the kids getting drunk, throwing a punch at the head teacher, and seeing both that chaperone and the kid geting flown home on their parents' dime
  • So F is co-chaperoning with me on this weekend's trip. And he just admitted (after 30+ years of silence) that he'd helped buy that beer, because he looked older than anyone else.

    Live and learn remarkable things!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.


    You are old.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    And so it begins.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    By driving around picking up pavers.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Back in 1987 I went for a school trip to see Willow in cinema... Or was that Neverending Story?

    Possibly both. I saw both, although I am not sure what grade I was when saw each of them, but it was early grade of elementary school (which took eight years at that time, plus one year of pre-school activities known as "grade zero").

    5 people marked this as a favorite. 1987, I wasn't alive. >_>

    8 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote: 1987, I wasn't alive. >_>

    And you just made me realize that none of the techs who report to me were born before 1990, and a small bit of my sanity just yipped and ran face-first into a brick wall.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I was 11 in 1987

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    And Nobody's Home was in college, because he's old.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Where were you, John? In the service?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I was still at the Academy in Menzoberranzan.


    I wasn't.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I was 8 for much of 1987.

    Grand Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I was at least alive in '87. My brother was just being born then too.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:
    Where were you, John? In the service?

    Yes. I reported in at Fort Benning just after Thanksgiving in '87.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I was toddling around in upstate New York in '87.

    I forgot to bring my snack almonds to work today, which bodes badly for my low-carb diet. :(

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Leaving for work, now. Later.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Kjeldorn wrote:

    Been mesmerized by the Boob-Plate thread.

    Literally opened a bag of Pistachios to munch on while reading it.
    This "icing thread" on top of the play-test sub-forum cake has
    left me with a single question.
    Was I asleep when "Live and let live" died?

    Eh, it's politics. Whoever gets their way in PF2 will enjoy the luxury of having organized play reflect their preferences, and of not needing to mother-may-I in private games. Not that I think fan feedback has all that much influence on the final product -- maybe some of the details, but the broad strokes have already been decided by the Paizo team.

    I was captivated by the most recent alignment thread, and the wand of CLW thread. I don't know what it is, but some flamewars are like crack for me.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I learned today there is a Leeds, Wi.

    I also learned the farmers that live there don't like long haired out of towners asking them "Is this the place with the futball stadium?"

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    So, being Lawful Good has its benefits, and its PITAs.

    Did my weekly corner store run, and the cashier made a mistake and had to re-check everything after I'd already bagged it all. So the total seemed a bit low to me, so when I got home I checked all the bags, figured out which one she'd missed, hauled it all the way back to the store, and paid the extra $62 for the bag she'd missed.

    On the one hand, I lost another 15 minutes of my lunch hour and am out another $62.

    On the other hand, I can look at myself in the mirror with pride (well, maybe at least "lack of shame"), and the people at the store fundamentally trust me on any issues I bring to them ("I bought this banana this morning and it was rotted through. I'd like a replacement, please."), so it's a win-win situation.

    Not to start an alignment thread on FaWtL, but that's why I always despise the idea that "Evil PCs need fun stuff, too!"

    Being good is hard. It deserves some perks.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Yes, being Good is hard ( I'm Neutral Good ) and being able to look at oneself in the mirror is worth it. But so is getting a good night's sleep. Which I get, when I'm not in pain, or otherwise ill.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    In Wisconsin, no one thinks about returning rotten produce.

    There's always a farm animal within feeding distance.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Except for the rotten tomatoes, which are thrown at bad movies. :D

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Nope, that's what cheese is for.

    Rotten Tomatoes are the best as far as rotting produce goes, those you feed to your prize sow/goat/chicken.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Cap, did your pumpkins survive the latest snow?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Madison has only had "snow". The concept of "the latest snow" simply means the period between October 2017 and April 2018.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    So, being Lawful Good has its benefits, and its PITAs.

    Did my weekly corner store run, and the cashier made a mistake and had to re-check everything after I'd already bagged it all. So the total seemed a bit low to me, so when I got home I checked all the bags, figured out which one she'd missed, hauled it all the way back to the store, and paid the extra $62 for the bag she'd missed.

    On the one hand, I lost another 15 minutes of my lunch hour and am out another $62.

    On the other hand, I can look at myself in the mirror with pride (well, maybe at least "lack of shame"), and the people at the store fundamentally trust me on any issues I bring to them ("I bought this banana this morning and it was rotted through. I'd like a replacement, please."), so it's a win-win situation.

    Not to start an alignment thread on FaWtL, but that's why I always despise the idea that "Evil PCs need fun stuff, too!"

    Being good is hard. It deserves some perks.

    hey, I'm not lawful good and I would do the same! Why does lawful good get all the PR?!!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I don't plant anything outside until after May 1st.

    This year, I think we're going to be sunflower farmers.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    We went 138 days between 60 degree temps.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Howdy, folks!

    Just thought I'd say "Hello!" before going back to lurking again. lol

    Much love, friends!! :)

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    It's really interesting seeing how much your upbringing affects how you react to conflict.

    For reasons I won't go into, we ended up facing down an irrational, irate homeless man screaming at us on Solano avenue, and the incident escalated to the point we thought he was going to attack.

    I, having grown up among punkers in Berkeley, got into some open space so I'd have space to move and throw kicks. Shiro, having grown up in Detroit, fell back and found a location with hard cover with a covered pathway to the target.

    Growing up in an area without guns vs. growing up in an area with guns.

    The guy stormed off without incident, but it was interesting to observe that my preferred location for a fight was a wide-open sidewalk, and Shiro's was a confined space where a gun would be all but useless.

    The things you learn while getting older...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks for dropping by, Syrus.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    So, being Lawful Good has its benefits, and its PITAs.

    Did my weekly corner store run, and the cashier made a mistake and had to re-check everything after I'd already bagged it all. So the total seemed a bit low to me, so when I got home I checked all the bags, figured out which one she'd missed, hauled it all the way back to the store, and paid the extra $62 for the bag she'd missed.

    On the one hand, I lost another 15 minutes of my lunch hour and am out another $62.

    On the other hand, I can look at myself in the mirror with pride (well, maybe at least "lack of shame"), and the people at the store fundamentally trust me on any issues I bring to them ("I bought this banana this morning and it was rotted through. I'd like a replacement, please."), so it's a win-win situation.

    Not to start an alignment thread on FaWtL, but that's why I always despise the idea that "Evil PCs need fun stuff, too!"

    Being good is hard. It deserves some perks.

    hey, I'm not lawful good and I would do the same! Why does lawful good get all the PR?!!

    If you did, you would either be:

    (a) Lawful: "I did not pay for these items, therefore I must return them."
    (b) Good: "This is costing the shopkeep money! I shouldn't make them suffer for my own benefit!"

    Take your pick, but you just chose one or the other.

    (Honestly, for me, it was far more "Good" than "Lawful" -- I like those guys, and don't want to hurt their business.)

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    So, being Lawful Good has its benefits, and its PITAs.

    Did my weekly corner store run, and the cashier made a mistake and had to re-check everything after I'd already bagged it all. So the total seemed a bit low to me, so when I got home I checked all the bags, figured out which one she'd missed, hauled it all the way back to the store, and paid the extra $62 for the bag she'd missed.

    On the one hand, I lost another 15 minutes of my lunch hour and am out another $62.

    On the other hand, I can look at myself in the mirror with pride (well, maybe at least "lack of shame"), and the people at the store fundamentally trust me on any issues I bring to them ("I bought this banana this morning and it was rotted through. I'd like a replacement, please."), so it's a win-win situation.

    Not to start an alignment thread on FaWtL, but that's why I always despise the idea that "Evil PCs need fun stuff, too!"

    Being good is hard. It deserves some perks.

    I went back to the store and told them they didn't tap my voucher, after trying to call them and tell them the pin code they told me to tap in to tap my voucher didn't work.

    In my younger days I would have just said shucks to be you, and continued using the voucher.

    It is their negligent mistake afterall.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    It's really interesting seeing how much your upbringing affects how you react to conflict.

    For reasons I won't go into, we ended up facing down an irrational, irate homeless man screaming at us on Solano avenue, and the incident escalated to the point we thought he was going to attack.

    I, having grown up among punkers in Berkeley, got into some open space so I'd have space to move and throw kicks. Shiro, having grown up in Detroit, fell back and found a location with hard cover with a covered pathway to the target.

    Growing up in an area without guns vs. growing up in an area with guns.

    The guy stormed off without incident, but it was interesting to observe that my preferred location for a fight was a wide-open sidewalk, and Shiro's was a confined space where a gun would be all but useless.

    The things you learn while getting older...

    I would bravely, bravely run away. I don't want trouble and I'm small. You get reach issues if a fight really started.

    And to be honest I don't think I could actually beat someone. I can give people warning jabs if they lean on my shoulder but beat a homeless irate guy? I can't do it.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I carry an old car key on my keychain, just in case I have to stab someone in the neck or eye with it.

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