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7 people marked this as a favorite.

I hereby, formally, and without hesitation apologize for what I have wrought upon this thread.

EDIT: But of course!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
I hereby, formally, and without hesitation apologize for what I have wrought upon this thread.

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine, I presuppose I should spoiler it for 'politics':
... but you deleted it before anyone could actually read (much less favorite) about how unfair it is that teachers are paid poorly, and how administrations often resist raises (though partially it's because so little is paid out to educational sources even as costs rise), so, you know, no harm no foul?

... except for the lack of pants? That might be a foul.

EDIT: it's totally not politics, though. Also, I favorite'd the heck outta that post. Just sayin' kamihameha!.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I hereby, formally, and without hesitation apologize for what I have wrought upon this thread.

EDIT: But of course!

You need to apologize properly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Or a fowl!

>makes a party fowl


... yeah, I got nothin'.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I know firsthand how little teachers got paid.

My dad was a teacher and we were as poor as s$*+.

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Just a Mort wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Assuming halflings are just as reslient as humans, patient stretching over time will yield results. I will not go into detail with the things I have seen professionally and privately, but it can be done with a variety of tools and instruments meant to slowly and lovingly increase acceptance capacity for all manner of orifices. In terms of accidents, too much lubrication placed in an orifice that is not quite ready for it plus vigorous exploration (or maybe a loss of balance while exploring gently) can result in someone going deeper than they should at that moment. This is painful, invariably. Deeper explorations should be undertaken with care over time before increasing the enthusiasm of ones forward acceleration.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I know firsthand how little teachers got paid.

My dad was a teacher and we were as poor as s%#@.

My mom and oldest sister are teachers, I was a teacher, and my dad was a pastor (which often acted as a defacto administrator without a paycheck increase). So: yep.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Oh wait! Future APs are going to be in 2.0?! Oh Noes I have no ability to convert things! The world is coming to an end!

*pulls out fur in despair*

I will be converting stuff back to Classic. If I revert an AP I will be happy to share my notes on request.

*wipes away a tear* Thank you.

The Exchange

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Oh Freehold! I didn't know that! I learnt something new today!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I hereby, formally, and without hesitation apologize for what I have wrought upon this thread.

EDIT: But of course!

You need to apologize properly.

No, this is a proper apology.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Freehold, NSFW:

Can you increase the elasticity of those orifices using your fingers without seeing what you're doing?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I hereby, formally, and without hesitation apologize for what I have wrought upon this thread.

EDIT: But of course!

You need to apologize properly.
No, this is a proper apology.

Yep. That's the one I was after...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I hereby, formally, and without hesitation apologize for what I have wrought upon this thread.

EDIT: But of course!

You need to apologize properly.
No, this is a proper apology.
Yep. That's the one I was after...

Scint made me watch that when I visited last year. I'd never seen it before then.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Yes, if one goes slowly over time, exploring with care. But fingers are not known for their girth - unless one is going to go the multiple finger route(which has many adherents) , it is best to eventually seek dedicated tools in slowly increasing girth that can gently increase elasticity. So start with finger(s), then see where interests take you in finding a finger supplement

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*Sniffles, and wipes teary eyes*

They grow up so fast!

Will you lend me a hand Freehold? I guess its time for that conversation now...

Mort, we have to talk about the School Boys/Girls and the Tentacle monsters...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Also, the holdouts are on full obstructionist mode. And the pro-change people are on full advocacy mode.

It works in government, and it works in the gaming industry.

I've paid rules traditionalists a terrible insult, and I apologize. Rules traditionalists genuinely feel that cause X, Y, or Z makes for a better game, however much I may disagree with them.

Spoilered for politics:

Obstructionism is Republicans opposing anything and everything Obama did, even if they might otherwise be on board, for the sole and explicit purpose of grinding the government to a halt and making Obama look bad in the eyes of those who don't know how checks and balances work.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I was about to say, I've seen a lot of people complaining they won't be moving on to PF2, sad that they're losing a system they've put so much time/money/effort into, and ranting or raging against the prospects of change, but I hadn't seen anyone going so far as to DDOS the site or promise to pirate Paizo out of business. "Obstruction" didn't seem the right term at all.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

for Tequila Sunrise:
I have mentioned them several times in the past, but I would point you in the direction of the spheres system(s) from Drop Dead Studios for magic/martial abilities that *can* emulate some of the 4E features on the 3.x/PF chassis. As is obvious, the at-will powers of Fourth were my favorite part; the spheres can allow for a more diverse at-will functionality, in my opinion. There is also the bonus that the "full-attack mandate" becomes much less mandatory for martial characters in that system.

While I'm not a huge advocate for 4E, I would be quite interested to hear/read an elaboration upon the characteristics of that system you most enjoyed! :)

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DDOS? Huhwut?? :)

I would benefit from a translation of the acronym . . . .

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

DDOS? Huhwut?? :)

I would benefit from a translation of the acronym . . . .

"Distributed Denial of Service".

Here's NobodysHome's random poor metaphor of the week:

  • Imagine you have an apartment building. At the front are a bunch of doorbells
  • A simple "Denial of Service" is playing doorbell ditch: You ring the bell, but when they answer it there's nobody there. The problem for would-be wrongdoers is that computers are too powerful (answer the door too fast) for it to be an effective way to jam up the door
  • So, a miscreant goes and gets hundreds or thousands of his friends. In computer terms, he's infected thousands and thousands of other computers into his own immense "zombie army", called a botnet or zombie net or what-have-you. It's just a whole ton of computers he can tell to ring the doorbell all at once
  • Now you have thousands of zombies ringing the doorbell, and it's impossible to tell which rings are real (people trying to use the site) and which are fake (zombies who've already run away). Your site becomes inaccessible to all

  • It's a stupid analogy, but it's basically that someone has thousands of zombie computers sending false requests to Paizo in an effort to shut down the site.

    EDIT: It's why computer-savvy people get so upset when casual users say, "Why should I care whether or not my computer gets infected? There's nothing on it that matters."
    Most of the time they're not after YOUR info; they're after using YOUR machine's processing power to do something nefarious (like DDOS attacks)

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Kjeldorn wrote:

    *Sniffles, and wipes teary eyes*

    They grow up so fast!

    Will you lend me a hand Freehold? I guess its time for that conversation now...

    Mort, we have to talk about the School Boys/Girls and the Tentacle monsters...

    I've had enough tentacle experiences to last a lifetime, no thank you. My Gee M in her great wisdom decided that I should be dealing with an ebul wizard, who promptly beat me in inititiatve and black tentacled the crap out of me. Moral of the story: Always carry lube(aka wand of grease)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    "Night" wrote:
    Kjeldorn wrote:

    *Sniffles, and wipes teary eyes*

    They grow up so fast!

    Will you lend me a hand Freehold? I guess its time for that conversation now...

    Mort, we have to talk about the School Boys/Girls and the Tentacle monsters...

    I've had enough tentacle experiences to last a lifetime, no thank you. My Gee M in her great wisdom decided that I should be dealing with an ebul wizard, who promptly beat me in inititiatve and black tentacled the crap out of me. Moral of the story: Always carry lube(aka wand of grease)

    Are you sure it was Black Tentacles, and not the variant Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Aw, crap. I was enjoying my vacation.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Oh yes, it was black tentacles. I think spiked tentacles of forced intrusion might be a 3.5 thing I'm not familiar with.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Nope, Order of the Stick thing

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The Northeast got hit hard, again. Be safe,everyone.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    After repeated incidents of DM frustration due to forgetting they had to prepare spells if they wanted to cast them, resulting in the party's only full caster sitting back and going "I dunno what to do" for half the combats, Rainbow cleric has completely rebuilt as a life oracle in the hopes that spont casting will be easier for them to track.

    Who has managed to get a higher charisma than the summoner (due to said summoner ignoring my recommendations to keep putting his level-up boosts into Cha) and promptly decided to max out diplomacy, grinning evilly the entire time.

    This is, somewhat ironically, going to end in bloodshed.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Evards is 3.5, not pathfinder. Also in 5e, but I've more or less eschewed magic in 5e.

    I prefer prepared casting to spontaneous, though spontaneous has its charms when you need to spam lesser restoration(though on my prepared casters I generally keep that memorized). And resist energy too.

    *hangs up preparing Strange Aeons Book 5 sign*

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Prepared casting is definitely more versatile, but...when you're a severely ADD teenager who has no idea what they're doing, the shorter a list to keep track of, the better. Alchemist is doing fine preparing their list, but alchemist is a little bit older than ex-cleric/new-oracle and pays attention to the game better.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Walking two beagles 3 times a day for a week and a half is starting to take a mental toll.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    MTA is working my nerves today.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    So, my thoughts on the edition change, as succinctly as I can put it. After reading/listening to the available info so far, unless they bring it back closer to PF1e I will not be switching. I have spent the past 12 years and thousands of dollars on Pathfinder and 3.x products, and cannot bring myself to just throw away that investment. My money will be simply going to buying up what I do not yet own of the current Pathfinder line.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Walking two beagles 3 times a day for a week and a half is starting to take a mental toll.

    Isn't walking dogs supposed to be therapeutic?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Just a Mort wrote:
    I assume that the gnome is female? Else.. Eh I don't want to think about it. Not to mention a gnome is small, and a human is medium, uh how do you get around the fitting issue?
    I quite literally just got the Book of Passion I backed on kickstarter, along with my own campaign setting where halflings regularly get it on with humans AND my new favorite webcomic where a halfling girl discovers her carnal appetite within and without her people. I am ready for your queries.

    Uh, that reminds me I haven't checked Alfie updates for... Hmm... Few months?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ah, there was a hiatus in October, that's why.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Indeed there was.

    Shes back now.

    There may be more adventure and less...excursions... for a while.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'll probably need to buy a new mouse... This one works fine except for the wheel scrolling, which is a pain in the ass in daily use, like scrolling through Chrome bookmarks...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Going down mostly works. Going up, not so much...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I just wish i could rememver the name of that magical weapons webcomic. The art was really starting to take off when I lost contact...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Drejk wrote:
    Going down mostly works. Going up, not so much...

    that sounds like a real problem.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Walking two beagles 3 times a day for a week and a half is starting to take a mental toll.
    Isn't walking dogs supposed to be therapeutic?

    Hahahahahahahahaha! Whoever said that clearly never had a beagle (or two).

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    Ivan Rûski wrote:
    So, my thoughts on the edition change, as succinctly as I can put it. After reading/listening to the available info so far, unless they bring it back closer to PF1e I will not be switching. I have spent the past 12 years and thousands of dollars on Pathfinder and 3.x products, and cannot bring myself to just throw away that investment. My money will be simply going to buying up what I do not yet own of the current Pathfinder line.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my feeling, too. I don't need to learn yet another entirely new ruleset, and I have enough APs to run for the next 5-10 years without needing the new stuff, so at the moment my plan is to cancel all my subscriptions once the new edition goes live. Not out of grar or spite, but just, "I don't want a new ruleset, thanks."

    What's "Alfie"?

    (I'm guessing something about Halflings?)

    Drejk wrote:
    I'll probably need to buy a new mouse... This one works fine except for the wheel scrolling, which is a pain in the ass in daily use, like scrolling through Chrome bookmarks...

    This sounds like a tremendous pain. I can't even imagine using a mouse without a functioning wheel anymore. I use it on this one all the time.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I'm curious on the playtest and want to at least look at it before I make a final call. If the APs will be relatively painless to convert to Classic, I'll still look into them.

    That said, it's not a monthly expense for me. I can't afford fancy subs.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Ivan Rûski wrote:
    So, my thoughts on the edition change, as succinctly as I can put it. After reading/listening to the available info so far, unless they bring it back closer to PF1e I will not be switching. I have spent the past 12 years and thousands of dollars on Pathfinder and 3.x products, and cannot bring myself to just throw away that investment. My money will be simply going to buying up what I do not yet own of the current Pathfinder line.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my feeling, too. I don't need to learn yet another entirely new ruleset, and I have enough APs to run for the next 5-10 years without needing the new stuff, so at the moment my plan is to cancel all my subscriptions once the new edition goes live. Not out of grar or spite, but just, "I don't want a new ruleset, thanks."

    Pawns don't care what edition you use.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Ivan Rûski wrote:
    So, my thoughts on the edition change, as succinctly as I can put it. After reading/listening to the available info so far, unless they bring it back closer to PF1e I will not be switching. I have spent the past 12 years and thousands of dollars on Pathfinder and 3.x products, and cannot bring myself to just throw away that investment. My money will be simply going to buying up what I do not yet own of the current Pathfinder line.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my feeling, too. I don't need to learn yet another entirely new ruleset, and I have enough APs to run for the next 5-10 years without needing the new stuff, so at the moment my plan is to cancel all my subscriptions once the new edition goes live. Not out of grar or spite, but just, "I don't want a new ruleset, thanks."

    As Paizo has built up significant good will, and also as I've learned to never-say-never, I'm not saying never.

    Similarly, despite not liking the separation between NPC/monster mechanics and PC mechanics, I actually really like Starfinder - more than 5E (which is a system that I also appreciate).

    The mechanics are solid for playing games, though notsomuch for world-building (though they aren't terrible).

    Scintillae wrote:

    I'm curious on the playtest and want to at least look at it before I make a final call. If the APs will be relatively painless to convert to Classic, I'll still look into them.

    That said, it's not a monthly expense for me. I can't afford fancy subs.

    This is where I'm at. Might be a good time to start saving money, though, so that might be a good thing.

    Besides, we might finally "catch up" and make a "complete history" of Golarion for us to run things within.

    7 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Ivan Rûski wrote:
    So, my thoughts on the edition change, as succinctly as I can put it. After reading/listening to the available info so far, unless they bring it back closer to PF1e I will not be switching. I have spent the past 12 years and thousands of dollars on Pathfinder and 3.x products, and cannot bring myself to just throw away that investment. My money will be simply going to buying up what I do not yet own of the current Pathfinder line.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my feeling, too. I don't need to learn yet another entirely new ruleset, and I have enough APs to run for the next 5-10 years without needing the new stuff, so at the moment my plan is to cancel all my subscriptions once the new edition goes live. Not out of grar or spite, but just, "I don't want a new ruleset, thanks."

    Pawns don't care what edition you use.

    I hate pawns. They can only move forward one square until they attack, and then they have to go diagonal. Rook is where it's at.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:

    What's "Alfie"?

    (I'm guessing something about Halflings?)

    A wonderfully smutty webcomic about halflings that beyond the porn has a decent plot. Definitely not safe for work. Or home. Or anywhere you suspect eyes other than your own might catch a glimpse of your screen.

    Ivan Rûski wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:

    What's "Alfie"?

    (I'm guessing something about Halflings?)

    A wonderfully smutty webcomic about halflings that beyond the porn has a decent plot. Definitely not safe for work. Or home. Or anywhere you suspect eyes other than your own might catch a glimpse of your screen.





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