NobodysHome |
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No one ever made a conscious effort to teach me grammar. Well not until very late... Heck I didn't learn what a verb, an adjective and a noun meant until I got to high school(grade 9 ish).
True stories:
- I learned parts of speech from Mad Libs- I learned verb tenses from taking French

Terrinam |
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OK so a verb is an action word. They should have made it start with a like how nouns start with n so it would be easier to remember.
But a noun is an object, and should start with an o :p
It makes sense to remember English is a Germanic-Nordic language with some Latin and French influences that was later Romanized. And has a nasty habit of stealing vocabulary from other languages.
You are correct, though I am concerned with written v. spoken English. The former is hardly keeping pace with the latter -- for example, when was the last time anyone pronounced every letter of 'colonel' or 'asthma'? Or pronounced 'of' or 'is' as they are spelled? Not to mention the notable holes in the alphabet itself.
And while I'm sure someone somewhere in the world doesn't get the joke, the difference between spoken and written English does make a good one.
Well, technically, "colonel" is a misspelling that persisted long enough people forgot the correct spelling. That mistake comes from a time when a more anarchic system of spelling education ruled over English.
"Asthma" is pronounced as it should be for the spelling. It's Greek, not English. Different pronunciation rules in play. English is one of the more anarchic languages because we don't have a formalized system of converting vocabulary to our language, so we end up simply borrowing words wholesale without considering the resulting chaos of pronunciation exceptions. Thus, "asthma" and "bologna" :p
I'll admit you have a good point on "of." However, "is" is an irregular verb; it violates several rules of the language beyond pronunciation and likely always will.
If you want some fun, English also has words that hybridize the rules of two or more different languages. "Fungi" is one and "beauty" is another for ones that hybridize another language with English. "Claustrophobia" combines Greek and Latin.
I'd love to find out whether matching written to spoken language accelerates slang > dialectic > linguistic divergence.
Just imagine a world with U.S. <-> Canadian <-> U.K. <-> Australian translators...think of the job growth!
Try "economic recession" and "job shrinkage." Part of what has always proved a hindrance in corporations is translating between languages. This served as a massive barrier in the past for video games, and is still a strong barrier for tabletop games.
It would increase operational costs across the board, just due to the added layer of translations, and would remove the only existing trade language from play. The results would be economically catastrophic for entire continents.

Vanykrye |
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Note to self: Next time a FaWtLeR stops by for a visit remember to tell the General first.
Lucky for me FaWtLeRs are super cool so the General wasn't mad, and she thought Vankyre and his wife were very nice.
It was awesome to finally meet someone from FaWtL! Vankyre and his wife are both super cool and welcome back anytime!
Freehold and Nobodyshome, you're next!
Yeah, I thought that was the case when we showed up and she said, "Can I help you?". Um, yeah, I've been talking with your husband...
Cap is every bit as fun as he sounds like he is in FAWTL. And he gave me one of his copies of StarFinder...since he had three lying around...Thank you again for that.
Best line of the visit came from Tiny T-Rex. Cap said something to the effect of "But it's funny because he reads at a junior high level". Tiny immediately comes back with "It's not funny. It's impressive."

![]() |
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Yep, Capt, you should have let the general know. But I'm happy for all of you, it sounded like you had a great time!
I'm uh....more reserved and less flamboyant in RL then I am here. Also I may have some problems understanding your accents. You might have some problems understanding "my accent" as well.

Drejk |
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Verb. That's what's happening.
Winter. Storm. Ruckus. War...
I am doing that wrong, don't I?

captain yesterday |
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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:Note to self: Next time a FaWtLeR stops by for a visit remember to tell the General first.
Lucky for me FaWtLeRs are super cool so the General wasn't mad, and she thought Vankyre and his wife were very nice.
It was awesome to finally meet someone from FaWtL! Vankyre and his wife are both super cool and welcome back anytime!
Freehold and Nobodyshome, you're next!
Yeah, I thought that was the case when we showed up and she said, "Can I help you?". Um, yeah, I've been talking with your husband...
Cap is every bit as fun as he sounds like he is in FAWTL. And he gave me one of his copies of StarFinder...since he had three lying around...Thank you again for that.
Best line of the visit came from Tiny T-Rex. Cap said something to the effect of "But it's funny because he reads at a junior high level". Tiny immediately comes back with "It's not funny. It's impressive."
Time flies when you get in a cleaning jag after not doing anything for three days.
I meant to tell her, but then I started cleaning our bedroom and completely lost track of time.
And in fairness to myself, you're literally the first person to visit that didn't get lost looking for our house and had to call for directions (even food delivery drivers get lost in our neighborhood). :-)

Freehold DM |
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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:Note to self: Next time a FaWtLeR stops by for a visit remember to tell the General first.
Lucky for me FaWtLeRs are super cool so the General wasn't mad, and she thought Vankyre and his wife were very nice.
It was awesome to finally meet someone from FaWtL! Vankyre and his wife are both super cool and welcome back anytime!
Freehold and Nobodyshome, you're next!
Yeah, I thought that was the case when we showed up and she said, "Can I help you?". Um, yeah, I've been talking with your husband...
Cap is every bit as fun as he sounds like he is in FAWTL. And he gave me one of his copies of StarFinder...since he had three lying around...Thank you again for that.
Best line of the visit came from Tiny T-Rex. Cap said something to the effect of "But it's funny because he reads at a junior high level". Tiny immediately comes back with "It's not funny. It's impressive."
that must have been awesome!!!

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yep, Capt, you should have let the general know. But I'm happy for all of you, it sounded like you had a great time!
I'm uh....more reserved and less flamboyant in RL then I am here. Also I may have some problems understanding your accents. You might have some problems understanding "my accent" as well.
oh man, now I can't wait to torture meet you! Because if anything I am more reserved here than in real life!

Freehold DM |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:What accent? I'm from the Midwest, and we don't have an accent. It's all you people from anywhere else that have accents.Oh yah! You betcha!
i really need to initiate relations with a woman from the area in order to being that family guy prediction to life.

Freehold DM |
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Power Rangers is so terrible! I hope Tiny T-Rex grows out of it soon, I don't know how much longer I can handle this!
Sentai is anathema. You need to introduce him to the glories of tokusatsu and kamen rider, immediately.
If that doesn't work, its time to bring out the big guns.

NobodysHome |
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If we really wanted to settle on an international language, it should have been German. Entirely phoenetic, fixed sentence structure...
...you just kind of lose all the verbs as they roam off to the end of the sentence. You just have to neuter those three genders.
And oh yeah, "We're not allowed to create new words, we'll just string together existing words into paragraph-long words describing the new thing we're looking at, such as, 'ThatfunnylookinggreenthingovertherethatFredsteppedonbutdontworryhesokithin kitsonlyafleshwoundyouoktherefredanywayitssharpandpointyandwereallyshouldgi veitaname'.

Vanykrye |
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While we were at CY's, Tiny turned on Power Rangers Mega Force. I asked him if they were more forceful. "No... it's just a different version of the team...". Insert the most condescending eyeroll from a first grader you could possibly receive.
We're at a B&B in East Troy right now. Breakfast is being served in about 20 minutes or so, and then we'll be back on the goat paths to home. Back roads are best for these kinds of trips.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

While we were at CY's, Tiny turned on Power Rangers Mega Force. I asked him if they were more forceful. "No... it's just a different version of the team...". Insert the most condescending eyeroll from a first grader you could possibly receive.
We're at a B&B in East Troy right now. Breakfast is being served in about 20 minutes or so, and then we'll be back on the goat paths to home. Back roads are best for these kinds of trips.
I'll be sure to travel with tokusatsu stuff for him.
We must stem the tide of Americanized sentai. He'll start watching dubs next! clutches pearls

lisamarlene |
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When I moved away from Wisconsin thirty years ago, I worked hard to get rid of my accent. Then two years later, I moved to the rural gulf coast, where everyone was either a cracker or a snowbird from Ohio.
Then Texas, then California.
At this point I don't think I sound like I'm from anywhere, but Whingey Wizzard says it depends on how tired/stressed/tipsy I get.

captain yesterday |
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Southerners, in my experience struggle the most understanding our accent.
Texans and West Coast struggle the most with not mocking our accent (I have yet to meet a Texan that didn't make fun of Midwest accents).
My favorite moment in Seattle is when we first got there and were exploring The Ave and I asked this guy if he knew where a Tyme Machine was, the look of confusion was priceless.

Freehold DM |
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When I moved away from Wisconsin thirty years ago, I worked hard to get rid of my accent. Then two years later, I moved to the rural gulf coast, where everyone was either a cracker or a snowbird from Ohio.
Then Texas, then California.At this point I don't think I sound like I'm from anywhere, but Whingey Wizzard says it depends on how tired/stressed/tipsy I get.
ships alcohol directly to lisamarlene with "for lisamarlene consumption only" and phone number written on each bottle, waits for drunken thank you call

lisamarlene |
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lisamarlene wrote:ships alcohol directly to lisamarlene with "for lisamarlene consumption only" and phone number written on each bottle, waits for drunken thank you callWhen I moved away from Wisconsin thirty years ago, I worked hard to get rid of my accent. Then two years later, I moved to the rural gulf coast, where everyone was either a cracker or a snowbird from Ohio.
Then Texas, then California.At this point I don't think I sound like I'm from anywhere, but Whingey Wizzard says it depends on how tired/stressed/tipsy I get.

lisamarlene |
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German does have some fun swear words.
But you can't just translate English swear words. My sister's first fiance went to Germany as an exchange student and thought he would look really cool if he said "Heilige Scheiße" a lot.
Yeah, that was one of the first clues that it wasn't gonna last.

![]() |
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Just a Mort wrote:oh man, now I can't wait toYep, Capt, you should have let the general know. But I'm happy for all of you, it sounded like you had a great time!
I'm uh....more reserved and less flamboyant in RL then I am here. Also I may have some problems understanding your accents. You might have some problems understanding "my accent" as well.
torturemeet you! Because if anything I am more reserved here than in real life!
Freehold - Are you a large ham?
I do understand sometimes I can get rather hammy(my streak of melodrama gets better of me) on the boards, but I don't do that in RL.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:Just a Mort wrote:oh man, now I can't wait toYep, Capt, you should have let the general know. But I'm happy for all of you, it sounded like you had a great time!
I'm uh....more reserved and less flamboyant in RL then I am here. Also I may have some problems understanding your accents. You might have some problems understanding "my accent" as well.
torturemeet you! Because if anything I am more reserved here than in real life!Freehold - Are you a large ham?
I do understand sometimes I can get rather hammy(my streak of melodrama gets better of me) on the boards, but I don't do that in RL.
me? A large ham? Surely you jest.
That said, I lack an indoor voice.

Freehold DM |
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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:German does have some fun swear words.But you can't just translate English swear words. My sister's first fiance went to Germany as an exchange student and thought he would look really cool if he said "Heilige Scheiße" a lot.
Yeah, that was one of the first clues that it wasn't gonna last.
a what now? Lisamarlene, you're drunk and making up words in other languages!

captain yesterday |
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Tiny T-Rex now refuses to go to the mall.
Because they added a Build A Bear kiosk (in addition to the store) in the middle of the mall, so now when he's cheerfully skipping along he gets accosted by enthusiastic kiosk workers shoving murdered and skinned stuffed animals in his face asking him if he wants to stuff them, for a price.
Yeah, he's not a fan.

lisamarlene |
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lisamarlene wrote:a what now? Lisamarlene, you're drunk and making up words in other languages!Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:German does have some fun swear words.But you can't just translate English swear words. My sister's first fiance went to Germany as an exchange student and thought he would look really cool if he said "Heilige Scheiße" a lot.
Yeah, that was one of the first clues that it wasn't gonna last.
He thought he was saying "holy s#!+", but it doesn't really come out the same way.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tiny T-Rex now refuses to go to the mall.
Because they added a Build A Bear kiosk (in addition to the store) in the middle of the mall, so now when he's cheerfully skipping along he gets accosted by enthusiastic kiosk workers shoving murdered and skinned stuffed animals in his face asking him if he wants to stuff them, for a price.
Yeah, he's not a fan.
but thats where I get my mlp stuff!
I mean...where those other people get...their...mlp stuff.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:He thought he was saying "holy s#!+", but it doesn't really come out the same way.lisamarlene wrote:a what now? Lisamarlene, you're drunk and making up words in other languages!Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:German does have some fun swear words.But you can't just translate English swear words. My sister's first fiance went to Germany as an exchange student and thought he would look really cool if he said "Heilige Scheiße" a lot.
Yeah, that was one of the first clues that it wasn't gonna last.
I just make up my own curses...

Terrinam |
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Freehold DM wrote:He thought he was saying "holy s#!+", but it doesn't really come out the same way.lisamarlene wrote:a what now? Lisamarlene, you're drunk and making up words in other languages!Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:German does have some fun swear words.But you can't just translate English swear words. My sister's first fiance went to Germany as an exchange student and thought he would look really cool if he said "Heilige Scheiße" a lot.
Yeah, that was one of the first clues that it wasn't gonna last.
He just needs to take the time and effort to learn German swears.
Or learn Latin. Then he can say "sanctus stercore" and have people think he's praying or asking for a blessing.