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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
GM Mort wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Yeah we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi. It was nice if uhh unrealistic at some parts(bad guys spend too much time bragging).
Taking into account the amount of times Nazi leaders bragged around... There is nothing unrealistic about that part...
Really? I didnt know that! I thought ebul villian monologue was just confined to stuff run by GM Mort, because GM Mort watches too much Disney and cannot resist doing an ebul villian monologue before (unsuccessfully) trying to murderhobo the adventurers.

In Gm Mort's games, the players aren't the murderhobos, they're the murderhoboed :D

*Looks down, realises he's nekkid, shrugs and goes to bed*

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Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Late getting to work today, for the first time in longer than I can remember. On the first bus, there was a passenger that went on a profanity-laced tirade against another passenger. The driver had to take five minutes to calm him down. As such, I missed the second bus by seconds, and had to wait 30 minutes for the next one. I hope that the rest of my day is better.

Look on the bright side. When things are at the rock bottom, there's no where else to go but up =)

Yep, I have a streak of gallows humor in me too.

Hold my drill.

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GM Mort wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Yeah we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi. It was nice if uhh unrealistic at some parts(bad guys spend too much time bragging).
Taking into account the amount of times Nazi leaders bragged around... There is nothing unrealistic about that part...
Really? I didnt know that! I thought ebul villian monologue was just confined to stuff run by GM Mort, because GM Mort watches too much Disney and cannot resist doing an ebul villian monologue before (unsuccessfully) trying to murderhobo the adventurers.

Attack while in the middle of a monologue. They never see it coming. And then you can finish the monologue with the now-terrified survivors.

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Terrinam wrote:
GM Mort wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Yeah we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi. It was nice if uhh unrealistic at some parts(bad guys spend too much time bragging).
Taking into account the amount of times Nazi leaders bragged around... There is nothing unrealistic about that part...
Really? I didnt know that! I thought ebul villian monologue was just confined to stuff run by GM Mort, because GM Mort watches too much Disney and cannot resist doing an ebul villian monologue before (unsuccessfully) trying to murderhobo the adventurers.
Attack while in the middle of a monologue. They never see it coming. And then you can finish the monologue with the now-terrified survivors.

Orthos gets mad when we do that.

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Scintillae wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
GM Mort wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Yeah we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi. It was nice if uhh unrealistic at some parts(bad guys spend too much time bragging).
Taking into account the amount of times Nazi leaders bragged around... There is nothing unrealistic about that part...
Really? I didnt know that! I thought ebul villian monologue was just confined to stuff run by GM Mort, because GM Mort watches too much Disney and cannot resist doing an ebul villian monologue before (unsuccessfully) trying to murderhobo the adventurers.
Attack while in the middle of a monologue. They never see it coming. And then you can finish the monologue with the now-terrified survivors.
Orthos gets mad when we do that.

The villain worked hard on that speech.

The Exchange

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Lol I can't do that... Hostilities are not allowed to comence until monologue is done!

It's the time stops for RP clause=)

That being said, I encourage smart play and not just blindly whacking through everything, so if you build characters that aren't any good at fighting I'll probably hand your ass to you. And I don't fudge dice.

The wizard's mauler compsognathus got decapitated by a lucky crit from a juju zombie and the bard died from staring too long at a hound of tindalos.

The Exchange

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That's also the reason why I don't take complete newbies for my play by posts. My anality with rules would turn them off...and also that they need to get cheesier to survive. OK maybe not cheesier but at least know what they're doing.

Also complete newbies to play by post do not understand the discipline it takes to post day in day out, everyday.

And the easiest way to piss off an ISTJ is by laziness(not posting), or dishonesty.

The Exchange

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Drejk wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
I'm also trying to speculate on how accurately I can guess people's Myerrs Briggs by their forum posts, but I don't think I've done a very good job. I may get 2/3 out of the 4 letters right but that's about it. And some people I really have no clue...

Cultural differences?

Not big enough sample of behavior?

Them being covered in scales and horns that make reading their faces difficult?

I think it's what you say in this forums. Like if you just report what happens to you, but do not interact/express opinions on what others say, I cannot read into it.

This is just my view and I make no assurances on its accuracy.

Those who wax philosophical usually have some N or T in them.

Those who say they don't understand people/lack empathy generally have to do with N, T and J. May also be Introverts.

Unconventional thinking - N. (May also lead to less lawfulness)

Noiser ones are usually extroverts.

Those more aligned to individual freedom tend to have an F and P in their Myers briggs.

Sensitive types - S somewhere in their Myers Briggs.

J types tend to tell people how the world should be and impose their views on others.

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On day four of four days in a row working 5:30 to midnight, which isn't all bad but I had to be up by 6 every morning.

But not tomorrow! Winter break!!

Which is more for my benefit this year.

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Someone stole the tires and rims on our only Barbie SUV (not a power wheels, but a SUV for barbie dolls).

Eye twitches, ever so slightly.

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NH, I've been to Alabama. Once. It wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be.

Boring as f$!~. Like, seriously, there ain't s@#* to do if you don't want to see white-guilt museums or horrid-confederate-racism museums.

But it is a very pretty place.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Boring as f!!~. Like, seriously, there ain't s&&$ to do if you don't want to see white-guilt museums or horrid-confederate-racism museums.

But it is a very pretty place.

Sounds like upstate New York, except with condemned resorts from the 80s instead of racist museums.

The Exchange

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I generally like museums as long as they aren’t about architecture (I don’t understand it) and art (I don’t appreciate it). I am also the kind of person who can spend HOURS in a museum reading every exhibit. Don’t ask me why I’m not watching History channel.

History = His story.

Of course everyone will have a different view about it. And there will be validity in whichever side you're looking at too.

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My attempt to load Visual Studio 2017 is a complete failure. In the hours that I've been away, it only loaded ... 6%. It seems all my high speed an the hotspot is gone, again. *headdesk* I guess I'll try the library. Hope they don't mind me installing 7 GB of tools.

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I am drubk

That is all.

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Boring as f!!~. Like, seriously, there ain't s&&$ to do if you don't want to see white-guilt museums or horrid-confederate-racism museums.

But it is a very pretty place.

Sounds like upstate New York, except with condemned resorts from the 80s instead of racist museums.

fun fact

Tequila sunrise is the first person i met from the. Boards roughly ten years ago. Maybe less.

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*Gets a box of Alka-seltzer, and tries to hand it to Freehold through the laptop screen.*

The Exchange

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That’s to be expected considering its your birthday party =) Out of curiosity did you record how many drinks it got to get you drunk?

*Scribbles notes*

The last time I got drunk, I recorded that it took 5 glasses of wine. Then I reported it to my players in my Strange Aeons game of the result of that experiment.

You see there’s drunk, but still in control of yourself, and there’s drunk, barely in control of yourself…and I haven’t gone to the stage where you’re drunk, and you lose track of several hours yet.

The problem with recording how many drinks you took is after some drinks, your memory starts getting fuzzy...

The Exchange

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Ok – about getting drunk bit. Getting drunk is fine. Getting hungover is not. If you can, try to get some water in, before you pass out, since hangovers are generally caused by dehydration.

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Freehold DM wrote:


I am drubk

That is all.

If you can type legibly, you need to drink more!

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Although I apparently left half a pound of butter and a tub of cream cheese out on the counter in my classroom and will have to go pick it up tomorrow so that it doesn't putrefy.

I actually got to go to my daughter's classroom for *their* open house today after most of my students had left. Hermione's class made homemade latkes and surprised the parents with a sit-down lunch they had prepared. I was floored. And the lakes were *good*.

Hermione was just happy that she got away with wearing her Halloween tights to school with her Christmas dress.

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Freehold DM wrote:


I am drubk

That is all.


The Exchange

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He made a typo. It could mean that he’s drunk.

Here are some posts I made under the influence of alcohol.


And here

Hey…it’s still pretty coherent right? But yeah I know I was fairly gibberish in the taxi and was having difficulty keeping my eyes open.

The Exchange

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*sneaks into Lisamarlene's daughters classroom to gobble up all the Latkes*

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Freehold DM wrote:


I am drubk

That is all.

So, you're Drejk's evil twin drubk!

I don't like alcohol. I'm not a fan of the way it makes me feel.

Weed, on the other hand...I've never met some MJ that I didn't love.

The Exchange

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Weed isn’t legal here and I’m not sure if I’d do weed. Seems too addictive…

I don’t smoke cigarettes either.

Whereas there ARE occasions where you are encouraged to I figured that if I were to drink, I must as well know what’s the good stuff to get, right?

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It has no physical addiction. Everything has mental, naturally, but people pick that up and drop it all the time. Do some research, trust me.

I'm weird. I did an 18 page paper for a college report before I ever started. It's healthier than pretty much any legal drug; alcohol, tobacco, even to a certain extent caffeine.

Tar is bad for ya, but if you vape it ain't crap.

I'm not encouraging you to start. I just don't believe in people working with false information. Alcohol is physically SO much worse for you.

Tobacco isn't my thing, either. I mean, unless you count blunt wrappers, but my doctor literally told me that's nothing.

Seriously, I was at the hospital...maybe two weeks ago I think...and the doctors were all like "do you do any drugs?"

"Just pot"

"Nothing else?"


"Nevermind then."

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Besa besame


Kiss me once again

The Exchange

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Maybe. I am curious…cats are like that. What are the effects of weed exactly? And how is weed administered? Is it inhaled, eaten or?

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Also it isn't legal here, but you know, minors drinking isn't either.

Anyway, I'm glad Florida passed medical last year. Then various counties are still figuring out how they're going to distribute, etc, so technically you can't go to the doctor and get a pass yet, but I'm sure I'll get an Rx when they finally sort it all out.

The effects on bipolar have mixed results, but the studies that condemn them are s%*# studies - under 30 sample size, not a random sample at all - they just followed 28 people with bipolar who smoked weed and saw if they got worse. That's a s+@% study. Bipolar naturally regresses over time for most people anyway. A more recent one came out that found that it helps calm mania, with a much larger, more random sample that actually included, you know, control and variable groups, and other real science to it.

Of course, anti-pot advocates hold onto the s$$! study and flash it all over the place, because uneducated people think if "a study finds" something it's true. Well if Hershey funded a study that found out that chocolate cured cancer, you need to think twice about that, as my freshman professor once told us.

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It's either inhaled, eaten, or whatever. You don't want to eat it straight - you'll just excrete most of it out if you do. It's fat-soluble, which is why it's so often put into brownies and other fatty foods. Personally, I grab a s~+#ty cheap cigar, colloquially referred to as a blunt, cut it open, fill it with weed, rewrap it, and toke up. The cigar wrapper makes it burn slower. Or of course, because I'm a dork, I use glass pipes, or bongs to just trap all the smoke at once, if I'm feeling in that kind of mood. But usually it's just blunts, because they're easier to share.

It's...hard to explain. Technically, it's a minor hallucinogen, but that's...not entirely true. It affects different neurotransmitters than acid or shrooms.

For me, the following happens:

1. I live in the moment. I literally can't think about the past or future too long, because my attention span is incredibly limited.

2. F$#*ing everything is fun. Seriously. I often get high to clean, or do other boring ass mundane chores. Once I got so baked I played Grand Theft Auto and drove around following the flow of traffic and stopping at every red light, pretending I was just a regular guy in the game.

3. I have like a two minute memory. If you think really hard you can remember more, but your short term memory turns to garbage.

4. I cannot reiterate how everything is fun.

5. I get creative, but I'm usually too lazy to follow through any ideas. As Hemmingway is often quoted to say, write drunk, edit sober - I go with jot down ideas high, reevaluate if they're good ones sober. Often they're really, really bad ideas.

6. You can get pretty paranoid if you're the type. Some people are. I've had it happen when I'm mondo-crazy-baked, but usually chill music and a comfortable environment prevents that for me.

7. Your sensory perception is...different. In my experience you pay way more attention to sounds, and tactile sensations, but your vision reaction time can be...slightly delayed. It is not recommended you drive. You won't swerve or whatever like when you're drunk, but you'll probably be so damn careful you'll drive ten below the speed limit and forget to turn your blinker off.

8. In my experience, women get horny as hell.

The Exchange

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Ahem. I am not a minor, even if I may seem like one =) Though funnily enough I used to get issues getting into places that had an age requirement.

I’ll go the cookie route. I don’t smoke. Maybe buy a brownie if I am in a place where it’s legal. Then probably go home, nom it and sit around while waiting for the effects to take place.

No. 5 sounds pretty funny. I’ll need to stay off any PBPs while I’m at it probably…again I don’t think I needed weed to do that.

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Again, I'm not encouraging you to do so, but you did ask what it's like. I was actually 20 when I started. Incredibly late for most people. You're a minor young. You an adult old and make that as a conscious adult decision.

I was 20, wrote a huge-ass paper on it with cited scholarly resources before I looked at it and thought "huh, this isn't nearly as bad as people tried to tell me it was." My dad had just died, and I said, f!@~ it, and joined some friends (potheads are really generous people, usually - it's more fun to be high in a group than alone).

I got baked as hell. I used to ride a motor scooter about an hour and a half one-way to get to college (we moved when I had one semester to go and I refused to transfer schools before I finished my AA). It was down US1, from Martin County to Palm Beach county in Florida, about 30mph on my little scooter. This was after class, so I was riding back home on US1, passing the beach, with the wind blowing on my face through my open helmet, the ocean to my right, and it was just this beautiful peaceful moment. I can still remember it 15 years later, thinking to myself "holy s*#%, how did I go my entire life without this?"

Seriously, most of my friends were getting high all the time from when I was 13, so I was like, dude, you dick, this was right in front of you all that time, but I believed the propaganda that the 80s and 90s were throwing at us as kids with DARE and other anti-drug projects.

Don't get me wrong - a lot of s~$% will f~%% you up. Cocaine ruins your dopamine receptors. Ecstasy leaves holes in your f$+@ing brain with long-term use. just bad for everything. Alcohol will ruin your liver, f$#~ up your heart, and can even get you diabetes.

Pot has two long-term effects: 1. More tar per cigarette than tobacco. Most people smoke about 1/10th to 1/20th the amount though, unless you're Snoop. 2. Short-term memory loss does persist when you're sober, but not nearly as hard. Roughly 90% returns if you quit after about four months.

Mind you most of my data is...well, 15 years new information may have come out. I highly recommend you make sure any sources you find are scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, that have studies with at least 30 people, a random selection (not a college-convenience sample like so many lazy researchers use), and a non-biased funding.

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Just a Mort wrote:

I’ll go the cookie route. I don’t smoke. Maybe buy a brownie if I am in a place where it’s legal. Then probably go home, nom it and sit around while waiting for the effects to take place.

Listen. This is very important:

Make sure you talk to the person you buy from. Tell them it's your first time.

If you get mondo-crazy-mega-baked the first time, you're NOT going to enjoy it. Common rookie mistake. And when you eat, it's hard to judge how much you get. A lot of that isn't properly labeled, and if it is, you probably don't understand what a good dose is. Plus it takes a while to kick in, and it hits you like a truck when it does when you eat it - just BAM suddenly you're f**~ing high as hell.

Smoking is a lot easier to gauge your intake. If you're getting s%&+ty weed (you'll know cause it has stems, seeds, and crap like that), 3-4 hits and you'll be good for a first time. Good stuff? (Which it will be if you're somewhere legal) One hit. Stop. Wait. See how it feels. Judge if you want more.

Too much is...not fun. If you're a veteran you just kinda pass out, but if you're new - you freak out. Everything is just weird, too much at once...

Just imagine if the first time you had a sip of alcohol you got s*%~faced staggeringly ridiculous drunk. All of a sudden. With no ramp up. Not. Fun.

The Exchange

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Yes I would tell them its my first time.

Fair enough, but I really have no clue how to smoke a cigarette…and what if I act up in public? That’s embarrassing as fk. At least if I’m at home no one’s going to see the crazy shenanigans I get myself into.

Again if I do require medical attention, that will be an issue as well.

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I dunno. I don't do it in public. I chill at my house, or a friend's. Why waste money on outside activities when something like plain music is as fun as anything else?

Most people don't require medical attention. Again, physically, it's really not bad for you.

I reiterate, though, that you should do your own research. Don't trust some guy you don't know on the internet.

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658. Whew.

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Remember, no matter how badly you screw up, you're likely not to screw up as badly as a surgeon whose operation skills were so horrible he killed the patient and two people he wasn't even operating on.

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Wow... Well at least hes in the record books now. Not the idea way to get into them but take what you can get I guess.

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The thing about First Order holograms is that they're all just a bunch of Snoke and Mirrors. :D :D :D

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Oh I see its that time again Gran!!!! wait that's not Gran that's John!

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It's very rare that I make a joke. Enjoy this one while it lasts. It may be a long time before I make another.

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A peacock just walked right past me. Yes I was busy snapping photos of it.

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And you didn't eat it?

The Exchange

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And no, it's against the law to eat them. I'm lawful if nothing else.

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But doesn't that just make you wonder about the flavor even more? Like what are those brightly colored feathers hiding?

The Exchange

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Lawful neutral. I can't be eating peacocks if the law prohibits it =(

*Looks sadly at the oreo cookies in the bag*

I'd expect it to taste like pheasant.

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Are they endangered?

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