Freehold DM |
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Vanykrye wrote:Scintillae wrote:...would it be rude to gape at the fact that you've been married longer than I've been alive?Not at all. It's perfectly normal to have that reaction when hearing how long some older couples have been together...
Congrats NH and Gothbard!
Huzzah! :)
In other news, Potential Lady Longears (Diamond Edition) wants another date.
This is really quite a good thing.
bow her to activate her special ability! Quickly before she is nerfed!

Tequila Sunrise |
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Freehold DM wrote:There is a reason I don't care for winter.Scintillae wrote:Yeeep. My old school district was really bad about that. The city had nothing in place for winter (bulldozed the snow to the median rather than getting a plow) despite being able to reliably expect blizzards every year. They would never cancel school, even when the parking lot was a skating rink and knowing a lot of the kids lived outside the city limits. It usually meant half the kids' parents would call them out, and we'd have to in-house sub for any teachers doing the same.that is monstrous.
That is crazy.
When I was in school, they would often wait until the last minute to cancel, to the point we started to imagine the local district supers playing cancellation-chicken with each other. At one time I remember being bundled up and about to step out into a winter wonderland before hearing the local radio station announce the cancellation.
But they were pretty good about cancelling when it was necessary.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:Scintillae wrote:It's efficient laziness. They could do four tests properly and wait for procedure...oooooor they could half-ass knocking out all of them and take an early lunch. What? I'm done with my work. Don't lecture me, old man.if its happening this much, I'm a bit concerned. I don't think its laziness or defiance, I think it is more corporate culture. Who is the first person let go when layoffs come around? The guy doing nothing. Who is the last guy thought about when raises come? The guy doing nothing. I know I would have issues sitting around my workplace doing nothing, and they would have issues with me, even if they told me to do nothing.Here's the issue:
How it's supposed to work:
Senior Colleague IMs Me: Hey, NobodysHome! This step didn't work the way it was supposed to. What should I do?
Less than 1 minute passes
NobodysHome: Hang on... let me check...
Less than 1 minute passes
NH: OK, the problem is xxx. Just do yyy, make a note, and move on.
SC: Done, and done.Total time spent sitting around doing nothing: Under 3 minutes.
How it's working with other team members:
NobodysHome IMs Junior Colleague: Hey, JC! This step didn't work the way it was supposed to. What should I do?
5 minutes pass
NobodysHome e-mails JC
30 minutes pass
NobodysHome calls JC. There is no answer
20 more minutes pass
JC: Oh, sorry! I didn't notice you were trying to get in touch with me! Let me take a look-see...Total time spent sitting around doing nothing: 55 minutes.
So we have a process whereby you're supposed to be monitoring your IMs and e-mails for issues. The junior members of our group aren't doing so, AND they're assuming we aren't doing so either, so they're not reaching out at all.
To say, "I don't want to endanger my job by sitting around and doing nothing" when your concrete action...
that sounds a lot better than what I feared.

Freehold DM |
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What it's like living with foodies:
NobodysHome realizes that it's December, and although he despises the foul substance, he buys a quart of Horizon Organic Lowfat Eggnog
The next morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list, and Impus Major has put eggnog on the list
Assuming it's Impus Major's horrific Perception roll at work, NobodysHome shows Impus Major the eggnog. Impus Major dutifully pours himself a glass and takes a sip, all the while staring at NobodysHome
This morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list. Bud's Eggnog is on the list.
what is bud's eggnog?

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:what is bud's eggnog?What it's like living with foodies:
NobodysHome realizes that it's December, and although he despises the foul substance, he buys a quart of Horizon Organic Lowfat Eggnog
The next morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list, and Impus Major has put eggnog on the list
Assuming it's Impus Major's horrific Perception roll at work, NobodysHome shows Impus Major the eggnog. Impus Major dutifully pours himself a glass and takes a sip, all the while staring at NobodysHome
This morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list. Bud's Eggnog is on the list.
It's a local brand that is considered far superior to all other eggnogs. All restaurants that serve eggnog use it. All people who drink eggnog buy it. I just figured Horizon is a cut above Berkeley Farms for most dairy products, so I bought Horizon eggnog.
I was wrong.
EDIT: Yeah, yeah. I know. You're a New Yorker. "Well, I've never tasted it, but Bud's is garbage compared to xxx!"
Go ahead. I know it's a requirement of living there.

Scintillae |
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Scintillae wrote:Wheee, subbing for another class where I have no idea what's going on.Did you make sure there wasn't a big green folder on the teacher's desk labled "SUB PLANS" in big letters?
(True story: my wife's sub managed to miss exactly this. She was tiiiiiiiiicked...)
Hah. No, the extent of the plans were "they're reviewing for their final." However, it was Spanish, so I literally understood nothing that was going on.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:what is bud's eggnog?What it's like living with foodies:
NobodysHome realizes that it's December, and although he despises the foul substance, he buys a quart of Horizon Organic Lowfat Eggnog
The next morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list, and Impus Major has put eggnog on the list
Assuming it's Impus Major's horrific Perception roll at work, NobodysHome shows Impus Major the eggnog. Impus Major dutifully pours himself a glass and takes a sip, all the while staring at NobodysHome
This morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list. Bud's Eggnog is on the list.
It's a local brand that is considered far superior to all other eggnogs. All restaurants that serve eggnog use it. All people who drink eggnog buy it. I just figured Horizon is a cut above Berkeley Farms for most dairy products, so I bought Horizon eggnog.
I was wrong.
EDIT: Yeah, yeah. I know. You're a New Yorker. "Well, I've never tasted it, but Bud's is garbage compared to xxx!"
Go ahead. I know it's a requirement of living there.
actually, i am a conessouir of eggnog, so I am quite interested in sampling this eggnog your son speaks of. Send a box my way, if possible.

Tacticslion |

What it's like living with foodies:
NobodysHome realizes that it's December, and although he despises the foul substance, he buys a quart of Horizon Organic Lowfat Eggnog
The next morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list, and Impus Major has put eggnog on the list
Assuming it's Impus Major's horrific Perception roll at work, NobodysHome shows Impus Major the eggnog. Impus Major dutifully pours himself a glass and takes a sip, all the while staring at NobodysHome
This morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list. Bud's Eggnog is on the list.
I'm kind of with your kid, my man.

Tacticslion |
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Tacticslion wrote:There is at least one hawk that locates its prey not only with sharper sight, but by seeing more of the light spectrum -- and the nature documentary narrator who told me this is English, so you know he's right. Its favored prey is mice, who pee all over the fields they live in. To us, the pee is the usual shallow yellow that fades right into greenery -- but to the hawks, it's a vivid ultraviolet that stands out against the green background and leads the hawks right to dinner.Vidmaster7 wrote:Imagine if we had color receptors like mantis shrimps (who have 12 different receptors) you think people would be ah no i'm X blind I can't see that color I only have 11 receptors :(
Color is interesting. I remember thinking as a child Their is really no way to know if your color green is the same as mine.It seems like they might not actually be able to see "more" colors - our brains just use weird tricks to get the same effect.
That said, any difference between "your green" and "my green" (so long as you aren't color blind) is functionally academic: we both register the same wavelengths as "green" whether we perceive it the "same" or not.
... wait, I thought Hawks only grant their masters a bonus to perception checks in bright light. WHAT IS THIS TREACHERY

Tacticslion |
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NobodysHome wrote:actually, i am a conessouir of eggnog, so I am quite interested in sampling this eggnog your son speaks of. Send a box my way, if possible.Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:what is bud's eggnog?What it's like living with foodies:
NobodysHome realizes that it's December, and although he despises the foul substance, he buys a quart of Horizon Organic Lowfat Eggnog
The next morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list, and Impus Major has put eggnog on the list
Assuming it's Impus Major's horrific Perception roll at work, NobodysHome shows Impus Major the eggnog. Impus Major dutifully pours himself a glass and takes a sip, all the while staring at NobodysHome
This morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list. Bud's Eggnog is on the list.
It's a local brand that is considered far superior to all other eggnogs. All restaurants that serve eggnog use it. All people who drink eggnog buy it. I just figured Horizon is a cut above Berkeley Farms for most dairy products, so I bought Horizon eggnog.
I was wrong.
EDIT: Yeah, yeah. I know. You're a New Yorker. "Well, I've never tasted it, but Bud's is garbage compared to xxx!"
Go ahead. I know it's a requirement of living there.
Look, all I'm saying is, if you're somehow shipping eggnog... :D

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Personally, I would not appreciate good eggnog even if it was offered to me. I am bloody obsessed with Silk Nog. Objectively I know it's crap. Everyone who actually likes eggnog calls it an abomination. Don't care. It tastes so good to me. And I'm not supposed to have dairy anyways, so it's better for me. My normal grocery store doesn't carry it anymore so I keep making excuses to go to Target so I can buy several cartons of the stuff each trip. Seriously, I look forward to Silk Nog all freaking year.

John Napier 698 |
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Lynora, there's no need to make excuses to go to places that carry the things you need. Tell whoever asks that you ran out, and no local store has it. That's what I do. Just after I give them that look that tells them that it's really none of their business in the first place. But that's just me. :)

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Since the kidlet has karate this afternoon I am at a cafe while I wait. The karate school has no wifi these days, and I do not have it in me to sit and watch karate lessons for 45 minutes. I just don't. Anyhow, I just noticed that the barista has really beautiful handwriting when I glanced at my cup. And spelled my name correctly. That, like, never happens. :)

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

actually, i am a conessouir of eggnog, so I am quite interested in sampling this eggnog your son speaks of. Send a box my way, if possible.
So I checked Amazon (don't have it) and Berkeley Farms (doesn't ship), and I have no concept as to how to ship a refrigerated item cross-country without it costing a prohibitive amount, so if you can figure out the shipping, I can figure out the eggnog.

lynora |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Lynora, there's no need to make excuses to go to places that carry the things you need. Tell whoever asks that you ran out, and no local store has it. That's what I do. Just after I give them that look that tells them that it's really none of their business in the first place. But that's just me. :)
Oh, for most places that works. But we're talking about Target. The place from which one does not return with just the thing that one went to get. I get very suspicious looks every time I mention that I'm going there. So every time someone tells me they need something this month I've been like, great, I'll just pop over to Target! You can't complain because you asked me to go! ;)

lynora |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Much as it may pain some of my kids, I think I like this "show me your outline before you do your essay" system. I stopped two kids before they started going off on a thesis that made no sense.
The kidlet does so much better in English classes that ask for this. Organizing his thoughts for an essay is the hardest step for him. I wish more teachers asked for an outline first. Then we wouldn't have to work so hard to make one when he's halfway through a three page essay.

Scintillae |
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I learned the hard way. Their last essays were...okay, some of the higher-end kids did fine. I was so frustrated with the disjointed papers I got that I tossed together the most basic 5-paragraph setup I could for this one and required it done a week before the final due date. I had no idea how much of a difference it would make for the ones who were really struggling, but it's astounding.

Scintillae |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

John Napier 698 wrote:Lynora, there's no need to make excuses to go to places that carry the things you need. Tell whoever asks that you ran out, and no local store has it. That's what I do. Just after I give them that look that tells them that it's really none of their business in the first place. But that's just me. :)Oh, for most places that works. But we're talking about Target. The place from which one does not return with just the thing that one went to get. I get very suspicious looks every time I mention that I'm going there. So every time someone tells me they need something this month I've been like, great, I'll just pop over to Target! You can't complain because you asked me to go! ;)
Ha. I'm immune to its Fast, Fun, and Friendly wiles! twitch
Didn't work there for eleven years to not build up a good resistance...

Vanykrye |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

My mother was a high school English teacher for 3+ decades. I grew up in a rural, small town area. The entire high school was only 100 kids. As such, she was also my high school English teacher for 4 years. Senior thesis paper, and we had just gotten back our first drafts. Mine is covered in what appears to be blood, but it's just Mom's red pen being really harsh. Girl next to me is looking at her 10-11 pages, and they are pristine. Almost as if Mom hadn't noticed hers was turned in. She looks over at mine and just starts gloating. Then she gets to the final page. At the bottom my mother had written, "So what's your point?"

NobodysHome |
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Eggnog...vile stuff.
So, um, exactly what kind of computer experience are we looking for here, NH?
Here's my job, in a nutshell:
(1) My manager asks me to develop a course on some aspect of an application; for example, installation of our on-premise customer relationship management (CRM) system(2) I have to:
- Research poorly-written, nearly-impossible-to-find documentation to figure out how I'm supposed to install the product
- Talk to the product managers (PMs), who will openly lie to me about how easy everything is, and who frequently won't respond to my calls or e-mails at all
- Harass the environment team to get me an environment set up to my specifications. Up until 2009 I always built my own. Up until 2009 our environments always worked the way we expected them to. Now you have to assume that at least one fundamental bug you discover will turn out to be an environment issue
- Develop a coherent outline of a course: "These are the steps for a basic installation. Here are the add-ons you might want to install and how to configure or customize them. Here are additional client-side add ons users might ask for and how to push them out to users."
- Develop presentations that provide the theoretical details for the installation, all technically correct, and none calling the product a piece of junk or pointing out its bugs
- Develop hands-on practices that guide students through performing the installations themselves
(3) My course goes out for PM review, where they lie to me and tell me everything I say is incorrect, even though I've proved it's the way the application works. They finally escalate to engineering, who've gotten to know me, and they say, "Yeah, he's right. It didn't get implemented the way you wanted."
(4) My course goes out for lab testing, where the entire instruction set is, "Do every step. Stop and notify NobodysHome if you encounter an error."
We have yet to find a single person capable of following these instructions
So it's not programming, and I'm not even allowed to review source code (back in my old job I'd seen more of the core OS's source code than most of the engineers). It's implementation and debugging, and then explaining how you got things to work in a concise, coherent manner.
And that's the art that makes us coveted. There are a lot of people who can implement a system. There are far fewer who can do it and then provide the exact steps to reproduce what they did, clearly explained so that someone who'd never touched the product before could do it.
So it's a cushy gig, but you have to have the right combination of technical know-how and writing skills to do it.

lynora |
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Trying to figure out the best timing to talk to the kidlet's caseworker about getting him out of social group. It was supposed to be helpful for teaching him communication skills because of his problems with pragmatic speech. The reality is that the group leaders have no idea what they're talking about. Yelling at the kid with autism and ADHD because he doesn't sit completely still and make their idea of good eye contact is....I honestly can't think of language strong enough to express how bloody furious I am with these people right now. And they have no business trying to teach my child anything. They shouldn't be working with special needs kids at all if that's what they think of as helping. Nothing that they're doing even has jack-all to do with anything in his IEP. It was supposed to be about learning how to hold a conversation without following a script, not how to stress the kid out trying to force him to adhere to a standard of neurotypical behavior that even neurotypical people can't meet. Every conversation topic they address follows a script too. So, again, not remotely how they're supposed to teach. Grr.

doctor_wu |
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Trying to figure out the best timing to talk to the kidlet's caseworker about getting him out of social group. It was supposed to be helpful for teaching him communication skills because of his problems with pragmatic speech. The reality is that the group leaders have no idea what they're talking about. Yelling at the kid with autism and ADHD because he doesn't sit completely still and make their idea of good eye contact is....I honestly can't think of language strong enough to express how bloody furious I am with these people right now. And they have no business trying to teach my child anything. They shouldn't be working with special needs kids at all if that's what they think of as helping. Nothing that they're doing even has jack-all to do with anything in his IEP. It was supposed to be about learning how to hold a conversation without following a script, not how to stress the kid out trying to force him to adhere to a standard of neurotypical behavior that even neurotypical people can't meet. Every conversation topic they address follows a script too. So, again, not remotely how they're supposed to teach. Grr.
Trying to figure out the best timing to talk to the kidlet's caseworker about getting him out of social group. It was supposed to be helpful for teaching him communication skills because of his problems with pragmatic speech. The reality is that the group leaders have no idea what they're talking about. Yelling at the kid with autism and ADHD because he doesn't sit completely still and make their idea of good eye contact is....I honestly can't think of language strong enough to express how bloody furious I am with these people right now. And they have no business trying to teach my child anything. They shouldn't be working with special needs kids at all if that's what they think of as helping. Nothing that they're doing even has jack-all to do with anything in his IEP. It was supposed to be about learning how to hold a conversation without following a script, not how to stress the kid out trying to force him to adhere to a standard of neurotypical behavior that even neurotypical people can't meet. Every conversation topic they address follows a script too. So, again, not remotely how they're supposed to teach. Grr.
Awww lynora that sounds horrible Why should such cruel and unusal punishment. be allowed that will most likely make the kidlet not want to talk.
Limeylongears |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

What it's like living with foodies:
NobodysHome realizes that it's December, and although he despises the foul substance, he buys a quart of Horizon Organic Lowfat Eggnog
The next morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list, and Impus Major has put eggnog on the list
Assuming it's Impus Major's horrific Perception roll at work, NobodysHome shows Impus Major the eggnog. Impus Major dutifully pours himself a glass and takes a sip, all the while staring at NobodysHome
This morning, NobodysHome checks the shopping list. Bud's Eggnog is on the list.
Eggnog? By Budweiser? Obscenity piled on obscenity! :P

lynora |
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lynora wrote:Trying to figure out the best timing to talk to the kidlet's caseworker about getting him out of social group. It was supposed to be helpful for teaching him communication skills because of his problems with pragmatic speech. The reality is that the group leaders have no idea what they're talking about. Yelling at the kid with autism and ADHD because he doesn't sit completely still and make their idea of good eye contact is....I honestly can't think of language strong enough to express how bloody furious I am with these people right now. And they have no business trying to teach my child anything. They shouldn't be working with special needs kids at all if that's what they think of as helping. Nothing that they're doing even has jack-all to do with anything in his IEP. It was supposed to be about learning how to hold a conversation without following a script, not how to stress the kid out trying to force him to adhere to a standard of neurotypical behavior that even neurotypical people can't meet. Every conversation topic they address follows a script too. So, again, not remotely how they're supposed to teach. Grr.Awww lynora that sounds horrible Why should such cruel and unusal punishment. be allowed that will most likely make the kidlet not want to talk.
And that's why I want him pulled out of the group. Most likely the person/people in charge aren't properly trained in what they're supposed to be teaching. These things are most often the result of ignorance rather than spite. Most often.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah, lynora, I know what it's like. ALL I need is to be informed of Impus Major's assignments, because he is utterly incapable of bringing them home himself.
"Oh, no. We won't do that. He needs to learn responsibility."
As I think I posted on FaWtL before, can anyone name a job where you can't ask your manager, "I'm sorry, but what was it you wanted me doing right now again?"
Once? Most managers are fine. 100 times? Yeah, I see that as being an issue. But just, "When you assign homework, include me on the list" doesn't seem like a hardship on the teachers.

lynora |
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Yeah, lynora, I know what it's like. ALL I need is to be informed of Impus Major's assignments, because he is utterly incapable of bringing them home himself.
"Oh, no. We won't do that. He needs to learn responsibility."
As I think I posted on FaWtL before, can anyone name a job where you can't ask your manager, "I'm sorry, but what was it you wanted me doing right now again?"
Once? Most managers are fine. 100 times? Yeah, I see that as being an issue. But just, "When you assign homework, include me on the list" doesn't seem like a hardship on the teachers.
OMG, yes! Thank goodness for Google Classroom and Power School or I swear that child would be flunking out of high school instead of getting mostly A's. I have to check every freaking night or his grades take a nosedive because of all the crap that doesn't get turned in! That's one thing our school does right and the principal at the high school is really passionate about making sure that stuff is updated frequently.
Edit: But they did not do that at the middle school and that was a whole other kettle of fish with very uncooperative teachers, so I definitely understand that pain.

Scintillae |
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Yeah, lynora, I know what it's like. ALL I need is to be informed of Impus Major's assignments, because he is utterly incapable of bringing them home himself.
"Oh, no. We won't do that. He needs to learn responsibility."
As I think I posted on FaWtL before, can anyone name a job where you can't ask your manager, "I'm sorry, but what was it you wanted me doing right now again?"
Once? Most managers are fine. 100 times? Yeah, I see that as being an issue. But just, "When you assign homework, include me on the list" doesn't seem like a hardship on the teachers.
Does your district use Google Classroom? I think it's fairly simple to add a parent to the class if so.
Edit: It's just a day for appropriate ninjas, isn't it?