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Don't know yet!

I alternated between doing fine and spontaneously grabbing a blanket, and lying down, and wiping out.


EDIT: *gets dressed for the day, might end up sleeping in clothes, but that's okay*

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Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, we had a great Skull & Shackles session this afternoon, meaning that NobodysWife is recovering. But it does lead to the question: What's the record number of deaths by a single PC in a single fight?

Trevor was 2 deaths in 2 rounds, and still finished off the fight after coming towards death #3.

So, just how many times CAN you raise one person in a single combat?

Story time!!!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
169 this time
Tacticslion wrote:



... show off.


Contrivancecougar wrote:

Hey, that was your posting, not mine...

** spoiler omitted **

Got it. very nice and happy accident.

Hmm that number might be right for one particular character.

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I managed to finish the first draft of my Visual Novel's script. Only issue is, with me and everyone else being busy, my small development team hasn't yet gotten around to reading it.

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Arthritis flaring up. Looks like it'll rain all day here.

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We're getting all day rain on Thursday, supposedly.

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There seems to be snow in Montana right now.

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Autumn / Fall has started here in Finland. While one of my roommates is whining about Winter approaching, I'm enjoying the scenery for all its transient beauty.

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, in Iron Fist news, Coleen is super-awesome. We have some disagreements, sure, but that's okay: she rocks!

EDIT: I have to say, the number of coincidences in the show are a little weird. Also, the number of excuses not go to the police. Humorous, but... meh, I'll accept it as a method of making the plot go and part of the milieu. XD

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Icy: glad you're hanging out, thanks!

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Yeah, even though I have been too busy to post much, I have not forgotten you all. XD

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Icyshadow wrote:
Autumn / Fall has started here in Finland. While one of my roommates is whining about Winter approaching, I'm enjoying the scenery for all its transient beauty.

So... What your saying is...

I'll just show myself out, why don't I?

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That meme isn't even so bad IMO.

Winter here is no joke.

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Walking to school!

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Only took twenty one minutes today!

Tiny T-Rex even spent the time walking up Old Sauk hill pretending to be part cat. :-)

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Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, we had a great Skull & Shackles session this afternoon, meaning that NobodysWife is recovering. But it does lead to the question: What's the record number of deaths by a single PC in a single fight?

Trevor was 2 deaths in 2 rounds, and still finished off the fight after coming towards death #3.

So, just how many times CAN you raise one person in a single combat?

Story time!!!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
169 this time
Tacticslion wrote:



... show off.


Contrivancecougar wrote:

Hey, that was your posting, not mine...

** spoiler omitted **

Actually, in a "many clerics, one tank" setting the required total is only 4 rounds:

The Math:

Round 1: Level 20 tank gets repeatedly killed and Breath of Lifed 19 times. (According to my "research", unlike Raise Dead you don't get to start draining CON instead of levels once the tank hits level 1, so you're stuck doing it 19 times.) Clerics #20-28 start casting Restoration.
Rounds 2-3: Can't do much 'til those Restorations go off.
Round 4: Tank gets Restored, goes ahead and dies 19 more times, another cleric hits him with Restoration, he dies 19 more times, another Restoration, and so forth.

So you need an army, but you can kill someone 169 times in only 4 rounds. Of course, ALL of the clerics have to have Reach spells so they can all fit in the small space, and you need a ton of creatures killing that tank...



without rather ridiculous contrivances; not to mention how absurdly costly that would be

... hitting up all those restorations costs 1k gold each - that's 150k gold! XD

169-19 = 150; you don't, technically, need to restore those last 19 negative levels...

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Tacticslion wrote:



without rather ridiculous contrivances; not to mention how absurdly costly that would be

... hitting up all those restorations costs 1k gold each - that's 150k gold! XD

169-19 = 150; you don't, technically, need to restore those last 19 negative levels...

100 gold each. You only need the 1k version for permanent negative levels, and Breath of Life does temporary ones.

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Restoration would only remove single permanent negative level per week anyway.

captain yesterday wrote:

Just a comic book, cartoon, and role playing game I used to read, watch, and play as a young lad.

It was fairly obscure (especially where we lived) so you might not have heard of it.

Look, I know you have this thing with hipsters, my dude, but... but... come on~! This just s creams for that hipster alias!

Okay, that is much better... 15k gold: much less excessive, but come on! XD

Beautifully ridiculous!

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Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Just a comic book, cartoon, and role playing game I used to read, watch, and play as a young lad.

It was fairly obscure (especially where we lived) so you might not have heard of it.

Look, I know you have this thing with hipsters, my dude, but... but... come on~! This just s creams for that hipster alias!

I assumed my user name took care of that. I didn't even capitalize it. :-)

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*SIGH*. Why is it that there's just something about construction that makes people hurry and mess up?

My brother flew down from Seattle for the Muse concert, and on Saturday he volunteered to help me put the drywall up on the garage ceiling. So we set up the folding ladders, I climbed up and put the drywall in place, and assured him that in the position I was in I could hold the drywall nigh-indefinitely; at least 10-15 minutes, and probably much longer. So he should take his time to make sure we got everything done correctly.

So, the first thing we noticed was that there was a stud in the way so we couldn't put it in quite straight. It was the stud I plan on removing for the door. He didn't care and threw in the screws anyway. "Slow down! Take your time! I want this done right!"
"It's OK! I got this!"

He then insisted that if we just cut a bunch of corners we could do the entire ceiling in a single afternoon, we'd just skip putting any backing behind the insulation (always great when critters are running amok up there and it's unbacked insulation so the wind can blow right through it). We didn't need to bother moving the conduits to over the rafters; we'd just screw 'em in to the drywall afterwards. He started trying to just throw stuff together, make rough 'eyeball' cuts because it would be 'good enough', etc.

So I stopped him, thanked him for his time, and told him I'd take care of it myself.

And it's my eternal issue dealing with other people and construction. All I want is:
(1) Take the time to prepare the area properly, so the drywall will fit square.
(2) Put in the backing so the insulation is protected.
(3) Put in the drywall.

And this is apparently beyond anyone with any experience in construction; they just want to skip steps (1) and (2) and go straight to (3), because it's "almost as good, and much faster."

I don't want "fast". I want "correct". And the fact that I can't find anyone willing to do that is amazing to me.

FAIR DISCLAIMER: lisamarlene provided me with the name of a guy who will supposedly do EXACTLY what I want him to do. Trouble is, we're still waiting on bids for the bathroom, so I have no idea how much money I'll have to spare for the garage until those bids come in and the bathroom work starts. Which'll be a couple of months...

Tacticslion wrote:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, in Iron Fist news, Coleen is super-awesome. We have some disagreements, sure, but that's okay: she rocks!

EDIT: I have to say, the number of coincidences in the show are a little weird. Also, the number of excuses not go to the police. Humorous, but... meh, I'll accept it as a method of making the plot go and part of the milieu. XD

Episode 12!:

Okay, I love that "fake" ending. So good!

Also, I love how Rand wasn't really the one to defeat the "bad guy" - Coleen took care of her own problems on her own initiative with her own skill, and Danny had to respect that.

Also interesting how they continually have people calling each other out on fake motives - how the characters are fully aware that the other characters have "fake" motives that hide their "real" ones - and it calls to mind, how often that's true in real life, as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Iron Fist was a solid show, left on a cliffhanger.

Daredevil wastes exactly zero time introducing Madame Gao, as well as acknowledging and even exploiting the fall-out from superheroes in the world at large (and their consequences). Awesome!

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Beautiful weather today! 75 and sunny!

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Crazy! It only took me 8 minutes to walk to school, that's fast, even for me, I'm not even winded or perspiring.

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Oh no Captain Yesterday!

On the bright side, if the worst happens I'll fly you out to fix my garage. I'm sure that would make you feel MUCH better!

Now where did I put my whip and horse collar?

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That explains why they've been pushing the 401k so much lately.

"Absolutely we'll match you! No problem!"

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Stupid question of the day: Does anyone know of a good use for bottled water (beyond the obvious)?

We live in the San Francisco Bay Area, with one of the best watersheds of any major city in the country (fresh water right out of Yosemite). So our tap water is amazing. But for the RV trip, we bought a bunch of bottled water in case of breakdowns, wilderness, or what-have-you. Now it's just darkening my kitchen pantry, and it seems silly to just dump out whatever it is ($2/gallon?) water just because it's "in the way".

But trying to remember to refill the fridge water with bottled water instead of tap water seems like more work than it's worth.

Any creative uses for bottled water out there?

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NobodysHome wrote:

Stupid question of the day: Does anyone know of a good use for bottled water (beyond the obvious)?

We live in the San Francisco Bay Area, with one of the best watersheds of any major city in the country (fresh water right out of Yosemite). So our tap water is amazing. But for the RV trip, we bought a bunch of bottled water in case of breakdowns, wilderness, or what-have-you. Now it's just darkening my kitchen pantry, and it seems silly to just dump out whatever it is ($2/gallon?) water just because it's "in the way".

But trying to remember to refill the fridge water with bottled water instead of tap water seems like more work than it's worth.

Any creative uses for bottled water out there?

My car's windshield fluid dispensers don't work properly, so when I'm out driving, I use bottles of water to wash my windshield off when they get real dirty, in combination with a towel or something of course. So there is that.

As far as other uses go... houseplants could probably be effectively watered with bottled water. it works for Science experiments if it's pure enough. (my favorite is proving water itself doesn't conduct, but the impurities in the water conduct better while suspended)
Otherwise... Nothing comes to mind right now...

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Hmm... I like putting 'em in the car trunks, just in case. Seems better than throwing 'em out, and they're probably good in there for a year or so.

Thanks! Good idea!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Stupid question of the day: Does anyone know of a good use for bottled water (beyond the obvious)?

We live in the San Francisco Bay Area, with one of the best watersheds of any major city in the country (fresh water right out of Yosemite). So our tap water is amazing. But for the RV trip, we bought a bunch of bottled water in case of breakdowns, wilderness, or what-have-you. Now it's just darkening my kitchen pantry, and it seems silly to just dump out whatever it is ($2/gallon?) water just because it's "in the way".

But trying to remember to refill the fridge water with bottled water instead of tap water seems like more work than it's worth.

Any creative uses for bottled water out there?

Donate them to the school? They're always asking for the things for various reasons. At least that's how it is here. :)

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So far no disasters or even minor inconveniences today...what needed to get done got done with no excess fuss....I'm not sure what to do with this. Plans don't usually go as ...well...planned... ;P

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I had the same thing!

I actually almost added something else to do, and thought "no, don't screw up a good day"

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Stupid question of the day: Does anyone know of a good use for bottled water (beyond the obvious)?

We live in the San Francisco Bay Area, with one of the best watersheds of any major city in the country (fresh water right out of Yosemite). So our tap water is amazing. But for the RV trip, we bought a bunch of bottled water in case of breakdowns, wilderness, or what-have-you. Now it's just darkening my kitchen pantry, and it seems silly to just dump out whatever it is ($2/gallon?) water just because it's "in the way".

But trying to remember to refill the fridge water with bottled water instead of tap water seems like more work than it's worth.

Any creative uses for bottled water out there?

When I had a case left over after Hermione's birthday I put it in my car and gave it to the folks at the homeless encampment under the freeway because I figured they needed it most.

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Dog is in his usual fall bossiness phase.

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lynora wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Stupid question of the day: Does anyone know of a good use for bottled water (beyond the obvious)?

We live in the San Francisco Bay Area, with one of the best watersheds of any major city in the country (fresh water right out of Yosemite). So our tap water is amazing. But for the RV trip, we bought a bunch of bottled water in case of breakdowns, wilderness, or what-have-you. Now it's just darkening my kitchen pantry, and it seems silly to just dump out whatever it is ($2/gallon?) water just because it's "in the way".

But trying to remember to refill the fridge water with bottled water instead of tap water seems like more work than it's worth.

Any creative uses for bottled water out there?

Donate them to the school? They're always asking for the things for various reasons. At least that's how it is here. :)

Hah! Beat me to the donation idea!

I was going to suggest either a) hurricane relief (hand-off somewhere), or b) homeless folk; but school donations are great, too!

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lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Stupid question of the day: Does anyone know of a good use for bottled water (beyond the obvious)?

We live in the San Francisco Bay Area, with one of the best watersheds of any major city in the country (fresh water right out of Yosemite). So our tap water is amazing. But for the RV trip, we bought a bunch of bottled water in case of breakdowns, wilderness, or what-have-you. Now it's just darkening my kitchen pantry, and it seems silly to just dump out whatever it is ($2/gallon?) water just because it's "in the way".

But trying to remember to refill the fridge water with bottled water instead of tap water seems like more work than it's worth.

Any creative uses for bottled water out there?

When I had a case left over after Hermione's birthday I put it in my car and gave it to the folks at the homeless encampment under the freeway because I figured they needed it most.

Man! I should have looked, like... two posts lower, first! XD

(By-the-by: I don't need the hurricane relief, but others might. Also, as an aside, my church is daggum awesome! Spent the last week being an emergency hospital with power and volunteers for those with special needs!)

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To be filed under the heading of, "Yes, I know my brain is broken and there is something deeply wrong with me,"
"I threw a party on Saturday" equals "and now I will have random crying fits for the next 48 hours and be convinced that I am a failure as a human being EVEN THOUGH everyone liked the food (dude, no leftovers) and seemed to have a good time.
I did not have a good time, because I was the one person who couldn't leave. I was counting down the hours until all of my husband's kind, funny, charming, I HATE ALL OF YOU EFFERS WHY THE HELL WON'T YOU JUST GO HOME adorable friends left so I could take off my corset and load the dishwasher.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:


To be filed under the heading of, "Yes, I know my brain is broken and there is something deeply wrong with me,"
"I threw a party on Saturday" equals "and now I will have random crying fits for the next 48 hours and be convinced that I am a failure as a human being EVEN THOUGH everyone liked the food (dude, no leftovers) and seemed to have a good time.
I did not have a good time, because I was the one person who couldn't leave. I was counting down the hours until all of my husband's kind, funny, charming, I HATE ALL OF YOU EFFERS WHY THE HELL WON'T YOU JUST GO HOME adorable friends left so I could take off my corset and load the dishwasher.

Er... corsets don't go in the dishwasher, dear...

...ducks and covers...

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...oh, and hugs!

I'd claim we stayed away just to make your life easier, but I know you'd have preferred us there.

BTW, has WW noticed his Hero Labs upgrade yet? He didn't respond to my e-mail...

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NobodysHome wrote:

...oh, and hugs!

I'd claim we stayed away just to make your life easier, but I know you'd have preferred us there.

BTW, has WW noticed his Hero Labs upgrade yet? He didn't respond to my e-mail...

Probably not. He's been desperately trying to finish a project for job A so that he can get started on his lecture plan for his first teaching session in two weeks, so things have been... tense.

lisamarlene: hugs! I'm so sorry to hear!


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Tacticslion wrote:

Iron Fist was a solid show, left on a cliffhanger.

Daredevil wastes exactly zero time introducing Madame Gao, as well as acknowledging and even exploiting the fall-out from superheroes in the world at large (and their consequences). Awesome!

Daredevil is an excellent show!

I can see if you started here, Iron Fist would seem much slower and weaker. Iron Fist is a solid show that dips into Wuxia styles with a (slightly) "gritty" and American spin. It is also much brighter and more hopeful than the beginning of shows like Daredevil.

I'm on episode three, by the way. It's a a very strong show that opens with great skill and is very gritty.

Also, Iron Fist is an excellent show about a monk PF character.
Daredevil is an excellent show about a vigilante PF character (explicitly an avenger specialization).

I'm struggling statting him up, exactly, but I'd measure him out as a pass for human tiefling with the devilspawn variant, who surrendered pyrotechnics, darkvision, and fiendish sorcerery for a selection of abilities in the variant tiefling abilities down below; especially the DR 2/piercing, 15% ignore critical, and +1hp/lvl; also, if the GM is super-generous, a +2 Perception and a +2 to Int and/or Cha (to negate the penalty).

Three 11s, three 10s, and the +4/+4/+2/+2/+0/-2 should be able to get a decent imitation (if not ideal).

He has blindsight 30 ft., blindsense 60 ft., keen scent, and tremorsense 60 ft.; he is also blind.

Skills include appraise, bluff, climb, diplomacy, disguise, intimidate, knowledge (local), perception, profession (lawyer), sense motive, and stealth. You can drop the appraise, probably, but that's still too many skills. Maybe elminate the disguise and stealth.

That puts us at eight skills. Doable.

Anyhoo, gotta do something about that unarmed strike (or maybe temporarily put it as rope gauntlets or something) and lack of armor (though I chose the tiefling to grab armor of the pit to allow that complete lack of natural AC).

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I hope Freehold and Celestial Healer (and any other NY crew) are safe after the deadly bus crash in Queens today.

Iron Fist is clearly a monk, but what kind is more... difficult to determine.

Flowing Monk, Master of Many Styles, Maneuver Master, and Martial Artists all seem fairly solid. So might the Hamatulatsu monk.


Maybe the new unchained monk? That Iroran monk PrC with the water splitting stone ability is actually pretty good, too.

captain yesterday wrote:
I hope Freehold and Celestial Healer (and why other NY crew) are safe after the deadly bus crash in Queens today.


What happened? Do you know the details?

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A private bus ran into a city bus and then into a building.

The driver of the private bus, a passenger, and a person walking on the sidewalk were killed, with 16 other injuries.

Absolutely tragic!

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Random question: is anyone else less trusting of people without avatars?

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