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lynora wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Popular pool toy this year (besides fidget spinners): inflatable poop emojis.
Passive aggressive way to tell your kids what you really think of them? ;P

Can you get them custom printed with your kids' faces on them?

Ahem. Awkward.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
*yawn* So tired. In retrospect tea wasn't strong enough. I should have gone straight for the coffee this morning.

You should always start with coffee.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
*yawn* So tired. In retrospect tea wasn't strong enough. I should have gone straight for the coffee this morning.

*Tries again, without much luck, too press a glass of ice-coffee through his screen to Lyn*

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Perhaps I should switch to monitor sales...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Not posting this for sympathy, or to be a downer, but because it's easier to talk to (mostly) strangers than to my actual family and friend on Facebook.
And mostly to see a show of hands, has anybody ever felt this way? Or am I, as my mother says, just too weird and making things too complicated?
Arthritis pain has been really, really bad these last few days.
And I look "normal", for a given value of what looks "normal" when you're 42 and addicted to work. (Yes, I always look tired and strung out.)
So I'm experimenting with a new cosplay-inspired outfit, which will either be tolerably fabulous or a trainwreck, and which will be totally inappropriate for the day's activities, because when I just feel bad, I go frumpy, but when I feel truly horrible, I dress up. Sometimes way too much.
So I'm going for "River-Song-ISH", because while I have the hair, it's the wrong color, and every time I've tried to dye it, (three so far), it's turned bright orange and temporarily lost its curl, which I have promised myself and signed in blood to never ever ever do again.
And since every time I write something personal that I actually think is kind of funny, I can pretty much hear the Crickets of Awkward chirping on the thread, well, let's just say that I apologize in advance.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love River Song, and I also have curly hair, but as it is too dark I always get orange when I try to dye it. So I totally understand you.

I had her saying "hello sweetie" for a time as a tone for my messages.

I think that would be a totally awesome cpsplay!

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If it's something you enjoy doing, then no, you're not being weird. Anything that distracts you from the pain in your fingers helps. My family has a history of early arthritis. When my fingers begin to hurt, I generally begin playing Civilization II Test of Time. I like games that make you actually think, or plan ahead several turns.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
If it's something you enjoy doing, then no, you're not being weird. Anything that distracts you from the pain in your fingers helps. My family has a history of early arthritis. When my fingers begin to hurt, I generally begin playing Civilization II Test of Time. I like games that make you actually think, or plan ahead several turns.

Oddly enough, my hands are the one place that are the least affected for me. I've got spine, knees, and hips.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, but the principle still stands. Use the hobby as a distraction.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Not posting this for sympathy, or to be a downer, but because it's easier to talk to (mostly) strangers than to my actual family and friend on Facebook.

And mostly to see a show of hands, has anybody ever felt this way? Or am I, as my mother says, just too weird and making things too complicated?
Arthritis pain has been really, really bad these last few days.
And I look "normal", for a given value of what looks "normal" when you're 42 and addicted to work. (Yes, I always look tired and strung out.)
So I'm experimenting with a new cosplay-inspired outfit, which will either be tolerably fabulous or a trainwreck, and which will be totally inappropriate for the day's activities, because when I just feel bad, I go frumpy, but when I feel truly horrible, I dress up. Sometimes way too much.
So I'm going for "River-Song-ISH", because while I have the hair, it's the wrong color, and every time I've tried to dye it, (three so far), it's turned bright orange and temporarily lost its curl, which I have promised myself and signed in blood to never ever ever do again.
And since every time I write something personal that I actually think is kind of funny, I can pretty much hear the Crickets of Awkward chirping on the thread, well, let's just say that I apologize in advance.

If you show up at my home in River Song cosplay with orange hair, you will get extra hugs.

And dessert!

EDIT: And would a papasan chair help for the game? I threw out the old one, but all I need is an excuse...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

If you show up at my home in River Song cosplay with orange hair, you will get extra hugs.

And dessert!

EDIT: And would a papasan chair help for the game? I threw out the old one, but all I need is an excuse...

That, in the words of Egon Spengler, would be an extraordinarily bad idea.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's really ok Lisa, you do what you enjoy doing, and it that makes you weird and complicated, I would probably shrug it off.
Everyone has something they turn to when pain, mental fatigue or whatever else is weighing them down hits them, so why shouldn't you have your cosplay costumes?

As for the arthritis, is not really a thing. that I'm very knowledgeable about. But if you do a lot of work sitting down, maybe its time to look for a second hand "be-good-to-your-lower-back chair" (some thing like the equivalent of this some thing like the equivalent of this ), I have one and it helps if I'm having lower back pains. The only downside is that they cost an arm and a leg (over here at least).

Edit: Arghh...just saw that you also had problems with your knees. In which case, that particular chair might not be the best solution, to your problems.

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Tiny T-Rex and I are testing out the bounciness of used furniture at Vinnies. :-)

captain yesterday wrote:
Or impossibly vague ("I need something super specific but I don't know the name of it, it was on Amazon, can you look it up. It was round and spins")

Oh, so you work in a Bookstore!

lynora wrote:
tea wasn't strong enough.

You LIE! I am strong enough! I am! I'll show you! I'll show you all!

*proceeds to collapse under the weight of a 5 lb. bar*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There is a surprising amount of crossover. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
You should always start with coffee.

You're sick, man.

*sips sweet tea*


*sips more*

You have a problem.

*sips even more*

Seek professional help.

*guzzles some*

Stop embarrassing yourself!

*just starts plunging head into gallons*

captain yesterday wrote:
There is a surprising amount of crossover. :-)

Isn't there, though?!

I asked a Toys R Us employee to install something unreasonable for me the other day (new car seats, as both kids had outgrown their old ones), just for you...

(Actually, it was one car seat, and I asked because I had having a serious problem getting th box into the car and had no tools. As its against the law for him to do so, apparently - a very reasonable thing upon refl film - he declined and that made sense. My original idea was to get him to put in one seat while I tried to fit the other seat's box in the car. That ended up impossible anyway: I just had to pull the seat stuff out and barely fit it into the front seat until I could take it home, remove most everything except one car seat from my car, and properly install the new one. Had to go back in Mommy's car to get that car seat, but I still haven't installed that one yet - it fit, box and all, into her car, although not her trunk, because I had no kids or TKD bags in her car. That said: the box does not fit in the trunk, no matter how you try to put it there...)

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Maybe something like 'mundane over magic.' I dunno, I'm trying to think of a term that expresses the total lack of explanation for fictional peoples' obliviousness to things that real people would absolutely be aware of and concerned with...

The unicorn and I cannot agree on a proper term. I like Obvious Oblivious, and she insists on Supernatural Oblivity.

This may be the first true test of our marriage.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Maybe something like 'mundane over magic.' I dunno, I'm trying to think of a term that expresses the total lack of explanation for fictional peoples' obliviousness to things that real people would absolutely be aware of and concerned with...

The unicorn and I cannot agree on a proper term. I like Obvious Oblivious, and she insists on Supernatural Oblivity.

This may be the first true test of our marriage.

I think Douglas Adams referred to it as an SEP or "Somebody Else's Problem field". It's from the book where Ford and Arthur appear on a striped Chesterfield sofa in the middle of Lords Cricket Ground.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Maybe something like 'mundane over magic.' I dunno, I'm trying to think of a term that expresses the total lack of explanation for fictional peoples' obliviousness to things that real people would absolutely be aware of and concerned with...

The unicorn and I cannot agree on a proper term. I like Obvious Oblivious, and she insists on Supernatural Oblivity.

This may be the first true test of our marriage.

I think Douglas Adams referred to it as an SEP or "Somebody Else's Problem field". It's from the book where Ford and Arthur appear on a striped Chesterfield sofa in the middle of Lords Cricket Ground.

Or, if you wanted to go the conspiracy theory sci-fi route, fnords.

We've been deliberately conditioned not to see or hear things that might upset us or that we would have trouble wrapping our brains around, so they become invisible.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Don't bother the Norwegian Blue. He's pining for the fnords." :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Not posting this for sympathy, or to be a downer, but because it's easier to talk to (mostly) strangers than to my actual family and friend on Facebook.

And mostly to see a show of hands, has anybody ever felt this way? Or am I, as my mother says, just too weird and making things too complicated?
Arthritis pain has been really, really bad these last few days.
And I look "normal", for a given value of what looks "normal" when you're 42 and addicted to work. (Yes, I always look tired and strung out.)
So I'm experimenting with a new cosplay-inspired outfit, which will either be tolerably fabulous or a trainwreck, and which will be totally inappropriate for the day's activities, because when I just feel bad, I go frumpy, but when I feel truly horrible, I dress up. Sometimes way too much.
So I'm going for "River-Song-ISH", because while I have the hair, it's the wrong color, and every time I've tried to dye it, (three so far), it's turned bright orange and temporarily lost its curl, which I have promised myself and signed in blood to never ever ever do again.
And since every time I write something personal that I actually think is kind of funny, I can pretty much hear the Crickets of Awkward chirping on the thread, well, let's just say that I apologize in advance.

That sounds like an awesome outfit. :)

I do understand about the clothes. We have a running joke at my house that it's impossible to tell the difference between my pajamas and not. It's only kind of a joke. When you deal with a lot of joint injuries, loose fitting comfortable clothing is a must. My thing that I do to feel less sloppy is to wear lots of jewelry. Like obnoxious amounts of jewelry. You just gotta do whatever it is that helps you feel better about yourself, and forget about how 'crazy' it looks to anyone else. :)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Maybe something like 'mundane over magic.' I dunno, I'm trying to think of a term that expresses the total lack of explanation for fictional peoples' obliviousness to things that real people would absolutely be aware of and concerned with...

The unicorn and I cannot agree on a proper term. I like Obvious Oblivious, and she insists on Supernatural Oblivity.

This may be the first true test of our marriage.

I have to admit, Obvious Oblivious sounds better to me, but I'm a sucker for alliteration. :D

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been wearing the same outfit for going on nearly thirty years.

Skater shoes, cargo shorts and a t-shirt (or Hawaiian shirt if it's really hot out). If I need to dress nice I have a sweater (yes, singular) I can wear over my t-shirt.

My best Halloween costume was when I put my hair in a forward pony tail, drew a line with washable marker down the middle of my face and went as a horse's ass.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, that's horrible. Damn you for making me laugh at that. :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I've been wearing the same outfit for going on nearly thirty years.

Skater shoes, cargo shorts and a t-shirt (or Hawaiian shirt if it's really hot out). If I need to dress nice I have a sweater (yes, singular) I can wear over my t-shirt.

My best Halloween costume was when I put my hair in a forward pony tail, drew a line with washable marker down the middle of my face and went as a horse's ass.

Best. Costume. Ever.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, when I was a kid my dad would dress up like Dracula, built a coffin and had the doorbell wired to it. So every time a kid rang the doorbell my dad would rise out of the coffin right behind them with a bowl of candy. :-D

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My mother made my costumes by hand because she was really good at sewing. Then I grew up and as I am not good at it, I cannot afford to pay a tailor and average customes suck I stopped wearing costumes.
I'd really like to do it, though.
In a few weeks it's going to be a local festivity that roughly recreates life in my town at times of celtics and romans and everybody wears costumes. I'd really like to dress myself as a pagan druid or witch. It's something that I really want to do.

Also,being sick all afternoon allowed me to stay idle enough time to write a second chapter for my campaign journal on the same day. Hooray for me! XD

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
lynora wrote:
*yawn* So tired. In retrospect tea wasn't strong enough. I should have gone straight for the coffee this morning.
You should always start with coffee.


Kileanna wrote:
In a few weeks it's going to be a local festivity that roughly recreates life in my town at times of celtics and romans and everybody wears costumes. I'd really like to dress myself as a pagan druid or witch. It's something that I really want to do.

Lady of Elche, maybe?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nah!!! More celtic-like. Anyway, people isn't very accurate with their costumes so I just would go with some... artistic licenses.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:
In a few weeks it's going to be a local festivity that roughly recreates life in my town at times of celtics and romans and everybody wears costumes. I'd really like to dress myself as a pagan druid or witch. It's something that I really want to do.
Lady of Elche, maybe?

Grumpy old historian comment:

The Lady of Elche, probably wouldn't be a good "picturing" of a pagan witch or druid as it is, from judging the picture, Greek or Phoenician inspired.
It was also found in Elche, which put in firmly in Iberian territory, whereas our little changeling comes from Galicia which is Celtic territory, more specifically the Gallaeci/Callaeci tribal federation.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Yay for Kjeldorn and his talent for History!

The lady of Elche was found quite far from here and it's indeed a very beautiful piece, but Galicia has more shared roots with, say Ireland or French Britain than with Eastern Spain.

Anyway, most costumes are completely inaccurate so I am not against some artistic license. You can even see people dressed as Picts, and though Picts are awesome well... they have traveled way too south to get here. I think I saw some vikings last year too xD

This is the festivity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:

Yay for Kjeldorn and his talent for History!

The lady of Elche was found quite far from here and it's indeed a very beautiful piece, but Galicia has more shared roots with, say Ireland or French Britain than with Eastern Spain.

Anyway, most costumes are completely inaccurate so I am not against some artistic license. You can even see people dressed as Picts, and though Picts are awesome well... they have traveled way too south to get here. I think I saw some vikings last year too xD

This is the festivity.

Well, if we broaden the time period a bit you could have people showing up as Elbe-Germanic Suebi tribe(s) members from the migration period or English britons, who missed Brittany and settled on northern Spanish coast ^^.

So, no there maybe wasn't any Picts in Galicia, but English Celts from Cornwall is a very real possibility a bit later on :).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Broadening the time period would be totally killing the accuracy! I mean... It's not like everybody went around dressed like romans while wearing sunglasses and digital watches! XD

And I swear that I have seen girls dressed like Cleopatra xD

I would consider going as a druid despite being a woman, so I cannot say anything about accuracy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:

Broadening the time period would be totally killing the accuracy! I mean... It's not like everybody went around dressed like romans while wearing sunglasses and digital watches! XD

And I swear that I have seen girls dressed like Cleopatra xD

I would consider going as a druid despite being a woman, so I cannot say anything about accuracy.

First of all, while I studied history, this particular time period isn't my specialty (that would be Medieval Northern Europe) so take the following with a grain of salt.

But I seem to remember, that female druids where mentioned in source material from Ireland. Further more, I think a Greek historian, Strabo I think, mentions priestess among the people of Brittany, which would probably have been druids(-ess).

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I am not a specialist either so you might be right. I like reading about History but I am not an expert at all.

I have always been fascinated by medicine people from ancient cultures and how they were usually considered to have some kind of magic while it was often a comprehension of nature. So druids, witches, etc, have always attracted me a lot.
I also come from a land of witches xD

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There were female druids.

Someone (Tacitus?) mentioned them howling and waving torches, without much effect, when the Romans attacked the religious sanctuary in Anglesey, Wales.

There's a lot of Romano-British stuff near where my parents live, with a lot of reenactment related activity going on around it. One thing they always mention is that the ratio of Centurions to legionaries is always suspiciously high...

Not that it makes a lot of difference, but the Cornish don't like to be called English. Probably would have been British at that time, anyway.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

There were female druids.

Someone (Tacitus?) mentioned them howling and waving torches, without much effect, when the Romans attacked the religious sanctuary in Anglesey, Wales.

There's a lot of Romano-British stuff near where my parents live, with a lot of reenactment related activity going on around it. One thing they always mention is that the ratio of Centurions to legionaries is always suspiciously high...

Not that it makes a lot of difference, but the Cornish don't like to be called English. Probably would have been British at that time, anyway.

Yea sorry, Its the problem of our modern sensibilities leaking into a different historical context. The proper way would probably have been to call them Cornish Celts or Celtic Britons from Cornwall ^^.

@Kile: Oh yes the pre-christian priestly groups are always interesting to read about. The whole witches thing, is an entire other kettle of fish, as that word means very different things, depending on time-period and country.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Not posting this for sympathy, or to be a downer, but because it's easier to talk to (mostly) strangers than to my actual family and friend on Facebook.

And mostly to see a show of hands, has anybody ever felt this way? Or am I, as my mother says, just too weird and making things too complicated?
Arthritis pain has been really, really bad these last few days.
And I look "normal", for a given value of what looks "normal" when you're 42 and addicted to work. (Yes, I always look tired and strung out.)
So I'm experimenting with a new cosplay-inspired outfit, which will either be tolerably fabulous or a trainwreck, and which will be totally inappropriate for the day's activities, because when I just feel bad, I go frumpy, but when I feel truly horrible, I dress up. Sometimes way too much.
So I'm going for "River-Song-ISH", because while I have the hair, it's the wrong color, and every time I've tried to dye it, (three so far), it's turned bright orange and temporarily lost its curl, which I have promised myself and signed in blood to never ever ever do again.
And since every time I write something personal that I actually think is kind of funny, I can pretty much hear the Crickets of Awkward chirping on the thread, well, let's just say that I apologize in advance.

I wholeheartedly approve of anything you need to do to drown out the pain cosplay wise, save perhaps the fact that it is whedon related cosplay.

Have you considered non whedon related cosplay? I hear it leads to increased health, brighter, shinier hair, larger tax returns, better gas mileage for your vehicles, and happier FreeholdDMs.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Maybe something like 'mundane over magic.' I dunno, I'm trying to think of a term that expresses the total lack of explanation for fictional peoples' obliviousness to things that real people would absolutely be aware of and concerned with...

The unicorn and I cannot agree on a proper term. I like Obvious Oblivious, and she insists on Supernatural Oblivity.

This may be the first true test of our marriage.

have you given world of darkness a look? Lots of terms for the same thing there.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Maybe something like 'mundane over magic.' I dunno, I'm trying to think of a term that expresses the total lack of explanation for fictional peoples' obliviousness to things that real people would absolutely be aware of and concerned with...

The unicorn and I cannot agree on a proper term. I like Obvious Oblivious, and she insists on Supernatural Oblivity.

This may be the first true test of our marriage.

I think Douglas Adams referred to it as an SEP or "Somebody Else's Problem field". It's from the book where Ford and Arthur appear on a striped Chesterfield sofa in the middle of Lords Cricket Ground.

Or, if you wanted to go the conspiracy theory sci-fi route, fnords.

We've been deliberately conditioned not to see or hear things that might upset us or that we would have trouble wrapping our brains around, so they become invisible.

I have experienced this before, and have had to train myself to become even more forward than usual to counter it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dropped the kids off with the grandparents. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, no one aside from LisaMarlene and Tactics caught the Monty Python reference? I am sadly disappointed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will refer to my post directly above yours.

When the kids are away the parents something, something. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I got it, John the 698th of the mighty Napier clan. Now can you help me with a problem? My hovercraft appears to be full of eels, and I will not buy this record for it is scratched.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I will refer to my post directly above yours.

When the kids are away the parents something, something. :-)

Sleep? Scrub the house? Change the locks? Play Hide-the-Knockwurst? (Pro-tip: Don't hide it in the heater vents. It will cook.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Not posting this for sympathy, or to be a downer, but because it's easier to talk to (mostly) strangers than to my actual family and friend on Facebook.

And mostly to see a show of hands, has anybody ever felt this way? Or am I, as my mother says, just too weird and making things too complicated?
Arthritis pain has been really, really bad these last few days.
And I look "normal", for a given value of what looks "normal" when you're 42 and addicted to work. (Yes, I always look tired and strung out.)
So I'm experimenting with a new cosplay-inspired outfit, which will either be tolerably fabulous or a trainwreck, and which will be totally inappropriate for the day's activities, because when I just feel bad, I go frumpy, but when I feel truly horrible, I dress up. Sometimes way too much.
So I'm going for "River-Song-ISH", because while I have the hair, it's the wrong color, and every time I've tried to dye it, (three so far), it's turned bright orange and temporarily lost its curl, which I have promised myself and signed in blood to never ever ever do again.
And since every time I write something personal that I actually think is kind of funny, I can pretty much hear the Crickets of Awkward chirping on the thread, well, let's just say that I apologize in advance.

I wholeheartedly approve of anything you need to do to drown out the pain cosplay wise, save perhaps the fact that it is whedon related cosplay.

Have you considered non whedon related cosplay? I hear it leads to increased health, brighter, shinier hair, larger tax returns, better gas mileage for your vehicles, and happier FreeholdDMs.

River SONG, not River Tam. Very, VERY different character.

And not even vaguely Whedon related.
One of my favorite quotes:

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Personally, I would be interested in seeing what Whedon could do with the Whoniverse. It might not be great, but I would still like to see.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
So, no one aside from LisaMarlene and Tactics caught the Monty Python reference? I am sadly disappointed.

Of course I caught it.

I caught it when I made that same joke like ten pages ago.

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