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Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:


*mutter, grumble*

... dangit. Still nothing. :I
*glares at Deals screen*

F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5...

This is totes a lie. F5 doesn't work on the Steam App - you have to keep clicking to look at the story entry...

Steam! STEAM. Steam. Listen, Steam. Listen! Christmas is only five days away, Steam. Five. Days.

Steeeaaaaam. Steam, baby~!

Look, now: I have a whole lot of money* right here next to me that I shouldn't spend on you - oh, don't give me that face, you have to let me finish! - ... ahem, that I shouldn't spend on you... but I'm going to~!

Well! ... mmmmmmmmmmaybe.

I mean, I know you like money, and I like giving it to you, but, Steam, baby, you gotta know, I can't just go off and give it away! I got stuff, you know? Needs! Like basic hygiene! And food! And paying other people! Oh, and I guess kids and a family and stuff!

You see how it is! I just... I just can't give you any of this nice money right now...

... unlessssss... unless, say, a really big sales event happened to start, like, right now...?

I mean, I'm not saying that I won't have any of this money left over** after the holiday season - i.e. tomorrow - starts... I'm not saying that...


* Well, okay, maybe "a whole lot" is a lie. But it's a lot for me!

** Hah! I tricked you! I totally don't have any money left over now~! Sucker! ... but I'll probably somehow still have less, then, too.

Oh~! So you thought I was making idle threats, eh, Steam?!


That fat* stack of cash is disappearing~!

... your move, Steam! Your. Move.


* No. It's really not. Considering, once again, I have no cash.

EDIT: Yeah, I'm clothed, I'm clothed. *re-dresses*

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It would seem Tacticslion is really enthusiastic about Christmas.

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Customer (being sarcastic): Boy, you're a wealth of information there aren't you.

Me (completely serious): No sir, I work very hard so that I'm not.

Dark Archive

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Just in the nick of time for the Christmas parties a truly genius way to open beer when you don't have a bottle opener. Enjoy lads!

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NobodysHome wrote:

OK, after losing my entire lunch hour to this phenomenon, I thought I'd conduct a second totally-random survey:

At the grocery store, do you self-bag or just stand there?

I ask because I basically just lost my lunch hour in a loooong grocery line, watching people stand there, hands empty, patiently waiting for the checker to finish checking all the items, then stand there, patiently waiting for the checker to bag all the items. Timing the two (did I mention I spent most of my lunch hour in a line... with THREE people ahead of me?), they were about equal. So if people just stepped up and bagged their own groceries, the line would move twice as fast.

Yet in the entire store, I and one other guy were the only ones who self-bagged. Everyone else just waited. And waited. And waited.

What was odd was that I overheard the other self-bagger ask why no employees were bagging, and the checker responded with a mysterious, "Oh, California just passed a law about that."

I hadn't heard of any such ridiculous law, so I was wondering how many self-baggers and how many patient waiters we have?

(Having a kid with you or any other disability automatically qualifies you for the, "Guilt-free patient waiter" line...)

If the store is not busy and the lines are short I will patiently wait. Grocery shopping is a challenge for me with the noise and overly bright lights and I'm usually frazzled, dizzy, and nursing a nasty headache by the time I get to the checkout, so being able to concentrate on staying upright and paying without having to worry about bagging is a good thing. But if there are long lines I will self bag because I want to be kind to the cashier and the people waiting behind me in line.

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Have a cold. Should be sleeping, but have a cold. Ugh. :(

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lynora wrote:
Have a cold. Should be sleeping, but have a cold. Ugh. :(

I know how you feel. I get the same way when my allergies flare up.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Yup, lived in a s!$@ty apartment and had a broken outlet behind the bedside table, but it had shifted in our newlywed enthusiasm and I stuck my finger in it while I was sleeping.

But in it's defense, it cured a nerve pinching in shoulder without the surgery I supposedly needed.

Only thing I remember is a bright flash and my wife asking me if I was okay.

I guess that the electroshock therapy worked that time. :)

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Aranna wrote:

I wouldn't stand there... I would complain to management.

The options are self check out or cashier? Because if I select the cashier they always bag my stuff without any standing around needed. Ca made a law against cashiers bagging? There aren't any REAL issues out there for law makers to handle?! This was the pressing legal issue of your state?

Sounds like the Ca Legislature has had their brains fried from all the California Sunshine.

And no, I won't mention all the drugs and alcohol that supposedly flows freely. No Ma'am. Not a single word. :) :O :)

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Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

"I want you to put this powerwheels together while I'm shopping elsewhere"

"We have twenty four hour assembly"

"Can't you just throw it together quick"

"You don't want me just throwing it together quick"

He went and found two different managers trying to get someone to make me assemble it.

Make all such parents sign a legally-binding release from liability so that they don't sue from injuries resulting from a rushed assembly. :)

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Just in the nick of time for the Christmas parties a truly genius way to open beer when you don't have a bottle opener. Enjoy lads!

Well, that's one way to do it. Just mind the broken glass.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

"I want you to put this powerwheels together while I'm shopping elsewhere"

"We have twenty four hour assembly"

"Can't you just throw it together quick"

"You don't want me just throwing it together quick"

He went and found two different managers trying to get someone to make me assemble it.

Make all such parents sign a legally-binding release from liability so that they don't sue from injuries resulting from a rushed assembly. :)

But then i'd have to assemble it.

That's exactly the sort of thing i'm looking to avoid.

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Tell them you're not legally allowed to handle screwdrivers and/or socket wrenches until the court-appointed psychiatrist says your treatments are working.

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Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

"I want you to put this powerwheels together while I'm shopping elsewhere"

"We have twenty four hour assembly"

"Can't you just throw it together quick"

"You don't want me just throwing it together quick"

He went and found two different managers trying to get someone to make me assemble it.

Make all such parents sign a legally-binding release from liability so that they don't sue from injuries resulting from a rushed assembly. :)

But then i'd have to assemble it.

That's exactly the sort of thing i'm looking to avoid.

So many small parts that could accidentally be misplaced. Just saying. Many things could go wrong in a rush job.

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But then i'd have to build it.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Tell them you're not legally allowed to handle screwdrivers and/or socket wrenches until the court-appointed psychiatrist says your treatments are working.

As someone who has had to deal with a psychotic co-worker in September, I second that opinion.

By the way, are you pain free from the move yet?

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NobodysHome wrote:

I was an 80's punker going to UC Berkeley. In Dwinelle Hall where I had my freshman English class was a completely-exposed outlet: Not only was the face plate missing, but the plug plates were missing as well, so sticking out of the wall were two pairs of little prongs, like tiny little electric robot arms seeking to electrocute an unsuspecting Captain Yesterday.

So, being a responsible citizen, I put a penny into each side of a pair of prongs, got out a fifty cent piece, put on my gloves, sat to the side, and tested what happens when you complete such a circuit.

BOOM! The 50-cent piece shot across the 8' hallway, putting a dent in the opposite wall. Melted into the face of the coin were two spots where the pennies had touched.

Science is cool!

And this, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how you can make a Railgun at home. Just make sure no-one is downrange when you fire it.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Tell them you're not legally allowed to handle screwdrivers and/or socket wrenches until the court-appointed psychiatrist says your treatments are working.

As someone who has had to deal with a psychotic co-worker in September, I second that opinion.

By the way, are you pain free from the move yet?

No. My knees are still aching, which is unsurprising, and I somehow manage to pull a muscle in my ribcage. Both of these, combined with the fact my manager didn't give me both weeks off like I had requested, mean that most of my stuff except for the bare essentials is still stacked in boxes in the 3rd bedroom.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Tell them you're not legally allowed to handle screwdrivers and/or socket wrenches until the court-appointed psychiatrist says your treatments are working.

As someone who has had to deal with a psychotic co-worker in September, I second that opinion.

By the way, are you pain free from the move yet?

No. My knees are still aching, which is unsurprising, and I somehow manage to pull a muscle in my ribcage. Both of these, combined with the fact my manager didn't give me both weeks off like I had requested, mean that most of my stuff except for the bare essentials is still stacked in boxes in the 3rd bedroom.

Almost sounds like a bad day after Army PT. Aspercream might help with the knees.

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Hey, everyone,

I've found some Halo-based AMVs. There's this,
and this,
and this.

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Well, everyone. I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep, despite my allergies. Good night, all.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Tell them you're not legally allowed to handle screwdrivers and/or socket wrenches until the court-appointed psychiatrist says your treatments are working.

As someone who has had to deal with a psychotic co-worker in September, I second that opinion.

By the way, are you pain free from the move yet?

No. My knees are still aching, which is unsurprising, and I somehow manage to pull a muscle in my ribcage. Both of these, combined with the fact my manager didn't give me both weeks off like I had requested, mean that most of my stuff except for the bare essentials is still stacked in boxes in the 3rd bedroom.
Almost sounds like a bad day after Army PT. Aspercream might help with the knees.

The knees are a pre-existing condition. Ibuprofen helps.

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A bit of Christmas music to get us in a state of battle readiness... er that is to say Holiday Spirit!

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The Battle of Stamford Bridge 1066 AD

I had never heard of this. I guess you learn something new every day.

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A Holiday Spirit? Run! This thread is haunted!!!

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makes fire engine noises while being carried into thread on a throne carried by frost giants


also its my birthday

Silver Crusade

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Happy Birthday! Thankies for bringing Winter for the rest of us ^w^

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Happy birthday!!

Ice Bear made you a cake.

Holds out an empty plate with traces of crumbs and a bit of frosting to hint at what might've been.

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Freehold DM wrote:

makes fire engine noises while being carried into thread on a throne carried by frost giants


also its my birthday

'Freehold the Snowman

Had a very happy birthday
With any luck,
With lots of ladies doing Lulu cosplay'

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Ice Bear wrote:

Happy birthday!!

Ice Bear made you a cake.

Holds out an empty plate with traces of crumbs and a bit of frosting to hint at what might've been.

thank you ice bear. You are one of my favorite bears. I love your episodes.

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'Glistening' Buff Scrotes wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

makes fire engine noises while being carried into thread on a throne carried by frost giants


also its my birthday

'Freehold the Snowman

Had a very happy birthday
With any luck,
With lots of ladies doing Lulu cosplay'

interestingly enough I have requested that be the mourning wear of any woman attending my funeral.

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Freehold DM wrote:

makes fire engine noises while being carried into thread on a throne carried by frost giants


also its my birthday

Freehold's birthday is the first day of winter...

...that explains SO much...

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Happy birthday Freehold! :)

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Aaand... after Tequila Sunrise got the ball rolling on holiday recipe requests, here's another one:

NobodysWife LOVES Trader Joe's seasonal spiced cider. So of course the last two times we've been to our local Trader Joe's they've been out, and I find shopping there to be quite unpleasant.

So... instead of spiced cider, I bought 3 gallons of regular cider.

I now need a spiced cider recipe.

Anyone have one they're particularly fond of?

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lynora wrote:
Happy birthday Freehold! :)

Aren't you supposed to shimmy a bit when you sing that?

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NobodysHome wrote:
lynora wrote:
Happy birthday Freehold! :)
Aren't you supposed to shimmy a bit when you sing that?

I choked and coughed on my hot apple tea when I read this.

No wonder you enjoy Winter so much. Happy Birthday, my friend. :)

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Sharoth wrote:

The Battle of Stamford Bridge 1066 AD

I had never heard of this. I guess you learn something new every day.

Very educational. Thanks.

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Are you sure you're not the chosen one? I mean, the chosen one is generally born on the solstice or equinox or somesuch.

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Hello everyone. How is the first day of winter finding you?

(I have found that I am colder than normal since I am missing so much natural insulation)

Happy birthday Freehold!

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Hey, NH,

Here's the full wiki writeup for what you did. Raligun

Well, everyone,

I've got to get ready for work early today. The guard I relieve called off sick, ( he's been fighting a cold for the past week ) so I got called in. That's four days of eleven-hour shifts, more or less. Everyone have a great day.

Woot! Happy birthday, Freehold!

Wraithguard wrote:

Hello everyone. How is the first day of winter finding you?

(I have found that I am colder than normal since I am missing so much natural insulation)

Happy birthday Freehold!

Huzzah! A wild Wraithguard has appeared!

(She's in charge of Dire Rugrat publishing!)

Welcome! Enjoy the nonsense!

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It's much warmer than it's been.

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Nonsense!?! I put a lot of effort to be taken seriously.

Has that not been obvious...

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captain yesterday wrote:
It's much warmer than it's been.

LOL! I was going to post that it was 45 this morning, so double digits must be headed Captain Yesterday's way... but I didn't want to depress Freehold, what with it being his birthday and all...

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It's 32 today.

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...nobody told me that there would be so much arting in the CS final.

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I am very, very sad I don't get to use this alias.

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Apologies for the long silence. Night shift work was a pain, mostly due to the unusual sleep schedule.

Job contract ended today, so now I can take some time off to get all my errands out of the way before the holidays.

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