Tacticslion |
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I get to go to the other side of town to find a Dipper hat at the Mall.
The upside, if I go between rush hours it'll only take a half hour to drive there.
The downside, I hate malls, every single one.
But... but... food courts with fake Chinese food they give for free on toothpicks!
EDIT: okay, those things aren't that exciting. It's just... I'm sleep deprived. I forgot to get dressed. Shut it! Sick child! I got excuses, 'n stuff!
Oh, and I get dressed.

NobodysHome |
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And FWIW, fantastic opening session for Delphinia on Sunday -- we had a HUGE battle with a creepy-crawly whose tactics were, "Grapple, damage, and drain". A high-AC Life Oracle with 6 Lesser Restorations queued up and Selective Channeling was critical to the party's success.
Though the captain's quip while climbing up to beat the baddie has forever labeled her with an unfortunate sobriquet:
"Hey! The pink pantsless one is doing OK down there!"
Cue half the group humming the Pink Panther theme every time she tries to do anything...
Saving NPCs. It's what Life Oracles do... sometimes...

![]() |
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captain yesterday wrote:I get to go to the other side of town to find a Dipper hat at the Mall.
The upside, if I go between rush hours it'll only take a half hour to drive there.
The downside, I hate malls, every single one.
But... but... food courts with fake Chinese food they give for free on toothpicks!
The toothpick bite is always the best bite. They give you that one piece and it tastes sooooo good. So you order some and it immediately tastes like garbage.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:The toothpick bite is always the best bite. They give you that one piece and it tastes sooooo good. So you order some and it immediately tastes like garbage.captain yesterday wrote:I get to go to the other side of town to find a Dipper hat at the Mall.
The upside, if I go between rush hours it'll only take a half hour to drive there.
The downside, I hate malls, every single one.
But... but... food courts with fake Chinese food they give for free on toothpicks!
Hahah! Often! (As in, like, probably 75% of all I've tried so exactly that - especially after, like, 5PM, that jumps to 90%, 'cause who can be bothered with fresh food so late - gotta push the old crap.)
One of my favorite places doesn't actually do that, but that's not why it's my favorite: it's my favorite due to a combination nostalgia goggles (Highschool haunt) and the fact that it's really two places: the stereotypical Chinese place, and the - heh... heheheh... okay, I can say this... hahahahahahabah!... c- heehee!...c-c-c-"Cajun" - HAW! - place that's not only right next store, but literally shares a kitchen and employees (they sometimes grow careless enough to switch aprons where people can see them) and 3/4 of the same meat dishes, none of which are actually "Cajun" - at all. The Cajun place does serve Mac-n-cheese and other (hah!) "Cajun-adjacent" items on the menu.
Daggum, I love that place. *Sniff*
So culturally insensitive, and completely wrong about itself with no idea why it is, and yet such good food and devotion and I customer service and an intense devotion to the illusion (Heaven help you, if you DARE suggest they are the same place or share the same kitchen or employees or anything - even if you can literally see stuff - or order from the menus of both places without going through both lines)*.
* As of, like, 2003?

lynora |
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I've been getting way too lax with the carbs lately, so I signed up for this new diet cause accountability is supposed to be good and all that jazz. And it sounded so reasonable and perfectly doable. And then I got the materials. I have made a grave mistake. The question is how long it's going to take me to wash out of this program, not if. >.<
I forgot the rule. I should never forget the rule. (The rule is that we don't sign up for any more diet programs. Ever. Never ever.) It always ends in tears. And biochemistry arguments. And then more tears.
But it cost a lot of money, so now I feel like I have to at least try it. Sigh. I can maybe live without the nuts and even maybe the sweet potato (under protest), but the whole thing gets chucked out the window when pumpkins are in season. I wait all damn year for fresh pumpkin. All. Damn. Year. Any diet that wants to restrict me from eating stewed pumpkin with tamari sauce is not for me. :P

NobodysHome |
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...and while I think the whole "background story" thing got dangerously close to verboten "politics/rules or alignment discussions/whatnot" traditionally banned on FaWtL, I'll say it worked beautifully for me on Sunday.
None of the players were aware of Del's background, or even that I'd written one. But having done the background, I was much better able to get into character, treating everyone with, "Yes, M'Lord" and, "Of course, M'Lady", and "As you say, Mistress."
The sorceress' player caught on so fast it was scary, and suddenly the sorceress had taken the young tiefling under her wing, and was being wonderfully over-protective of her.
It led to a lot of really fun roleplay as the captain and first mate took the attitude, "Whatever her past is, it's HER problem" and the sorceress felt, "That's one messed-up young woman. Wonder what's wrong?"
The whole group had fun.
Especially Captain "Look at Pink Pantless!" Finn...

Tacticslion |

Finished with Batman vs Superman, Pea Bear and I thought it was a great movie, I can kinda see where some of the criticism comes from, but it's way better than everyone (not here) led me to believe.
Lex Luthor was way over the top though.
Were you watching the "big" version on the DVD? I've been led to understand that it's much superior to the theatrical release by those who've seen both for some reason.
(Apparently, despite the DVD being longer and less edited, the theatrical version feels longer and less well edited - I'm guessing the latter was over-edited and that ended up making it feel more disjointed than ideal.)

NobodysHome |
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captain yesterday wrote:Finished with Batman vs Superman, Pea Bear and I thought it was a great movie, I can kinda see where some of the criticism comes from, but it's way better than everyone (not here) led me to believe.
Lex Luthor was way over the top though.
Were you watching the "big" version on the DVD? I've been led to understand that it's much superior to the theatrical release by those who've seen both for some reason.
(Apparently, despite the DVD being longer and less edited, the theatrical version feels longer and less well edited - I'm guessing the latter was over-edited and that ended up making it feel more disjointed than ideal.)
Yeah; that's a big one right there.
The theatrical release of The Abyss left EVERYONE scratching their heads and saying, "WTF?!?!"
The "Director's Cut" version is one of my favorite movies of all time.
And I *still* won't watch the theatrical cut. It hurts...

captain yesterday |
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Oh yes, my birthday was pretty nice this year, the General took the kids out school supply shopping and I hung out at home, and had a Fear The Walking Dead, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia marathon.
Don't judge me!
And then Sunday she went to her parents place for hours and I had a let's try s@!#ty movies... nope, back to Fear The Walking Dead, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia marathon.

Tacticslion |

New DBZ Abridged!
Seriously, among like the three best things to happen to me on a semi-regular basis.
...does that speak more of DBZA's awesomeness, or just how depressing my life is?
A little of column A, a little of column B. Gonna focus on the awesomeness instead.
Not depressing. Just fun.

gran rey de los mono |
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Tune, sweet-merciful-FaWtL, TUNE?!?
Not sure, but since the title of the comic is "I'd like to cry a ValJean" I'm guessing it's something from Les Mis.

Tacticslion |

Oh! Okay, that at least limits it somewhat. Thank you!
My mind went so many ludicrous places simultaneously it was... headache-inducing.
EDIT: I mean, they were all great musical places, but having so many conflicting-but-awesome musical styles demanding "READ ME THIS WAY" at the same time was... oof. Also, I just missed the title. Duh to me. Thanks!

Tacticslion |

I could be completely wrong, of course. I'm unfamiliar with Les Mis, other than the name Jean ValJean and that it's set in France. I think during the revolution.
Oh, no, you're totally correct.
It's this song, by the way (near the beginning of the film) - or at least bits of it.
Fair warning - that's the film version.
Absolutely phenomenal as a film version... but only kind of okay as a sound track (except as a reminder of how awesome the film was), 'cause these people aren't super-singers, just excellent actors who do pretty okay at singing while acting.
EDIT: By the way, it's a powerful story. I recommend it. Some of it is depressing, some of it is uplifting, and some of it is just kind of, "Huh."-ing. Worth experiencing. The music is incredible all-around, despite what I noted above. See, in-context? That music is an incredibly powerful tool for telling an amazing story.
One song, I Dreamed a Dream has done some amazing things.
- Susan Boyle's first appearance (one of my favorite moment's is when the commentators forget to comment when the camera goes to them to do so the second time; also the way Simon kind of falls in love with her voice later on)
- Anne Hathaway did an amazing scene in a single take; this is not that scene (you should see the film), but this is the song
Or, here's a medley
- Covers the whole story! (Well, not really - there's so much it leaves out, it really doesn't cover it at all*!)
* It's kind of like saying, "The Little Mermaid is a film adaptation by Disney of an old story; it involves a Mermaid who falls in love with a Prince. They go through trials, but they may or may not get together in the end. There's a fish, bird, a crab, a dog, some boats, a shark, a bunch of other merfolk and humans, and octopus-folk witch, a minister, an old guy, and a chef (he's memorable!). The end." - all the important details that make the story the story are left out.

Drejk |

Tacticslion wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Finished with Batman vs Superman, Pea Bear and I thought it was a great movie, I can kinda see where some of the criticism comes from, but it's way better than everyone (not here) led me to believe.
Lex Luthor was way over the top though.
Were you watching the "big" version on the DVD? I've been led to understand that it's much superior to the theatrical release by those who've seen both for some reason.
(Apparently, despite the DVD being longer and less edited, the theatrical version feels longer and less well edited - I'm guessing the latter was over-edited and that ended up making it feel more disjointed than ideal.)
Yeah; that's a big one right there.
The theatrical release of The Abyss left EVERYONE scratching their heads and saying, "WTF?!?!"
The "Director's Cut" version is one of my favorite movies of all time.
And I *still* won't watch the theatrical cut. It hurts...
What's the difference?

Tacticslion |

How long it lingers on scenes (we're often talking, like, seconds, each) and a few extra scenes looking at stuff happening.
Mmmmmmmmmaaaayyyybe with, like, a few extra lines of dialogue.
It's actually a pretty important thing.
It makes an enormous difference in how a thing flows, however. Those few extra seconds allow precious processing time to make something feel a little more like, "Yeah, okay, I've processed this scene/these characters/this moment." or that extra scene (usually only a few seconds long) lets you go, "Oh, well, if that's going on, it totally makes sense that these guys'd say/do/think <thing>." and that dialogue can make everything make more sense (which is probably obvious).

thegreenteagamer |
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Differences? Like way too much singing, and the fact the Prince is clearly gay or asexual. Either way he is not into women.
Look at the "kiss the girl" song. Beautiful atmosphere, chorus singing romantic music, girl leans in for the kiss the first time...freeze frame and look at the face he makes as he pulls back. That's a face of disgust!
Now look at Ariel. You have a girl who looks like that trying to kiss you and you pull back and make a face? Gay or asexual. Mood be damned, a girl who looks like that should get an enthusiastic response even if you're outside a paper mill and being serenaded by the Chipmonks covering Bjork! Even the witch has to hypnotize him.
Also, did that dumb b$%~& forget how to write? She signed a contract! She couldn't write "I'm the one who rescued you. I'm a mermaid who traded her voice to get legs. Kiss me and I get my voice back,"? I'm sure a palace had paper and ink. Or...There was sand everywhere and she had a finger.

thegreenteagamer |

Any excuse to point out Disney set the precident for a gay prince over 25 years ago. Yes they get married and have a kid, but so did Tobias and Lindsey Fünke. Doesn't make Tobias anything close to straight. It was political. Eric saved his new best platonic friend and killed the sea witch, so Triton gave him his daughter and agreed to peace and trade between kingdoms. Nothing romantic about that.

Tacticslion |

Differences? Like way too much singing, and the fact the Prince is clearly gay or asexual. Either way he is not into women.
Look at the "kiss the girl" song. Beautiful atmosphere, chorus singing romantic music, girl leans in for the kiss the first time...freeze frame and look at the face he makes as he pulls back. That's a face of disgust!
Now look at Ariel. You have a girl who looks like that trying to kiss you and you pull back and make a face? Gay or asexual. Mood be damned, a girl who looks like that should get an enthusiastic response even if you're outside a paper mill and being serenaded by the Chipmonks covering Bjork! Even the witch has to hypnotize him.
Also, did that dumb b%@!+ forget how to write? She signed a contract! She couldn't write "I'm the one who rescued you. I'm a mermaid who traded her voice to get legs. Kiss me and I get my voice back,"? I'm sure a palace had paper and ink. Or...There was sand everywhere and she had a finger.
It was responding to TL's summary of TLM, but they ARE remarkably similar...
Humorous... but it fails for the simple fact that it confuses two different potentially similar expressions - disgust for confusion.
Fact is, the boy is extremely conflicted.
On the one hand, he has <DREAM WOMAN>: beautiful voice, saved his life, and he vowed to find and wed her.
On the other hand, he has <REAL WOMAN>: beautiful body, rambunctious but kind and friendly, intelligent and (most importantly) present.
The dream is crashing pretty hard with the reality; he made a vow - a rash, hasty vow, to be sure, but a vow nonetheless that he honorably and honestly wishes to honor... but that conflicts with his feelings for Ariel. His enthusiasm for the one conflicts with his newfound enthusiasm for the other.
That said, not writing her name was a rather... large plot-hole, yeah. I'm just going to go with the idea that they use two different language systems that were both anglicized for the audience (i.e. they both look like English to us, but gibberish to each other). Could have been quickly explained, but... ah, well.
Any excuse to point out Disney set the precident for a gay prince over 25 years ago. Yes they get married and have a kid, but so did Tobias and Lindsey Fünke. Doesn't make Tobias anything close to straight. It was political. Eric saved his new best platonic friend and killed the sea witch, so Triton gave him his daughter and agreed to peace and trade between kingdoms. Nothing romantic about that.
This entirely ignores how enthusiastic he was when he woke up on the beach after she saved his life. He was thrilled - over the moon! Not, relieved, "Oh, good, I'm alive, thank, you!" but, "I HAVE HAD A REVELATION! THAT WAS DIVINE! OH, WOW, HOW AWESOME! SHE WAS GORGEOUS! AND THAT VOICE!" That was romantic attachment in addition to gratitude.
I've actually been trying to think up a precedent of homosexuality - something that can be cleanly interpreted as such - without some heavy-handed forced after-the-fact "I choose to ignore everything to re-interpret the work in this different and obviously not-as-intended-emotional context" way... and I'm coming up blank.
Mmmmmmmmmaybe in The Black Cauldron? It's been long enough that I no longer remember that film - it could be. Also possible in something like Peter Pan - after all, Peter did go the whole Thimble route as a kiss, and was very asexual about everything, but that's more innocent and asexual than anything else. The Sword and the Stone - Merlin seems to imply that Arthur will understand one day why the squirrel is attracted to him, but Arthur sure isn't interested today (unlike Mowgli in the Jungle Book)! Basil and Rattigan may have something like that in The Great Mouse Detective... but none of these are really "Prince" tales. Maybe Emperor's New Groove? That might fit? Not sure.
For actual homosexuality within Disney works, off the top of my head:
- Hugo [gargoyle] from Hunchback (rather definitive)
- Oaken [sales guy] from Frozen (dubious, to me, but broadly accepted)
- Hermes [god] from Hercules (pretty heavily implied)
- Scar from Lion King could not be gay (or rather, he had to be either bisexual or heterosexual, or at least capable of heterosexual reproductive acts meaning that it's impossible to cleanly lable him as such despite some stereotypical coding), as, in LKII, those lionesses who were his and his actual son were a central part of the plot
- Merida seemed entirely uninterested in any romance at all. She does briefly take interest in two boys: the middle boy (Young Macintosh; the dark-haired, fairly well-muscled, classically good-looking one) until he throws a temper tantrum; similarly, she seems impressed (or perhaps just shocked) by the super-muscled guy she thought was Wee Dingwall (his name was Conan, Wee Dingwall was behind him); it's impossible to say if this would have kept up
* Elphaba was definitively not homosexual. She was, in fact, heterosexual in both musical and book, though she had a powerful asexual friendship with a female friend.