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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cap Yesterday, In Winter Denial wrote:
I'm wearing shorts. :-)

I'm in Chefwear! (Tomato pants today!)

...or maybe I'm not...

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Damn it, I was really hoping I could make 3 in a row.

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Aranna wrote:
Speaking of locational stuff. We here in Michigan have neat terms for the people living either north or south of the bridge. Those in the north are called Uppers (pronounced you-pers) and those of us living south of the bridge are called Trolls (because trolls are what live under the bridge. :)

I wonder if that's a localization of yuppie?

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Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Speaking of locational stuff. We here in Michigan have neat terms for the people living either north or south of the bridge. Those in the north are called Uppers (pronounced you-pers) and those of us living south of the bridge are called Trolls (because trolls are what live under the bridge. :)
I wonder if that's a localization of yuppie?

Ya no, eh.

Not even remotely related.

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If I develop super powers, I will NOT publish my origin story.

Interviewer: So tell us, NobodysHome, how did you gain your amazing powers and abilities?
NH: By cleaning my radioactive cat's litterbox.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
enjoying a gamer girlfriend
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Sadly I'm not doing any gaming myself,

Hey! Heeeeeeyyyyyyy~! TS! Good to see you here!

I strongly recommend trying out some solo games!

They can be pretty great, though, of course, the pacing and structure is vastly different from multi-party games.

Glad you seem to be doing well!


I may give solo play a shot if I can find the time...though to be honest, I have as much fun writing games as I do playing them. :)

Celestial Healer wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Also, Arizona sounds lovely. Why is that?



CELESTIAL HEALER!!! How are things in NYC? In finance? In gaming?

Going well! I'm engaged, which is exciting. The big day is in December.

Work is good. Gaming, not so much apart from PbPs. Nothing like our awesome one-shot.

Congrats, that's wonderful! Just please please don't get married in a non-climate-controlled barn in Rochester. ;)

captain yesterday wrote:

I have a gamer wife. :-)

I mean kind of, she wasn't one when we got married, but she has fun with it. :-)

Nice! How long did it take her to join you?

My gf is more into digital and board games than ttrpgs, but she's played a couple of sessions of PF so I can already talk to her about D&D tropes and quirks. :) Also, I have free access to Dragon Age through her laptop. Which is a totally new game for me!

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At least you get radioactive powers, I gotta rely on gadgets. Do you know how expensive those get.

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Well, you see, we dated, broke up, were just friends, dated again, lived together, got married, moved west, had a kid, then moved back to the Midwest, all during my 17 year hiatus from gaming (I dislike 1st and 2nd edition, very much).

I've been back for about 8 years now (just in time to catch the end of 3.5) with my wife (and now kids) joining me for the last 5 years.

Edit: we've known each other for 24 years, married for almost 15, also, I'm almost 40.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Wisconsin, it's colder than hell.
Wouldn't just about any place be cooler than hell?

Not necessarily. Hell is pretty temperate. :P

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Yup, we're colder than hell. :-)

But only by about 7 degrees, the wind gusts tho, are not helping anyone.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Wisconsin, it's colder than hell.
Wouldn't just about any place be cooler than hell?
Not necessarily. Hell is pretty temperate. :P

Hell is pretty scenic place to visit... I just wouldn't want to live there.

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My wife isn't a gamer, but she'll play if I need a player to round a group out

No spellcasters.
No roleplaying.
No complicated builds or making her own character - build it for her.

Killing stuff and puzzles only or leave her out of it.

She always lives longer than anyone...And I do a better job building simple powerful characters for her than myself...She dominated every game she's been in.

She still prefers not to play.

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My wife and daughter boyh insist on building characters, my wife is especially fond of spellcasters, but neither one will pick feats, yet they're incredibly critical of whatever I choose. :-D

They're a lot of fun roleplaying tho, my wife especially is great at in character quips.

My boyfriend used to play... He doesn't anymore. He is pretty much just into MMOs these days.

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Also, the first thing they ask after every (yes every) battle is "can we eat it?"

Have you ever had to try to talk your group out of eating an Ogre. I have, it didn't work. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cap Yesterday, In Winter Denial wrote:
I'm wearing shorts. :-)

I'm not either. Be grateful for small mercies, as the Bishop said to the actress.

The Exchange

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Down south, we say anyone living north of the railroad tracks just south of Alexandra are Yankees.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Also, the first thing they ask after every (yes every) battle is "can we eat it?"

Have you ever had to try to talk your group out of eating an Ogre. I have, it didn't work. :-)

I had a halfling who tried to cook everything the group killed. Apparently beholders just dissolve when fried, although it was in 4e, so that may be why.

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Lies! it's all a lie

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I've ruled, if it doesn't have a poison in the stat block, who am I to judge what they do with it. :-)

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Hell is pretty scenic place to visit...
It's true.
Aranna wrote:
I just wouldn't want to live there.

And it was a nice place to live until NJ and NY started exiling all their a**holes here.

Congrats, NJ and NY; you ruined Hell for everyone else.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

This isn't hell.

...we Floridians aren't lawful.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cap'n Yesterdays Winter Revenge wrote:

-10 to -20 degrees with windchill on tap for Saturday.

Please note, those are daytime temperatures.

And yes, I'm promptly sending it Freehold's way afterwards (sorry CH!).

You should be sorry.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
...we Floridians aren't lawful.

Hey! Speak for yourself! >:|

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Come now, Tac, bathe in the chaos.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Broccoli Slaad wrote:
Come now, Tac, bathe in the chaos.

I do, it rounds up the corners and gets to those hard-to-reach places. But it still burns like acid! Why do you think I'm here?

Also: hey! You're not from Florida!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I lived in Florida, once.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I visited Florida once.

I melted.

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We moved there when I was three, my dad got a job, we rented a nice house, and three weeks later, Hurricane David hit, goodbye job, goodbye house, and goodbye Florida.

I've never been back.

Edit: I actually don't remember it, but it's one of my mom's favorite stories to tell about our mad cap moving about the south. (We moved to Texas after that, I almost died twice there.

The Exchange

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note to self: Never make cylon drones.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I lived in Florida, once.

Hey! You're not from Florida, either!

Freehold DM wrote:

I visited Florida once.

I melted.

That's because you're secretly Frosty the Snowman.

captain yesterday wrote:

We moved there when I was three, my dad got a job, we rented a nice house, and three weeks later, Hurricane David hit, goodbye job, goodbye house, and goodbye Florida.

I've never been back.

(If that counts, I'm from, like, half-a-dozen states, Manowar Cay (Bahamas), and Lithuania. Probably the Philippines and a few other places, too!)

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I'm a Cylon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Cap'n Yesterdays Winter Revenge wrote:

-10 to -20 degrees with windchill on tap for Saturday.

Please note, those are daytime temperatures.

And yes, I'm promptly sending it Freehold's way afterwards (sorry CH!).

You should be sorry.

Don't blame me, I'm not in charge of the jet stream.

Blame Canada.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of Florida...

NobodysHome's Story Time:

I was doing an on-site training course for a well-known media research company (oh, that's not too obvious, is it?) at one of their facilities in Tampa, FL. Every single student was a middle-aged white male engineer. The moment I mentioned I was from the San Francisco area, the gay jokes started. All. Day. Long. All I'll say is that I run a kids' game with 11-14-year-olds and they're better-behaved.

So, as was my custom, at the end of the day, I asked my students where I should have dinner. They all said, "Go to Kelly's Has Everything. It's awesome!"

In the days before GPS, I actually pulled out a AAA map (think of a Google Maps printout designed by M.C. Escher such that once unfolded it can never return to its original form) and found the place.

I walked in... and it was a gay bar.

I sighed. I would NOT let this dissuade me. I walked up to the chaps-clad server and said, "Table for one, please."

He sat me at a teensy table among a horde of blue-haired little old ladies, none of whom seemed the least bit perturbed by the spectacle of flamboyant gay men on parade at the bar. (Being from San Francisco, you rapidly become accustomed to the fact that there are "normal" gay men who look and behave like everyone else, and "flaunt it" gay men who try to out-do the Hollywood stereotypes of themselves. These gents were in the latter category.)

The menu looked quite excellent, and the little old biddy beside me said, "Oh, you're in for a treat! These guys get all their produce and meat fresh every day, and make everything from scratch!"

So, being on an expense account, I ordered the filet mignon. And enjoyed the best steak I have ever had in my lifetime. I've eaten at Alexander's Steakhouse, the Ritz Carlton (both San Francisco and Sydney), and LB's Steak House in Santa Clara. Several of those meals were over $1000 (for four. Not just me going nuts solo).
This meal was under $50. For the Best. Steak. Ever.

The next day, the engineers all grinned broadly at me. "Enjoy the show?"
"Er... whatever."
"Wasn't that the best food EVER?!?! My wife and I go there ALL THE TIME!"

It really WAS a good restaurant.

I had reason to go back to Tampa just over a year later, dined at Kelly's again, and once again the food was just mind-blowing.

Kelly's Has Everything. Enjoy the meal. Enjoy the show.

Mace Windu, Jedi Master wrote:
I'm a Cylon.

Spoiler alert! >:|

Cap'n Yesterdays Winter Revenge wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Cap'n Yesterdays Winter Revenge wrote:

-10 to -20 degrees with windchill on tap for Saturday.

Please note, those are daytime temperatures.

And yes, I'm promptly sending it Freehold's way afterwards (sorry CH!).

You should be sorry.

Don't blame me, I'm not in charge of the jet stream.

Blame Canada.

Spoiler alert! >:|

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We all know, I can't be trusted to put things behind spoiler tags.

Remember, what happened last time

explosive runes!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And it never gets old...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Florida...

** spoiler omitted **...

I'll check it out if I can.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Florida...

** spoiler omitted **...
I'll check it out if I can.

Just keep in mind that I'm old. This was back in 2001-2002. Who knows whether it's still around...

Apparently Google does... I know those red stools! And there are even reviews.

Doesn't sound much like a gay bar any more, and there are no steaks on the menu at all (BOO!) but that's definitely the place.

TL? Road trip?

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Yeah, it sounds awesome.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

That's because you're secretly Frosty the Snowman.

That reminds me - one of my Dad's favourite things to sing when I was small was:

"Frosty the Snowman
Had a doughnut on his head"

I don't know why. To the best of my knowledge, Frosty the Snowman does not have a doughnut on his head, so you were wrong about that, Papa Longears.

Dark Archive

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
How does steam work again?

Like others have said, go to the Steam website, download Steam, install it on your computer, create a profile, add friends/join Steam FaWtL, and then message me so I can give you a starter pack of games. :D

I'm taking you for a Hatoful Boyfriend kind of guy. xD

That's...that's a lot of games.

How do you join groups on Steam? I only ever installed it to get Civ V to run when I bought it at the store years ago.

PC Gamers:
Btw, that reminds me, I should explain that games list, in case newer folk aren't familiar with it. Through various, perfectly legitimate, means, I have amassed a small collection of spare Steam keys. Rather than let this collection sit and collect dust, with many fine titles going unplayed, I made up the list, so that others may peruse it and see if there would be any games they might interested in playing. I then shared the list on FaWtL, so that anyone can check it out, message me, and get (a) nice game(s) to play.

I made some new additions just there, a couple of relatively big titles, so people should feel free to check it out and get in touch. Several FaWtLers have availed of the list and I'm sure could attest it's on the up-and-up, should that concern anyone.

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I'm a stranger in a strange land.

Nothing like being a hippy trying to navigate the Mall on a Friday night.

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I gave up, something's just should not be done.

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I find malls dull at the best of times, and overstimulating at the worst.

But then, I've never been a window- nor a spree-shopper.

Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Florida...

** spoiler omitted **...

Is it still open? I can't find anything on it.

Silver Crusade

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Oh wait. I should have kept reading. Thank you for linking.

I am going to Tampa next month.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Well, you see, we dated, broke up, were just friends, dated again, lived together, got married...

...Ross Geller?

captain yesterday wrote:
moved west, had a kid, then moved back to the Midwest, all during my 17 year hiatus from gaming (I dislike 1st and 2nd edition, very much).

Can't say I have much positive to say about 2e myself, aside from the settings. Never really played anything earlier, though I am tempted to buy the OD&D pdf just to see for myself what the game was at the very start. (Well, as much as any point in a thing's history can be said to be its 'very start.')

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Who now?

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