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Off-Topic Discussions

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Aranna wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
If it helps, I think all beer tastes terrible.
I've never drank it so I can't vouch for the taste, but I'll say that all beer smells terrible, which does not bode well for taste.

I went through my teens convinced that beer was a terrible practical joke played on everyone by aliens; who would willingly drink that stuff?

Then my German professor gave me German beer, and I could actually see drinking it for the taste. A few months later, traveling in England, a Londoner bought me a pint of draft Guinness from a London pub. Divine!

There are still very, very, VERY few beers I will drink for pleasure, but if you get a good one, you finally understand the obsession

Trader Joe's Oatmeal Stout is the cheapest one I can think of that I really like. But I'm a stout kinda guy. I like reds and lagers. I've never met an IPA nor a wheat beer that I liked, or could even tolerate.

But ah, during grad school in Davis, sitting on the Sudwerk patio in 100-degree weather sucking down a 1-litre mertzen and a platter of onion rings and hot wings! Those were the days!

Your taste in beer is similar to mine, I prefer reds and lagers as well and find IPAs to be nasty as well as most wheat beers... There was an amazing wheat beer made by Sam Adams, Cherry Wheat, made with Michigan cherries that was divine... It was like alcoholic dessert in a bottle. But they changed the recipe and now it is a pale imitation of the masterpiece it used to be.

I *knew* they changed the recipe!

Weird thing is I find the new one far, far more drinkable than the old, which I admit tasted better.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
If it helps, I think all beer tastes terrible.
I've never drank it so I can't vouch for the taste, but I'll say that all beer smells terrible, which does not bode well for taste.

I went through my teens convinced that beer was a terrible practical joke played on everyone by aliens; who would willingly drink that stuff?

Then my German professor gave me German beer, and I could actually see drinking it for the taste. A few months later, traveling in England, a Londoner bought me a pint of draft Guinness from a London pub. Divine!

There are still very, very, VERY few beers I will drink for pleasure, but if you get a good one, you finally understand the obsession

Trader Joe's Oatmeal Stout is the cheapest one I can think of that I really like. But I'm a stout kinda guy. I like reds and lagers. I've never met an IPA nor a wheat beer that I liked, or could even tolerate.

Your taste in beer is similar to mine, I prefer reds and lagers as well and find IPAs to be nasty as well as most wheat beers... There was an amazing wheat beer made by Sam Adams, Cherry Wheat, made with Michigan cherries that was divine... It was like alcoholic dessert in a bottle. But they changed the recipe and now it is a pale imitation of the masterpiece it used to be.

IPAs have their place (EDIT: as does NUDITY) - pale ale and stout is a nice combo, depending on which ones you use. I drink stout in preference to anything else, providing it isn't made too sweet, as, personally, I do not want my beer to taste like pudding (I'm looking at you, Young's Double Chocolate); that's the same reason why I don't drink fruit beers or alcoholic soft drinks. Still, YBMV.

Black lagers are nice (schwarzbier? Aeglos'd know...), but other lagers aren't generally to my taste. Most of the lagers on sale in the Great British pub are more like carbonated horse whizz than anything adult human beings should drink, which may be why.

Aranna wrote:
Your taste in beer is similar to mine, I prefer reds and lagers as well and find IPAs to be nasty as well as most wheat beers... There was an amazing wheat beer made by Sam Adams, Cherry Wheat, made with Michigan cherries that was divine... It was like alcoholic dessert in a bottle. But they changed the recipe and now it is a pale imitation of the masterpiece it used to be.

We should get together and go out drinking some time!

Oh... wait...

(247 days and counting...)

Limeylongears wrote:

IPAs have their place (EDIT: as does NUDITY) - pale ale and stout is a nice combo, depending on which ones you use. I drink stout in preference to anything else, providing it isn't made too sweet, as, personally, I do not want my beer to taste like pudding (I'm looking at you, Young's Double Chocolate); that's the same reason why I don't drink fruit beers or alcoholic soft drinks. Still, YBMV.

Black lagers are nice (schwarzbier? Aeglos'd know...), but other lagers aren't generally to my taste. Most of the lagers on sale in the Great British pub are more like carbonated horse whizz than anything adult human beings should drink, which may be why.

Yeah, I drink German lagers, British stouts (other than the aforementioned Trader Joe's), and Irish reds. And Scottish scotches.

I trust the originating countries to have some of the best examples of their craft (along with the worst, so you have to choose carefully).

Go figure.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I *knew* I forgot my pants!

Silver Crusade

Long ago in days of yore when I drank beer, given the choice I loved me some IPA's. I particulary enjoyed anything by Stone. I also really loved Old Rasputin

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I *knew* I forgot my pants!

And yet you carried on anyway.

Good man!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Wasn't picked for Wayfinder this time.
Damn. I'm sorry man.

Well, that sucks. Don't let it get you down, Drejk. Your stuff is good, and 3P publishers think so too, 'cause they've been buying it and publishing it. :)

We've been crowded out of Wayfinder by darn upstart whippersnappers! In my day, your submission had to go through at least two editors, uphill and backwards, both ways!

Ambrosia Slaad previously wrote:

...PFU comments...

I'm still processing OA. Hopefully my submission with two psychic-themed archetypes will make it into this upcoming Wayfinder. If they don't make it in, Yesterday, you're welcome to use them.

Neither my critter (picklebug) nor my archetypes were picked for Wayfinder either. Not sure they'll be any use (or any interest) to you, Yesterday, but here the archetypes are: the mindkiller and mind assassin (scroll down past the vishkanya stuff).
I want to see this picklebug.
And here's the picklebug.

Can I put this on the blog? :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Neither my critter (picklebug) nor my archetypes were picked for Wayfinder either. Not sure they'll be any use (or any interest) to you, Yesterday (or anyone else), but here the archetypes are: the mindkiller and mind assassin (scroll down past the vishkanya stuff).
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
And here's the picklebug.


captain yesterday wrote:
Protuberanssi wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I have compiled a list of things Jon Snow knows.
Link didn't work for me D:
So he doesn't actually know anything?
The only thing I know about Jon Snow, is that he doesn't know anything.

Jon Snow.

Know your meme.

Here you go. (Warning: YouTube-version of naughtiness on-screen.)

Spoilers, by the way. (For Game of Thrones.)

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I have compiled a list of things Jon Snow knows.
Speaking of Snow, remember those crazy random encounters from 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons?

Now, if only this and falling-down-drunk-guy were in a weird short car video together!

(No, not really: this would be a terrible idea.)

Rawr! wrote:
Can I put this on the blog? :)

I can't speak for Amby, but I think it's a great idea!

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Today is my birthday. I am 39. Woo! I managed not to die for 39 years! Woo! :P

It's a pretty quiet birthday, which suits me. Slept in, although not as long as I had planned as they were installing new flooring in the apartment next door and the pounding was so loud that there was nowhere in our apartment where we could get away from it. So that kinda sucked. But them's the breaks when you choose apartment living. Once I was up, I made crepes for brunch. I found this really good recipe made with almond flour and cream cheese. I couldn't decide between sweet and savory so I had half of mine with cheese and sautéed mushrooms and half with strawberry slices and whipped cream. I still haven't mastered the fine art of the crepe flip, so they weren't exactly pretty, but they were at least delicious. :)
Then I got dressed in my best clothes (because a birthday is an excellent excuse for wearing a beaded velvet kimono...not that I need the excuse, but sometimes it's nice to have) and the kidlet and I went to the bookstore, which provided a welcome respite from the noise. I found a couple of cool crafting books on how to make your own patterns, one for sewing and one for knitting. And in a little bit I will make a fondue feast for dinner. I already baked a cheesecake for my birthday cake last night. Trying out a new recipe for Japanese style cheesecake. We'll see how that turned out. I'm also making dessert fondue just in case. :P
My husband was all feeling bad about how much I was cooking for my birthday, but I'm all like I get a whole day to try new recipes when nobody can complain about them! ;P

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I need to buy a new tablet. I've narrowed down to the Nexus 9, but there is one concern. Storage space. It cannot mount a micro SD card, and my micro SD card is only 8 GB anyway. 16 GB is 300 bucks, while 32 GB is 400 bucks. I really don't want to spend 400 bucks, because I have a TON of other things I need to buy at this moment. But I found a 64 GB flash drive with both regular USB and micro USB for 20 bucks. It is tiny, too. So would it not be more financially sound to get the 16 GB tablet and the flash drive, which comes with the added benefit of making computer-tablet transfer very easy, and accept that I can't access those files while using the USB port to charge the device? Or am I missing some important detail here?

Totally depends on what you're using the tablet for. For me, my tablet is my main/only computer so I splurged on lots of memory. If this is a supplementary computer that you want because it's lighter and easier to take to classes for note taking purposes, then you should be fine with less memory.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, Lynora! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday indeed! :-)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Today is my birthday. I am 39. Woo! I managed not to die for 39 years! Woo! :P

Happy Birthday, 39 is a great age, Now you know all the stuff you thought you knew at 15

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm 39!

It's true, your brain grows that day, but you only get a year, cause at forty it all goes back to mush.

Or so I'm told.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday Lynora. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Wasn't picked for Wayfinder this time.
Damn. I'm sorry man.
Well, that sucks. Don't let it get you down, Drejk. Your stuff is good, and 3P publishers think so too, 'cause they've been buying it and publishing it. :)

I haven't been published much, recently... :/


We've been crowded out of Wayfinder by darn upstart whippersnappers! In my day, your submission had to go through at least two editors, uphill and backwards, both ways!

Ambrosia Slaad previously wrote:

...PFU comments...

I'm still processing OA. Hopefully my submission with two psychic-themed archetypes will make it into this upcoming Wayfinder. If they don't make it in, Yesterday, you're welcome to use them.

Neither my critter (picklebug) nor my archetypes were picked for Wayfinder either. Not sure they'll be any use (or any interest) to you, Yesterday (or anyone else), but here the archetypes are: the mindkiller and mind assassin (scroll down past the vishkanya stuff).

I think I'll redact my submissions a bit and put them on the blog... It will allow for three weeks of updates without needing to write new things...

Actually, if I would get into Wayfinder I'd only get single note for blog so I might be better that way...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

Hi everyone,

have you seen the "goodbye my dwarven friend" thread?
we lost a former FaWtLy in the 8th Dwarf :-(

We have :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

I miss spending much time in FaWtL and being a regular, these days I can't really follow the conversations because to much happens in my absence, no time to read everything and no conection to todays regular crowd :-(

I miss talking to Bitter Thorn, AZ, solnes, LPM, the Professor, Jess Door and so many more

Bitter Thorn peeked here a few weeks ago. AZ, Solnes, and LPM mostly spam facebook with pictures of kids and silliness.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
If it helps, I think all beer tastes terrible.
I've never drank it so I can't vouch for the taste, but I'll say that all beer smells terrible, which does not bode well for taste.
I went through my teens convinced that beer was a terrible practical joke played on everyone by aliens; who would willingly drink that stuff?

Beer was the dumbest reason for refraining from living as hunter-gatherers and starting a settled farming civilization...

Then my German professor gave me German beer, and I could actually see drinking it for the taste. A few months later, traveling in England, a Londoner bought me a pint of draft Guinness from a London pub. Divine!

Urgh... Guinness... Blergh.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, Lynora!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday, Lynora!

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I met Patrick today!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Is he really a monkey?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, Lyn! <3

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Is he really a monkey?

I felt like it would be prying if I asked.

He ate all my lice for me, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Someone has been poaching my clothes hangers, everyone is a suspect.

Except me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

Today is my birthday. I am 39. Woo! I managed not to die for 39 years! Woo! :P

It's a pretty quiet birthday, which suits me. Slept in, although not as long as I had planned as they were installing new flooring in the apartment next door and the pounding was so loud that there was nowhere in our apartment where we could get away from it. So that kinda sucked. But them's the breaks when you choose apartment living. Once I was up, I made crepes for brunch. I found this really good recipe made with almond flour and cream cheese. I couldn't decide between sweet and savory so I had half of mine with cheese and sautéed mushrooms and half with strawberry slices and whipped cream. I still haven't mastered the fine art of the crepe flip, so they weren't exactly pretty, but they were at least delicious. :)
Then I got dressed in my best clothes (because a birthday is an excellent excuse for wearing a beaded velvet kimono...not that I need the excuse, but sometimes it's nice to have) and the kidlet and I went to the bookstore, which provided a welcome respite from the noise. I found a couple of cool crafting books on how to make your own patterns, one for sewing and one for knitting. And in a little bit I will make a fondue feast for dinner. I already baked a cheesecake for my birthday cake last night. Trying out a new recipe for Japanese style cheesecake. We'll see how that turned out. I'm also making dessert fondue just in case. :P
My husband was all feeling bad about how much I was cooking for my birthday, but I'm all like I get a whole day to try new recipes when nobody can complain about them! ;P


you know, I have always had a thing for older women...

eyebrow waggle

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Tiny T-Rex suspects it was Mister Nobody that poached my hangers.

The problem is, according to Tiny T-Rex Mister Nobody was spilling the bag of rice in the kitchen.

So how could Mister Nobody be in two places at once.

The mystery deepens...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Pea Bear thinks it's the General "she's always putting stuff in my closet"

Oh, how quickly they turn on each other...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday Lynora!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Tiny T-Rex suspects it was Mister Nobody that poached my hangers.

The problem is, according to Tiny T-Rex Mister Nobody was spilling the bag of rice in the kitchen.

So how could Mister Nobody be in two places at once.

The mystery deepens...

Looks up from sculpture made of rice and clothes hangars...

Nope. Wasn't me!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:

Today is my birthday. I am 39. Woo! I managed not to die for 39 years! Woo! :P

It's a pretty quiet birthday, which suits me. Slept in, although not as long as I had planned as they were installing new flooring in the apartment next door and the pounding was so loud that there was nowhere in our apartment where we could get away from it. So that kinda sucked. But them's the breaks when you choose apartment living. Once I was up, I made crepes for brunch. I found this really good recipe made with almond flour and cream cheese. I couldn't decide between sweet and savory so I had half of mine with cheese and sautéed mushrooms and half with strawberry slices and whipped cream. I still haven't mastered the fine art of the crepe flip, so they weren't exactly pretty, but they were at least delicious. :)
Then I got dressed in my best clothes (because a birthday is an excellent excuse for wearing a beaded velvet kimono...not that I need the excuse, but sometimes it's nice to have) and the kidlet and I went to the bookstore, which provided a welcome respite from the noise. I found a couple of cool crafting books on how to make your own patterns, one for sewing and one for knitting. And in a little bit I will make a fondue feast for dinner. I already baked a cheesecake for my birthday cake last night. Trying out a new recipe for Japanese style cheesecake. We'll see how that turned out. I'm also making dessert fondue just in case. :P
My husband was all feeling bad about how much I was cooking for my birthday, but I'm all like I get a whole day to try new recipes when nobody can complain about them! ;P


you know, I have always had a thing for older women...

eyebrow waggle

I'm fond of younger women myself...

Waggle waggle

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday Lynora.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:

Today is my birthday. I am 39. Woo! I managed not to die for 39 years! Woo! :P

It's a pretty quiet birthday, which suits me. Slept in, although not as long as I had planned as they were installing new flooring in the apartment next door and the pounding was so loud that there was nowhere in our apartment where we could get away from it. So that kinda sucked. But them's the breaks when you choose apartment living. Once I was up, I made crepes for brunch. I found this really good recipe made with almond flour and cream cheese. I couldn't decide between sweet and savory so I had half of mine with cheese and sautéed mushrooms and half with strawberry slices and whipped cream. I still haven't mastered the fine art of the crepe flip, so they weren't exactly pretty, but they were at least delicious. :)
Then I got dressed in my best clothes (because a birthday is an excellent excuse for wearing a beaded velvet kimono...not that I need the excuse, but sometimes it's nice to have) and the kidlet and I went to the bookstore, which provided a welcome respite from the noise. I found a couple of cool crafting books on how to make your own patterns, one for sewing and one for knitting. And in a little bit I will make a fondue feast for dinner. I already baked a cheesecake for my birthday cake last night. Trying out a new recipe for Japanese style cheesecake. We'll see how that turned out. I'm also making dessert fondue just in case. :P
My husband was all feeling bad about how much I was cooking for my birthday, but I'm all like I get a whole day to try new recipes when nobody can complain about them! ;P


you know, I have always had a thing for older women...

eyebrow waggle

I'm fond of younger women myself...

Waggle waggle

I'm fond of my wife, who is younger.

wiggle woggle, because waggling is silly

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday Lynora!

(You young punkette ya!) ;P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Sportsballing? Not a fan.

But it's such a fun podcast, and I don't even care about sports!

Dark Archive

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I feel that Nick Offerman has one upped my funeral plans.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Today is my birthday. I am 39. Woo! I managed not to die for 39 years! Woo! :P

Happy Birthday Youngling!

You may stay on the far edge of my lawn today.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, Lynora!

I do hope your day goes well.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Had our first home visit for becoming foster parents yesterday. Final visit in two weeks. License a few weeks after that.


Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Yay for getting the stitches removed from my head!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm surprised you're not in mourning for your tumor familiar.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's naht a toomah!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
I'm surprised you're not in mourning for your tumor familiar.

What, are you kidding, I'm having the time of my life! I'm already slated to be a guest host on Kelly Ripa.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy (belated) birthday Lynora =)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been considering cancelling a lot lately. I'm pretty stressed out from work, buying a PoS lemon car, and three infections in two weeks.

I don't know if I can handle the stress of a kid with issues on top of that.

It's been a long road to get this far, with 9 weeks of classes and paperwork like you wouldn't believe, but I figure it's better to cancel now than find out it's too much for me and have a poor kid bounced to another location along the way. Each placement is supposed to be worse for their sense of security, etc.

I'm just concerned the stress will be too much when you add it to the pile.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's a big step.

Certainly discuss it with your wife first.

This is a Documentary! Go figure!
(The sound is... iffy, though. Not sure if that's part of the original, or just this YouTube version of it.)

Of Dice and Men, the talk!

Of Dice and Men is a pretty great book, by the way.

Since we're talking about D&D...

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