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...oh, I don't recall the artist's name. I'd need to go looking for it.

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Orthos wrote:
Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.

I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.

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Icyshadow wrote:
...oh, I don't recall the artist's name. I'd need to go looking for it.

While others are looking at you?

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Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.
I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.

Since I pay for almost everything via debit card, this isn't much of an issue for me.

But yeah, that makes sense. Inaccurate payment counters and a less-ubiquitous availability of credit/debit card payment mechanisms would make self-checkout a LOT less useful or convenient.

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of minor frustrations, if you really want to understand the decline of the American supermarket and the rise of the local farmer's market, you need look no further than those stupid, godawful price stickers on the fruit.

For our European audience: Unlike Europe, where you weigh, bag, and label your own fruit (at least in the countries I've visited), in the U.S. you bag your fruit and take it to the counter, where the cashier does the weighing and pricing. In days of yore (10 whole years ago) the cashier was expected to recognize the fruit, put in the code, and you were done.

This was considered too difficult, so markets implemented a system whereby every single fruit in the store has a sticker put on it with the code for the fruit.

So you can imagine this not being a particular problem for bananas and oranges where you discard the peel anyway, and very minor for hard fruits like apples where the sticker can be peeled/scrubbed off with relatively minor difficulty.

But for soft fruits like pears, nectarines, tomatoes, and the like, you end up with an utter nightmare of ripping open the skin of the fruit just to get the peel off. Then as it spends 4 hours in the kid's lunchbox waiting to be eaten, it spoils significantly.

So I don't buy fruit at markets any more. Even our wonderful local corner store does the whole "sticker on every fruit" thing.

So I buy all my fruit at the local farmer's market. It's not the locally-grown or the organic; both of our local markets do that. It's that the farmer's market doesn't stick fricking stickers on every single piece of produce they sell.



at the supermarket I just put the code for the fruit in machine at self checkout. It's in the machine manifest for fruit. Do you not have self check out?

Also, if you can't get the tab off the labeled fruit, put points into dexterity when you gain a level.

Different areas of the country. The stickers are ON THE...

yes they're in the fruit here sometimes too. Still easy to peel off. I made a game of pulling the labels off. I think I got good at it because of the main job.

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Orthos wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hate self-checkout.
May I ask why?

Couple of reasons. First, it's slower than regular checkout for me. Since I almost always do my shopping before 8am (I go after I got off work at 7), there is almost never a line at the normal checkouts, but sometimes they only have the self-checkout open. The machines are so slow to use (at least at the stores I go to). You scan the item, put it in the bag, then have to wait a few seconds for it to let you scan the next item. So freaking slow. I'm not an impatient person, but I get frustrated when it takes me 5 freaking minutes to scan a dozen items. Second, they don't have room to put your items after they've been bagged. You have to put them back in the cart with the stuff you haven't scanned yet, which means they're in the way as you try to get the stuff out that you still need to scan. Finally, I just feel like it shouldn't be my job to scan and bag my own stuff. I know it might not make sense, but when I go to a store, I feel there should be an employee there to do that.

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I am in a love-hate relationship with Cheetos.

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Heh, your feelings are all pretty much the opposite of mine GR.

It's always felt quicker to do it myself, I get impatient and anxious when the employee does it and I'm just like "nnngh, nghaaa, oh back off and let me do it myself!" And it's by far much faster using the machines than waiting for a human to do it, in my experience.

If I go in really early, like 6 AM early when I'm on overtime like this, sometimes the self-checkouts aren't open yet, so I have to use a human cashier's line, and it always takes twice as long.

In addition, minimalizing human interaction is always a plus. When I'm at the store, I want to get in, get my things, and get out, and I'm not generally in the mood for chit-chat. I know stores try to encourage their employees to be friendly and welcoming, but I just want to pay for my stuff and go home/go to work. For some reason, the cheery "good morning!"s and "have a nice day!"s get on my nerves, especially in the early hours.

I've never really had a problem with space unless I have a really, really big order, in which case yeah you have to play some inventory Tetris. But it's never been a common-enough issue for me to have real complaints.

Dear lord.

I'm about to vomit.

Rule 34+Necromorphs from Dead Space.

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...oh, looks like I got naked earlier. *Puts hat back on*

Orthos wrote:
...yay self-checkout...

Maybe your machines are better than the ones we have around here, because ours are freaking slow. I also generally approve of minimizing human contact, but this is one time I don't like it. I usually don't engage in chitchat with the clerk, but a "Good morning" doesn't bother me. I typically only go to the store once or maybe twice a week, so my cart, while not full, has quite a bit of stuff in it.

Mainly though, it's just that I feel there should be someone else to do it. Probably because that's how I was raised, with clerks at the stores.

Yeah, that's probably the big difference. I am far, far more in favor of doing things myself, because people doing it for me tends to either take too long or I'm sitting there going "you're doing it wrong".

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I find it entertaining that I just go to stores, bring my own bags (they charge $0.10 each for bags around here), and as the checker runs the groceries through, I pack the bags myself.

The checkers appreciate it, the people in line appreciate it, I get through checkout faster, and I'm responsible for packing my own stuff rather than just standing there dumbly while the checker does all the work.

So far nobody's ever said, "Stop that!", so I think I'm good. I'm entertained because it seems like such a novel idea to everyone else in line. They just stand there, waiting, for the checker to do EVERYTHING.

As for self-check vs. cashier, I'm with Gran -- I find the self-check machines unbearably slow, and there's no counter space past the machine to put your stuff. Every time I go I'm left wondering, "OK, now where do I put this item?"

If you're going to remove our cashiers, at least give us some space!

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curse my disordered sleep

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Well the parent teacher conference was... something.

More of a meet and greet, with a what I assume was painfully long introduction by the principal (we got there fashionably 20 minutes late, despite living 3 blocks away) she's one of those people that are really bad at but enthusiastic about public speaking, a lot of "um.." And "I think.." And she likes to kind of lean forward while pacing back and forth and clapping her hands together.

After that we could crowd in Pea Bear's classrooms and try to meet the teachers, assuming of course we push our way through or wait out the helicopter parents.

You never realize how small your kid's school is until you crowd as many of their parents into it at one time.

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NobodysHome wrote:

As for self-check vs. cashier, I'm with Gran -- I find the self-check machines unbearably slow, and there's no counter space past the machine to put your stuff. Every time I go I'm left wondering, "OK, now where do I put this item?"

If you're going to remove our cashiers, at least give us some space!

I'm wondering if this is a local thing. Both in TN and GA over here, there's plenty of space on the self-checkouts unless you have a really large load of groceries, and the machines are hardly slow unless something glitches.

The Doomkitten wrote:

Dear lord.

I'm about to vomit.

Rule 34+Necromorphs from Dead Space.


Orthos wrote:

Heh, your feelings are all pretty much the opposite of mine GR.

It's always felt quicker to do it myself, I get impatient and anxious when the employee does it and I'm just like "nnngh, nghaaa, oh back off and let me do it myself!" And it's by far much faster using the machines than waiting for a human to do it, in my experience.

If I go in really early, like 6 AM early when I'm on overtime like this, sometimes the self-checkouts aren't open yet, so I have to use a human cashier's line, and it always takes twice as long.

In addition, minimalizing human interaction is always a plus. When I'm at the store, I want to get in, get my things, and get out, and I'm not generally in the mood for chit-chat. I know stores try to encourage their employees to be friendly and welcoming, but I just want to pay for my stuff and go home/go to work. For some reason, the cheery "good morning!"s and "have a nice day!"s get on my nerves, especially in the early hours.

I've never really had a problem with space unless I have a really, really big order, in which case yeah you have to play some inventory Tetris. But it's never been a common-enough issue for me to have real complaints.


gran rey de los mono wrote:
Orthos wrote:
...yay self-checkout...

Maybe your machines are better than the ones we have around here, because ours are freaking slow. I also generally approve of minimizing human contact, but this is one time I don't like it. I usually don't engage in chitchat with the clerk, but a "Good morning" doesn't bother me. I typically only go to the store once or maybe twice a week, so my cart, while not full, has quite a bit of stuff in it.

Mainly though, it's just that I feel there should be someone else to do it. Probably because that's how I was raised, with clerks at the stores.

so weird.

I'm actually with Orthos on self checkout.

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on the bright side I have clean clothes again c:

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Always a plus.

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Another anti self checkout vote here.

I don't like the annoying chirpy robot lady who tells me to do things I already know how to do.

'Now scan your item! There's a good boy!'

'Insert cash or card into the machine! Ooooh, aren't you clever? Well done!'


If you buy anything like, say, beer, a member of staff has to come and kindly give you permission anyway, so I may as well use the checkouts. There's a chance that the cashier will be better looking than the self service machine, after all. A very slim chance, but a chance nonetheless.

Silver Crusade

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Heres what I think of when I think of self checkout

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Yeah the voice is annoying, I will agree to that.

"Please take your items. Please take your items. Please take your items."

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Orthos wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hate self-checkout.
May I ask why?

Because! EVIL!

Semi-seriously, I find that Self-Checkout embodies most of what is wrong with America today.

All of the jobs I have held in my lifetime have involved some sort of Customer Service. Your frikkin JOB is to provide a service to the customer.

Now comes Wally World, (infamous for their installation of 40 cash registers, but never opening more than 2!) And they now decide that in order to save money, they should do away with tellers and make the customer check themselves out.

Personally, I find this an offense to everything I believe in when it comes to customer service. :/

Yeah, Sorry. Not a fan of self-checkout.

Not. A. Fan.


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I've developed a routine of witty heckling, makes checking out with kids fun if you can heckle a machine. :-)

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I find things like that highly amusing, Ragadolf, as that's - as I said to GR - one of the main reasons I DO like them so much. I don't have to deal with a CSR.

My idea of good customer service, however, is very much a concept of "less is more". The less I have to actually deal with a person, the more satisfying my service generally is. Talking to a person usually is only the result of something going wrong. It's only when something breaks, or doesn't work right, or is out of stock, or I can't find it, that I expect my "customer service" at a shopping place to involve actually talking to the employees other than to give them money... and in places with self-checkout, not even that.

I can't stand those places where their idea of "customer service" is having someone get up in your face the instant you enter the store, asking if they can help you find anything and all that. I know there are a lot of people who appreciate it, and they're doing it because it's seen as a positive, but it drives me nuts. GO AWAY. If I need help, I will ask YOU. NOT the other way around.

I think that's probably the biggest divider. If you expect a CSR to actually interact with you, you're probably not a fan of self-checkout. If you're like me and want to avoid them unless absolutely necessary, you'll likely like the machines a bit more.

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I always thought self checkout was for those men who look like they're about to have an aneurysm waiting behind me in the line with my cart full of groceries as I chat with the cashier.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I've developed a routine of witty heckling, makes checking out with kids fun if you can heckle a machine. :-)

Have you ever found yourself saying 'thankyou' to the ATM when it delivers your cash?

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Aranna wrote:
I always thought self checkout was for those men who look like they're about to have an aneurysm waiting behind me in the line with my cart full of groceries as I chat with the cashier.

... yes. That would be another reason I prefer self-checkout. Thank you for that reminder. -_-

It slipped my mind as it's been so long since I had to deal with someone doing that.

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Or for the guy with two kids jabbering "can we get this?what about this?we simply must get this! Canwedadcanwedadcanwedad!!! Huh? Huh? Huh?"

I love self checkout.

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You should put it back. It's not nice to steal.

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I brought panties to wear on my head.

He let me take a picture as long as I didn't wear those on my head.

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Treppa wrote:
You should put it back. It's not nice to steal.

But if a celebrity wants to go on a crime spree, as a true fan are you not obligated to abet?

Silver Crusade

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My issue with self checkouts is I can never seem to get through the process without some weighing error that requires me to wait for the attendant. If I need an attendant anyway, I might as well have them scan everything.

Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:
Treppa wrote:
You should put it back. It's not nice to steal.

But if a celebrity wants to go on a crime spree, as a true fan are you not obligated to abet?

OJ needs more fans like you.

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Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.
I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.

Also shoplifting. Pretty sure that's one reason Target doesn't have self-check. Always have to tell the new hires to check all containers, bottom of the cart, etc. because there's always that one person trying to slip stuff by. Remove the barrier of a cashier...

Target by us has self checkout.

Same here.

...Frickin' Kansas.

At least, I'm guessing that's why I've yet to see a self-check at a Target.

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Quick! Pitch your idea for a 1st level 5e adventure at me!

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The Doomkitten wrote:
Quick! Pitch your idea for a 1st level 5e adventure at me!

Unfortunately I don't play 5e and I never play lower than 2nd level so I've no suggestions at all. Sorry.

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Dude, chill.

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Legacy of Fire time!

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