Freehold DM |
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either i'm getting a little better at go or playing a slow correspondence-based game lessens my chances of making mistakes and oversights
probably due to correspondence. It is an extremely slow game that gives you plenty of time to think.
I have spent many a year, both professional and privately, wondering about intelligence and what truly makes one person smarter than another.
With respect to American thought, intelligence seems to have morphed over the years from being able to discuss a host of topics with a variety of people to bring able to get a right answer more often than not to being able to get the right answer faster than the person next to you to being able to get the right answer before the question is even finished. There is less appreciation for a process of thought and as technology advances. There are also cultural aspects to this as well, which is what makes things really interesting, but that goes into sociology, which isn't my field.

NobodysHome |
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John just got a quote from a wedding venue of $278 per person. For our 120 people.
Wow. Wow! WOW!!!!
Admittedly, we got married in 1994. But in the San Francisco Bay Area we were balking at $70 per person. We finally found a place that did both the site and the catering for a TOTAL of $28 per person, albeit in the Sacramento valley.
I think maybe you have an extra digit in there.

captain yesterday |
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Tiny T-Rex told Pea Bear he was making a Vampire Hunter Inquisitor, Pea Bear of course immediately wants to make one too.
Fast forward two hours we're walking the dog, Pea Bear and I, and she says "Oh! I'll name her Buffy" so I says "Nope, I'm not allowing any character named Buffy" so she finally settled on Eleanor Nightingale.
Also she's going to be watching a whole lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which it turns out is on Hulu.. every episode... I don't know what to do, I already lived thru it the first time, now again!...

Freehold DM |
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Tiny T-Rex told Pea Bear he was making a Vampire Hunter Inquisitor, Pea Bear of course immediately wants to make one too.
Fast forward two hours we're walking the dog, Pea Bear and I, and she says "Oh! I'll name her Buffy" so I says "Nope, I'm not allowing any character named Buffy" so she finally settled on Eleanor Nightingale.
Also she's going to be watching a whole lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which it turns out is on Hulu.. every episode... I don't know what to do, I already lived thru it the first time, now again!...
you poor poor man...

Sharoth |
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Crash Course YouTube main page. Lots of good tutorial videos there.

gran rey de los mono |
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Cite the Most Important Rule at them
The GM is always right?
House rule it until it's fun?Top of the page is nudity?
Never shave your duck?
Whenever something goes wrong, just blame it on Seth?
Give gran rey de los mono all the things he wants or he'll cry like a hungry, angry baby?

David M Mallon |
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David M Mallon wrote:Just got my cable bill in the mail, and they jacked up the price by $12 without notifying me or explaining why. I don't even have a TV, just internet. F#~+ Time Warner.Ugh?!
I pay approximately $20 a month for my 60 Mbit/second connection.
Yeah, mine's up around the $70 mark right now.

David M Mallon |
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David M Mallon wrote:Can you "tape" that? I know that it has a silver lining.Overheard exchange between two tin-knockers:
TK #1: "This site is getting to be f+!~ing nuts. It's turning into a reality show around here."
TK #2: "Yeah, we could call it 'Duct Dynasty'."
I don't know, my reception has been pretty tinny lately.

Sharoth |
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Sharoth wrote:I don't know, my reception has been pretty tinny lately.David M Mallon wrote:Can you "tape" that? I know that it has a silver lining.Overheard exchange between two tin-knockers:
TK #1: "This site is getting to be f+!~ing nuts. It's turning into a reality show around here."
TK #2: "Yeah, we could call it 'Duct Dynasty'."
Just stick to it.

Freehold DM |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Icyshadow wrote:Note to self - Do NOT bring up politics nor religion at the workplace break room.Especially if your views on such topics would be considered radical or extremely different from the norm, like being an agnostic with socialist leanings in the bible belt.
what? I just believe humanity is an experiment by aliens to create a slave species to mine for gold that was forgotten thousands of years ago.
We must prepare for the return of our alien overlords, who will demand almost all of the precious metals on earth to empower their flying machines for the return trip to their home planet, where they will live as sentients of leisure on any surplus we harvest.
Fortunately they have been gone for so long that they will have precious to little immunity to our earth-bound germs and pathogens, which means that they will remain in orbit for the most part, relying heavily upon conspirators on the surface.
Therefore, any resistance elements must focus upon these collaborators, disrupting their lines of communication and support, while not putting up enough of a fight that they view humanity as a threat, which would force them to release their genetically enhanced super soldiers, which many believe to be some type of dimly sentient arachnoid with a taste for all carbon based lifeforms, which would result in a scorched earth approach to warfare,turning our planet into a lifeless rock like mars, which is technically humanity's home(Mars being the research outpost where early humanity, the arachnids, and many other life forms were created, including the dinosaurs, believed to be something of a pet project or even a prank by the aliens).
You wouldn't believe how many people tune out after the gold mining part.

![]() |
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John just got a quote from a wedding venue of $278 per person. For our 120 people.
And I thought it was expensive out here...The mrs and I were married in Half Moon Bay barefoot in the sand and then we went to our brothers home and had really good mexican food.

captain yesterday |
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We might've paid a hundred bucks total for ours, the honeymoon however was f+~+ing epic! 2 months up and down the west coast and the central Colorado Rockies.
So much cool stuff, also because I worked at Saint Vinnies before we left we were stocked up on barely expired AAA guides, which is a necessity for epic traveling, at least back in the before internet capable phones times.

captain yesterday |
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I like how our party is coming together, everyone's an expert (no full casters, no heavy hitters) and we certainly didn't leave charisma in the ditch like we did with Iron Gods.
After Jade Regent, Reign of Winter, Skull and Shackles and Iron Gods (still going strong, if infrequent due to family crap at the end of summer) it will be nice to stay in a city and the kids are pretty excited to stick it to Darth Vader... I mean Barzillai Thrune.

Drejk |
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Drejk wrote:Yeah, mine's up around the $70 mark right now.David M Mallon wrote:Just got my cable bill in the mail, and they jacked up the price by $12 without notifying me or explaining why. I don't even have a TV, just internet. F#~+ Time Warner.Ugh?!
I pay approximately $20 a month for my 60 Mbit/second connection.

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

David M Mallon wrote:...Drejk wrote:Yeah, mine's up around the $70 mark right now.David M Mallon wrote:Just got my cable bill in the mail, and they jacked up the price by $12 without notifying me or explaining why. I don't even have a TV, just internet. F#~+ Time Warner.Ugh?!
I pay approximately $20 a month for my 60 Mbit/second connection.
But you get a 1 GBit/s connection for that, right? In United States everything is bigger and faster, especially internet, or so we were told far away on the Old Continent, behind the Iron Curtain... Right?

Orthos |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I like how our party is coming together, everyone's an expert (no full casters, no heavy hitters) and we certainly didn't leave charisma in the ditch like we did with Iron Gods.
After Jade Regent, Reign of Winter, Skull and Shackles and Iron Gods (still going strong, if infrequent due to family crap at the end of summer) it will be nice to stay in a city and the kids are pretty excited to stick it to Darth Vader... I mean Barzillai Thrune.
We finalized our Legacy of Fire party last night as well - Ifrit Sorcerer, Sylph Investigator, Entomorph (mothfolk) Harbinger, and Changeling Summoner with a wolf/jackal Eidolon. Looking like a regular pack of scoundrels. Saints these people ain't.
They also managed to pair up strangely evenly. The Sylph and Entomorph both are going with the Finding Haleen trait, while the Changeling and the Ifrit are going to have some (as of yet undefined) connection.

Drejk |
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David M Mallon wrote:Just got my cable bill in the mail, and they jacked up the price by $12 without notifying me or explaining why. I don't even have a TV, just internet. F#~+ Time Warner.Ugh?!
I pay approximately $20 a month for my 60 Mbit/second connection.
To be clear, it's asymmetric connection - download of 60 Mbit/s with upload of either 6 or 10 MBit/s, don't remember at the moment. Of course I have much less use for upload speed anyway so it is a standard for home internet, at least here.

Orthos |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:But you get a 1 GBit/s connection for that, right? In United States everything is bigger and faster, especially internet, or so we were told far away on the Old Continent, behind the Iron Curtain... Right?David M Mallon wrote:...Drejk wrote:Yeah, mine's up around the $70 mark right now.David M Mallon wrote:Just got my cable bill in the mail, and they jacked up the price by $12 without notifying me or explaining why. I don't even have a TV, just internet. F#~+ Time Warner.Ugh?!
I pay approximately $20 a month for my 60 Mbit/second connection.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.... oh... you're... you're serious, aren't you?

NobodysHome |
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In the U.S. the internet is broken, thanks to special interests paying to have "exclusive rights" to an area.
- If I want cable (50 Mbps shared) I *must* go through ComCast, which I won't do, so that's out.
- If I want fiber optic (1 Gbps) I *must* go through AT&T, which I won't do, so that's out. (And by the way, Drejk, they pretty much force you to accept cable TV as part of the deal, so the minimum price I saw for this download speed was $110/month.)
So I'm stuck with DSL through sonic.net. 6 Mbps for $31.50 a month. Not exactly my favorite thing in the world, but refusing to do business with certain companies has its price.

Orthos |
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I've actually been very happy with my AT&T service, but they only offer DSL here, not fiber-optic.
My parents have EPB fiber-optic, which is sadly only currently available in Chattanooga and the surrounding regions on the TN side of the state line, and it was amazing when I lived with them, as well as excellent customer service. Comcast is struggling hard to keep people in east-TN from switching out from them, even though EPB is slightly more expensive. They just can't keep up with the better quality and better PR.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've actually been very happy with my AT&T service, but they only offer DSL here, not fiber-optic.
My parents have EPB fiber-optic, which is sadly only currently available in Chattanooga and the surrounding regions on the TN side of the state line, and it was amazing when I lived with them, as well as excellent customer service. Comcast is struggling hard to keep people in east-TN from switching out from them, even though EPB is slightly more expensive. They just can't keep up with the better quality and better PR.
Must... not... discuss... politics... on... FaWTL!!!
With a Herculean effort, all I'll say is that my objection to AT&T involves their corporate politics, not their customer service...

Drejk |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.... oh... you're... you're serious, aren't you?Drejk wrote:But you get a 1 GBit/s connection for that, right? In United States everything is bigger and faster, especially internet, or so we were told far away on the Old Continent, behind the Iron Curtain... Right?David M Mallon wrote:...Drejk wrote:Yeah, mine's up around the $70 mark right now.David M Mallon wrote:Just got my cable bill in the mail, and they jacked up the price by $12 without notifying me or explaining why. I don't even have a TV, just internet. F#~+ Time Warner.Ugh?!
I pay approximately $20 a month for my 60 Mbit/second connection.
Not really. I know that internet access is a problem in USA because of practical monopolies...