Deep 6 FaWtL

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I love calling their office for anything customer service related, incredibly nice people all around, and so much faster than starting a thread in customer service :-)

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I call everyone naked, doesn't everyone?

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Depends on who I'm calling.

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Mr. Nobody is up to his old tricks again! This time he let the dog out and got into Pea Bear's (not) secret candy stash and blamed both on Tiny T-Rex.

Mr. Nobody is Tiny T-Rex's imaginary fall guy, I swear he came up with it completely on his own!

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captain yesterday wrote:
I call everyone naked, doesn't everyone?

Ooooh.... Tell me more baby

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:
I love calling their office for anything customer service related, incredibly nice people all around, and so much faster than starting a thread in customer service :-)

They are awesome, I sent them an e-mail and they were on it quick

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NobodysHome wrote:

I call it "Freehold Coffee". I suppose it must be "strong black handsome coffee"...

you're damn right.

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The thing that kinda sucks about the internet is people (especially PFS) don't really realize how small they are, and so they get kind of spoiled and entitled. I admit I was guilty of it too until I had problems subscribing and had to call them to sort it out.

Now I try to cut them a little more slack, they're people too that need to eat and sleep like the rest of us :-)

obviously I don't think this is an issue with FaWtL Folk, who are some the most mellow and understanding group of people I've ever seen on the internet, just stream of thought type ramblings here :-)

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Treppa wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:
Can somebody clarify the Slashing Grace errata for me?

I read this as Shushing Grace. It's a librarian feat.

I don't know it so can't help, sorry!

watch the shush ninjas episode of we bare bears. Hilarious.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I call everyone naked, doesn't everyone?

NobodysHome's Story Time:

My friend is an absolute cut-up. He learned Russian in the U.S. Army during the Cold War, and now works as a PM/coordinator/social butterfly for tech companies with employees in former Soviet republics. As such, he spends a huge amount of time over there and has learned a certain... straightforwardness that I find absolutely refreshing.

So he learned that responding to telemarketers with, "I'm naked? Are you naked?" was the absolute best way to get rid of them...

...until a guy with a thick New York accent called, and immediately responded, "Yeah, I'm naked. So can we talk about this product or what?"
My friend was so floored he spent 15 minutes talking to the guy. Didn't buy anything, but it got the guy's foot in the door...

6 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Mr. Nobody is up to his old tricks again! This time he let the dog out and got into Pea Bear's (not) secret candy stash and blamed both on Tiny T-Rex.

Mr. Nobody is Tiny T-Rex's imaginary fall guy, I swear he came up with it completely on his own!

but he's right here. Above this post.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Mr. Nobody is up to his old tricks again! This time he let the dog out and got into Pea Bear's (not) secret candy stash and blamed both on Tiny T-Rex.

Mmmm.... candy! Dogs! What can go wrong?

Now where's the peanut butter...?

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We had some teenagers prank calling work last winter and my manager answers after a bunch of "is your refrigerator running" calls and this girl asks "do you have any cocks?" He just says "why yes we do! Would you like me to put one on hold for you?" They never called back:-D

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Hoping to wrap up this chapter of Kingmaker in the next two or three weeks, then be done with Chapter 6 by March or April. Will be the first campaign I've ever run to completion if/when we pull it off!

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You do realize that now you said that one of your players will have a work crisis, one of them will get sick, and two of them won't show up for the game for several weeks for unexplained reasons. With everybody absent, the only time where you'll be able to convene for the game is 6 months after the last session, and by then nobody will be "feeling" and won't want to continue.

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Orthos wrote:
Hoping to wrap up this chapter of Kingmaker in the next two or three weeks, then be done with Chapter 6 by March or April. Will be the first campaign I've ever run to completion if/when we pull it off!

same here but sub "weeks" for "months".

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Actually we just got off a hiatus due to several players repeatedly not being available with work schedule changes and such. So hopefully we've paid our dues for that by now =)

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You know you need a shower when your four year old son says "jeez dad, what died in your pants!"

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I should point out I shower every day it's just last week was in the 60s all week now this week it's mid 80s so I'm sweating a bit more then usual on account of the temperature difference.

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i tend to shower somewhere between daily and every other day

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About 2x a day.

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
i tend to shower somewhere between daily and every other day

In the winter since i don't sweat as much i do go a couple days between showering if i'm not too active, but in the summer i'm always active so it's needed pretty much every day, otherwise my smart-ass kids call me out on it:-D

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captain yesterday wrote:
We had some teenagers prank calling work last winter and my manager answers after a bunch of "is your refrigerator running" calls and this girl asks "do you have any cocks?" He just says "why yes we do! Would you like me to put one on hold for you?" They never called back:-D


I found that anytime a person calls 'Not selling anything, Just want to ask a couple of questions' if you respond;

"Why certainly, I specialize in telephone consultations. I charge $200 an hour with a 2 hour minimum. Where shall I send the bill?" Usually gets rid of them pretty quick.


Everyone should shower daily unless they were sweating then it increases to as much as needed.

Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
i tend to shower somewhere between daily and every other day

When i'm at a con man, I go 4 days no shower all gaming

Ragadolf wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We had some teenagers prank calling work last winter and my manager answers after a bunch of "is your refrigerator running" calls and this girl asks "do you have any cocks?" He just says "why yes we do! Would you like me to put one on hold for you?" They never called back:-D


I found that anytime a person calls 'Not selling anything, Just want to ask a couple of questions' if you respond;

"Why certainly, I specialize in telephone consultations. I charge $200 an hour with a 2 hour minimum. Where shall I send the bill?" Usually gets rid of them pretty quick.


I used to get calls from political parties then once during the 2008 election they kept calling me at work so i told the Hillary person that called if they kept calling i was going to vote for Mike Huckabee, haven't got a call or mailing since:-D

edit: the lady asked "you.. you wouldn't really do that would you?" i just said in my most convincing tone "Absolutely i will!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We had some teenagers prank calling work last winter and my manager answers after a bunch of "is your refrigerator running" calls and this girl asks "do you have any cocks?" He just says "why yes we do! Would you like me to put one on hold for you?" They never called back:-D


I found that anytime a person calls 'Not selling anything, Just want to ask a couple of questions' if you respond;

"Why certainly, I specialize in telephone consultations. I charge $200 an hour with a 2 hour minimum. Where shall I send the bill?" Usually gets rid of them pretty quick.


I used to get calls from political parties then once during the 2008 election they kept calling me at work so i told the Hillary person that called if they kept calling i was going to vote for Mike Huckabee, haven't got a call or mailing since:-D

edit: the lady asked "you.. you wouldn't really do that would you?" i just said in my most convincing tone "Absolutely i will!"

Love it!

I am adding that one to my list of responses. :)

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I loved the reactions that my wife's co-workers gave yesterday when I showed up to get her keys out of the car she locked them in.

It started out as a lot of suspicious "Can I help You's?' and looks that said I did not belong there. When I announced (in my best Steve Reeves/Superman voice) Although, in hindsight, probably sounded a lot more like Adam West/Batman ;P that I was there to rescue my wife from the menace of the 'keys locked in the car', it changed to a chorus of 'Oh thats HER husband!' & 'That's a nice husband!' ;P

Next time, I'm wearing my Superman t-shirt! ;)

At least LimeyLongEars and LordSynos now have closure, even if it is a bit late:-D

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Of course now that my brothers have all remembered we exist (I'd swear they don't think people can exist if they aren't on Facebook) I have to hide all the politico threads because otherwise it's like I'm at their houses when I'm not, ugh! Nothing is more torturous then 8 people in the same room trying to monologue over each other:-D

That's why I love FaWtL so much :-)

Ragadolf wrote:

I loved the reactions that my wife's co-workers gave yesterday when I showed up to get her keys out of the car she locked them in.

It started out as a lot of suspicious "Can I help You's?' and looks that said I did not belong there. When I announced (in my best Steve Reeves/Superman voice) Although, in hindsight, probably sounded a lot more like Adam West/Batman ;P that I was there to rescue my wife from the menace of the 'keys locked in the car', it changed to a chorus of 'Oh thats HER husband!' & 'That's a nice husband!' ;P

Next time, I'm wearing my Superman t-shirt! ;)

I have The Flash, Wolverine and The Green Lantern T-Shirts :-)

Edit: also Pac-Man :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
At least LimeyLongEars and LordSynos now have closure, even if it is a bit late:-D

It's the Tall Man! Where's Trilby?!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
At least LimeyLongEars and LordSynos now have closure, even if it is a bit late:-D

It wasn't me!

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Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
At least LimeyLongEars and LordSynos now have closure, even if it is a bit late:-D
It wasn't me!

Said the guy bragging about all his swords last week, how... convenient..

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
At least LimeyLongEars and LordSynos now have closure, even if it is a bit late:-D
It wasn't me!
Said the guy bragging about all his swords last week, how... convenient..

Listen, none of them make a tree grow over your defeated opponent, not even on a natural 20.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm a morning person, one of those annoying ones even, you know the type, awake before my feet hit the floor, super chipper and ready to attack the day!

Like my father and grandfather before me, I am the other kind of morning person. The kind who wakes up when it's still dark for no apparent reason, stares at the ceiling until 5 AM, and then figures that since it's almost dawn anyway, they might as well get up and have breakfast or something.


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Orthos wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:
This is my theme song.
I was expecting this given your name =)

And here I was thinking it would be this.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Of course now that my brothers have all remembered we exist (I'd swear they don't think people can exist if they aren't on Facebook) I have to hide all the politico threads because otherwise it's like I'm at their houses when I'm not, ugh! Nothing is more torturous then 8 people in the same room trying to monologue over each other:-D

That's why I love FaWtL so much :-)

Yeah, here it's more like 30 people in the same room trying to monologue over each other.

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David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Of course now that my brothers have all remembered we exist (I'd swear they don't think people can exist if they aren't on Facebook) I have to hide all the politico threads because otherwise it's like I'm at their houses when I'm not, ugh! Nothing is more torturous then 8 people in the same room trying to monologue over each other:-D

That's why I love FaWtL so much :-)

Yeah, here it's more like 30 people in the same room trying to monologue over each other.

Thankfully most of my family/common acquaintances do their political ranting either at church (so I only have to listen to it for the few minutes before/between/after services before I can escape) or over Facebook (which I lack and thus avoid entirely).

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Not a morning person. Pretty much useless before 11 am. And I am definitely cranky in the mornings. Basically don't even try to talk to me unless you first provide appropriate offerings of coffee. :P
Except last year when we went to Hawaii for vacation when I was up at 5 am and cheerful about it every day. And conked out every night at 10. As it turns out I can be a morning person if you put me in the right time zone. EST is not that time zone. :D
And I am crazy jealous of the people who can reset their internal clocks. Mine laughs at all attempts to do so and I continue to be a zombie in the mornings even when I've made sure to get enough sleep.

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I was going through two pots of coffee a day at one point, but a couple of years ago, I started having stomach problems, so I stopped for a while. Now one cup hits me like a ton of bricks, and I crash a few hours later.

whether or not i function in the mornings depends on when i slept. i tend to sleep in naps.

David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Of course now that my brothers have all remembered we exist (I'd swear they don't think people can exist if they aren't on Facebook) I have to hide all the politico threads because otherwise it's like I'm at their houses when I'm not, ugh! Nothing is more torturous then 8 people in the same room trying to monologue over each other:-D

That's why I love FaWtL so much :-)

Yeah, here it's more like 30 people in the same room trying to monologue over each other.

I was actually referring to my 7 brothers and mom :-D

It gets... tiresome to put it politely :-)

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Can't sleep during the day. Wake up regularly at 7am and can't generally doze off again.

There's an owl that starts hunting when I go to bed (n.b: not a euphemism, although it really should be) that I can hear when I have the window open, which is a very nice way to end the day.

*Hoot hoot*

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Yeah we got an Owl that hunts our backyard, which is fine until you hear the bunnies scream at 2a.m. (yes it turns out bunnies scream) it can get pretty dark:-D

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For those of you who may be interested, this happened over the weekend...

My life is complete.

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Went home early for sick today. Here's hoping that kicks it.

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Hope it works :-)

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