Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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hi everyFaWtL

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uh, dramatic entrance


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I hope evryone is well

good to the some smurfs and songtexts while flying over the last pages

we did not have that for some time

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Labour Day today

we will have barbecue with some friends

8 people marked this as a favorite.

the dwarfling walks !!!!!

he wants walk on a finger but if your finger is juuuust out of reach he will walk on his own trying to grab your finger :-)

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It's just a matter of time before he will start growing his first beard!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Aren't dwarf children born with beards?

Dark Archive

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Morning FaWtL! I hope everyone is well today and having/has a good day ahead. For those under the weather, I wish ye a swift recovery, and for those having a bad day, I hope things improve soon.

Dark Archive

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A little dull on these Emerald Isles, the sky fire has retreated in favour of the overcloud, who promises/threatens (depending on your point of view) a wash out over the weekend. Wouldn't mind so much if I didn't have the little one, but we'll just have to take advantage of the clear spots when we get them. :)

Dark Archive

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aeglos wrote:

the dwarfling walks !!!!!

he wants walk on a finger but if your finger is juuuust out of reach he will walk on his own trying to grab your finger :-)

Congrats! A wonderful moment to reach, those first few tentative steps. :) Exciting! :D

Dark Archive

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Dark Archive

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Cap's avatar was stable for long enough that it took me a bit to realise the Efreeti was him. :P

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So. I'm going to be alone at work today. don't know whether to laugh or cry.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

the dwarfling walks !!!!!

he wants walk on a finger but if your finger is juuuust out of reach he will walk on his own trying to grab your finger :-)


Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

My son is here, my son is here, hip hip hurray! :D

Well, not right here, I'm at work currently (boo!), but at home, with his Nana currently. I picked him up from his mum at the train station yesterday lunch time. He was glad to see me, and I was sure glad to see him too. :) Settled right in when I got him home, like he never left. He's calling me Daddy now, as opposed to Dada, which I guess is an improvement? Vocally speaking, I mean, like, more complex than just Dada. Anywho, yeah, also working on please and thank you and making sentences as opposed to just single word demands. :P Currently it goes:
Mouser: "Drink!"
LS: "What do we say?"
M: "Ta taaa!"
LS: "Close enough."
Sometimes I get the pleeees first, but he's known ta-ta a lot longer so he falls back to it a lot. :P So, trying to encourage him to say them in a row. I'm not really sure what I'm doing to be honest. Every word he says just fills me with pride that I probably let him off too easily a lot of the time, but I just love the little mite so much.

Getting bloody teary-eyed talking about him, so I'll leave it at looking forward to a fun weekend ahead for now. w00t for bank holidays. :)

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:
So. I'm going to be alone at work today. don't know whether to laugh or cry.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
So. I'm going to be alone at work today. don't know whether to laugh or cry.

rides to work firing beam rifle

Banzai! Banzai!

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Honors English - where friendships go to die.

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Tacticslion wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

On Lord English:

Lord English is a character from the webcomic Homestuck, one of the primary antagonists. While not originally an Ultima reference - the comic's author hadn't played the games at the time - several of the readers thought/assumed he was and either inquired about it or assumed he was to share some of the same properties. This latter the author eventually acknowledged and added himself, with the line "Lord English is supposedly indestructible. He's rumored to be killable only through a number of glitches and exploits in spacetime.", in reference to the fact that Ultima's Lord British is normally invulnerable in the games, but can be killed, harmed, or removed by glitching. (Linked source, but it's smack in the middle of the story with very little explaining context. Homestuck is long, and very complex and convoluted and self-referencing at the best of times. Also has a great deal of swearing. You've been warned. =) )

For a long time he was a faceless character, a threat mentioned in the background and hinted at but never revealed except through occasional glimpses of his trademark green trenchcoat, but as of the latest chapter of the story he's actually physically present and doing things. Whether or not this is a good thing is really dependent on your point of view after reading the story. On the one hand some of the things he's done as a villain are pretty awful and make him out to be a legitimate threat. On the other, they reveal a great deal of his backstory and you have the whole Anakin Skywalker situation of "this badass bad guy loses a lot of his cool factor when you've seen him as a whiny kid".

"I am Already Here" is English's catchphrase, noting his ability to time-travel and hop between universes. He tends to arrive just before a universe self-destructs or otherwise ends, then time-travel backwards to set up his army of servitors and underlings to arrange his own arrival, which often coincides with arranging for the death of the universe in the first place. Again, Homestuck is pretty bad about being self-referential and tying the timelines of the story in knots. It's pretty difficult to explain without reading the thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

the dwarfling walks !!!!!

he wants walk on a finger but if your finger is juuuust out of reach he will walk on his own trying to grab your finger :-)

great news! Before you know it the little guy'll have bagged his first Ettin :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This Avatar just isn't working for me, mayhaps a change is needed :-)

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Yeah, it doesn't look yesderdayish...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's spreading!!

Through some sort of weird San Fran-Madison synergy my kid's caught Nobodyshome's offspring's cold:( hopefully it improves with the warmth of an awesome day weather wise, birthday went as good as it possibly could, a smurftastic day all around :-)

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So, I finally found my place.

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Heal quickly, all.

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HAppy Friday!

(Which for me is just another day in a 7-day work-week) :(

But don't let me ruin YOUR fun! Oh no. Don't mind me. I'll just be over here. Working. And Not grilling or chilling. Nope. Not a bit,... ;P

Wasn't someone going to invent us a time-pause-inator? For these weeks with no breaks? So we could take a little break and still have all of our busy work stuff?

Anyone? Anyone? Anyone at all? Really? No takers?

Oh C'mon! We're up to model 3000 on the weather dominator! :)

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They'll be fine, as soon as the call in to school was made she felt much better,i suspect a birthday hangover is more to blame, smurfy now the wife is pissed for some reason:|

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Ah, the infamous 'P-O'd for some reason' encounter. Not for the lower level newbies or the faint of heart.

Good luck CY! ;P

Hope all the mini-me's feel better quickly.

My own mini-me is getting WAY to big to be my Mini-Me anymore. He's growing so fast he'll soon be a ME sized Me. :(
(He's going into 6th grade/ Middle school next year. And he doesn't have the tallest parents) ;P

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Annnnnd it looks like the spam is back.

Wait, the Spam IS back!

The Exchange

So brand new job... has lost its contract and I'm back to being unemployed as of next week.

Silver Crusade System Administrator

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Fawtl is one of the few threads you can literally come in at any time and still have about as much idea of whats going on as if you'd read the whole thread. It is magic.

Huzzah! Welcome! :D

(She's totes become a hero of mine of late!)

Dawwww. ^_^ Thanks. I've been in fawtl before, it's a little difficult for me to keep up but useful when I'm monitoring the boards sometimes.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow. Lousy way to end the week.

Sorry CJ. You have 'Plan B' lined up yet?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...

One more thing I forgot to add... His music is awesome. (But then so is most all of the music the comic uses.) And kind of freaky when you listen to it reversed and realize...

The Exchange

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Ragadolf wrote:

Wow. Lousy way to end the week.

Sorry CJ. You have 'Plan B' lined up yet?

Was already working on a plan B, before I found out... just have yet to hear back.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Crimson Jester wrote:
So brand new job... has lost its contract and I'm back to being unemployed as of next week.

damn. I'm sorry man.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Fawtl is one of the few threads you can literally come in at any time and still have about as much idea of whats going on as if you'd read the whole thread. It is magic.

Huzzah! Welcome! :D

(She's totes become a hero of mine of late!)

Dawwww. ^_^ Thanks. I've been in fawtl before, it's a little difficult for me to keep up but useful when I'm monitoring the boards sometimes.


The Exchange

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Lissa Guillet wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Fawtl is one of the few threads you can literally come in at any time and still have about as much idea of whats going on as if you'd read the whole thread. It is magic.

Huzzah! Welcome! :D

(She's totes become a hero of mine of late!)

Dawwww. ^_^ Thanks. I've been in fawtl before, it's a little difficult for me to keep up but useful when I'm monitoring the boards sometimes.


Silver Crusade System Administrator

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As something interesting to read. =)

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Reading this thread is like watching a Seinfeld episode

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

No need to be rude.

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for fun, a laugh maybe, to see people be real, many many reasons to visit FaWtL:-)

also i'll be surprised if they've ever had a post flagged here:-p

i love FaWtL, you guys are wonderful, always brighten up my day, every one of you:-)

edit: now on to getting rid of the Giant Gimp riding Gnome as my avatar, a cautionary tale of using your tiny phone screen to pick an avatar:-p

The Exchange

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Yes we had a flag or two in FAWTL 1.

Silver Crusade System Administrator

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I don't think so in FAWTL 6 though... =)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Fawtl is one of the few threads you can literally come in at any time and still have about as much idea of whats going on as if you'd read the whole thread. It is magic.

Huzzah! Welcome! :D

(She's totes become a hero of mine of late!)

Dawwww. ^_^ Thanks. I've been in fawtl before, it's a little difficult for me to keep up but useful when I'm monitoring the boards sometimes.

We can start a small flame war for you to keep an eye on!

*summons TOZ*

Ok, not really, with all that spam-crap going around it wouldn't be right to add to your burdens.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Yeah, I don't think so in FAWTL 6 though... =)

Not even sure we had one in 2-5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I think end of 1/beginning of 2 was when we established the "no politics, no religion, no sports" rule, and that's kept the majority of flagworthy posts out of the thread by default.

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De-fault, the best two word in the English language :-)

Silver Crusade

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Lissa Guillet wrote:
Yeah, I don't think so in FAWTL 6 though... =)

Until now.

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm the reason we can't have nice things.

Dark Archive

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Thought that was my job.

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