Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert |
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Move to California. It's bloody Spring weather already. F*!!ing climate change.
Oh, and from what I understand the polar vortex is being intensified by warming sea ice dumping ice melt into the ocean. So getting warmer can make winters colder. I'd exult the amazing and fascinating wonders of science if it wasn't causing damage to infrastructure, making people freeze, and convincing some people that global warming must be fake because it's freakishly cold out.

captain yesterday |
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Move to California. It's bloody Spring weather already. F!$@ing climate change.
we almost did, moved to seattle instead, government and taxes and economy were less f#!%ed up there, we moved back to wisconsin so my mom could see her only grand daughter before her eyes went out (she has since had surgery and her vision is way way better, she has her license and is no longer legally blind **yay for science**)

Freehold DM |
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Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:Move to California. It's bloody Spring weather already. F!$@ing climate change.we almost did, moved to seattle instead, government and taxes and economy were less f+&~ed up there, we moved back to wisconsin so my mom could see her only grand daughter before her eyes went out (she has since had surgery and her vision is way way better, she has her license and is no longer legally blind **yay for science**)
indeed. Would that it could have happened in time to save my own grandmother. But her illness was a very rare one.

Sharoth |
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Ouch! thats rough!
Here's a cartoon to cheer you up:-)
~laughter~ I liked that one.

Sharoth |
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Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:Try Saints Row.Just dropped the mic. Just dropped all the mics.
~laughter~ Now I want to try Saints Row 3.

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Saints Row IV is awesome. I highly recommend it.
Edit : 3 is also awesome, and I also recommend it, if available.
Also, hope all are well and having a good week. :)
Lastly, curse you Lynora, for Friendship is Dragons and Darths & Droids.

Tacticslion |
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Darths & Droids, Friendship is Magic, Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, and Gunnerkrigg Court are all incredibly awesome (and I am caught up). May I also recommend Erfworld, Goblins* and Weregeek as well? Excellent stuff. Oh, and Dr. McNinja, Schlock Mercenary**, Sluggy Freelance**, and Captain SNES***!
I apologize for nothing, in advance.
* Beware the gore! O.o
** Every day since roughly 2001. Yes, it's that big.
*** If and only if you grew up in the 80s/early 90s; beware the swear^!
^ No, I mean a lot. The protagonist is put in a bunch of very stressful situations and has no linguistic filter. It's also incredibly long and convoluted. It's really great, though. Archive binging is... well it'll likely happen.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert |
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Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:Hey. Our government isn't that bad, and compared to the rest of the developed world we have low taxes.I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
When I was 18, I moved away from California to Colorado. At 20, I moved to Montana. At 22, I tried to go to college in Montana, and they classified me as nonresident (yes, there was a logical reason why). That means $35,000 a year to attend, and Colorado was charge about the same.
California charged me in state and gave me enough state aid to be set, despite me not having stepped foot in the state in four years. Obamacare mandate comes in? Free state health insurance. Public transit? Actually fairly reliable. It gets me where I want to go every day with a minimum of displeasure. Environmental policies? Well, we're trying. Our government is very far from perfection, and I could rant a long time on several glaring flaws, but damned if I'm not better off back in my home state than anywhere else I could have gone, and damned if I don't love and appreciate my home state.

captain yesterday |

Well i did say we *almost* moved there and its a pretty awesome state, when we moved to Seattle our first choice was Keystone, CO. we knew a guy named Weather that worked there, but alas that was the summer the Rockies nearly burned down, so the jobs weren't there, and we picked Seattle because the economy was very similar to Wisconsin and most importantly i grew up on Jimi Hendrix and Grunge. so my moving to Seattle was Destiny manifest:-)
And Winter sucks but Madison in every other season is pretty sweet:-)

Freehold DM |
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I read only the most Orthos-disapproved of webcomics.
Menage a 3 and oglaf are a good starting point. Great comedy.
Milkmare of trottingham is more NSFW humor, if you are into ponies. Cookie and Brann is also nsfw, but with a lot more pony related humor and less lecherousness.
I also met someone at a recent con who is going to BRONYCON cosplaying Milky Way. She has the famed mega milk shirt and everything. I am excited.
Norse is straight up h-tastic. I wuvs it.
I also enjoy what little free adult material there is at drow comics, as I lack the money to pay for more. I really need to catch up with the non adult stuff too.
In the more mundane category, I also enjoy cyanide and happiness a great deal, as well as eunnieboo, hugecartoons, the zombie hunters and more.

captain yesterday |

a busy day ahead, some thoughts running around
-Still cold out, still trying to cope, still haven't gotten my books, at least i got the middle school registration turned in, forgot the strings fee tho (my daughter plays the Violin)
-my wife set up a plastic storage container and dumped a bunch of millet, popcorn and any other grain or rice type thing that had expired or was close to expiring in the kitchen and thats now Tiny T-Rex's "Indoor Sandbox") it was quite brilliant of her:-)
-i can't wait for spring/summer so i can fiddle on the computer myself and track down some of these comics you guys are mentioning:-)
-Finally this has been one of my favorite shows since it came out when we were dealing with our traumatic flea infestation of '13, i can't tell you how much this and Drunk History kept me sane during the everyday vacuuming, waterboarding the poor dog twice a week and researching and purchasing every crackpot remedy and trap the internet can provide.
i tell people about it quite a bit but no one ever watches it, not sure why its super hilarious! (Deacon Jim is a great episode and episode one of season two is also incredibly funny, but really its worth it starting from the beginning)

David M Mallon |
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Speaking of webcomics, my friend Natalie makes a pretty cool one. So does my friend Steve.

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I also met someone at a recent con who is going to BRONYCON cosplaying Milky Way. She has the famed mega milk shirt and everything. I am excited.
You've seen a certain cosplayer who did a shot of that, right?

Freehold DM |
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I am torn.
I have discovered that John was using a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey as kindling for the fireplace.
On one hand, I am constitutionally opposed to burning books. On the other, though, it is Fifty Shades of Grey...
prepares long rant about the wrongness of John's doing
pauses to check TOZ link first
forgets what he was so mad about
goes on deviant art favoriting spree