Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Drejk wrote:
I am alive. I made the old mattress manageable by putting a piece of foam under the most crumpled part and was able to sleep.


Also, I'm glad the dust wraiths and vegepygmies didn't get you.

As evidenced by my nudity, I apparently want you for myself.

lynora wrote:
This has been one of those days. Luckily it is almost over. And tomorrow might not suck as much....

and to think, this was almost my TOP post. I sincerely hope my now semi-nudity helps your day to improve, as I have missed you.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
If I stop posting after leaving for today it will mean that dust wraiths got me. Or vegepygmies.

is it wrong to want to eat vegepygmies?

Because every time I look at them I get peckish. It's not cannibalism, is it? They're plants. Delicious looking semi intelligent plants. I just want to try one. Yes, Sharoth, with blue cheese dressing.

Fungus actually, not plants. Of course D&D/Pathfinder fails to discern those...

Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
This has been one of those days. Luckily it is almost over. And tomorrow might not suck as much....
and to think, this was almost my TOP post. I sincerely hope my now semi-nudity helps your day to improve, as I have missed you.

Aw, thanks. :)

And I've been around, but when life gets crazy my limited posting time goes to my PBP first. Avalon's kind of a time sink. A fun time sink, but nonetheless, a time sink. :)

So far today is already improving. The kidlet went to school (he's been home with a cold for a few days and yesterday was at the better enough to be whiny stage), and nobody has called me to tell me about more crazy bureaucracy hoops to jump through (I literally spent my whole day yesterday dealing with paperwork hurdles to getting one of my prescriptions filled. Argh!), and I almost don't want to vomit (kidlet isn't the only one who's been sick this week). And I got the laundry done yesterday so there are clean clothes to wear. Yay! Today is starting to look pretty good. :)

Dark Archive

Afternoon FaWtL folks! Hope everyone is well and having a good week. Some light smattering of snow here today, still not heavy enough to build up. Been easily ten years since we've had enough snow to make more than a snowball or two. Otherwise, quite cold and windy, but nothing a few extra layers can't handle. :)

Dark Archive

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Feels like it's been a while since I've given an update. Well, since getting joint guardianship back in November, I had my son for both Christmas and his second birthday. Visits have been regularly happening every second weekend and a lot less aggro with his mum. Things are going rather swimmingly. :)

The little one himself is as adorable as ever. He can count to 5 now, and is starting to practice letters as well. Getting him little wooden number and letter puzzles really was a great idea on his granddad's part. He also knows the Mockey Mouse Clubhouse theme song better than either of his grandparents. :P He dances like a maniac whenever someone starts singing, even his tone deaf old man, which is adorable. Old McDonald is a favourite, for sure. :)

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Frost covered everything here in Florida when I exited my home. I remember when I lived in lands with snow above my head. Both felt good for a fever.

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Lord Synos:
I always enjoy reading your Kidlet updates, Lord Synos. You so obviously adore your little dude and enjoy every moment you can with him. Well done.

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I'm glad the Tordek clan is unharmed (shaken, not stirred) and hope the Tacticslion pride feels better soon.

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
If I stop posting after leaving for today it will mean that dust wraiths got me. Or vegepygmies.

is it wrong to want to eat vegepygmies?

Because every time I look at them I get peckish. It's not cannibalism, is it? They're plants. Delicious looking semi intelligent plants. I just want to try one. Yes, Sharoth, with blue cheese dressing.

Vegepygmues are fine. Blue cheese, much like mayonaisse and vegetarian bacon, is a crime against the laws of gastronomy, however.

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Vegepygmies are the epitome of the phrase "You are what you eat". Eat one, you become one. Or more.

wife is out with a friend

boy is asleep in his bed

I have a cold

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Tacticslion wrote:
Frost covered everything here in Florida when I exited my home. I remember when I lived in lands with snow above my head. Both felt good for a fever.

love everything but the fever part.

Kajehase wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
If I stop posting after leaving for today it will mean that dust wraiths got me. Or vegepygmies.

is it wrong to want to eat vegepygmies?

Because every time I look at them I get peckish. It's not cannibalism, is it? They're plants. Delicious looking semi intelligent plants. I just want to try one. Yes, Sharoth, with blue cheese dressing.

Vegepygmues are fine. Blue cheese, much like mayonaisse <redacted> is a crime against the laws of gastronomy, however.

Breaking the law! Breaking the law!

Personally I prefer Warlock cover but they don't seem to have official channel on YT :(

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Kajehase wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
If I stop posting after leaving for today it will mean that dust wraiths got me. Or vegepygmies.

is it wrong to want to eat vegepygmies?

Because every time I look at them I get peckish. It's not cannibalism, is it? They're plants. Delicious looking semi intelligent plants. I just want to try one. Yes, Sharoth, with blue cheese dressing.

Vegepygmues are fine. Blue cheese, much like mayonaisse and vegetarian bacon, is a crime against the laws of gastronomy, however.

If loving Stilton is a crime, then SHOOT ME AT DAWN WHY DON'T YOU.

Silver Crusade

Well It is official, my company was acquired today. So it looks like I will have to interview for the job I currently have and their is talk of relocation to Boise Idaho.

Silver Crusade

I wonder what it is like to interview for a job that you are currently doing.

Silver Crusade

On the bright side, I looked at property up there last night and it looks real nice. 4bd/3bath for under 300k. That is cheap compared to the Bay Area.

I'm sorry TFY - that's rough.

TFY, is this move something you would be interested in doing?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Well It is official, my company was acquired today. So it looks like I will have to interview for the job I currently have and their is talk of relocation to Boise Idaho.

Good luck. Hope you are deemed qualified. On the other hand, too bad they are not relocating you to Houston, where 99% of the time we are immune to Freehold's winter weather ray.

Edit: We were in the mid 70's today.

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Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Well It is official, my company was acquired today. So it looks like I will have to interview for the job I currently have and their is talk of relocation to Boise Idaho.

Good luck. Hope you are deemed qualified. On the other hand, too bad they are not relocating you to Houston, where 99% of the time we are immune to Freehold's winter weather ray.

Edit: We were in the mid 70's today.

Did I mention Captain Cold is like my favoritest villain ever?

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No love for Frozone? :(

Arm's feeling somewhat better, but hasn't fully recovered yet.

Treppa wrote:

No love for Frozone? :(

love him dearly, but out of fairness, captain cold was first. I love his "ordinary guy robbing banks to pay the mortgage" aesthetic.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:

No love for Frozone? :(

love him dearly, but out of fairness, captain cold was first. I love his "ordinary guy robbing banks to pay the mortgage" aesthetic.

Also Frozone isn't a villain =)

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Well It is official, my company was acquired today. So it looks like I will have to interview for the job I currently have and their is talk of relocation to Boise Idaho.

Good luck. Hope you are deemed qualified. On the other hand, too bad they are not relocating you to Houston, where 99% of the time we are immune to Freehold's winter weather ray.

Edit: We were in the mid 70's today.

Come on 00....

Captain Frozone Ray targeting Houston: 1d100 ⇒ 31

I could really do without another visit from Corporal FroYo this weekend, but the forecast says otherwise.

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Never piss Marcia off.

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I am wondering what a fallen seraph should look like. That, and how their powers would change, considering that whole "so shiny with holy power they have to cover their true form with their wings" shtick they seem to have.

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
TFY, is this move something you would be interested in doing?

That would depend on how well I'm compensated. I will eventually return to my home outside of Las Vegas to retire

Silver Crusade

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Well It is official, my company was acquired today. So it looks like I will have to interview for the job I currently have and their is talk of relocation to Boise Idaho.

Good luck. Hope you are deemed qualified. On the other hand, too bad they are not relocating you to Houston, where 99% of the time we are immune to Freehold's winter weather ray.

Edit: We were in the mid 70's today.

I'm pretty sure this interview is going to be more of a formality than an actual interview.

It's funny when they mentioned relocation I thought how weird it would be if I was moving to Houston.

Icyshadow wrote:
I am wondering what a fallen seraph should look like. That, and how their powers would change, considering that whole "so shiny with holy power they have to cover their true form with their wings" shtick they seem to have.

Shrunken like an old man, and washed out, as if the colour has disappeared from it when it fell.

Dark Archive

Afternoon FaWtLies! I hope everyone is well again today, and that the day is treating you well. I also hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend ahead, a chance to rest and recuperate. Hail, rain, snow, wind and sunshine today, one of these days the weather will make up its mind. :P

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

980 different types of tieflings for you to adopt.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Afternoon FaWtLies! I hope everyone is well again today, and that the day is treating you well. I also hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend ahead, a chance to rest and recuperate. Hail, rain, snow, wind and sunshine today, one of these days the weather will make up its mind. :P

you don't like my "random encounter" weather dominator setting?

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Kajehase wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
I am wondering what a fallen seraph should look like. That, and how their powers would change, considering that whole "so shiny with holy power they have to cover their true form with their wings" shtick they seem to have.
Shrunken like an old man, and washed out, as if the colour has disappeared from it when it fell.

Wings dessicated, with feathers patchy and constantly falling out, not really covering whatever is underneath, which has long lost its glory... or morphed into something hideous to portray its new evil.

Earlier I cut myself on a top of thumb, just behind the join. A moment ago I burned myself on index finger, just before the joint... What next?

Orthos wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
I am wondering what a fallen seraph should look like. That, and how their powers would change, considering that whole "so shiny with holy power they have to cover their true form with their wings" shtick they seem to have.
Shrunken like an old man, and washed out, as if the colour has disappeared from it when it fell.
Wings dessicated, with feathers patchy and constantly falling out, not really covering whatever is underneath, which has long lost its glory... or morphed into something hideous to portray its new evil.

Well, I figured a more True Neutral Fallen Seraph. That, and I go by the "beautiful but in a creepy way" approach to fallen angels in my stories. They still usually (not always) have the glorious human forms (especially if they lean more to Neutral than Evil) but usually the divine / light / fire element powers they are often portrayed with get swapped for dark and other such things.


My new internet modem is the worst! Century Link is the worst! If they weren't the only daggum internet carrier in the local daggum area...! ARG!

The worst part^? This was supposed to be a "free upgrade" because our old router (which was so unreliable that C-Link had to replace it for free at least four times in the past* to avoid false advertising lawsuits from various folk) was "no longer supported", poorly made**, and "entirely outclassed by our superior wifi-enabled model"... which sucks terribly, and is as slow as molasses, apparently.


Let's see if this actually goes through...

* That is only the number I remember for absolute sure. I feel like it's more, though. >:(

** No duh. Technically, they tried not to say this, but everything they did say implied the daylights out of it.

^ This is not true. The worst part was having to call them three different times - one to receive their auto-hang-up-on-a-customer-treatment^^, once to be sent to the wrong person several times (each of which were unable to solve the problem, unable to help me, or thought they could but could not, all the while assuring me that everything was an error on the user-end - that's me, by the way - before the last person correctly identified the code I'd given them and told me how to fix it), and a third time when the fix they gave me last time lasted for only five minutes before shutting down again (because the modem was lousy, which only the last guy I talked to guessed at). Spending literally all morning from ~2-4 A.M. onward, until I left c. 10 A.M. to get the new modem...

^^ No, seriously, when your automated service is outclassed by the local bookstore, it may be time to look at changing the way a TELEPHONE SERVICE COMPANY does business.

EDIT: as soon as I post this, it starts going so fast! Like it knows how mad I am, and juuuuuuuuuuuust where to stop pushing.



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After seeing some comments on facebook I want to make an alternate barbarian class that replaces rage with some sort of healing power...

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A savage paramedic?

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More like a channeler of spirits that mend her and her allies wounds. Probably as an aura that grants fast healing to nearby allies. Maybe bleed on enemies of equal value. Maybe a bit of condition removal...

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This game needs more melee healers.

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Bloodrager dang it, Paizo.

One idea with the melee rage healer, is maybe focus on necromancy as a theme: effectively, stuff like vampiric touch (melee attack), death knell (on a fallen foe), and so on; then he uses temporary (or normal) hp to heal his allies as if by a pool or something within his aura. It's clunky and fluctuate-y, but interseting. Neat.

Also, my internet speed is officially 0.5 megs* out of what is supposed to be 10 megs. Grrrr.

* INSTA-EDIT: "Well, it's almost point-five megs, sir."

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