Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Reading wiki article about A Clockwork Orange lead me to mention of Korova Milk Bar... So I turned Myslovitz.

Huh... Dreamsellers can be watched on YT on their channel but Sprzedawcy Marzeń (Polish version of the same song) says it's "unavailable in your country?!

Silver Crusade

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I gave an oral book report on "A Clockwork Orange" in high school, It was the last time I was called on in class for that semester.

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I am pretty sure I listened to Myslovitz naked before.

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Orthos wrote:

Question for Amby/Taig/Drejk/Anyone else familiar with Blogger:

Is there a way to put an image in a post and have the text wrap around it? If so, how? Also can you attach a caption to said image and have it stay with the image, while the rest of the article goes around them both?

Blogger/HTML stuff:
Once you've uploaded/inserted the pic, click the "HTML" toggle button above the composition window. Look for the IMG tag for your image:

<img border="0" src="" height="320" width="320" />

and add an align="left" or align="right" inside the img code. For example:

<img border="0" align="left" src="" height="320" width="320" />

You can also add a title="YourCaptionTextHere" that (usually, depends on browsers/versions) works as a caption when the image is mouseover-ed:

<img border="0" align="left" title="Over-attached Cat is a close-talker." src="" height="320" width="320" />

Then click the "Compose" toggle to get your normal post composition tools back.

Here's a good page for info on adding a caption via CSS (much more involved).

Thanks! Though by caption I was meaning a set of text underneath it (in this case for providing a source link) rather than text on mouseover.

I was wondering why there were no FAWTL posts of late...and then discovered I had accidentally hidden the thread during my one handed checking of posts from the ER. I blame the morphine. ;)
Needless to say, I had an interesting weekend. Saturday's gaming session was cut short when I collapsed from intense abdominal pain and had to be taken to the ER. A whole night of tests just to determine thar I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. The only good thing was not having to be put in a hospital gown. I was wearing a loose t shirt and yoga pants so they let me keep a tiny fraction of dignity and keep my normal clothes on.
So I've been resting and taking lots if ibuprofen for the pain since they let me out. It's slowly getting better.
And just to add to the insanity, we got two new kittens. Eris and Mordin. Eris is grey with stripes and Mordin is all black. On the not so good side the kidlet seems to be allergic. :(

I am strongly considering getting a kitten/cat or two in a couple months, after all the moving expenses have sort of died down and I've settled into the new place a bit better.

I wouldn't mind having a dog, I like dogs, but my work schedule and living alone make having a cat more practical.

*keeps posting to a minimum until he can be trusted not to go into a rant about the xenophobic, populist, can't count for love or money party got 12,9% of the national vote and 10% of the local*

Hope everyone have a good time.

Someone link Kajehase some cat videos, stat.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
aeglos wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Just sent an email to my attorney to initiate the process of registering my consulting company.

good luck, ordek,

and if you need an expierenced Lean/Kaizen/TPM Coach for your European Branch.......

Yes, you will be the first one I call!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
lynora wrote:

I was wondering why there were no FAWTL posts of late...and then discovered I had accidentally hidden the thread during my one handed checking of posts from the ER. I blame the morphine. ;)

Needless to say, I had an interesting weekend. Saturday's gaming session was cut short when I collapsed from intense abdominal pain and had to be taken to the ER. A whole night of tests just to determine thar I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. The only good thing was not having to be put in a hospital gown. I was wearing a loose t shirt and yoga pants so they let me keep a tiny fraction of dignity and keep my normal clothes on.
So I've been resting and taking lots if ibuprofen for the pain since they let me out. It's slowly getting better.
And just to add to the insanity, we got two new kittens. Eris and Mordin. Eris is grey with stripes and Mordin is all black. On the not so good side the kidlet seems to be allergic. :(

Whoa, that is scary. I'm glad you are on the mend. Get well quickly!

Booohoo for health problem.

Yay for the kittens!

Boohoo for allergy.

How does he like kittens?

Allergy to kittens seems to be way of the universe showing people its utter hatred. Being deprived of the possibility of personal communion with purrre divinity... :/

Kajehase wrote:

*keeps posting to a minimum until he can be trusted not to go into a rant about the xenophobic, populist, can't count for love or money party got 12,9% of the national vote and 10% of the local*

Hope everyone have a good time.

Only 12,9%?! Have you come to complain or brag? :/

Eh, maybe I will move to Scandinavia one day...

Drejk wrote:
Allergy to kittens seems to be way of the universe showing people its utter hatred. Being deprived of the possibility of personal communion with purrre divinity... :/


He loves the kittens. Especially Eris because she is more playful. He had to stay home from school today because he was too congested to sleep last night, so Eris has been curled up on the chaise with him all day. I have a feeling this means she will want to play all night.

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Hail Eris! ... wait... no, I'm okay with this. Hail Eris!

Shadow Lodge

Hey TFY. Do you have a specific way you want HP done for the Wicked Tomb game? Roll here on forum, take average, take max, etc.?

I am officially happy that my frying-pan is so crappy at heating oil.

Owie. My forehead.

lynora wrote:

I was wondering why there were no FAWTL posts of late...and then discovered I had accidentally hidden the thread during my one handed checking of posts from the ER. I blame the morphine. ;)

Needless to say, I had an interesting weekend. Saturday's gaming session was cut short when I collapsed from intense abdominal pain and had to be taken to the ER. A whole night of tests just to determine thar I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. The only good thing was not having to be put in a hospital gown. I was wearing a loose t shirt and yoga pants so they let me keep a tiny fraction of dignity and keep my normal clothes on.
So I've been resting and taking lots if ibuprofen for the pain since they let me out. It's slowly getting better.
And just to add to the insanity, we got two new kittens. Eris and Mordin. Eris is grey with stripes and Mordin is all black. On the not so good side the kidlet seems to be allergic. :(

yikes. I understand ruptured cysts are the worst kind of pain. I am glad you are on the mend and I hope there are no more cysts or ruptures in the future.

I am sad to hear of your sons allergies but glad to hear that the kittens are wonderful. I wish I could have a kitten.

Orthos wrote:

I am strongly considering getting a kitten/cat or two in a couple months, after all the moving expenses have sort of died down and I've settled into the new place a bit better.

I wouldn't mind having a dog, I like dogs, but my work schedule and living alone make having a cat more practical.

if you can't live in NY or hang with sharoth, at least get a cat.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

I am strongly considering getting a kitten/cat or two in a couple months, after all the moving expenses have sort of died down and I've settled into the new place a bit better.

I wouldn't mind having a dog, I like dogs, but my work schedule and living alone make having a cat more practical.

if you can't live in NY or hang with sharoth, at least get a cat.

And for those of us who can do none of the above?

Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

I am strongly considering getting a kitten/cat or two in a couple months, after all the moving expenses have sort of died down and I've settled into the new place a bit better.

I wouldn't mind having a dog, I like dogs, but my work schedule and living alone make having a cat more practical.

if you can't live in NY or hang with sharoth, at least get a cat.
And for those of us who can do none of the above?

I would suggest that you thank your lucky stars.

Or consider getting a couple of guinea pigs.

Or a fern.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
lynora wrote:

I was wondering why there were no FAWTL posts of late...and then discovered I had accidentally hidden the thread during my one handed checking of posts from the ER. I blame the morphine. ;)

Needless to say, I had an interesting weekend. Saturday's gaming session was cut short when I collapsed from intense abdominal pain and had to be taken to the ER. A whole night of tests just to determine thar I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. The only good thing was not having to be put in a hospital gown. I was wearing a loose t shirt and yoga pants so they let me keep a tiny fraction of dignity and keep my normal clothes on.
So I've been resting and taking lots if ibuprofen for the pain since they let me out. It's slowly getting better.
And just to add to the insanity, we got two new kittens. Eris and Mordin. Eris is grey with stripes and Mordin is all black. On the not so good side the kidlet seems to be allergic. :(
Whoa, that is scary. I'm glad you are on the mend. Get well quickly!


Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jeneva wrote:
Hey TFY. Do you have a specific way you want HP done for the Wicked Tomb game? Roll here on forum, take average, take max, etc.?

Why don't we do max at first and roll the rest, however you will always get a minimum of 1/2 your HD + con.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So today I got the Tech guide, watched the Train Job(firefly episode) Watched the new Doctor Who episode, then watched a couple Star Trek:TNG episodes?

I wonder if I like Sci-Fi?

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*looks on Cr500cricket's avatar* What makes you think that?

Time to bed...

Dark Archive

Morning FaWtLy folk. Hope everyone is doing well, had a good weekend, and has a good week ahead. A bit dull hereabouts, but it's September, what else would one expect? A lot less rain than usual though. I don't trust it.

*eyes sky suspiciously*

Dark Archive

@ Lynora - Yikes! That sounds terrifying. :( I hope you're feeling better now. Is that the kind of thing that happens once and then you're clear going forward, or one of those ones that is more likely once is starts happening? I really hope it's the former.

Hope the kittens are working out. I know when my mum got a kitten, my allergies kicked up something awful, but after a month (taking an antihistamine every day) I adapted. I know meds vary across the pond, but I got this stuff called Neo Clarityn. Really did the job.

Dark Archive

@ Orthos - If there will be no one home during the day, and they're not going to be outdoors cats, I definitely suggest two as opposed to one. A kitty without a playmate is an unhappy, mischievous kitty indeed.

Dark Archive

I watched all of RWBY over the weekend. It has the nice dual properties of there not being too many episodes yet and the episodes being short (the lack of these properties has put me off starting certain series that have been recommended to me before, just because of the time investment involved). I also watched all of RWBY again. And each of the character trailers about a half dozen times each. And bought the soundtrack.

*suppressing enthusiasm*

It's pretty good, I guess.

Dark Archive

Checked out the first episode of Bubblegum Crisis as well. The plot holes left something to be desired, but it's got me enough that I'll keep watching for the moment.

Planetes, Outlaw Star and the original Gundam are all next in the queue.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Kidlet's down this weekend! Woo! Can't wait to see him. :) It's been three bloody weeks now. He has more words now! I'm looking forward to hearing them all hundreds of times. :D

Hello again.

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Friend game publisher's ex-wife changed her plans changing the date the friend can see their daughter which would make him unable to attend one or second gaming convention.

Immediately spawned response from friends "take the kid to gaming convention"

Well. she's six or seven so it's good start.

LordSynos wrote:
@ Orthos - If there will be no one home during the day, and they're not going to be outdoors cats, I definitely suggest two as opposed to one. A kitty without a playmate is an unhappy, mischievous kitty indeed.

Yeah I was thinking similarly. Outdoors isn't an option (apartment and all) and me being gone about 9 hours of most days with no one else home.

It'll be a few months before I can consider it in greater detail though.

LordSynos wrote:

I watched all of RWBY over the weekend. It has the nice dual properties of there not being too many episodes yet and the episodes being short (the lack of these properties has put me off starting certain series that have been recommended to me before, just because of the time investment involved). I also watched all of RWBY again. And each of the character trailers about a half dozen times each. And bought the soundtrack.

*suppressing enthusiasm*

It's pretty good, I guess.

This is still on my to-do list. Maybe this weekend if I don't have to work.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Drejk wrote:

Friend game publisher's ex-wife changed her plans changing the date the friend can see their daughter which would make him unable to attend one or second gaming convention.

Immediately spawned response from friends "take the kid to gaming convention"

Well. she's six or seven so it's good start.

That's a great idea. Like I said somewhere else, you have to start training when they're young.

If he sees someone Cosplaying Han Solo, (do people still do that?) He can point him out and say, "See that guy over there. He shot first."

Meh. Reinstalling LOTRO after I lost access to in-game store after yesterday's patch. Probably during the patching something somewhere was blocked out. Or something. If the problem does not solve it will be bad becasue I will be unable to unlock further regions and expansions...

50% downloaded in about half an hour.

Switching to faster connection might have been a good idea...

Google Drive is loading slowly...
Or LOTRO downloader is using up all the available connection.

LOTRO installed... Now patching. About one hour. Good, good...

Finished. An hour and 20 minutes or something close.

*sigh* Still no access to LOTRO store.

Cr500cricket wrote:

So today I got the Tech guide, watched the Train Job(firefly episode) Watched the new Doctor Who episode, then watched a couple Star Trek:TNG episodes?

I wonder if I like Sci-Fi?

the jury is still deliberating over here.

Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

I am strongly considering getting a kitten/cat or two in a couple months, after all the moving expenses have sort of died down and I've settled into the new place a bit better.

I wouldn't mind having a dog, I like dogs, but my work schedule and living alone make having a cat more practical.

if you can't live in NY or hang with sharoth, at least get a cat.
And for those of us who can do none of the above?

hang in NY or live with Sharoth.

See? Easy.

Silver Crusade

Well in about 90 minutes, I get to give a presentation to all of our VP's. I hate public speaking

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