DSXMachina |

Aberzombie wrote:The thing is evil dead was supposed to be a scary movie that ended up being cheesy. I didn't mind seeing it as it was originally intended.But, I digress.
The kids and wife all went to bed somewhat early last night, so I got to watch my Supernatural episode in peace. Then I was flipping through channels and found the new Evil Dead playing. It was OK, I guess. Not as funny as the original, and they seemed to go more for shock-torture porn-gore instead.
The only problem I have is when film-makers conflate gore & torture-porn with being scary. Hence the reason why I haven't seen this remake of one of my favourite films.

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Freehold DM wrote:The only problem I have is when film-makers conflate gore & torture-porn with being scary. Hence the reason why I haven't seen this remake of one of my favourite films.Aberzombie wrote:The thing is evil dead was supposed to be a scary movie that ended up being cheesy. I didn't mind seeing it as it was originally intended.But, I digress.
The kids and wife all went to bed somewhat early last night, so I got to watch my Supernatural episode in peace. Then I was flipping through channels and found the new Evil Dead playing. It was OK, I guess. Not as funny as the original, and they seemed to go more for shock-torture porn-gore instead.
Exactly! I don't think there are many folks in entertainment industry who truly understand horror. So they just say, "Slice and dice! Blood! Viscera!"

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The wife and I were supposed to meet with our real estate agent tomorrow, to go look at various neighborhoods (and maybe a house or two) for our more permanent residence here in Houston.
Sadly, he had to cancel. The father of a good friend of his died and he'll be attending he funeral.
We've rescheduled for the following Friday.

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We've got this bid package due so to out for review tomorrow, and people are scrambling to get it done today because the document control person has her regular day off tomorrow. My supervisor was a little skeeves about that, seeing as she was also out last Friday (when she would normally have been in) because of the so-called crappy weather. I think he was expecting her to make up for last weeks pathetic excuse for an absence.

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Charlie accidently broke his piggy bank the other day. So we put all the money in plastic bags until we can get a new one. Last night, after he was in bed, we counted it. The little turd had $498 dollars in there!!!
So we're going to keep most of the cash on hand and just transfer that much into his savings account.

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Charlie accidently broke his piggy bank the other day. So we put all the money in plastic bags until we can get a new one. Last night, after he was in bed, we counted it. The little turd had $498 dollars in there!!!
So we're going to keep most of the cash on hand and just transfer that much into his savings account.
Are you sure it was accident? Maybe it was part of a cunning heist?
Maybe Katy was trying to get her little fingers on her brother's money?
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Also, woot! Supervisor is gonna be out of the office during the morning hours. He's taking his son to get that LASIK surgery. I've known several folks who've had that done. Seems to work pretty well.
From my experience, it works wonderful. But it's quite the trial all the same. If I had heard what gets done before I did it, I probably wouldn't have. But having had it done, I regret nothing. :P

Orthos |

Aberzombie wrote:Also, woot! Supervisor is gonna be out of the office during the morning hours. He's taking his son to get that LASIK surgery. I've known several folks who've had that done. Seems to work pretty well.From my experience, it works wonderful. But it's quite the trial all the same. If I had heard what gets done before I did it, I probably wouldn't have. But having had it done, I regret nothing. :P
It's not permanent, however. After a few years your vision will start to degrade again. My dad had it back when I was in high school and for several years didn't wear glasses, but by the time I came back from Arizona eight years later he was wearing them again full time.
Me, I can't stand having anything that close to my eyes so it's a no-go for me period.

Freehold DM |

DSXMachina wrote:Exactly! I don't think there are many folks in entertainment industry who truly understand horror. So they just say, "Slice and dice! Blood! Viscera!"Freehold DM wrote:The only problem I have is when film-makers conflate gore & torture-porn with being scary. Hence the reason why I haven't seen this remake of one of my favourite films.Aberzombie wrote:The thing is evil dead was supposed to be a scary movie that ended up being cheesy. I didn't mind seeing it as it was originally intended.But, I digress.
The kids and wife all went to bed somewhat early last night, so I got to watch my Supernatural episode in peace. Then I was flipping through channels and found the new Evil Dead playing. It was OK, I guess. Not as funny as the original, and they seemed to go more for shock-torture porn-gore instead.
different strokes for different folks, I guess. I find horror is a bit like gaming - everyone likes different things and usually holds up their likes as indicative of the genre.

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Hmm... wouldn't a d12 be £1?
Ah, I don't know, D12 ain't the best area. Not sure I'd give you a £ for it. (Irish humour)
Unless you mean the business end of a great axe. In which case, I'll give you a lot more than a pound for it. :P
Speaking of die prices, it's 50c per die in my local gaming shop. Seems a lot to me, but if you're paying £1, I'm not too bad off. What kind of prices do ye lads and ladies get?

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Speaking of die prices, it's 50c per die in my local gaming shop. Seems a lot to me, but if you're paying £1, I'm not too bad off. What kind of prices do ye lads and ladies get?
Depends on the die size, I bought a d20 that is 3/4 the size of a baseball, cost me almost $10 U.S. here in california. For the regular stuff .50 to $1.00 sounds about right

DSXMachina |

Kajehase wrote:Hmm... wouldn't a d12 be £1?Ah, I don't know, D12 ain't the best area. Not sure I'd give you a £ for it. (Irish humour)
Unless you mean the business end of a great axe. In which case, I'll give you a lot more than a pound for it. :P
Speaking of die prices, it's 50c per die in my local gaming shop. Seems a lot to me, but if you're paying £1, I'm not too bad off. What kind of prices do ye lads and ladies get?
Wow, that's cheap. It's around 70p for a dice or a set for £7 around here.
But 12d=1s & 20s=£1 hence 12d = 5p (if memory serves).
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Wow, that's cheap. It's around 70p for a dice or a set for £7 around here.
But 12d=1s & 20s=£1 hence 12d = 5p (if memory serves).
There used to be a gaming shop in town where I could get a new shiny die for 20p. Now it's 50c for a plain one and up to a €1 for a shiny one. Though, once again, it seems I'm still getting them on the cheaper end of the scale, so I shouldn't complain.
It took me a bit of googling, but I eventually deciphered what you mean. :P And unless Wiki has lied to me, you're right. :D
I like to get my dice at our local con. They have this big bucket full of random dice and a big scooper. It costs $8 for a scoop.
Noice. Local con is a good idea. I'll have to see if I can find a deal in my local one this year.

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LordSynos wrote:Aberzombie wrote:Also, woot! Supervisor is gonna be out of the office during the morning hours. He's taking his son to get that LASIK surgery. I've known several folks who've had that done. Seems to work pretty well.From my experience, it works wonderful. But it's quite the trial all the same. If I had heard what gets done before I did it, I probably wouldn't have. But having had it done, I regret nothing. :PIt's not permanent, however. After a few years your vision will start to degrade again. My dad had it back when I was in high school and for several years didn't wear glasses, but by the time I came back from Arizona eight years later he was wearing them again full time.
Me, I can't stand having anything that close to my eyes so it's a no-go for me period.
I am the same way, Orthos, and I came through it fine. An eye doctor trying to put eye drops in my eyes, while I'm trying to cooperate, has literally rquired getting an assistant to help hold me down. And I got through it just fine. The surgery took about 10 minutes total. I needed a nap, and then I was good. The valium is *really* helpful. :D
It fixes your eyes for the state they're in NOW. If your eyes change, of course your vision will change. My eye prescription hadn't changed for about 5 years, so I figured now was a good time. At 35 (when I got the surgery), I figured I'd have about 10 years without glasses before my eyes began the slow, long descent into old age. I should break even on cost of glasses vs. cost of surgery at about 5 years, and in the meantime the convenience factor is pretty awesome.
If your eyes aren't "settling" into a steady prescription, it's not a good option.

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