Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Friday I dragged my butt into work anyway, since I had too much to do. Wouldn't you know that is the morning where I was trapped on the subway for an hour and a half. A train ahead of us lost power, and my train was stopped in a tunnel for 90 minutes. At least the AC was running :-/

I blame kittens.

Ladies and gentlemen: the Potoo Bird.

Silver Crusade

Rawr! wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Friday I dragged my butt into work anyway, since I had too much to do. Wouldn't you know that is the morning where I was trapped on the subway for an hour and a half. A train ahead of us lost power, and my train was stopped in a tunnel for 90 minutes. At least the AC was running :-/
I blame kittens.

Kittens would be worth it.

Wrong line though. I was on the same line as this lady.

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:
Excellent. Now get on those pbps!

Hey wait a minute. I believe you need to update your PbP!


I was hoping you would not notice.

Officer 1 (speaking of the underground newspaper The Wipers Times, made in the trenches during World War One): "The war isn't funny, Sir."
Officer 2: "I rather think the authors are aware of that. I have a feeling that may be the point."

I really should just never leave OTD and the AP forums -_-

Amen man. It's hellish out there.

Kajehase wrote:
Ladies and gentlemen: the Potoo Bird.

Monday or Tuesday. Yes. Yes indeed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Friday I dragged my butt into work anyway, since I had too much to do. Wouldn't you know that is the morning where I was trapped on the subway for an hour and a half. A train ahead of us lost power, and my train was stopped in a tunnel for 90 minutes. At least the AC was running :-/
I blame kittens.

Kittens would be worth it.

Wrong line though. I was on the same line as this lady.

I thought New York subways were all the same. They smell the same, so I guess that's where my assumption came from.

Apparently my antipathy towards alcohol grew. Drinking more than a few shots is enough for me for now.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Friday I dragged my butt into work anyway, since I had too much to do. Wouldn't you know that is the morning where I was trapped on the subway for an hour and a half. A train ahead of us lost power, and my train was stopped in a tunnel for 90 minutes. At least the AC was running :-/
I blame kittens.

Kittens would be worth it.

Wrong line though. I was on the same line as this lady.

I thought New York subways were all the same. They smell the same, so I guess that's where my assumption came from.

The rats have different accents.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Apparently my antipathy towards alcohol grew. Drinking more than a few shots is enough for me for now.

There's nothing wrong; you're just getting old.




Actually, I had very strong antipathy towards alcohol when I was young. It receded when I was getting older and now it is just coming back.

Huh? I go to sleep for eight hours and there is no post in mean time?

You are definitely slacking!

I just woke up.

Geez, Drejk, it's 6 a.m on Sunday and I'm posting and it's just not good enough for ya....



Scarab Sages

Drejk wrote:

Huh? I go to sleep for eight hours and there is no post in mean time?

You are definitely slacking!

I've been trying to train my body to perform sleep texting. Clearly it's not working.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Also, good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Sunday!

Scarab Sages

Today, I think we shall take the boy to the U.S. Toy store and buy him some Thomas the Train stuff. He needs more track!!!

Going on a small trip this afternoon to visit a church in Lafayette. Should be an interesting drive. Hopefully I can get my MP3 player to cooperate for the duration.

Scarab Sages

Plus a brief stop at Bed Bath and Beyond to get more pieces parts for his humidifier.

Scarab Sages

Oh, the indignity!

Scarab Sages

A good night last night, not only did I finally start reading The Ocean at the End of the Lane, but the boy only woke up once all night. And that was only a few minutes after I went to bed, so I hadn't gone to sleep yet.

Scarab Sages

Not to mention I got some much needed stuff done around the house!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

Scarab Sages

Now to get started on the day.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Aberzombie wrote:
Today, I think we shall take the boy to the U.S. Toy store and buy him some Thomas the Train stuff. He needs more track!!!

It's Thomas the Tank Engine, you ignorant Yank!

Just kidding, you're allowed to call him the wrong name - as long as we all agree the definitive voice of the show is Ringo Starr.

hi everyone

Kajehase wrote:
Ladies and gentlemen: the Potoo Bird.

amazing !

Treppa wrote:
aeglos wrote:

good morning Everyone,

today company "summer fest" brunch

later kingmaker game, we played last in may, we will start book 2 today

Hmm. Is the brunch 'au naturel' or is it the kingmaker game?

oh, I didn't notice the top

Treppa wrote:
Geez, Drejk, it's 6 a.m on Sunday and I'm posting and it's just not good enough for ya....

Don't we have Australians to add posts at that time?!




Hush-hush... I was speaking of other slackers.

Good day. Hmmm D&D session in a bit.


Kingdom building went well, first I thought It would end in desaster (or des-interest) but in the end it was fun

I will post a summary later

Meh, I just learned there is a meeting with Jerry Coyne in a little over an hour on the other side of the city... If I would know of this earlier I'd go but now I won't be able to reach the place in time.

Kassel, the 3rs biggest city in Hessia today celebrates it's 1100th Birthday
so a rather young city
Wiesbaden is 2007 years old

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh yeah? Well Plymouth is nearly 400 years old. Take that, elitist European!


Drejk wrote:
Meh, I just learned there is a meeting with Jerry Coyne in a little over an hour on the other side of the city... If I would know of this earlier I'd go but now I won't be able to reach the place in time.

Good luck. At least it's not Wayne Coyne.

Edit: I misread that. Sorry you won't be able to make it. :(

Rawr! wrote:

Oh yeah? Well Plymouth is nearly 400 years old. Take that, elitist European!


Trollhättan is 97 years. (Or some 700 if you count from the first mention of a place situated here with that name.)

I should go buy some food.

YEEES! Samba-Sam Larsson scores 1-0 against Halmstad in the 91st minute.

IFK Göteborg up to 3rd place since AIK (pardon the bad language) only drew.

Dogs are disgusting. Why do I have dogs. Yeeuch.

Treppa wrote:
Dogs are disgusting. Why do I have dogs. Yeeuch.

Because they luuurve you? At least much more unconditionally than a cat...

The lurve is fine, it's the... other things. O_o -_- >_< x_x

I need lunch.

Sovereign Court

My cat puked on my bed Friday night.

I often end up asking myself the same question. why do I put up with these furballs?!?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*sends BP a bucket of fried chicken with all the fixins*

In other news, the programming examples in this Python class are horrible. I don't understand the value of learning poor coding practices during lessons. Surely there are ways to learn the language and good practice simultaneously.

Jess Door wrote:

My cat puked on my bed Friday night.

I often end up asking myself the same question. why do I put up with these furballs?!?

Boy dog has had, to put it delicately, digestive issues lately. Instead of staying with me by the computer, he keeps running into the empty living room. Then the odd thumping noises start. By the time I get there to see what's going on, he's sitting up and watching me, wagging. I can't find anything wrong. What is he doing!? I fear the answer.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was going to say I was up way late last night playing Rock Band but then I thought "1am is late? I must be getting old."

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