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Its me.

And CH.

AND Tequila.




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I think that soon it will be Tequila posting...

Orthos wrote:
Oladon wrote:
I'll just leave this here. And this.
Who's the girl in the second? I mean I know she's an employee but beyond that I don't recognize individuals well >_>

I *think* that's Sara Marie.

Kajehase wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Oladon wrote:
I'll just leave this here. And this.
Who's the girl in the second? I mean I know she's an employee but beyond that I don't recognize individuals well >_>
I *think* that's Sara Marie.

Yep, or pmg cos-playing...

Drejk, I've a friend whose colleagues aren't talking after 20+years due to a board-game (guess which one) - so it could be worse.

Anyway good day to everyone. Hopefully I'll be playing board-games tonight, for the first time in months.


I've seen things get out of control with serious scrabble players.

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Look, when it takes cross-referencing several dictionaries, one of which is of a different language...

Scintillae wrote:
Look, when it takes cross-referencing several dictionaries, one of which is of a different language...

Lol! Anime scrabble could get pretty out there.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Scintillae wrote:

Nearly, the wonderful game of Diplomacy.


Silver Crusade

Good times with FHDM last night.

It was a pretty unruly group of PC's. We stopped just short of bringing back the noblewoman's missing daughter as an animated corpse. My cleric of Cayden Cailean would have needed an atonement after that, but it would have been worth it. Alas, the girl was alive, and killing her just to animate her seemed a bit over the top.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Look, when it takes cross-referencing several dictionaries, one of which is of a different language...
Lol! Anime scrabble could get pretty out there.

Heh. I collect foreign language dictionaries. Even if my linguistic acquisition skills tank, I like being able to look things up.

Sovereign Court

Kajehase wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Oladon wrote:
I'll just leave this here. And this.
Who's the girl in the second? I mean I know she's an employee but beyond that I don't recognize individuals well >_>
I *think* that's Sara Marie.

Just because I didn't see a definitive response to this:

Yes, that is Sara Marie.



Sovereign Court

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Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Look, when it takes cross-referencing several dictionaries, one of which is of a different language...
Lol! Anime scrabble could get pretty out there.

Is Japanese allowed? If so, would we use Hepburn, Nihon-shiki or Kunrei romanization?

Freehold DM wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

I'll get back to catching up on the post backlog in a moment, but in the meantime I'm back home safely after my 900 mile drive today, but the Colorado Springs area is on fire again!

After the $100,000,000 plus in damage last year can we please get some f@#@ing rain!? Please before more folks are killed.


I'm glad you're home, but I'm not glad CS is dealing with wildfires.


To make matters worse Denver cut our forestry and fire fighting budget this year. Denver also had to work some $67 million into the budget this year IIRC to pay the victims of the fire they started last year near Denver.

My state is run by ass clowns.

any reason why it was cut? The fires were bad last year, no reason to think they would not be back this year.
That is what we said, but the budget is a train wreck this year, and I'm certain part of the cuts are intended to punish El Paso county. We have these fights with Denver constantly, and it gets much worse when our party is completely out of power.
that's just Damn ugly. I truly hope the city has deep pockets for the lawsuit that should be heading its way.

I replied in Gov folly.

Jess Door wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Oladon wrote:
I'll just leave this here. And this.
Who's the girl in the second? I mean I know she's an employee but beyond that I don't recognize individuals well >_>
I *think* that's Sara Marie.

Just because I didn't see a definitive response to this:

Yes, that is Sara Mari.




Well I've got a crapload of stuff to get done before this weekend and pool tonight. We're having a father's day party at Tim and Julies tomorrow, and we're going to the range to train with and break in some new firearms on Sunday. There may even be pics. :)

Take care!

Hi everyone

after many weeks the other GM is back and I can be player in the "Temple" again


Just watched a great video of Australian Chief Of Army David Morrison condemning sexism in the army in relation to ongoing investigation regarding sexist conduct of a group of officers and NCOs.

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Drejk wrote:
Just watched a great video of Australian Chief Of Army David Morrison condemning sexism in the army in relation to ongoing investigation regarding sexist conduct of a group of officers and NCOs.

Isn't that clip the cat's t!ts?? I LOVE that guy. The disciplined rage in his voice when he discusses those who brought dishonor to his army...


I'd hate to be them

Oh and the best line: If you don't like the standards in the Army, then GET OUT. Classic!

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The forums are in a fine fit today. ∅∅∅∅∅

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I find a judicious combo of focus and ø work very well on that effluvient. I don't even see the new threads, and since the OTD really hasn't generated anything decent since around 2011 I don't really miss anything.

I like some of the Ask threads. That's really about it these days, since cult threads appear to have become things of the past, except for the last hangers-on like the Slaad Thread and Untitled.

Meh. If I want an answer to a gaming issue ill usually Rule 0 it. I'm Auld Skool that way.

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
Meh. If I want an answer to a gaming issue ill usually Rule 0 it. I'm Auld Skool that way.

Ye Auld Skool? I am certain there should be umlaut or two in that.

The threads are supposed to be about world story stuff, design questions, personal inquiries, etc. When rules stuff gets involved the devs tend to get annoyed, and I as well. -_-

I am reading Polish media/press law and wondering if I am obligated to register my blog as magazine or not. There are clashing legal interpretations. And some not exactly matching court decisions...

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Did you all look at the lovely cookie pictures?

Oladon wrote:

Did you all look at the lovely cookie pictures?

yup, very cool!

Orthos wrote:
The threads are supposed to be about world story stuff, design questions, personal inquiries, etc. When rules stuff gets involved the devs tend to get annoyed, and I as well. -_-

Meh. I have lots of Golarion stuff, but I'm a home brew type of guy. The issues I see being asked aren't really my cup of tea, so I find the focus button helps

Plus, with focus all it does is just put the threads you have perused in front, and new threads don't make it to your feed. If you have posted/read the 'ask' threads, they should pop right up for you.

Sovereign Court

Hey, Patrick! :)

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:

Why didn't you want a receipt?

Edit: On that subject, keep all of the receipts related to your moving expenses, including shipping, movers, gas, tolls, hotels, trucks, etc. Those expenses, along with the donations, are most likely tax deductable. That can add up to big refunds in the spring.

Meh, I don't know. I guess because I'd have had to spend more time their helping them catalogue the stuff for the receipt, and I didn't really have that time...

Scarab Sages

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I've had a rather busy day. Was up a little after 5 am to hang with the boy. Got him over to daycare for around quarter to 7., then came back home, had some more coffee, and got to work around the house.

Patched some bad spots on the walls and such, including holes where I'd had some pictures hanging. Then added some braces under one side of one of my kitchen counters, and repaired the area where it penetrated a window frame.

After that I brought a bunch of old D&D books over to my FLGS, and picked up some comics and minis (Goblins chew, Goblins bite) while I was there. Along the way I ate lunch in the car (Mmmmm...Popeyes).

Once I got home it was time to load up the car and take some more shit to the dump. Then over to the Parcel store to ship some more D&D books to everyone's favorite Celestial.

Somewhere up in there I hit the grocery store as well. In a little while, I'll be calling up the service station to see if they can take my SUV for a looksee. Along the way to drop it off, we'll go get the boy.

And somewhere during some of that I'll try to find time to cook some dinner maybe.

Scarab Sages

Later tonight, I'll do some more packing and throwing shit out.

Scarab Sages

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Tomorrow - It's time for a DAY OUT WITH THOMAS (The Train)!!! WOOT!!!

Aberzombie wrote:
Tomorrow - It's time for a DAY OUT WITH THOMAS (The Train)!!! WOOT!!!

shouldn't that be woot woot? He is a train after all.

Is that a headache creeping in again? Will there be weather change soon? I hope it won't be stormy Sunday or Monday, I need to get to gaming sessions and back on those days.

Jess Door wrote:
Hey, Patrick! :)


Hi Jess!

Silver Crusade

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Aberzombie wrote:
Then over to the Parcel store to ship some more D&D books to everyone's favorite Celestial.


*waits by the door*

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Then over to the Parcel store to ship some more D&D books to everyone's favorite Celestial.


*waits by the door*

*waits outside CHs house*

Working Saturdays sucks

Going to want a long nap when I get back home

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Orthos wrote:

Working Saturdays sucks

Going to want a long nap when I get back home

Yes. Yes it does,... :(

Yet here I am.

Hi everyone,

I have fixed the pergola over my sitting place in the garden, half of it was covered by a roof, the other half free (with grapevine)
the wood of the free half was rotten, so we placed new posts and sawed of the old ones

Two hours til free from work. Then going to the used bookstore, yay

Rowan Atkinson is Doctor Who

And I succeeded at redeeming myself as DM on the second Legacy of Fire session!!

I'm not sure if I should go with the full story of how the session went. What do you guys think?

Kajehase wrote:
Rowan Atkinson is Doctor Who

And a CBE, whilst Baldrick is a Sir!

Anyway, it's been quite quiet in here, hope that's because everyone has been having fun.

I've just had a lazy dull day at home.

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