Deep 6 FaWtL

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Jess Door wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Another problem is trying to balance packing s@+$ up with keeping out stuff we need to get by. Especially where the boy's concerned.

Ugh. Packing.

I ended up throwing nearly 75% of my books away, moving from Michigan to TX. I still miss some of them....

Yeah, I miss my "lost" books too. Moving is horrid on us bibliophiles.

Good luck with the move, Az!

ebon_fyre wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Another problem is trying to balance packing s@+$ up with keeping out stuff we need to get by. Especially where the boy's concerned.

Ugh. Packing.

I ended up throwing nearly 75% of my books away, moving from Michigan to TX. I still miss some of them....

Yeah, I miss my "lost" books too. Moving is horrid on us bibliophiles.

Good luck with the move, Az!

Ugh, TELL me about it!

Thank heavens most of my collection is paperback sized, and so fits many into a relatively small box.

Still, last time I packed those up they did not see the light of day again for,... (counting),... at least 15 years. Maybe more. Didn't get unpacked until I actually (finally) got to buy a house of our very own. After surviving a hurricane (Katrina) and being shuffled halfway across the country, twice, (from Louisiana to Florida and back again) they DESERVE to be put back on the shelf! ;P

And I still need more bookshelves to make them actually fit,... :/

Good luck with the move Az! +1

(I really hate moving) ;P

If any of you have heart conditions, murmurs, low vitamins levels, etc., don't let it slide. Get yourself to the doctor and have it checked out. Okay?! Especially if you start pushing 40+.

Just health announcement and public service message from the American Heart Association, the city of Las Vegas, and myself, Jeffrey N. Williams

Liberty's Edge

Having problems budgeting my spoons.

BluePigeon wrote:

If any of you have heart conditions, murmurs, low vitamins levels, etc., don't let it slide. Get yourself to the doctor and have it checked out. Okay?! Especially if you start pushing 40+.

Just health announcement and public service message from the American Heart Association, the city of Las Vegas, and myself, Jeffrey N. Williams

Not quite that old yet - just turned 28 on Sat.

And yeah, knew about the Sudafed thing. Stopped taking it on Sunday.

Got the doctor's info from Mom last night. Going to call for an appointment today.

Thanks for the well-wishes all. For what it's worth, last night was extremely better as far as everything goes, and I managed to get a decent night's sleep.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Tuesday! It's looking to be a lovely day here in Philly!

Scarab Sages

We've got a big meeting coming up this Thursday. I get to give presentations about the status of my big projects to people who give me zero funding! Needless to say, with my end time coming up so soon, my bosses are...concerned...I may say something these douchbags don't like.

Scarab Sages

Of course, I'm taking full advantage of their concerns to detail the many humorous plans I have for my presentations.

Scarab Sages

The best plans yet:

Plan A: Walk up to the podium with a handfull of papers. Start to read the papers. Throw the papers up in the air. Say "F!#* this s@#+. I quit." Walk out the room.

Plan B: Walk up to the podium. Give a short little tapdance, finishing up with a hands spread wide and say "Ta Da". Walk out of room.

Plan C: Start Presentation. Fist slide titled "Problem:" and states actual problem. Second slide titled "Solution:" and shows picture of me flipping off the camera. End presentation

Scarab Sages

I am nothing, if not funny.

Scarab Sages

That reminds me, I have to look for my old tap shoes......

Scarab Sages

Part of my moving experience that has actually been pleasurable: Finding good homes for things. Professor Plant, CH, and Moorluck, I'm looking at you especially.

And Goodwill. Although they don't know it yet.

Scarab Sages

I've also got to find some time to do a yard sale of some sorts.

Scarab Sages

All right folks. Time for me to go make someone's day a living hell.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I had my choir concert this weekend, and it went well.

Erm. The music went well, at any rate. One of the old guys in the choir passed out on stage. They think he was just dehydrated and unaccustomed to being on his feet for that long. They took him to the hospital just in case, but he is alright. I think people will be talking more about that than the music.

Ouch. I hope he's fine.
He is. He's out of the hospital already. I think it bruised his pride more than anything else :(
Hurt pride is so painful.


Orthos wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
And that reminds me of another thing - here we have the famous Free Library of Philadelphia, locations all over the city. There's even one just a few minutes from my house. I called that one, and he told me that branch doesn't take used books but that I could try Good Will.
What? Why the heck not?

numerous reasons. Usually big libraries have deals with publishers so they get their books that way. Also, they can't take the risk of silverfish, bedbugs or other creepy crawlies that often live in books that are old or damaged spreading throughout the library. You might want to check out private libraries or come to ny and donate to the new mobile leave a book take a book libraries they are starting here.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Having problems budgeting my spoons.

... uhh. .. your doing heroin or something man?

aeglos wrote:


(for the Facebooky-challenged or a more in depth look than on Sabines Page)


** spoiler omitted **

Great pictures, Aeglos!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
So I just lost two nights in a row of decent sleep because my stupid heart wouldn't stop racing like the cops were right on its tail. Mom thinks I may have the same heart condition she has (and reading up on it is all kinds of fun -_-). So yeah, I'll be having to get into the doctor to have a look at that, and probably go on medication if it comes up positive. Fuuuuuun.

I hope it's nothing major, Orthos.

I think I done lost my mind. Adding availability for some elementary subbing next year.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hm...Industrial Tech? That should

"Okay, kids, this is a table s-"

Scintillae wrote:
I think I done lost my mind. Adding availability for some elementary subbing next year.


The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Well... officially graduated Magna cum Laude with a BFA in illustration. The most useless degree ever, but at least it's over with.


(I just saw this.)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I started a new feature on Mairkurion's blog.

Let me know what you think! :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Cool! More please =)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:

I started a new feature on Mairkurion's blog.

Let me know what you think! :)

It reminds me of a series of lectures about magic in fantasy settings I done on gaming conventions.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ha, that looks fun.

I need one of those.

Drejk wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

I started a new feature on Mairkurion's blog.

Let me know what you think! :)

It reminds me of a series of lectures about magic in fantasy settings I done on gaming conventions.

You've done something similar? Cool. We may need to talk. :)

Sovereign Court

Bitter Thorn wrote:

I really enjoy Texas!

Good night all!


Rawr! wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

I started a new feature on Mairkurion's blog.

Let me know what you think! :)

It reminds me of a series of lectures about magic in fantasy settings I done on gaming conventions.
You've done something similar? Cool. We may need to talk. :)

It was more about role of magic in building of fantasy settings - themes, applications, the way the accessibility, ease of use, ease of replication, costs of using magic and similar world-specific variables would influence the development of cultures and technology.

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Also, they can't take the risk of silverfish, bedbugs or other creepy crawlies that often live in books that are old or damaged spreading throughout the library.

If that's true, I find their reasoning questionable. People are constantly checking out books and taking them home.

If it was a reference library or preservation center, I would agree, but circulation libraries already have maximum exposure to infestation regardless of whether they take in donated materials.

Silver Crusade

Orthos wrote:

And yeah, knew about the Sudafed thing. Stopped taking it on Sunday.

If you were on decongestants, I would wager that is the problem. They mess with me something fierce. Still, I recommend getting it checked out. When I did, the doc's answer was, "It's clear your body can't handle cold medicine. Don't take it anymore."

I don't take cold medicine; the side effects are worse than the cold.

You should still get it checked out.

I stay away from antihistamines because of their side effects. I get extremely hyper for a few minutes, and then I feel like I'm drowsy drunk.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Silver Crusade

Yesterday I went to an Applebee's for the first time in I-don't-know-how-long. Going into that restaurant was like stepping back to 1997. Nothing has changed. Not a thing. Same decor, same everything. They were even playing '90s music.

I wasn't sure if I stepped into a restaurant or a wormhole.

Silver Crusade

I am also excited about a Pathfinder game tomorrow with a certain naked drow lady!

That sounds like fun! Make sure you have antitoxins on hand, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

Yesterday I went to an Applebee's for the first time in I-don't-know-how-long. Going into that restaurant was like stepping back to 1997. Nothing has changed. Not a thing. Same decor, same everything. They were even playing '90s music.

I wasn't sure if I stepped into a restaurant or a wormhole.

You need an arcane positioning system.

Celestial Healer wrote:

Yesterday I went to an Applebee's for the first time in I-don't-know-how-long. Going into that restaurant was like stepping back to 1997. Nothing has changed. Not a thing. Same decor, same everything. They were even playing '90s music.

I wasn't sure if I stepped into a restaurant or a wormhole.

There's one not far from work, went to it a couple of weeks ago. The music was up to date (though, sadly, it was "top 100 pop/rap" junk) but otherwise yeah, it's not changed much since I first went to one in Jr. High.

Chili's are much the same; there's one right across the street from said Applebee's I've been to a few times, and likewise they haven't seen much change in the past decade or two.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Another problem is trying to balance packing s@+$ up with keeping out stuff we need to get by. Especially where the boy's concerned.

Ugh. Packing.

I ended up throwing nearly 75% of my books away, moving from Michigan to TX. I still miss some of them....


Hope the packing and throwing and donating and such goes well!

it has been some time, dear Jess door. O genki desu ka?

Hai! Genki desu yo! Kyou wa taiko no renshuu. Tanoshii! (Yup! I'm fine! Today is taiko practice! Fun!)

Taiko = Japanese drumming.

I get to hit things with sticks tonight!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jess Door wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Another problem is trying to balance packing s@+$ up with keeping out stuff we need to get by. Especially where the boy's concerned.

Ugh. Packing.

I ended up throwing nearly 75% of my books away, moving from Michigan to TX. I still miss some of them....


Hope the packing and throwing and donating and such goes well!

it has been some time, dear Jess door. O genki desu ka?

Hai! Genki desu yo! Kyou wa taiko no renshuu. Tanoshii! (Yup! I'm fine! Today is taiko practice! Fun!)

Taiko = Japanese drumming.

I get to hit things with sticks tonight!


Sovereign Court

it's the best stress relief ever!

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

........hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahaha........


Grand Lodge

Hoohoohoohahahahahahahehehehehehohohohhahahahahehehehehhuhuhuhuhahahhahaahh ahahahahahhah!!!!!!!!

Scarab Sages



Silver Crusade

I always miss the joke...

*kicks can*

Chaperoning school field trip to a pool...waiting for the trip leader to pay while restless kids run wild... Not sure what little sanity I have will last the afternoon....

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