Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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I should probably try to fit some feeding-time in there, as well.

No time to clothe oneself?

Naked feeding? Better make sure I'm at home and not having something that's liable to spill in that case.

Hot coffee would be ouch. Ice tea could be unpleasant as well.

Drejk wrote:
No time to clothe oneself?


Night everyone...

Still haven't checked if SWTOR will need reinstall but I am not going to check that now... Tomorrow will be better day for it.

Been a long time since I've been as depressed as I am right now...

...I hope we have chocolate home.

Unless something comes up, I'll just spend this day resting / sleeping and playing Dark Souls.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Aberzombie wrote:
Mrgh. Almost time for Supernatural.

Ironically, last night we just finished up season 6 on Netflix.

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Almost done with the setting summary doc =D Should be putting the finishing touches on it today, then will be ready to start the PbP. Again sorry for the delay.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Orthos wrote:
Almost done with the setting summary doc =D Should be putting the finishing touches on it today, then will be ready to start the PbP. Again sorry for the delay.

No problem on the delay. I'm looking forward to playing.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Deep 6 FaWtL: the best place to recruit long term PBP players.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Very not happy Thursday! Back at work and the fit is hitting the shan, so to speak.

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Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Deep 6 FaWtL: the best place to recruit long term PBP players.

Hopefully you guys will help me decide what to play. I've got about twelve concepts to narrow down.

Play them all! Create chartered company that will be a second party competing with the rest!

Another new comic book day, another evening spent fighting the forces of whedon. I'm exhausted.

Lord Of The Rings Online installing! Haven't played it for over a year... Closer to fourteen months now...

If I only hadn't woken up today with swollen tonsils it would be a great day...

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

hi everyone

Supernatural, I can't watch that because teh wife is afraid it will give teh kids nightmares. (Yet they love watching Dr Who with me) ;P

And BEFORE supernatural, RIGHT in the Middle of 'Arrow', the local CW/cable channel freezes up, and then goes off air.

Now I have to find time to go and watch it online, not nearly as comfortable as watching it on my couch. <Grumble>

I need to go through CoT and restat everything.

Actual installation just started. I wonder if it will be full-full installation or will there be another hundred patches...

Whew, emotional day at the local cathedral.

Anyway, started watching Go On yesterday on Hulu (which I just recently found out how to watch from Chile). What a funny series. Highly recommended if you need a laugh or two.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

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Also: Pathfinder FR game tonight! 4th level wizard!!! Woot!

Scarab Sages

Mmmmm.....leftover pasta.

Scarab Sages

Sometimes, I really hate helping someone out in their time of need.

Scarab Sages

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The killed off Damian Wayne in the Wednesday comics! WOOT!!!

Scarab Sages

That is all.

Aberzombie wrote:
The killed off Damian Wayne in the Wednesday comics! WOOT!!!

unfortunate. The little jerk was starting to grow on me. That said, this is another Morrison plot twist - i wouldn't put too much stock in it.


Update finished!

Freehold DM wrote:


*waits for Jess to show up*

Final question... Are my characters still there or were they deleted due to extended absence?

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


*waits for Jess to show up*

I'm thinking these are not true Brooklynites, but aging hipster transplants. Austin is welcome to them.

I'm just in favor of people going to Texas regardless of the reason.

Only reason I'm not there is due to good job here and family in Arizona making it option #2.

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have I told guys that I have bought my wedding suit?

i have bought my wedding suit on saturday

today we have started the seating plan, to get the first draft was not as difficult as we feared


How long til the day?

aeglos wrote:

have I told guys that I have bought my wedding suit?

i have bought my wedding suit on saturday

today we have started the seating plan, to get the first draft was not as difficult as we feared


I'm beginning to hate snow. I'm done packing, except the computers. Come on Sunday! Gettin' anxious to return to Las Vegas.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
aeglos wrote:

have I told guys that I have bought my wedding suit?

i have bought my wedding suit on saturday

today we have started the seating plan, to get the first draft was not as difficult as we feared



Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.


aeglos wrote:

have I told guys that I have bought my wedding suit?

i have bought my wedding suit on saturday

today we have started the seating plan, to get the first draft was not as difficult as we feared

I read that as segregating... Maybe I should go to sleep.

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Studpuffin wrote:

puffin sighting!!

Silver Crusade

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Studpuffin wrote:

Wimp. I want you to start at page 1.

As if anyone had read all the thread...

Lord Of The Rings Online works! Yay!

But I might be getting sick. Booo!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
As if anyone had read all the thread...

No, no, of course not, no one would have been crazy enough to read all of it even the parts they said they were going to skip because they couldn't stand the thought of having missed something.....because that would be insane....well, I guess no one ever accused me of sanity, so it's all good. ;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


*waits for Jess to show up*

You rang?

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