Freehold DM wrote: Ragadolf wrote: lynora wrote: Treppa wrote: Lyn, didn't know if you'd seen this. I hadn't seen that. That's pretty cool. Doubt I could convince the school to incorporate it, but I might try and work in some yoga as part of the morning routine. I can see why it would help since yoga incorporates a lot of the calming strategies and proprioceptive stimulation that the kidlet needs. Thanks for the link. :) Funny you should mention that,...
I just saw (sometime within the last few days) a report on the evening news that said some school was being sued BECAUSE they dared to teach some kids yoga! Supposedly the parents that brought the lawsuit were enraged that their children were being taught Buddhism in school.
Even if that were true, there are SO many other things for me to get enraged at happening in school these days,... ;P I recall that story - they were opposed to the idea that they wet being taught yoga because they thought it was religious indoctrination or some such. Yep. That was the one.
When I saw it, I facepalmed myself. Twice.
And I wear glasses. ;P
Good god, put some clothes on!
oops! Sorry!
Oh, wait,... WIZARD not nekkid! ;P
The sight of naked zombie when she munches on some leftover brains...
You know you are a messy eater?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ragadolf wrote: oops! Sorry!
Oh, wait,... WIZARD not nekkid! ;P
Thanks the cthonic gods... We are not in mood for watching wizard's staff.
Drejk wrote: Ragadolf wrote: oops! Sorry!
Oh, wait,... WIZARD not nekkid! ;P Thanks the cthonic gods... We are not in mood for watching wizard's staff. <Snort!> Sorry, just had a thought,...
Johnny Depp as Gandalf,
"My staff is big, and powerful, and huge-ish! And,... gone.
Why is my staff gone?!"
Do you really want Tim Burton's Lord of the Rings?
Scintillae wrote: Do you really want Tim Burton's Lord of the Rings? ,...
Don't rush me. I thinking,...
Helena Bonham Carter as Galadriel.
I... Would not be opposed to this version. So long as there is no singing.
Oh, there would be singing. Plenty of singing in the books, after all...
OK. I'm in.
So who plays Strider/Aragorn? :)
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Freehold DM wrote: I... Would not be opposed to this version. So long as there is no singing. Say what you like, the dwarf song was FAWESOME. The pop version from the credits much less so, admittedly.
So what you're saying is I need to make a dwarf bard.
Scintillae wrote: Oh, there would be singing. Plenty of singing in the books, after all... Singing would be okay because it would be Danny Elfman music.
I'm seriously tempted to have dwarves get a stacking racial bonus to Perform based on how many of them are participating in the singing. One dwarf alone, unless trained, isn't gonna be impressive. A bunch together, singing a bar tune or a sea shanty (dwarves are sailors in my setting) or a historical tune like in the Hobbit... yeah awesomeness.
I need to see that still.
Celestial Healer wrote: Scintillae wrote: Oh, there would be singing. Plenty of singing in the books, after all... Singing would be okay because it would be Danny Elfman music. +1
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Much to my dismay, I have not seen The Hobbit yet.
There was too much illness and craziness to do it over the break.
Although, for Christmas I received an official Gandalf hat, and a 'Hobbit' T-shirt with the adventuring company on it. I shall wear both to see the film in theaters.
Soon. Very soon.
I'll definitely see it soon. I have the added advantage of being able to block out an afternoon for subbing and going during school hours. Every time I try this, I get a private or near private theater.
Great movie. You both should see it.
Rags, be mindful of the people sitting behind you if you're going to wear that hat :)
Scintillae wrote: So what you're saying is I need to make a dwarf bard. Varric?
Varric Tetheras. The most lovable dwarf tale-teller, businessman, and self-proclaimed compulsive liar.
Orthos wrote: Freehold DM wrote: I... Would not be opposed to this version. So long as there is no singing. Say what you like, the dwarf song was FAWESOME. The pop version from the credits much less so, admittedly. hey, I LOVED the song in the movie, I was hella glad they kept it in in. My opposition to singing was with Carter and Depp behind the mic.
Oh, great another item overpriced by order of magnitude or so...
Drejk wrote: The sight of naked zombie when she munches on some leftover brains...
You know you are a messy eater?
Did you just call me a chick?
Scintillae wrote: So what you're saying is I need to make a dwarf bard. Dwarves rule!
Aberzombie wrote: Drejk wrote: The sight of naked zombie when she munches on some leftover brains...
You know you are a messy eater? Did you just call me a chick? Damn.
I am sorry. I know I wasn't supposed to tell anyone...
Angus McDuff wrote: Scintillae wrote: So what you're saying is I need to make a dwarf bard. Dwarves rule! Affirmative!!
I'm stoically neutral to dwarves as a race. I prefer Dwarven women without beards though... And curvy!
3 people marked this as a favorite.
But if they don't have beards they aren't Dwarves. They're Snookis.
Freehold DM wrote: I'm stoically neutral to dwarves as a race. I prefer Dwarven women without beards though... And curvy! Isn't that the default look for them?
Celestial Healer wrote: Great movie. You both should see it.
Rags, be mindful of the people sitting behind you if you're going to wear that hat :)
Despite my many faults, I am not, yet, quite rude enough to actually wear the Gandalf hat DURING the movie.
Before and after, Heck yeah! :)
Much, much rain here in Southern Lousy-anna.
My backyard looks like a crawfish farm. (IE=Swamp)
And I think my cough means I have a chest infection,...
I'm going to sleep now. And hope I don't wake up on a floating bed! ;P
Night FaWtL-ies!
First LOTR movie, midnight showing, my friends and I all dressed up for it. I was just a generic hobbit girl, but some of my friends went all-out. Ah, the fun times of early college years.
Ragadolf wrote: Sigh.
Much, much rain here in Southern Lousy-anna.
My backyard looks like a crawfish farm. (IE=Swamp)
And I think my cough means I have a chest infection,...
I'm going to sleep now. And hope I don't wake up on a floating bed! ;P
Night FaWtL-ies!
So sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon.
(And it's been the 2nd wettest year ever over here.)
gran rey de los mono wrote: But if they don't have beards they aren't Dwarves. They're Snookis. Did somebody say my name?!
Wanna smoosh?
Morning, all. What did I miss?
Good morning FAWTLY Folk! I hope all you good friends have a lovely and clown-free day.
Well, after a terrible rain storm, Rags suddenly found his home being invaded by giant, mutated crawfish bent on having their own "boiled person" party. Meanwhile, Scott's effort to prove he was not, in fact, a woman got him arrested for public nudity. And, across town, Max's encounter with Snooki took a turn for the bizarre when....No, wait! That's my soap opera.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie's Really Grim Fairy Tales
The Roguish Siblings
Once upon a time, there lived a roguish brother and sister. They were poor, had no parents or home, and had been forced to live by theft and their wits.
One day, in attempting to con an old woman, the pair were caught. The old woman turned out to be a terrible and powerful witch. She gave the brother a choice: If he journeyed to the castle of her rival, a fiendish wizard, and procured a powerful item the witch desired, she would let he and his sister go. Otherwise, the witch would turn the sister into a duck and roast her for the evening meal.
So the brother journeyed to the wizard's castle. Unfortunately for him, the wizard was very clever. The brother was caught, and his soul was sucked out of his body and fed to a demon.
The witch ate well that night.
The end.
I heard on the radio that a vote is being conducted to see which iconic Monopoly playing piece is going to be gotten rid of and which new piece it'll be replaced with.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
And last night the wife came downstairs to tell me the boy had sang his ABC's. It's something they've been working on in daycare.
I'm in the midst of this online training here at work, but I'm determined to not actually learn anything from it.
It's f&$~ed up shit, this training. It's all about acquisition and development and shit.
Uh, hello? Do you realize that I don't do acquisition? New steam ships haven't been built in years. And won't be built anytime soon.
Not to mention, each section has a test. If you fail the test 3 times, it kicks you out of the course and you've got to start the whole f$%&ing thing over again. And some of the questions are trick questions.