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Liberty's Edge

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I'm wearing a tank top and cargo shorts. Next to an open patio door. Snow? Meh.

Edit: apparently I overstated my condition of dress, good thing it isn't cold here. Shrinkage sucks.

Drejk wrote:
Gas installation won't be repaired until Monday. Gah. I am stuck with three apples and tea and I will have limited ability to wash myself before the Sunday session. At least, after learning that servicemen won't appear today I went to friends, was feed some noodles with pesto and played Game Of Thrones but it went quite hardly. Maybe we shouldn't drink cherry vodka while playing the game.

I hope they get your heat squared away soon.

Sharoth wrote:

Groooan. :)

houstonderek wrote:

I'm wearing a tank top and cargo shorts. Next to an open patio door. Snow? Meh.

Edit: apparently I overstated my condition of dress, good thing it isn't cold here. Shrinkage sucks.

We got snow here in the Springs overnight just in time for todays moving project.

Well, we need the precipitation.

houstonderek wrote:

I'm wearing a tank top and cargo shorts. Next to an open patio door. Snow? Meh.

Edit: apparently I overstated my condition of dress, good thing it isn't cold here. Shrinkage sucks.

Sucking shrinkage!

Well, hello everyone I hope the weekend is kind to you and enjoyable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi everyone,

cool weekend for me,

saturday first we went to the mediveal christmas market on the Ronneburg (pics will follow)
then gaming with my second group, transition from serpent skull to kingmaker went well, we had fun
today we invited my dad and his girlfriend to dinner, we did cook deer ragout with dumplings and it was very good,
then we had a walk in the snow, now on the couch with a hot tea with lemon

live is good to me

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Catching up on the thread.

In answer to the gaming question earlier,

I am currently GMing Rise of the Runelords (Pathfinder rules) for a group which includes Wolfthulhu and AZ's brother.

I'm playing in CH's supercool Ravenloft PBP, and GMing one of my own with several FaWtl members.

And several Pathfinder campaigns with various combinations of two of my sons and my wife, depending on who is around when the mood strikes us to game (which fortunately, is quite often.)

Were you running your RotRL before paizocon this year?

Yes - we started about 2 1/2 years ago. At the pace we are going, we will probably finish around May 2013 which will be three years after we started.

aeglos wrote:

Hi everyone,

cool weekend for me,

saturday first we went to the mediveal christmas market on the Ronneburg (pics will follow)
then gaming with my second group, transition from serpent skull to kingmaker went well, we had fun
today we invited my dad and his girlfriend to dinner, we did cook deer ragout with dumplings and it was very good,
then we had a walk in the snow, now on the couch with a hot tea with lemon

live is good to me

aparently i was to early :-( sabine has strange pains in her stomach area :-/

houstonderek wrote:
Seriously, Houston is about inside the Loop. Everything else is uncivilized.

I like uncivilization.

That's really the best thing about my current location, actually. I live on the outside edge of the Chattanooga suburbs, I don't have to go on any highways to get to work, my commute is relatively short (~20 min, not usually too bad traffic, only one school zone), and I never have to enter Chattanooga downtown.

15 of 500 wrote:
Red Shirt # 44 wrote:
Dennis the Peasant wrote:
Red Shirt # 44 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
I didn't vote for you....

I believe the correct response is "You don't vote for kings." and eventually we get to strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government...

Help, help, I'm being repressed!
Hey you! That's my line!
Well you weren't here! *points at shirt* I gotta take all the lines I can get!
[Borg voice]Resistance is futile. All will be assimilated[/Borg voice] ~assimilates Red Shirt # 44~

Oh no, not agaaaaaaiiiiiiiiin...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

pics, password: Aeglos

Christmas Market at Ronneburg


the rome pics are not very good, we had been there in the dark in heavy rain but I included some videos of the cool hotel

Silver Crusade

Hi, all. What did I miss?

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Catching up on the thread.

In answer to the gaming question earlier,

I am currently GMing Rise of the Runelords (Pathfinder rules) for a group which includes Wolfthulhu and AZ's brother.

I'm playing in CH's supercool Ravenloft PBP, and GMing one of my own with several FaWtl members.

And several Pathfinder campaigns with various combinations of two of my sons and my wife, depending on who is around when the mood strikes us to game (which fortunately, is quite often.)

Were you running your RotRL before paizocon this year?
Yes - we started about 2 1/2 years ago. At the pace we are going, we will probably finish around May 2013 which will be three years after we started.

Cool. We started the anniversary book right after Paizocon, and we hope to have the second book done in a session or so.

aeglos wrote:
aeglos wrote:

Hi everyone,

cool weekend for me,

saturday first we went to the mediveal christmas market on the Ronneburg (pics will follow)
then gaming with my second group, transition from serpent skull to kingmaker went well, we had fun
today we invited my dad and his girlfriend to dinner, we did cook deer ragout with dumplings and it was very good,
then we had a walk in the snow, now on the couch with a hot tea with lemon

live is good to me

aparently i was to early :-( sabine has strange pains in her stomach area :-/

:( Diane and I hope she feels better soon.

Orthos wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Seriously, Houston is about inside the Loop. Everything else is uncivilized.

I like uncivilization.

That's really the best thing about my current location, actually. I live on the outside edge of the Chattanooga suburbs, I don't have to go on any highways to get to work, my commute is relatively short (~20 min, not usually too bad traffic, only one school zone), and I never have to enter Chattanooga downtown.


Celestial Healer wrote:
Hi, all. What did I miss?

FHDM's snow dance worked here. ;)

snow 1

now 2

Bitter Thorn wrote:
aeglos wrote:
aeglos wrote:

Hi everyone,

cool weekend for me,

saturday first we went to the mediveal christmas market on the Ronneburg (pics will follow)
then gaming with my second group, transition from serpent skull to kingmaker went well, we had fun
today we invited my dad and his girlfriend to dinner, we did cook deer ragout with dumplings and it was very good,
then we had a walk in the snow, now on the couch with a hot tea with lemon

live is good to me

aparently i was to early :-( sabine has strange pains in her stomach area :-/
:( Diane and I hope she feels better soon.

Me too.

I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Hi, all. What did I miss?

FHDM's snow dance worked here. ;)

snow 1

now 2

nice. :)

Jess Door wrote:

I don't know what you're talking about, it's beautiful out here!

It's 21.7 Celcius!



Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?

Bat-shit crazy.

aeglos wrote:

pics, password: Aeglos

Christmas Market at Ronneburg


the rome pics are not very good, we had been there in the dark in heavy rain but I included some videos of the cool hotel

Very cool!

Celestial Healer wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?
Bat-s#~! crazy.


Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?
Bat-s#~! crazy.

Nah. Even crazier than that.

aeglos wrote:
aeglos wrote:

Hi everyone,

cool weekend for me,

saturday first we went to the mediveal christmas market on the Ronneburg (pics will follow)
then gaming with my second group, transition from serpent skull to kingmaker went well, we had fun
today we invited my dad and his girlfriend to dinner, we did cook deer ragout with dumplings and it was very good,
then we had a walk in the snow, now on the couch with a hot tea with lemon

live is good to me

aparently i was to early :-( sabine has strange pains in her stomach area :-/

back from emergency room, Sabine has no appendicide or rene stone, so far so good, whne we came back we found that her whole pullover and evne the jeans where soacked with blood from removing the needle from her arm, so back again, now a pressure bandage ( they said to remove it when back home but we are a bit afraid to do so)

I've still got a bit of a flu, and Kingmaker today was ABSOLUTE AWESOME!!

Some Highlighted Moments:

The party Ranger (Saya) and the Cleric of Angradd (Haggar) were about to be crushed by an angry Iobarian bull mastodon, when they got saved by Saya's older sister Noriko, who just happens to be a Gunslinger. She crits with a pistol and shoots the thing dead (it was already injured though).

In Varnhold, the group realized they had a spare Necklace of Fireballs and they had Stealthed in when they saw a Spriggan roasting some cow while four hungry wolves watched. So what do they do about it? They attach it to a Flaming Arrow and fire it into the flames (deliberate failed saving throw), detonating it near the Spriggan. The wolves die, and the Spriggan just barely survived only to be killed by a sniping arrow.

Also in Varnhold, the murder of crows got fried by a well-placed Fireball. The group got luck with the distance between them and those swarms.

Last awesome was when they were fighting Agai, who was infuriated over the players clever sneak and kill tactics when it came to his minions. So he busted down part of a wall and nearly killed the Ranger and Gunslinger by smacking them in the face with a Greatclub, only for a Spectral Hand to poke him with Ghoul Touch and him rolling a 1 on the Fortitude save. Three coup-de-graces later, he was dead.

Also, I pray that Sabine will be alright.

Aeglos, ouch :(

Hopefully the pain itself is nothing special.

Hope she gets well soon Aeglos. =(

Sovereign Court

houstonderek wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Are you sure you don't want to move to Houston?

If I could do so without losing my job and its benefits I probably would =P

Well, not to Houston proper, probably to an outlying suburb. I learned from living in Phoenix I'm not big on big cities. Chattanooga would be pushing it for me, but I thankfully don't live in Chatt proper, but rather in one of the outlying suburbs, which is much more rural and to my liking.

If you do, try to find work near where you live. If you have to drive into Houston from the exurbs (or even Katy/Sugarland/Woodlands/Pearland/etc), you're in for some wonderfully frustrating commutes.

Seriously, Houston is about inside the Loop. Everything else is uncivilized.

Bah, I may be outside the loop, but only by a mile or two. Okay, outside the OUTER loop. Heh. ONe loop isn't good enough! We need two!

Commutes can be a pain. If you're renting, of course, you'll have a lot more freedom in choosing where you live to also be convenient for a commute. Purchasing the money pit makes that less viable. Thus far it hasn't been awful for me.

There's lots of stuff available for rent, at reasonable prices, however, for as large a city as Houston is. The weirdest thing is the lack of zoning makes it entirely possible to have a really bad neighborhood really close to an expensive uppity one. I lived next to the slums in Detroit growing up, and you had to travel quite a ways to get to a nice part of town.

Sovereign Court

Hope she feels better, Aeglos!

Scarab Sages

Ugh! Probably should not have gone drinking last night. But some of my co-workers and I also went to eat Yakitori last night - which, if I'm informed correctly, is what they call cooked meats/poultry/veggies/etc on wooden skewers. It was delicious. I had some Japanese moo cow and chicken skewers. One of my co-workers ordered some whale sashimi (I think that's what it's called, kind of like sushi). I tried a piece. It was interesting.

Glad to hear that your trip is going well, Aberzombie.

Jess Door wrote:
Hope she feels better, Aeglos!

+1 to that.

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:
Ugh! Probably should not have gone drinking last night. But some of my co-workers and I also went to eat Yakitori last night - which, if I'm informed correctly, is what they call cooked meats/poultry/veggies/etc on wooden skewers. It was delicious. I had some Japanese moo cow and chicken skewers. One of my co-workers ordered some whale sashimi (I think that's what it's called, kind of like sushi). I tried a piece. It was interesting.

Sashimi is just the raw meat part of sushi. Sushi includes the vinegared rice (I don't like the vinegar in the rice, so I don't like sushi, though the raw fish (fresh!!! FRESH!!!) doesn't bother me, usually.

Yakitori is literally "cooked bird" (tori is usually used to refer to chicken, though tori is the general word for bird. A chicken specifically is a niwa tori.

My favorite yakitori place in Takamatsu was this little hole in the wall that served them wrapped in shiso leaves with a dollop of ume plum paste. Mmmmmmm. That shit was good.

Sovereign Court

Hm. Now I want to go to Japan.

::checks bank account::

Maybe not yet...

Jess Door wrote:
Hm. Now I want to go to Japan.


Jess Door wrote:

::checks bank account::

Maybe not yet...


Chappy Channukah!

Sharoth wrote:
I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?

Ex-Girl Friend Crazy?

Anyway I hope everyone is doing well this marvellous week. And any preparations are going smoothly. That peoples health is increasing, money woes are gone and love life is firing on all cylinders.

Well, my flu's slowly fading and I'm still amused by how epic Kingmaker was last time.

Problem now is my boss coming over to listen in on my calls again. I'm afraid of another panic attack.

DSXMachina wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?
Ex-Girl Friend Crazy?

No. My cats are crazier than that.

Icyshadow, I hope that things go well with work and that you feel better soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?
Ex-Girl Friend Crazy?
No. My cats are crazier than that.

Should've said it was the cats. "Bag of Cats Crazy" is only superseded by "Bag of WET Cats Crazy".

Boss listened in on calls, I was able to keep my calm for the most part. I'm looking forward to the next Kingmaker session, even though the arrival of the fourth player means the Gunslinger sneaks off on her own mission again. I had so much fun playing that slightly ditzy but very experienced Chaotic Good badass adventurer. So today I just need to get over to the library to return a few books (which I will have to borrow again later for studies) and check in at the bank because 96 dollars had been transferred there for some reason.

My inspiration for my D&D setting has halted in favor of a Fate Stay Night spinoff idea.
Lastly, a friend wants to drag me to the local bar. AGAIN. That guy still owes me 64 euros...

PS. Yes, I am making FAWTL status reports. I blame all the Metal Gear Solid Let's Plays I've recently watched for that. XD

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Sharoth wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?
Bat-s#~! crazy.
Nah. Even crazier than that.

Mother in law?

Sharoth wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Hope she feels better, Aeglos!
+1 to that.


How is she today?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I am looking for a level above crazy? Any suggestions?
Ex-Girl Friend Crazy?
No. My cats are crazier than that.
Should've said it was the cats. "Bag of Cats Crazy" is only superseded by "Bag of WET Cats Crazy".

Or "trying to HERD wet cats crazy."

DSXMachina wrote:
Anyway I hope everyone is doing well this marvellous week. And any preparations are going smoothly. That peoples health is increasing, money woes are gone and love life is firing on all cylinders.


Sharoth wrote:
Icyshadow, I hope that things go well with work and that you feel better soon.


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