Freeze Option

Pathfinder Society


OK, one of the nice things about Pathfinder Society is that you level fast. Since I really don't much care for the levels below 5, getting past them quickly appeals to me. However this mechanic (3 adventures per level) also turns around to bite me in the behind. I quite like playing higher level characters, and get somewhat attached to them. However with mandatory retirement at 12, you really don't have a whole lot of time to enjoy them.

I know the conventional solution is to have a large stable of characters, and that's fine. However I would like to proffer an alternative option. We'll call it the freeze option.

You basically would be able to call a freeze on advancement at any point you really want. Say you really like eighth level, well call a freeze, and for as many modules as you like, you get no experience and no gold for playing an adventure. I'd say still giving out prestige would be acceptable, though this is certainly subject to debate.

For any given module you play you simply announce if you consider it a freeze module. This should be declared at the start of the adventure to ensure that people don't cherry pick the modules with the best rewards. Then when you are done, you fill out the AR with no XP or gold increase.

Personally I think this is quite a reasonable option, and should appeal to people who get attached to their characters.

Grand Lodge 2/5

drbuzzard wrote:
Personally I think this is quite a reasonable option, and should appeal to people who get attached to their characters.

I think this would cause all kinds of crazy potential issues in the reporting system and tracking for what's been played, played for credit, replayed, freeze tagged etc.

At the moment I believe your best bet would be to replay for no credit.


Mark Garringer wrote:
drbuzzard wrote:
Personally I think this is quite a reasonable option, and should appeal to people who get attached to their characters.

I think this would cause all kinds of crazy potential issues in the reporting system and tracking for what's been played, played for credit, replayed, freeze tagged etc.

At the moment I believe your best bet would be to replay for no credit.

I don't see it as a whole lot different from replay for no credit. If that can be tracked, the difference from this is minimal. You're just adding one more category.


drbuzzard wrote:

Since replay is not tracked neither would freeze have to be.

I think it is doable if PA are not awarded either.
The main problem is that a character will get insight into adventure plots and faction missions, which can be used to ensure greater rewards when the character actually progresses to the next level.

Another option could be early retirement: the same as Freeze except that a character that has retired early cannot be reactivated.

I don't think either of these suggestions will actually float, but it is an interesting idea, and I am sure it can inspire Paizo.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Mark is right, It would have to be a overhaul of the reporting system and a rule revision on top of that.

And since you can turn PA in for things You would start to out do other players who are 8th level and are not frozen.

Some thing to consider is that there are plans to have events that pull characters out of retirement, so even if you get to the end, you should just through that character away.


Diego Winterborg wrote:
drbuzzard wrote:

Since replay is not tracked neither would freeze have to be.

I think it is doable if PA are not awarded either.
The main problem is that a character will get insight into adventure plots and faction missions, which can be used to ensure greater rewards when the character actually progresses to the next level.

The reason I provided for allowing PA advancement is that the character is going to be taking risks and using up expendable resources. As such I felt some minor recompense was fair. For example if a character died on a freeze mission, they would be hugely in the hole. If you think it is still too much, then it could get the axe.

As for the insight, well I really doubt that would be so valuable. Maybe it's just me, but I almost never remember what a faction mission is from a given module after that day of playing ends. Heck I can barely remember what a module was about in a week. In any case this is no more a serious issue than people providing information to their friends.

Scarab Sages 1/5

I too really enjoy the fast growth early on and would enjoy playing the character longer at higher level.

This is just a thought I've had. It would require way too much change to Pathfinder to implement, but I thought I'ld share it anyway. A thought I've had (I'm certain others have too) is to make the next level advance the same number of mods you have to play:

level 1-2 play 2 mods
level 2-3 play 3 mods
level 3-4 play 4 mods
level 4-5 play 5 mods
level 5-6 play 6 mods
level 6-7 play 7 mods
level 7-8 play 8 mods
level 8-9 play 9 mods
level 9-10 play 10 mods
level 10-11 play 11 mods
level 11-12 play 12 mods

But with a total of 77 mods to retirement people might just too attached to their characters. And that would do away with another thing I like about Pathfinder which is playing lots of different characters.

The Exchange 4/5

Dojohouty wrote:

I too really enjoy the fast growth early on and would enjoy playing the character longer at higher level...

...But with a total of 77 mods to retirement people might just too attached to their characters. And that would do away with another thing I like about Pathfinder which is playing lots of different characters.

I like both the fast advancement, but it is the latter that really attracted me to PFS. in MMO's i run tons of alts. because although i like character concepts and love to roleplay. i really enjoy mixing it up as well. the fact that i can have a character for every tier and sub tier eventually really appeals to me.

just my 2 cents. but i do not think a change is needed. if you retire a character there is nothing preventing you from making his/her replacement with the same template and personalities. heck i look forward to retiring my monk at 12 and starting a student or child of his with the same basic attitudes, but maybe a slightly different skill set. or maybe the same skills but a slightly different personality or motivation. same characxter just a bit wiser at early levels and a different name.

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