How many feats?

Rules Questions


I have a small problem, I can't seem to find how many feats a character gets at starting level, nor when he gets new feats.

Could anyone give me a hint on where to find that information?

Thanks in advance!

The general table of when you level and when you get feats can be found here.

In general everyone gets a new feat at level 1,3,5,7... ect.
Additionally Humans get a bonus feat at level one.
Depending on your class (fighter, wizard, rogue) you get class feats at various levels.
So for instance a 5 level Human wizard will get:
level 1- 2 feats (toughness, improved initiative)
level 2- 0 feats
level 3- 1 feat (spell focus)
level 4- 0 feats
level 5- 2 feats (combat casting, extend spell)

One of level 5 feats must be a wizard class feat because wizards get a bonus feat at level 5, 10, 15, 20...

Pg. 30 in the Core Rulebook

Thank you everyone for the quick answers. You made my evening :)

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