Serpent's Skull PBP Seeks 2 Players

Gamer Connection

Shadow Lodge

Howdy, Internet. The title pretty much says it all. I tried to put together a Serpent's Skull campaign a few months back, but a few of my players fell out. I still have two of the original five, and I don't want to have to cancel the entire run on them. They haven't got far, so we're probably going to restart the campaign, but we need two more party members for them. They're both willing to create new characters depending on the coming party dynamic. Otherwise, we have one existing Sorcerer. We'd be starting at level 1, right from the beginning, with a little bit of character introduction.

Details as far as character creation goes.

Ability scores: One 18, one 8, 10 or 15 points to spend on the remaining four scores depending on what I gave them last time (don't remember right this second).
Starting gear: Average starting gear for class, plus and additional starter kit (backpack, bedroll, waterskin, 1 day rations, dagger, flint and steel, sack; total value: 6.7 gp).

So, we'll move quickly. First two people who throw me solid character concepts will be accepted. Good luck.

What classes are needed?

Shadow Lodge

At present, everything is open. We have one holdover character from the original set, but it's open to change. If it stays, however, the party has a Sorcerer.

THIS character was put together for a campaign which recently fell through. I quite like her and would be interested in restatting her for the Serpents Skull.

Shadow Lodge

Looks solid. I think I can safely say that Asasha is in. If you could re-stat her a bit for Serpent's Skull. The Player's Guide has all the necessary details and is a free download. One trait from that, and one trait from the APG or other source.

No problem, I'll change her background a bit and restat. : 18, 8 and how many points? (and thanks!)

Shadow Lodge

Let's go with 10 for now. That seems to be what I gave the others. If we decide to bump it up to 15 before we start, I'll let everybody know at the same time.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Interested to join in. Recycling a character from a dropped game, here.

I won't join as I am about to start my own campaign with this AP once I get the AP and can do up the maps on Campaign Cartographer, but I may just watch to see how it plays out for you to get some ideas.

Shadow Lodge

I'm assuming you're allowing the APG?

Because I've got two ideas - one is an Alchemist (eventually aiming for Master Chymist), and the other is a Paladin/Cleric/Holy Vindicator.

Let me know if either of those is something you want...

Pretty much done i think. - still need to check equipment costs and encumberance.

Shadow Lodge

I think we can take 3 of you in a pinch. Asasha, Kieran the Myopic, and PsionicFox are in. Randall, a few of your numbers are a bit odd for this set-up, so would it be possible for you to re-work the character with the above guidelines as a framework? PsionicFox, I'll let you decide what to play based on discussion that the party has in the beginning of the OOC thread once I have it up. Sunshadow, I'll post the link to the OOC thread here later, and that will link to the IC thread if you want to watch how it plays out. I've been building maps in MapTool, for what it's worth. Fairly solid free map builder. I'll link the OOC thread later today.

As far as player selection, this thread is now closed. Thank you very much.

I was in a Serpent's Skull game that stopped very early as well. If you decide you need an alternate, please let me know. Thanks!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sure. 18, 8 and the rest 4 stats a 10 point buy. Average gold per class and adventurer's kit.

Shadow Lodge


So, is the OOC thread up?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Are the stats including racial bonuses?

Shadow Lodge

The stats are before racial bonuses, thus it is possible to go up to a 20 or down to a 6 or lower. The OOC thread is here. Gather yourself together, talk amongst yourselves to make sure you all know how you'll work together, and we'll get started soon.

Id be interested in hopping on the wagon for this game if for some reason a spot opens up (or if sunshadow starts his game soon.)

*Raises Hand*

I am a character who seems to be in need of a game, Since it looks like the game I started in has run out of steam.


i have a fetchling bard i would like to propose

Shadow Lodge

Unfortunately, this one seems like it's closed. Still, it sounds like there are enough of you to put together another game.

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