Perin's Bluff, Andoran. Any extant information?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I have a PC ranger that I'm creating a backstory for that had been involved in the Goblinwood Wars as a child and left orphaned as a result. I figure that Perin's Bluff would be a perfect place to be his hometown, but looking through the older Campaign setting book as well as the Gazetteer and the recently released Primer, I've found no information about this village (?). Is there any information that can tell me more about this place in any of the published works? I was unsuccessful in locating anything about it on the Pathfinder Wiki.


The only mentions of Perin's Bluff (other than its location on the map in Andoran, Spirit of Liberty) are in the Guide to Darkmoon Vale. Sadly, not much is said there either.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Piren's Bluff is the setting of the Pathfinder Module LB1: Tower of the Last Baron. A full writeup of its locations and inhabitants appears in that book. The town has appeared under the incorrect name of Perin's Bluff a few times, which may have been the cause of some of the confusion.

Thanks, Mark! I happen to have the module, so I'll go back and dig it out.

Hopefully that oversight got corrected in the upcoming hardcover. =)

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