Evil Character, Good Armor

Rules Questions

In a recent adventure, my Lawful Evil Cleric 5 came across a suit of golden chainmail, which was later identified as Celestial Armor. Doing a tad of research on it, I was a tad disheartened to see that it had a "good" aura, so I immediately presumed that it meant that I could not wear the armor.

However, looking at the description of the Demonic Mail that follows the Celestial Armor in the Core book, it specifically states that there is a penalty for wearing it, and goes into detail about the downsides. My GM and I took this to mean that the Celestial Armor's good aura is too weak to have any adverse effects, and that I could use it without consequence.

Is this correct according to RAW? I know I'm overthinking it, but I just want to make sure that there aren't any rules I have overlooked. If it is allowed, then could the armor's aura conceal my alignment?

I think you have it right although as a dm i'd probably have the armor slowly show signs of corruption by tarnishing ect. mostly because that would be cool.

If you wear the celestial armor, you will have a good aura and an evil aura. Both detect good and detect evil will work on you.

Not to mention dhampir can ignore the penalties (unless i'm mistaken).

I actually like the idea of the armor being tainted by my own evil aura, though that would be a purely fluff mechanic.

Who knows? Maybe having two auras could be handy.

Shadow Lodge

Mahorfeus wrote:

I actually like the idea of the armor being tainted by my own evil aura, though that would be a purely fluff mechanic.

Who knows? Maybe having two auras could be handy.

Well, once the detect spell gets to the 3rd round, they would know that you were the source of the evil aura and the chainmail was the source of the good aura.

I'm pretty excited that this question has already been answered. I am gearing up to DM a world, and if any of my players are reading this,

stop now!:

I am building an NPC who will secretly be working toward the return of the most evil goddess in the pantheon. He will cast Undetectable Alignment on himself every day. And I love the idea that while he is wearing this armor, he will have a faint good aura.

I really like the idea of the character's evil tarnishing the armor - I might work that in as a hint to his true nature.

Grand Lodge

Give him a Angelskin Armored Kilt.

It can be worn with Celestial Armor.

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