Confused About Two-Weapon Fighting

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I have a full fighter, level 6. DEX 18. +6/+1 BAB, obviously. He has Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Longsword in primary hand, shortsword in off-hand. How many attacks do I get:
In a Standard Action?
In a Full-Attack Action?

downrightamazed wrote:

I have a full fighter, level 6. DEX 18. +6/+1 BAB, obviously. He has Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Longsword in primary hand, shortsword in off-hand. How many attacks do I get:

In a Standard Action?
In a Full-Attack Action?

Standard action: 1 attack. Always just one attack as a standard action (unless you find a feat or ability that specifically states that you get more). You can get vital strike to add some damage to that attack, though, make it count.

Full attack: 2 with your primary hand, 2 with your off-hand.

Standard Action: Same as it ever was. 1 unless you can Cleave, etc.
At higher levels (9th/11th+) Mobile or 2WF Fighter VARIANTS (APG) can change this.

Full Attack Action: 2WF Feat adds an additional attack to the first attack listed in your BAB at the cost of -2 penalty to all iteratives, i.e. if you have +X / +Y, you will have +X-2, +x-2 / +Y-2. Imp. 2WF adds another attack to the second iterative, so you will have +X-2, +x-2 / +y-2, +Y-2 (adding in all other attack mods). Basically, each 2WF (base/Imp/Grt) Feat grants +1 off-hand attack, starting based off your highest iterative (which you only have 1 until BAB 6) and ´pairing´ your next highest iterative as you progress.

Quandary wrote:

Standard Action: Same as it ever was. 1 unless you can Cleave, etc.

At higher levels (9th/11th+) Mobile or 2WF Fighter VARIANTS (APG) can change this.

Full Attack Action: 2WF Feat adds an additional attack to the first attack listed in your BAB at the cost of -2 penalty to all iteratives, i.e. if you have +X / +Y, you will have +X-2, +x-2 / +Y-2. Imp. 2WF adds another attack to the second iterative, so you will have +X-2, +x-2 / +y-2, +Y-2 (adding in all other attack mods). Basically, each 2WF (base/Imp/Grt) Feat grants +1 off-hand attack, starting based off your highest iterative (which you only have 1 until BAB 6) and ´pairing´ your next highest iterative as you progress.

Actually, your next set of attacks should look like this

X-2,x-7/ y-2, y-7

So for the example of the fighter in the first post (I'm gonna give him a 16 str since it wasn't listed) would be +9 l.sword on a standard attack, or full attack +7,+2 l.sword / +7, +2 s. Short sword, not including any other applicable bonuses, (magic enhancement to weapon, flank, ect)

Makes you wish you went with 2-Handed weapon for that 1.5 x str bonus right about now.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks for the help, all. Much appreciated. I found the appropriate references in RAW as well.

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