Summon Monster Subtypes - Hell Hound, Salamander, and Xill

Rules Questions

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The subtypes listed next to hell hound, salamander, and xill entries on Table 10-1, the summon monster table, do not exactly match the elemental and alignment subtypes these creatures have in their bestiary entries.

According to their bestiary entry, hell hounds have the fire subtype in addition to the evil and lawful subtypes. Only evil and lawful are listed on the summon monster table; fire is missing.

In their bestiary entry, salamanders have the fire subtype. Although their alignment is chaotic evil, salamanders have no alignment subtypes. In the salamander entry on the summon monster table, evil is listed and fire is not.

While they are of lawful evil alignment, xills have only the evil subtype in the bestiary. On the summon monster table, both evil and lawful are listed.

Should either the summon monster table or the bestiary entires be changed to remedy these inconsistencies?

The alignment subtypes are the only ones listed because they are the only ones that matter

The Elemental subtypes don't matter because the only restriction on summoning is alignment based, and that is for certain classes.
As for the salamander I think it was an error, but it probably won't be fixed since they are evil, and bringing them to the material plane is most likely an evil act for the purpose of the summoning spells.

Elemental subtypes do matter.

If a character attempted to summon a hell hound or salamander on the Plane of Water, would that character need to make a concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) to cast the spell successfully due to Impeded Fire Magic?

If a character summons such creatures on the Plane of Fire, do they last 2 additional rounds due to increased caster level caused by Enhanced Fire Magic?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Thread necro. Sorry.

The Xill question is important for LE Sacred Summoners. There is an error either in the table or the bestiary. Which should be followed for the purposes of Sacred Summons?

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