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*Holds up hand to show interest as well.*
I to would like to join. I also feel your pain though I understand that Real Life can be an unforgiving mistress when it comes to affairs of the net.
My record for posting/supporting games is pretty good, I think.
As for character, I have a few that are languishing because their games have ceased and so have ideas still to be used.

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This is the reason I am so keen on EnWorlds Living Pathfinder. Unlike a normal PBP where if the DM disappears you are out of luck LPF has a large pool of players and judges, and each adventure is assigned a judge - to arbitrate rules disputes though that very rarely happens, and to take over, or at the very least conclude the game if the DM disappears.
Not only that, but since all the characters in LPF games are created using the same rules, etc., they can interchange between games, so if your adventure finishes, or your DM vanishes and the judge wraps it up then your character can simply move into another adventure.
It does require a bit more effort at character creation, and all adventures must be written up before hand by the DMs - so that a judge can take over, and so that we can ensure treasure and XP levels are appropriate since characters need to have broadly similar wealth, etc., to remain interchangeable.
If you are interested check out the Living Pathfinder Wiki HERE the introduction should explain everything, etc.

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I'll post up a small list later- but vet your potential DM's and players.
I'm dead serious. Anyone joining my games will see the sheer amount of aliases and posts I have on PbP's, as well as find two fairly long-running games- indicators that i'm not likely to disappear.
I joined a promising game by Talking Donkey but alarm bells rang when I saw he was brand new to the forums. Sure enough, he disappeared a month into the game :(

DM Barcas |

I started my Star Wars game with 6 players about four months ago. One gave me some notice that real life was overwhelming him and that he needed to drop. His character got a great heroic (open-ended) exit. A second player simply disappeared, which happens. He didn't get quite the same exit. The other four are consistently impressive and strong writers. It's a ton of fun, especially to reward them with high praise from the Emperor. A good DM-player relationship is worth so much.
Alexander- I'm actually considering running a Kingmaker game. How are you enjoying yours?

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If I didn't have to focus on my degree at least a little bit i'd probably run 1 or 2 more games. Think I will run Carrion Crown in a few months though*- especially as its a plotline i've run on a much less grand scale in Lastwall anyway.
* Translation- When I get this damn 3rd year project out of the way.

hogarth |

I'll post up a small list later- but vet your potential DM's and players.
I'm dead serious. Anyone joining my games will see the sheer amount of aliases and posts I have on PbP's, as well as find two fairly long-running games- indicators that i'm not likely to disappear.
I joined a promising game by Talking Donkey but alarm bells rang when I saw he was brand new to the forums. Sure enough, he disappeared a month into the game :(
Sad but true -- I've noticed a lot of GMs who are new to PbP start off with a lot of enthusiasm but fizzle out quickly. I'm sure there are exceptions, though.

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If I didn't have to focus on my degree at least a little bit i'd probably run 1 or 2 more games. Think I will run Carrion Crown in a few months though*- especially as its a plotline i've run on a much less grand scale in Lastwall anyway.
* Translation- When I get this damn 3rd year project out of the way.
Is it too early to throw my hat in the ring for this? ;)

terok |

I will admit to be 1 of the GM "offenders". I was trying to GM a PBP Kingmaker game, had 2 players drop out and had a major work event at the same time that made me quit the game because I couldn't commit the time to do it justice.
I still regret having to walk away from it as about 2 months later work cleared back up but I definitely felt that I let those guys down.
Luckily they were able to find another GM who has stuck with it, although the game moves a little slower. At least I didn't just disappear.
I do plan to try and GM again one day, when I know I can make the commitment. I have another work "event" going on right now for about another 5-6 weeks but after that....who knows.

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Hello. I'm ..interested in playing a PbP game for PFS. However, I'd really like to play one of my three PFS characters that I've already posted here at the site.
Asherick Whiteplume - Human{Korvosan}, male; Paladin 6 [IOMEDAE] / Bard 1 <Andoran Faction>
Gilerandil 'Celebrinalqua' - Half-Elf, male; Cavalier 2 {Order of the Star}[DESNA] / Paladin 2 [DESNA] <Andoran Faction>
Reyhansu Haraadzi 'Seventh Son of the Seventh Son' - Half-Elf, male; Magus 1 <Qadira Faction>
* Note: Reyhansu's posted character write-up is incomplete. I just need to finish his backstory... its kinda involved.
They are all made using the PF organized play rules for stats, gear, and feats.
I'd REALLY want to play Asherick... mid-level games around Indianapolis are...scarce and he is my main character. Of course ...none of what takes place in the pbp game would be 'official'... but would provide me with some interesting backstory to the character when/if I get to play him in actual sit-down PFS games here in indy. Plus I LOVE playing a 'True-Hero'! :)
I'm quite dependable in posting and staying with a game... I've yet to play a PbP game that was too fast paced to keep up with.
...I'm I out of luck?

Shifty |

Ah man! I HATE it when this happens...<kicks rock across floor before exiting the thread>
The other thing you need to get lucky with is finding a game that moves about the speed you want.
Thats why I am in quite a few... I like to get on and have an opportunity to post, several times a day!, not wait three days for someone to pull their fingers out :)

RaFon |

The worst part for me is just trying to get in a game. I check the boards before I go to work in the morning and there is nothing. I get home and there is a thread looking for players and 76 responses. That's why I started this thread. Hoping a lonely DM comes on and offers to run a game...::knudge knudge, wink wink::

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The worst part for me is just trying to get in a game. I check the boards before I go to work in the morning and there is nothing. I get home and there is a thread looking for players and 76 responses. That's why I started this thread. Hoping a lonely DM comes on and offers to run a game...::knudge knudge, wink wink::
Well, are you familiar with Scarred Lands? I have an opening in my Scarred Lands game and it didn't even started yet.

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I am familiar with the city Shalizar{?)"..City of Sins". In a homebrew game our DM used it as the Captial city of his Empire. I was playing <SUNAMBER> Alaerin 'Summerhawke' half-elf, male - PARAGON: Half-Elf 3/ Fig 2/ Wiz{Evoker} 5/ Swordsage 1/ Spellsword 4/ Eldritch Knight 5... yeah we were turning epic after playing for almost 3 years in D&D 3.5.
I captured a Succubus in a Wizard's tower in Shalizar and slapped some {Manacles of Negation} on her so I could question her and find out her master's plans...
...she still seduced <SUNAMBER> {sigh...bad rolls}.
...The party never let me live it down!
Sleep with one demoness and your a demon-lover for life... The DM was cruel. But I guess that Deathwarding Amulet was useful.
Then the DM turned... "The Sorceress" - Rie, on <SUNAMBER>. Lets just say she wanted to know just how magical he really was {preferable...undressed}! DM sure made me pay for having a Charisma of 19... and the other players didn't help.
Tried avoiding that city as much as possible, especially after <SUNAMBER> got married! lol!

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Loremistress Nox, {bows to the lady...} and I are in the same boat... My Paladin is lvl 7 {Paladin 6 / Bard 1}, but I've legitimately played him in 19 PFS game Scenarios to that level. I'd really like to get to play him some more. Here in Indianapolis... we have VERY few games for mid-level PFS characters... we got a whole bunch of newbie players making 1st levels continually. I'd even forgo gettting any in-game 'Experience', or even the DM occasionally Private messaging me with {You are called away by your superiors ...and are not present for this encounter}, or even [and I'll admit being a DM myself, this can be difficult...] having a foe who is sufficient or at least 'fudge-dice' lucky enough to tie the higher level character up in combat so he does not overshadow the other lower level characters. This ADMITTEDLY takes a superior amount of planning and DM acrobatic/flexibility to pull off and make it seem...'natural' and in-line with the story, not easy. Sort of like how Superman is always occupied by some matter or another that the rest of the Justice League gets involved and he's not the one solving the crisis... on his own... every time - because he IS the "Man of Steel - Last Son of Krypton" and just waay out of the average Justice League member power scale!! LOL!
It has sometimes come up with table groups that I have played with the idea that not all players begin at the same level. Look at the Fellowship of the Ring... the 'Nine Walkers', choosen of Elves, Dwarves, Men and Hobbits...{and one Istari Wizard... who blew the level curve all out of wack...}, they all did not start at the same 'level'.
Even the Heroes of the Lance gathered by Tanis, Caramon, Rastlin, Sturm, Tasslehoff... none of them seemed to be the same level either. Problem is a fair an equitable way to do that is ... hard to put into practice. Novels are different that sit-down games. Unfortunately.
Players essentially have to 'take it on faith' from the DM that there will be fair advancement for each player/character... something many gamers are... unwilling to accept. :)
By-the-Way, does anyone else have a high level characters...well not really high...but lvl tier 6-7? Unfortunately...I'm sure if there are... they are not in the same universe. I expect Loremistress Nox's Wizard is possibly a character NOT from the Pathfinder Universe, considering how 'rare' it seems pathfinder world games seem to be here...

Shifty |

/inbound opinion... take cover!
Ok guys I have been reading away, and would like to raise a few points that I have seen that might help a little.
'The games get a bajillion applicants'
This is VERY true. They all do, and if they dont then its a bad sign.
What this means is that you need to read very carefully what the GM is offering, have a look at the style of the campaign and then make a 'pitch' of what your character is and what you bring to the table.
GM's are looking for people who show a bit of thought (shows maturity), committment, and for you to be 'easy to get a long with'. These things are all good signs to a GM that you will stick it out. By addressing these factors you rapidly stand out in the crowd and are more likely to get on the shortlist.
So READ REALLY CAREFULLY what the GM is offering. Match it as CLOSELY as possible... if you look like you are a switched on player who is going to make the GM's life easy, they will be happy campers. If you CANT READ or pitch something completely over the top that in no way relates to whats going on, or its some powerUb3rcombo axemace-wielding runeebladicdeathknight hafldrow/dhampirflavourofthemonth that looks like an 11 year olds fantasy... they will freak.
But SHIFTY! I wanna play a powerUb3rcombo axemace-wielding runeebladicdeathknight hafldrow/dhampirflavourofthemonth that looks like an 11 year olds fantasy!
Cool, I had an off the wall combo down too - something original that was a COMPLETE pain in the rear to 'get right' and so I set up a thread for that character as LFG and BOY did I cop a lot of heat. Some was good criticism, some was just negative nay-saying, but I took it all on board and tinkered the idea, taking a few nerfs til I thought it was 'fair enough'.
I also looked up who was running the EXACT campaign I wanted and went and directly asked the GM's if they might have a spot, remembering that I was interrupting their games, and they were doing me a huge favour by even reading my app.
Spend some time building, look for what you want, show the GM you care enough about his game and time (and how you can make his experience a good one) and you wont have an issue.
/rant off.
If anyone feels offended just let me know, and we can talk about it.

RaFon |

RaFon wrote:The worst part for me is just trying to get in a game. I check the boards before I go to work in the morning and there is nothing. I get home and there is a thread looking for players and 76 responses. That's why I started this thread. Hoping a lonely DM comes on and offers to run a game...::knudge knudge, wink wink::Well, are you familiar with Scarred Lands? I have an opening in my Scarred Lands game and it didn't even started yet.
Sorry, no I am not.

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I've tried finding the Core Game setting sourcebook for 'Scarred Lands' but have been unsuccessful... I only have Relics & Rituals.
So... I'm also mostly unfamiliar with the game world setting... I know Titans, Big War, Gods fought some killed - Summarian Gods to be exact, but no Ishtar or Marduk {what gives with that?} and world wrecked. not much else.