A big thank you to everyone


Liberty's Edge

You might remember me I made a thread about a Sorceress who was the last one left alive with an inexperience group.

About a week or so ago we were in the third meeting of our campaign. By now our group comprised of


I believe the DM was doing a pre set campaign, out of the previous group we had everyone except for the Bard who called it quits. It was alright though because we were doing quite well.

Pretty much The Barbarian was the front line damage with the cleric healing also the Druid if he needed to.

With rage I was able to mow down anything that came across our path. The Rogue was doing pretty good and so was the Wizard with Force Missile. Eventually we ended with the final encounter.

I forgot the name of the Beast but she summoned demons from a lava pit and was able to fly and go invisible. As we tried to find her I went up the stairs and she appeared behind me. She critically hit me but I was able to save. I got hit for 15 my total hit points where 18.

I was caught off guard but was able (thanks to experience) take a 5 foot step forward then move and chug a health potion. The cleric was able to heal me and I had enough hit points from there on out.

After we cut off her path (in a stairway) she dissapeared after casting Fear. Me and the Wizard did not save so we were running away as she appeared in a fountain near the entrance.

Eventually I snap out of it (Me being the Barbarian) and she appears right in front of me. I charge her and manage to hit her while in rage. Everyone else is able to surround her so she is totally cut off.

She attempts to leap in the air but the Rogue critically hits her between the legs. (Oh yeah!) She fumbles and falls nearby.

Quickly everyone surrounds her again and she finally goes down. I was so happy and so was everyone else. (The Wizard eventually got back during the last skirmish from his fear)

The bear from the Druid was also quite the killing machine. Also the Cleric who usually rolls bad I think got the killing blow.

Overall the most important thing is now that we know what we are doing we are way more formidable. Next round the Rogue will be gone so it will only be four of us.

There are about two more side rooms to explore before we head back into town and talk to the Mayor. (This is the campaign with the Shoanti frontier town)

The Barbarian chew you can buy also comes in handy for a Barbarian. It gives you one more round of rage for an hour.

Finally everyone leveled up (except me because I missed a gameplay session since I was sick but I'm close about 300 xp away).

Thank you to everyone who has helped me in the past. I am very happy how this turned out and will probably purchase the Advanced player's guide or the Bestiary 2.

Also a big thanks to Paizo for making this game even though it is borrowing from D&D 3.5.

Happy new years all!

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