Sarrion |

I couldn't really find a rule for this so I'll ask here.
If you used a lassoe on someone and then proceeded to attempt to drag them, would you just use a standard drag check to see if you could pull them toward you?
Only reason i ask is because the drag rules state that it's for dragging someone behind you as you move across the battlefield and not for dragging someone towards you from range.

kyrt-ryder |
Unless the lassoe is a specific weapon for that purpose, I'm guessing the CMB would probably take a -4 nonproficiency penalty (with the proper weapon proficiency removing that penalty.)
Just a guess though.
EDIT: note though, that once you've successfully caught someone in a net/lassoe, if you were going to drag them at range by moving yourself (So the distance between you and the target remains the same) I wouldn't apply the penalty.