Making Characters

Gamer Life General Discussion

When i have nothing else to do i often find myself just making random characters for games that i will probably never play.

Does anybody else do this, or should i join gamers anonymous or something?


My games often need more characters.

How do you feel about CR...9?

Seriously, give us stat blocks! That's what stuff like the pathfinderdb is fot, so that people working three kinda jobs like me have resources for mooks!

Hi Phneri,

where would I find the resource you mentioned? Can never have enough mooks.

Next time i find myself making a pathfinders character ill write up a stat block and post it. But at the moment i dont have any extra pathfinder characters lying around.

jody mcadoo wrote:

Hi Phneri,

where would I find the resource you mentioned? Can never have enough mooks.
:P under GM tools. checks NPCs.

I write NPC stats probably more often than I should. It doesn't stop there; after a few NPCs with some connection are created, I write up some dialogue. I've prepared so many campaigns that will likely never get played. They usually get recycled into whatever the group is running at the time, so in a way, they all see some table-time.

The current time-waster I'm enjoying is d100 tables. I've done some of everything: another 100 tiefling physical traits, 100 aasimar traits, 100 ways to land in local lock-up, 100 urban room features, 100 disgusting tavern specialties, and so forth. Maybe I'll throw together a pdf sometime.

I have a folder in Hero Labs called "Characters In Search of a Game." So yes, you're not the only one.

-The Gneech

I enjoy sorting out the mechanics of the game, so I do this fairly regularly too. Any time I see something intersting, like a feat or a new base class or an archtype I write out a character. It helps me understand the mechanics better, and it gives me a healthy folder full of potential npcs. I keep them organized by cr and in categories similar to whats in the npc section of the game mastery guide. That way if i ever need them, I have them for my game.

Necromancer wrote:

The current time-waster I'm enjoying is d100 tables. I've done some of everything: another 100 tiefling physical traits, 100 aasimar traits, 100 ways to land in local lock-up, 100 urban room features, 100 disgusting tavern specialties, and so forth. Maybe I'll throw together a pdf sometime.

I would love to see these.

Back the OP, I have a folder of random NPCs I make for fun, some finished, some scrapped halfway through the process. Sometimes I manage to actually bring them into a game but often they're purely theoretical exercises for fun. I honestly enjoy character building for its own sake, so.

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