wraithstrike |

It looks fine to me. Just make sure you have an avatar so that I have something to put on the map. We'll get started tonight after I get home and I finish making the map.
You can use Obo's avatar and I still need to know if the limit on consumables is counted before or after the buffing round.

DM Barcas |

You get 1 round at the beginning of the fight to do whatever you want. You can drink the potion or cast a spell or whatever. You cannot drink prior to the match or cast spells beforehand. This keeps things fair for everyone.
What avatar do you want to use? I don't think that your gladiator is a beholder. If so, I think you have an advantage.

wraithstrike |

You get 1 round at the beginning of the fight to do whatever you want. You can drink the potion or cast a spell or whatever. You cannot drink prior to the match or cast spells beforehand. This keeps things fair for everyone.
What avatar do you want to use? I don't think that your gladiator is a beholder. If so, I think you have an advantage.
I was asking about the free buff round, which I viewed as being before the fight. I will explain differently.
Does the count(we only have 3) on the free consumables start before or after the free buff round?
In other words can I drink a potion during the free buff round and still have 3, or am I only allowed to have 2 after the free buff round assuming I drink one potion in the first round.

wraithstrike |

I had to change my guy's name. The other one was already taken, and I have a short story of his motivations also. The mechanics have not changed. link to Archy

wraithstrike |

I am sorry I am late. I forgot I started working night shift tonight, and I was busy all day. Do we start the battle armed or unarmed?
Also Torinath gets a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks due to me taking the guide ranger variant. My free buffing round will consist of a potion of haste. I forgot to get a spell component pouch. If it is to late to make changes I understand. I am ready to fight. :)
Edit:All that work to get my initiative high and I roll a one :(.

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It was cool. I had thought the idea was more to play to the crowds like in prof wrestling, but I still got to see how the character played a little. I also was under the impression we started with 1 round worth of buff already, so kind of screwed myself there. Might try him out again, or try something new.
I actually toned him down a bit, trying to spread out powers to hinder all classes. So for example I had Calm Emotions in case of Barbarians, was gearing up for Deeper Darkness + Silence, and had originally planned on a combination of Stone Shape, Enter Image (APG), and Meld with Stone. That would have been great, but kind of cheap, too.

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It was cool. I had thought the idea was more to play to the crowds like in prof wrestling, but I still got to see how the character played a little. I also was under the impression we started with 1 round worth of buff already, so kind of screwed myself there. Might try him out again, or try something new.
I actually toned him down a bit, trying to spread out powers to hinder all classes. So for example I had Calm Emotions in case of Barbarians, was gearing up for Deeper Darkness + Silence, and had originally planned on a combination of Stone Shape, Enter Image (APG), and Meld with Stone. That would have been great, but kind of cheap, too.
Hmmm...well it would be an interesting combination to see in action.
I might try a martial class next time (if DM Barcas keeps this going). I was thinking Inquisitor.
The Ranger Guide variant that wraithstrike is using seems very nice. The Ranger Focus is quite effective.

Torinath |

DM Barcas wrote:Yeah, it seems tailormade for level 6 2v2 matches.Level 6 seems like a good level for this too. Classes have several cool abilities and spells, but nobody is really super powerful.
I have a question MoFiddy, How were you able to get a Hold Person DC of 23? I have been wracking my brain. I figure +6 from Charisma... maybe Spell Focus and GSF, but that only brings it up to a DC of 21. Unless you spent all your wealth on a +4 item which only brings it up to 22...

wraithstrike |

I am having fun with it. I want to try a different class though, but Archy is available for those that want to try their hand upon request. Mofiddy is giving me a run right now. I break free of one spell, and I am down again.
PS: If we get enough people I am not too selfish to let someone else try their hand at it.

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MoFiddy wrote:I have a question MoFiddy, How were you able to get a Hold Person DC of 23? I have been wracking my brain. I figure +6 from Charisma... maybe Spell Focus and GSF, but that only brings it up to a DC of 21. Unless you spent all your wealth on a +4 item which only brings it up to 22...DM Barcas wrote:Yeah, it seems tailormade for level 6 2v2 matches.Level 6 seems like a good level for this too. Classes have several cool abilities and spells, but nobody is really super powerful.
The Fey Bloodline gives me +2 to any compulsion school spell.
Charisma of 22 (17 base +2 racial +1 level +2 headband): +6
Spell Focus and GSF: +2
Fey Bloodline bonus: +2
Total +10, so Hold Person is 23.
Kind of cheesy, but I wanted to try it out. :)

wraithstrike |

Torinath wrote:MoFiddy wrote:I have a question MoFiddy, How were you able to get a Hold Person DC of 23? I have been wracking my brain. I figure +6 from Charisma... maybe Spell Focus and GSF, but that only brings it up to a DC of 21. Unless you spent all your wealth on a +4 item which only brings it up to 22...DM Barcas wrote:Yeah, it seems tailormade for level 6 2v2 matches.Level 6 seems like a good level for this too. Classes have several cool abilities and spells, but nobody is really super powerful.The Fey Bloodline gives me +2 to any compulsion school spell.
Charisma of 22 (17 base +2 racial +1 level +2 headband): +6
Spell Focus and GSF: +2
Fey Bloodline bonus: +2Total +10, so Hold Person is 23.
Kind of cheesy, but I wanted to try it out. :)
I don't think it is cheesy. I think it was smart, not that I enjoyed being your favorite target. :)

wraithstrike |

One thing I would suggest is level 8 rather than 6, as that is when a lot of classes start to really come into their own, better Feat options open up, and things like that. Also possibly only allowing Good or Evil characters to help make it fair for classes who really work off of Alignment.
Neutral characters get harmed by both good and evil spells that work off of alignment. They do get to avoid smite though.
Edit:I agree, but the alignments would have to be announced ahead of time so nobody chooses a paladin, but is then unable to smite.

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There are more things than that, though. Protection From Evil for example or various Class features of Clerics, a lot of Heaven Bloodline Sorcerers, Oracles, Inquisitors, etc . . . A lot of classes just have class features that only work against Alignments, and in PvP, Neutral is just a cheat, especially at this level where most of the powerful alignment spells are not accessable.
Alternatively, and possibly an easier and fairer answer is to say that oppossing teams count as an Alignment for your team, (so the team has to pick and work together).

wraithstrike |

I was originally thinking of making 2 extra points on the point buy for anyone who picks LG/CG/LE/CE and 1 point for LN/NG/CN/NE. What do you think?
I don't think good guys should get a bonus over evil guys unless there is something attached to make them actually want to play their characters as good. I can see someone saying they are "good" just for the extra points.
I would like an evil vs good team battle though. Which team is good can be decided by choice or random chance.
Edit:I just noticed the people that choose two alignments to get hit on get more point than those that choose a lesser amount. I think that might work. I would go for 0 or 2 extra points though, most likely speaking strictly from a mechanical perspective.

wraithstrike |

Mechanically, true neutral would be 20 point buy, neutral on one axis would be 21, neutral on neither axis would be 22.
Are you suggesting 20-22-24?
I worded it badly. I was saying I would probably go whatever option gave me two points as a player. 1 point might give me an odd score which does not really do a lot. A 22 point buy would give me another modifer somewhere more likely.
After actually thinking about it more->I guess I am suggesting 22-23. 2 point for being evil or good. 1 point for being chaotic or lawful. Almost nobody, IME, chooses an ability spell that attacks those.
The problem is whether or not it has to be announced ahead of time. If not I doubt anyone plays a paladin or anti-paladin.
edit:for clarification.

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I didn't mean for it to be that big an issue, really. Allowing certain alignments more build points really doesn't help to much as the issue is certain classes just are not as effective as others. A simple option is to drop Alignment, and powers just work on everyone? Or rather effectively drop alignment, so divine casters are still restricted in spells, Paladins are still noble and good, etc. . .

wraithstrike |

I didn't mean for it to be that big an issue, really. Allowing certain alignments more build points really doesn't help to much as the issue is certain classes just are not as effective as others. A simple option is to drop Alignment, and powers just work on everyone? Or rather effectively drop alignment, so divine casters are still restricted in spells, Paladins are still noble and good, etc. . .
Some powers do more or less damage depending on the alignment. You do have a valid point though. I think just having people choose to be on Team Evil or Team Good should work. I don't see to many chaos or lawful based spells used anyway, except by outsiders.

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I have a few questions now that it is over. What was it you where looking for from us? I enjoyed it, it just sems I had a different impression at the beginning.
I agree it is an excellent way to see how a character plays, and does go very fast, and is also very fun.
Something that might be cool to try is to have people be lower level, but have more HP, like for example only be level 2, but have 6th level HP.
Another suggestion is to have the individuals describe (within reason), what the other players see about their characters, particularly about weapons, but also I really enjoyed how some spell effects where presented. I only guickly looked over the other characters and was surprised when both pulled out bows.
All in all, though, it was very fun and a very good idea, so thank you.
Two final suggestion that may be fun or may be too much effort.
1.) You may concider toning down some area affect spells that affect large areas, like my Entangle spell. I could have blanketted almost the entire arena, (40 ft radius), and that is too much for this style of play. Cutting it back to a 10ft radius, or maybe having it affect a single character wherever they move (until the beak free/save 3 times or something) might be better.
2.) It might also be interesting if there are hidden perils inside the arena, hidden traps, trip wires that cause the individual to fall prone, and one use type things.

Torinath |

That was a lot of fun.
I have a few suggestions:
#1: Create another Google docs document that contains rulings and character creation guidelines for quick-reference. Just for clarity's sake.
#2: Possibly scale down the map square size if possible. The 1" squares are almost unmanageably large.
#3: Since we only have a few people interested so far, I think 5-ish. Perhaps switch it up every now and then and put us in against monsters, or have one team choose CR equivalent monsters.
I like the large Area of Effect spells, that is how they are supposed to work :). Although, I foresee a lot of people either being an archer or buying potions of Fly as a baseline and getting potions of see invisibility. I should have used one instead of Elixir of Vision, but in our games we rule on invisibility slightly differently.

wraithstrike |

I have a few questions now that it is over. What was it you where looking for from us? I enjoyed it, it just sems I had a different impression at the beginning.
I agree it is an excellent way to see how a character plays, and does go very fast, and is also very fun.
Something that might be cool to try is to have people be lower level, but have more HP, like for example only be level 2, but have 6th level HP.
Another suggestion is to have the individuals describe (within reason), what the other players see about their characters, particularly about weapons, but also I really enjoyed how some spell effects where presented. I only guickly looked over the other characters and was surprised when both pulled out bows.
All in all, though, it was very fun and a very good idea, so thank you.
Two final suggestion that may be fun or may be too much effort.
1.) You may concider toning down some area affect spells that affect large areas, like my Entangle spell. I could have blanketted almost the entire arena, (40 ft radius), and that is too much for this style of play. Cutting it back to a 10ft radius, or maybe having it affect a single character wherever they move (until the beak free/save 3 times or something) might be better.
2.) It might also be interesting if there are hidden perils inside the arena, hidden traps, trip wires that cause the individual to fall prone, and one use type things.
I do think better character descriptions are in order next time at the beginning of the match, so that way people will at least know what weapons you have, and it gives you a way to play to the crowd. Beckett was great at that.
Most area affects are not that big(only 20 feet) so I am not worried about it and the a person may trap themselves in a corner so I am sure strategic placing is still the only thing most people would do.Adding affects like traps would be ok, but it should be advertised as a different type of match which is also not bad.

wraithstrike |

That was a lot of fun.
I have a few suggestions:
#1: Create another Google docs document that contains rulings and character creation guidelines for quick-reference. Just for clarity's sake.
#2: Possibly scale down the map square size if possible. The 1" squares are almost unmanageably large.
#3: Since we only have a few people interested so far, I think 5-ish. Perhaps switch it up every now and then and put us in against monsters, or have one team choose CR equivalent monsters.I like the large Area of Effect spells, that is how they are supposed to work :). Although, I foresee a lot of people either being an archer or buying potions of Fly as a baseline and getting potions of see invisibility. I should have used one instead of Elixir of Vision, but in our games we rule on invisibility slightly differently.
1.Not a bad idea
2.The squares were big. When the characters got far apart I had to use the vertical bar a few times.3.I think this is good also.

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I have a few questions now that it is over. What was it you where looking for from us? I enjoyed it, it just sems I had a different impression at the beginning.
I agree it is an excellent way to see how a character plays, and does go very fast, and is also very fun.
Something that might be cool to try is to have people be lower level, but have more HP, like for example only be level 2, but have 6th level HP.
Another suggestion is to have the individuals describe (within reason), what the other players see about their characters, particularly about weapons, but also I really enjoyed how some spell effects where presented. I only guickly looked over the other characters and was surprised when both pulled out bows.
All in all, though, it was very fun and a very good idea, so thank you.
Two final suggestion that may be fun or may be too much effort.
1.) You may concider toning down some area affect spells that affect large areas, like my Entangle spell. I could have blanketted almost the entire arena, (40 ft radius), and that is too much for this style of play. Cutting it back to a 10ft radius, or maybe having it affect a single character wherever they move (until the beak free/save 3 times or something) might be better.
2.) It might also be interesting if there are hidden perils inside the arena, hidden traps, trip wires that cause the individual to fall prone, and one use type things.
The large areas were, well, large :) It seems like a big effort to restrict them though and I'm not sure that's really necessary. Do you nerf Entangle, but not Glitterdust? Who knows?
I was impressed by Spike Growth. That is a nice spell. Minor damage, slow movement, and the victim has to burn an action to heal themselves to get rid of the slowness.
I like #2 though. What do you mean by one use type things? Like a potion or a scroll?

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That was a lot of fun.
I have a few suggestions:
#1: Create another Google docs document that contains rulings and character creation guidelines for quick-reference. Just for clarity's sake.
#2: Possibly scale down the map square size if possible. The 1" squares are almost unmanageably large.
#3: Since we only have a few people interested so far, I think 5-ish. Perhaps switch it up every now and then and put us in against monsters, or have one team choose CR equivalent monsters.I like the large Area of Effect spells, that is how they are supposed to work :). Although, I foresee a lot of people either being an archer or buying potions of Fly as a baseline and getting potions of see invisibility. I should have used one instead of Elixir of Vision, but in our games we rule on invisibility slightly differently.
I kind of liked the big squares, but smaller ones would be fine too. I can see how that might be unwieldy. Especially on a phone.

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2.) It might also be interesting if there are hidden perils inside the arena, hidden traps, trip wires that cause the individual to fall prone, and one use type things.
I like #2 though. What do you mean by one use type things? Like a potion or a scroll?
I mean like things that only come into effect once. They might stay in effect, but a trip wire that trips someone is then broken, (or everyone sees it and no longer a threat for that square). Maybe a rock falls out of the tree onto someone beneath it, or a dart trap between two rocks, but once they go off, the trap does not reset for that match, (unless maybe someone spends a full action to reset it?). Minor hazards that the crowd sees, and are more humorous in nature than leathal or hindering.
Cursed items like a Broom of Animated Attack might be particularly funny.
Maybe a goblin pops up from a hidden whole in the ground, jabs a spear at the person and flees.
Something else that could be interesting would be to have victory conditions. Maybe people must climb the tree to grab a flag, but the tree is greased and has an area of Antimagic near the top preventing fliers from circumventing.
Or the whole team must make it to one side and back to ther original entrance to win, (even if unconcious).
Maybe a match is melee range only, or spells only, or archery only. Nonlethal damage.

DM Barcas |

I couldn't even get to the map on my phone.
Perhaps, for ease of play on the map, we could give everyone editing rights. Invisible/hiding creatures could be put in a box (aptly titled "Unknown Location") until their location is known again, with their actual location put in spoiler tags. Perhaps the audience could be like The Price is Right, shouting out general locations.

wraithstrike |

I couldn't even get to the map on my phone.
Perhaps, for ease of play on the map, we could give everyone editing rights. Invisible/hiding creatures could be put in a box (aptly titled "Unknown Location") until their location is known again, with their actual location put in spoiler tags. Perhaps the audience could be like The Price is Right, shouting out general locations.
That might work, but if I can't figure something out I will let you know. I don't want to try to move myself, and en up resizing a square.

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Torinath |