Two Teams Enter, One Team Leaves (PBP PVP)

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Having enjoyed this thread's arena battles, I'm looking to start a higher level, team-based version.

Depending on the level of response, we can do 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. (Anything more would get ridiculously unwieldy.)


1. Everyone is level 6. This allows for some decent builds.
2. 20 point buy with no stat below 8 and only one below 10.
3. Maximum hit points at first level, average hit points at subsequent levels (rounded up).
4. Everything from the Core Rulebook and Advanced Player's Guide (plus the current playtest magus) is allowed, with the exceptions listed in the PFS guide.
- Leadership
- Brew Potion --> Extra Bombs (Alchemist)
- Craft Rod/Magic Arms & Armor/Staff/Wand/Wondrous Item
- Forge Ring
- Scribe Scroll --> Spell Focus (Wizard)
5. Two traits selected from
6. Standard wealth by level, which is 16,000 gp for 6th level.
7. We are looking for spectacle, so nova-ing is encouraged. Every participant will begin at full hit points, full spells, and given a round to buff before the battle begins.
8. Arena participants are limited to only 3 consumable items, such as oils, potions, and scrolls.

1. Spoiler tags are for secret messages, not for the whole post.
2. Descriptive posts are heavily encouraged. This is an arena in which you fight to the death for the amusement of others. Treat it as thus.
3. Maps will be created by Google Docs. Believe me, it works well. Each player will have an individual map, and the spectators will have a bird's eye view. (Please don't cheat if you're a player.)
4. Backgrounds and personalities are required. These gladiators must be loved or hated by the audience, not viewed as a mere collection of numbers and letters.
5. The arena is in the Taldan port town of Ridonport, where decadent Taldan nobles mingle with travelers from all around the Inner Sea. The crowd of a well-publicized arena match can number in the thousands, coming from all parts of Avistan to watch.
6. The arena is run by a Count Agaman, a Taldan minor nobleman who takes great pains to maximize his profits. He has also taken great pains, however, to eliminate (most of the) danger for the audience. Permanent walls of force protect the audience members from stray arrows and spells. On the rare occasion that they are breached, Count Agaman has personally paid for the resurrection of any noble and the funeral of anyone else.
7. Count Agaman makes many thousands of gold from the bets placed every arena battle. Knowing that he must attract the finest fighters to make money, the purse for winning is typically up to 10% of the profit. The largest purse won thus far is a gargantuan 12,225 gold, won by a human ranger, Gaius Tartanus, and an elven magus, Sovyriel Narasyon. They defeated the fearsome pair of an Ulfen barbarian, Goamun the Hard-Eyed and Tatyana von Niklai, a cruel half-elf witch.

Sign up between now and 12/22/2010 at 1200 hrs Central Standard Time for your chance to fight for glory, to fight for honor, to fight for money! This is the first round sign-up. If we get an odd number, we will randomly place someone automatically in the second round. If anyone wants to sign up as a team, that is fine. We can also randomly place team members together if that is what you prefer.

Any audience members will have an opportunity to place bets before battles, which we will work out a system for soon.

Arena Map (Spectators/DM)

Arena Map (Team One)

Arena Map (Team Two)

The arena is a well-built, large structure in the finest tradition of Taldan excess. The main battling area is 100 feet wide and 100 feet long, allowing for a wide range of activity. The ceiling is 40 feet high with painted with a very elaborate fresco showing Taldor at war.

The battle arena has seen extremely varied environments, depending on the needs of a particular fight. Count Agaman employs several mages and druids to quickly and efficiently sculpt the battlefield to his liking. He considers himself a man of honor, as all Taldans do, and attempts to create a battlefield that is fair to all participants while providing adequate opportunity for creative use of terrain.

Do we sign up as a team or simply enter combatants?

You can do either. If you find someone in the thread you want as a teammate, that can be arranged. If you want random placement, we can do that. If you want to bring a whole team, that's fine.

Sovereign Court

I'm sure there must be a good map you can use for an arena for Maptools or something? Google docs maps work but they are hardly exciting to look at.

I've been using Google Docs for a while to DM. They're not remarkably exciting visually, but you can actually do quite a bit with them, plus they're modifiable by the players. Give it a try and you might be impressed.

Sovereign Court

DM Barcas wrote:
I've been using Google Docs for a while to DM. They're not remarkably exciting visually, but you can actually do quite a bit with them, plus they're modifiable by the players. Give it a try and you might be impressed.

I've looked at your examples and as my previous statement inferred, i've given them a try before.

I'm swamped over the xmas period but I might be in on this if its still going in january.

DM Barcas wrote:

Having enjoyed this thread's arena battles, I'm looking to start a higher level, team-based version.

4. Everything from the Core Rulebook and Advanced Player's Guide (plus the current playtest magus) is allowed, with the exceptions listed in the PFS guide.
- Leadership
- Brew Potion --> Extra Bombs (Alchemist)
- Craft Rod/Magic Arms & Armor/Staff/Wand/Wondrous Item
- Forge Ring
- Scribe Scroll --> Spell Focus (Wizard)


1.Is the wizard the only class restricted from spell focus?

No, that's the replacement feat since they can't take crafting feats and normally would get Scribe Scroll automatically.

Alexander, I have to thank you. Your criticism of Google Docs had me thinking about what I can do with it to make it more visually appealing. The first example was simply the general size and shape of the structure, not the maps themselves.

Take a look. This would be the example duel between Sovyriel & Gaius vs. Goamun & Tatyana. I'm going to see what else I can do about making the terrain more visual than simple colors, but adding the icons is a good start.

Dark Archive

I'd love to get in on this, however, Google docs is blocked form work, which is where i do most of my posting

Shadow Lodge

I am interested. Working on a Character now. Any chance that aditional Traits and maybe spells will be allowed (from PF Players Companions and official material only) on a case by case basis?

Just going to keep it with what's in those two books (plus magus/trait documents) for ease of building and fairness.

I want to see a team of 4 wizards! Go!

Shadow Lodge

Can we have more than one character? Not together obviously, just curious. Wanted to see how a few class ideas worked out.

You can't have more than one character per match, but as many as you want other than that.

Dark Archive

Interesting. I should be able to come up with PC backstory tonight. Not sure what class yet...

I want to try.
My current choices are an archer fighter, an oracle, and a cleric. I will fill in with one of these as needed.

I am willing to try a wizard or sorcerer, but it is not my first choice.

Sounds good. Anyone you want to team up with?

DM Barcas wrote:
Sounds good. Anyone you want to team up with?

I have no preference. I just want to try some classes out, and it will be a while before I get to play again, as a player.

Here is Tyrus. He is a Fey Sorcerer. His background is in the profile page. I am almost done with him. I just need to finish his gear.

I'm willing to team up with anyone.

I've been brainstorming options. Quick question.

DM Barcas wrote:
2. 20 point buy with no stat below 8 and only one below 10.

Does this mean not below before or after racial modifications? That seems to favor races who don't have stat penalties, as those races can use unnecessary stats as true dump stats whereas dwarves, gnomes, halflings, etc. can't do the same.

Can i suggest that the rule be no stat below 8 before racial adjustments?

That's fine. It's intended to be not be below 8 for point buy, which is before racial abilities are added in.

Tyrus - Background looks good, but I don't see any stats.

DM Barcas wrote:

That's fine. It's intended to be not be below 8 for point buy, which is before racial abilities are added in.

Tyrus - Background looks good, but I don't see any stats.

I added my stats.

Can we make wagers on ourselves or on our team? What are the odds? :)

Tyrus is good to go. Keep in mind that you only get a single round to buff before the fight begins. With the right teammate, you should be quite dangerous!

Okay, i think this'll be he last question. Only traits from that doc you linked? Or can we use APG traits?

I'm game. I am not sure when I will be able to finish up a character for review, but count me in!

Shadow Lodge

Ok, I am ready to go. Where do I send the character, and are Wands considered consumable items? Also, for possible other characters, do Clerics, Druids, Paladins, Oracles, etc require a deity?

wraithstrike wrote:
DM Barcas wrote:
Sounds good. Anyone you want to team up with?

I have no preference. I just want to try some classes out, and it will be a while before I get to play again, as a player.

Since this is more about me trying something new than winning I will go with the Oracle.

PS:Don't think that means I won't try to win. :)

I should have a build posted tonight. I will try to get a background done in a few(1-3 days) days.

Eben - I think the APG traits are the same as the link. I'll have to check. I just don't want to see the OP ones like Heirloom Weapon or Aldori Duelist.

Beckett - Put it in a spoiler and post it in the thread or make an avatar and post it there. One-shot consumables are limited to 3, but wands are allowed just fine.

Scarab Sages

Ok, this is my character and I will have the Animal Companion up soon. Standard Wolf with Masterwork Wooden Armor Barding, Stealthy and Blind-Fighting Feats.

Beckett - Looks good. You want to be paired with Tyrus (who needs to pick an avatar for the map) or against?

Scarab Sages

I would say with Tyrus, but I dont care to much.

I did a minor edit, taking away Acid, Alchimist's Fire and 1 Thunderstone to purchase a Focus for Shield Other, 2 Platinum Rings for 100 gp.

Avatar selected.

Teaming up with the Wolf Lord is fine with me, but I'm fine with anyone.

Okay, Team One is Tyrus and Beckett. Who will step up to challenge them?

Other players who have expressed interest:
1. Wraithstrike
2. Eben
3. Torinath
4. Solarius (who needs JPG rather than GoogleDocs)

Scarab Sages

To Tyrus Green:
I am mostly designed to negate other classes while remaining strongish myself. I have Calm Emotions for Barbarians and Bards, Wind Wall against archers, Deeper Darkness and Obscuring Mist for Rogues and Melee, and Silence and Obscuring Mist for enemy caster, but also Invisibilty Purge against would be sneaks and arcanists. Between Scent and Blind-Fighting, a few buffs, and healing I think I am pretty strong.

DM Barcas wrote:

Okay, Team One is Tyrus and Beckett. Who will step up to challenge them?

Other players who have expressed interest:
1. Wraithstrike
2. Eben
3. Torinath
4. Solarius (who needs JPG rather than GoogleDocs)

I did not care for the Oracle on paper so I building something else. I just need a partner.

PS:Should I be posting what class I will be making?

You can, if you're so inclined. The master of ceremonies will probably give a brief description during introductions, so it won't be a complete surprise.

To The Wolf Lord:

Nice. I love PF Clerics.

I have a few enchantment spells that can be very effective with my sorcerer abilities. I have a few Conjuration and other spells mixed in there too.

I picture him prancing into the arena like Leaping Lanny Poffo (stop laughing). Perhaps casting Dancing Lights to spell "Tyrus" against the Walls of Force as he runs around the arena before the fight begins. :)

Scarab Sages

to Tyrus Green:
Oh, I forgot, I also have Enthrall for a crowd pleaser.I figure between Hidious Laughter, Laughing Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Enthral, Sanctuary, and some creative uses of other abilities, we can take out one and have some fun pleasing the crown with the other. ha ha ha :)

Whoever is next to complete a character is who I will team with if they don't mind. I wont to build a complimentary character to theirs so I will make my build after theirs. If someone already has a completed build and would not mind having me just let me know.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season. If we can get some opposing teams set up, we can start sometime the week after Christmas.

wraithstrike wrote:
Whoever is next to complete a character is who I will team with if they don't mind. I wont to build a complimentary character to theirs so I will make my build after theirs. If someone already has a completed build and would not mind having me just let me know.

That is supposed to be want not "wont".

Alternately, it can be "I am wont to..."

Johnny Red, reporting for duty.

This is my gladiator, gives me a heads up if he passes muster.

If you want to group with me I would recommend massive ranged damage. :) Or whatever you feel will compliment my guy.

Most interesting, Torinath. Most interesting indeed.

Let me ask y'all a question. I tried accessing the GoogleDoc map from my phone and found that it was not the 1-inch boxes I see on my PC. When you guys look at it, do you see 1-inch boxes?

I can see them as 1-inch boxes on my PC.

Torinath's Gladiator wrote:

Johnny Red, reporting for duty.

This is my gladiator, gives me a heads up if he passes muster.

** spoiler omitted **

If both of us make ranged characters they will be on us real quick like unless you drop spike growth. I do like the fact that you have a bow, and you can go into wild-shape for melee. A nice variation on the switch-hitter concept. I will have something up today. It will most likely be a ranger(archer).

I think we will be ok. :)

DM Barcas wrote:
Arena participants are limited to only 3 consumable items, such as oils, potions, and scrolls.

Is that 3 consumables before or after the free round of buffing?

My character is under Obo's profile- click me

<looks around and teleports away>

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