I Need A Pathfinder Substitute For The Carrion Crawler

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Dark Archive

I am going to be running my kids through the group adventure that was in the original Red Box. However, the first encounter is a carrion crawler which is not in Pathfinder. Can anyone suggest a good alternative?

Silver Crusade

well perhaps you could run the Carrion Crawler as written, but just add its CMD and CMB
it should be fairly easy to convert. let me see if i can work up some halfway decent stats

Can you use the stats for a centipide and apply the Giant template five times?

Dark Archive

I like the cave fisher (CR2 vs Carrion Crawler CR 4) - low level, has a little shtick and is bug like.

Scarab Sages

If you have tome of horrors, there's the Slime Crawler (I think that was its name), the juvenile form of the carrion crawler.

Dark Archive

Auxmaulous wrote:

I like the cave fisher (CR2 vs Carrion Crawler CR 4) - low level, has a little shtick and is bug like.

That is a good idea. I was also considering using a giant spider.

Grand Lodge

What about the grick from Bestiary 2?

David Fryer wrote:
I am going to be running my kids through the group adventure that was in the original Red Box. However, the first encounter is a carrion crawler which is not in Pathfinder. Can anyone suggest a good alternative?

I would just use the 3.5 version and add in a CMB and CMD as was mentioned above - maybe double check the skills and save DCs. Just because they aren't open content doesn't mean I can't convert them for my home games! :)

Good luck!

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
What about the grick from Bestiary 2?

I will not be able to pick up my copy of Bestiary 2 until I get back from Christmas break, otherwise I would.

Grand Lodge

Right, not everyone subscribes. I suppose I could have figured that out from the lack of subscriber tags. :)

Dark Archive

I used to subscribe, but in these economic times...

Silver Crusade

Im sorry, I thought i had my 3.5 monster manuel handy. I can't find it.

Dark Archive

I think I may use a cocktrice as a substitute. It could be fun.

This might be helpful.

It's not PF, but it appears to be 3.5.


Select Carrion Crawler from the drop down.

Why not use an Otyugh? They're also CR4, live on garbage and carrion as well, and are ugly things with tentacles. They don't have a paralyzing attack like a Carrion Crawler but that's probably a good thing for your game, and they do have a grab ability if you want to use a monster that can grapple to go over the new, easier grappling rules. Alternately you could drop grab and just play it without that ability if you don't want to worry about CMD and CMB yet.

Or drop grab and add paralyze. :) DC = 11+CR...

-The Gneech

Dark Archive

Hrothgar Rannúlfr wrote:

This might be helpful.

It's not PF, but it appears to be 3.5.


Select Carrion Crawler from the drop down.

I actually have the monster manual, that is not the problem. I just am trying to stick with what is actually in Golarian and Pathfinder as much as possible.

Scarab Sages

David Fryer wrote:
I actually have the monster manual, that is not the problem. I just am trying to stick with what is actually in Golarian and Pathfinder as much as possible.


I respect your point that you want to stick to the Golarion & Pathfinder setting as much as possible. However, unless the material you're using is meant either for publication for Paizo, is part of some Organized Gaming Group (ie. Pathfinder Society), or for some official Paizo game demo, then YOU are the final authority on what dwells in the world of Golarion.

I ran a long-term Star Wars RPG for a group of gamers years ago set in the days leading up to the Clone Wars. During the course of the game, I had a clone of Darth Maul show up and start beating the crap out of the players, and nearly kill Mace Windu. One of the players immediately had a panic attack and said, "You can't do that! Darth Maul is dead! His body was incinerated" My response was simple, "Who said that this was George Lucas' Star Wars Universe?"

I stepped away from what was considered "cannon", but did adhere to the themes and general storyline of the game. At first, some of the players were hesitant. But then they realized, THEY COULD DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED. The end result of the Clone Wars was IN THEIR HANDS. I made it clear that anybody could die; the players, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Darth Sidious, and even Yoda were mortal and could be killed. If they players played their hands right, THEY would become the real movers and shakers of the universe. This upped the stakes for them in the game, and made the adventure that much more involved.

So, in my opinion, don't worry about cannon in your home campaign. Open the door to your 3.5e material "Pandora's Box" and let the creative juices flow. Your players will be surprised and held in suspense as they won't know what will happen next or what could be behind the next door.

Keep us in the loop, regardless of how this resolves, as we're really enjoying what you've got planned for your players.


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