Possible Bestiary 2 PDF errata / problems

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Leukodaemon (pg 68) -

Natural weapon damages match creature size, however the longbow damage is listed as per a medium longbow (1d8). No SQ are listed, meaning it does not have the Undersized Weapons SQ and should wield a large longbow.

If this is approved to be posted to the "definite problems" thread, please do so for me, as I don't often browse the messageboards and may not pay attention enough to post it there.

Epic Meepo wrote:
chopswil wrote:

to all who posted here...

if you still think your original error post is valid please repost on the other thread please

If I'm correctly understanding the point of the other thread, you shouldn't repost there until other posters have had a chance to examine and debate your post here (or if you're reporting an obvious typo instead of a stat block error). Only after several other posters agree that you've found a stat block error should you repost it in the other thread.

(If people just repost stat block errors in the other thread without waiting for a second opinion here, we run the risk of the second thread also getting relabeled "possible errors" and ignored.)

Correct. I did not state this when I made the other thread, honestly because I had not thought of it, but having 2 other posters verify your math errors should be done before it is moved over. The same should be done for non-math errors.

Feel free to bump your post if needed. The less Sean has to look at false-positives the more errata we can get fixed.

PS: your=anyone that is posting errors.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Well I think possible math errors deserve double/triple checking before calling them actual "errors" needing investigation by Sean (or anyone at Paizo for that matter.)

However, clear typographical errors, such as misspellings, or missing punctuation don't generally require double-checking I'd think.

The Wood Giant (page 132) should have a "mwk composite longbow" in his Ranged entry, and not just "mwk longbow". He gets a +5 Strength bonus to damage because the bow is composite (that's why his damage is 2d6+5 and not just 2d6), and also under the Treasure entry it notes that he carries a masterwork composite longbow.


Silver Crusade

So, should I repost the wendigo feat issue in the other thread? It has an unnecessary Multiattack feat.


Redirect Spell (Su) Any creature that attempts to cast a spell
within 30 feet of a xacarba must cast the spell defensively.
If the caster fails the concentration check to do so (or if the
caster opts to not cast defensively), the xacarba can choose
the target of the spell as a swift action. The new target must
be a legal target—if there’s no legal alternative target to
choose from, this ability cannot be used.

Since this occurs on the player's go shouldn't it be an immediate action?

PS:We need to start verifying each other.

Ninja'd By Jeryst.

p. 104

Dragon Horse has Special Attacks listed above Space/Reach; though I'm not sure that this is a real error, since according to SKR, there's no real set order to the stat block...

vip00 wrote:

p. 104

Dragon Horse has Special Attacks listed above Space/Reach; though I'm not sure that this is a real error, since according to SKR, there's no real set order to the stat block...

I am going to remember that if I get to the villain round of RPG Superstar.

Touch AC
Fort Save
Will Save


Seriously:I hope nobody makes a stat block like that, and I hope they do get an official format.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
vip00 wrote:

p. 104

Dragon Horse has Special Attacks listed above Space/Reach; though I'm not sure that this is a real error, since according to SKR, there's no real set order to the stat block...

Hey now... I thought we went over this... ;)

Dark Archive

vip00 wrote:

p. 104

Dragon Horse has Special Attacks listed above Space/Reach; though I'm not sure that this is a real error, since according to SKR, there's no real set order to the stat block...

umm, they do have an order p.5 Bestiary

e.g "Defensive Abilities/DR/Immune/Resist/SR" is the order these are supposed to be listed if values exist, bolded and separated by semicolons.

jreyst wrote:

Hey now... I thought we went over this... ;)

Sorry, I'll play nice. This is all going to get filtered over to the other thread anyway, right?

p. 112 Dust Digger does not list a Treasure entry. I would assume that it's supposed to be none or incidental (leftovers? yum!).

p. 3-4

dragonfly nymph seems to be missing from the index

Dark Archive

jreyst wrote:

Well I think possible math errors deserve double/triple checking before calling them actual "errors" needing investigation by Sean (or anyone at Paizo for that matter.)

However, clear typographical errors, such as misspellings, or missing punctuation don't generally require double-checking I'd think.

I haven't seen to many responses to my potential skill point or CMD errors.

With skill points you are always saying, "There could be something else..."

p. 273 Giant Snapping turtle description states: "its head features powerful, razor-sharp beak."

The description seems to be missing an article (probably a powerful...)

chopswil wrote:
jreyst wrote:

Well I think possible math errors deserve double/triple checking before calling them actual "errors" needing investigation by Sean (or anyone at Paizo for that matter.)

However, clear typographical errors, such as misspellings, or missing punctuation don't generally require double-checking I'd think.

I haven't seen to many responses to my potential skill point or CMD errors.

With skill points you are always saying, "There could be something else..."

I have checked every one of your posts in this thread to date, chopswil, and if I didn't specifically disagree with your assessment, then I concur with it. If you're looking for two votes to transfer your observations to the SKR thread, consider my silence (or if I added something on) to mean that I've given the first vote.

I'm curious if we could get some guidance about outsiders and how their theme-appropriate class skills are chosen. In a lot of places, I've tried to follow the following logic to 'reverse engineer' them:

1) Is the listed skill normally class? If yes, go to 4
2) Have 4 theme-appropriate skills been assigned? If yes, go to 4
3) Make this skill one of the theme-appropriate class skills.
4) Assign skill ranks until listed value is reached.
Loop for all skills listed in stat block

However, this led to several cases where the creature has leftover skill points in some multiple of 3. I theorized in several places that for whatever reason "Skill X was not made into a class skill". This would suggest that Skill Y, which the creature did not put ranks in, was made into a class skill. It isn't "optimized", but it makes a kind of strange sense. With some insight into why Outsiders would make Skill Y into a class skill and then put ranks into non-class Skill X, we could avoid harassing Sean about things that aren't actually errors.

Dark Archive

Drakir2010 wrote:

I'm curious if we could get some guidance about outsiders and how their theme-appropriate class skills are chosen. In a lot of places, I've tried to follow the following logic to 'reverse engineer' them:

1) Is the listed skill normally class? If yes, go to 4
2) Have 4 theme-appropriate skills been assigned? If yes, go to 4
3) Make this skill one of the theme-appropriate class skills.
4) Assign skill ranks until listed value is reached.
Loop for all skills listed in stat block

However, this led to several cases where the creature has leftover skill points in some multiple of 3. I theorized in several places that for whatever reason "Skill X was not made into a class skill". This would suggest that Skill Y, which the creature did not put ranks in, was made into a class skill. It isn't "optimized", but it makes a kind of strange sense. With some insight into why Outsiders would make Skill Y into a class skill and then put ranks into non-class Skill X, we could avoid harassing Sean about things that aren't actually errors.

put all the the skill mods down and try to assign ranks

but remember when you take away the themed class skill from one those +3 have to be made up with skill point ranks.
don't forget a fly speed means it is automatically a class skill.

Dark Archive

Drakir2010 wrote:

I have checked every one of your posts in this thread to date, chopswil, and if I didn't specifically disagree with your assessment, then I concur with it.

If you're feeling froggy to check more skill math, I've gone though the original Bestiary and posted potential errors on that thread

chopswil wrote:

put all the the skill mods down and try to assign ranks

but remember when you take away the themed class skill from one those +3 have to be made up with skill point ranks.

Definitely. These are things I've discovered by looking at your examples of this very process. I think I'm doing a lousy job of communicating what I think is happening to these Outsiders. For argument's sake, let me provide a very basic example. You show an Outsider with 4 hit dice, a 10 Int, and no special skill modifiers:

Knowledge(Planes) 7 = 4 ranks + 3 class skill
Knowledge(Nobility) 7 = 4 ranks + 3 class skill
Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering) 4 = 1 rank + 3 class skill.
Knowledge(Religion) 7 = 4 ranks + 3 class skill

And then there's 3 ranks left over. But here's the crux of my complaint: We are assuming during our reverse-engineering that this Outsider made Knowledge(A&E) a class-skill. It's a logical assumption to make. However, if we do not make that assumption, then our ranks are fully spent AND our skill points balance. What I SUSPECT is happening is that this Outsider has made some OTHER skill, like Use Magic Device, a class skill, and then not assigned ranks to it. Instead, he's put ranks in a non-class skill. I'm kind of hoping that a designer could give us an insight into why that would be going on so that we don't flag this as an error.

chopsil wrote:

don't forget a fly speed means it is automatically a class skill.

And a climb speed gives climb skill, and a swim speed gives swim skill;) Yep, I catch all of that with my spreadsheet.

Dark Archive

Drakir2010 wrote:

What I SUSPECT is happening is that this Outsider has made some OTHER skill, like Use Magic Device, a class skill, and then not assigned ranks to it. Instead, he's put ranks in a non-class skill. I'm kind of hoping that a designer could give us an insight into why that would be going on so that we don't flag this as an error.

then I think that skill should be shown in the list.

Also, these are monsters and don't gain experience and get new skill points.
If they are adults, they've maxed out on HD; unless they take class levels.
It doesn't seem logical that they are "planing" to add skill points to their skill later on.
A dire badger isn't going down to the learning annex to take a class on Use Magic Item.
These monsters are the base for DMs to advance or add class levels, if certain skills are made class skills with no ranks then that should be shown.

I try to make the math work with what is shown, I assume that for Outsiders that this "preparing for later" class skills with no rank doesn't happen.

Dark Archive

Drakir2010 wrote:

And a climb speed gives climb skill, and a swim speed gives swim skill;) Yep, I catch all of that with my spreadsheet.

no, you get racial bonuses for these but unlike fly no automatic class skill.

Water subtype gets automatic Swim as a class skill

PFWiki Scribe wrote:

P. 181
Werebear goes from CG in human form to LG is hybrid form. That's going to play havoc with his moral compass.

From what I remember, all lycanthropes alignment changes when in hybrid or animal form, but only the afflicted ones. Each lycanthrope has its own alignment; wereboars NE, werewolves CE, werebears LG, werecats CG, weretigers N, etc.

The human form must've been CG, bit by a werebear one day and got the curse, and is doomed to live an orderly, lawful, rigid and structured life henceforth whenever he transforms LOL

chopswil wrote:
Drakir2010 wrote:

And a climb speed gives climb skill, and a swim speed gives swim skill;) Yep, I catch all of that with my spreadsheet.

no, you get racial bonuses for these but unlike fly no automatic class skill.

Water subtype gets automatic Swim as a class skill

I stand corrected (and somewhat mortified. At least my spreadsheet knows the rules!). Thanks for the pointer on the water subtype though. That one I hadn't yet accounted for.

Dark Archive

Agathion, Cetaceal p. 17, unused skill points

skill points = 136
used = 130

Diplomacy +12 = +6 ranks, +3 Cha, +3 class skill
Handle Animal +14 = +8 ranks, +3 Cha, +3 class skill
Heal +21 = +14 ranks, +4 Wis, +3 class skill
Knowledge (arcana) +22 = +17 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class skill
Knowledge (nature) +19 = +17 ranks, +2 Int
Knowledge (planes) +22 = +17 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class skill
Perception +28 = +17 ranks, +4 Wis, +3 class skill, +4 extra mods
Sense Motive +24 = +17 ranks, +4 Wis, +3 class skill
Stealth +24 = +17 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 class skill
Swim +17 = +0 ranks, +9 Str, +8 extra mods

Dark Archive

Agathion, Draconal p. 18, unused skill points

skill points = 312
used = 309

Acrobatics +25 = +20 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill
Bluff +29 = +20 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill
Diplomacy +26 = +17 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill
Escape Artist +22 = +17 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill
Heal +27 = +17 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 class skill
Intimidate +29 = +23 ranks, +6 Cha
Knowledge (arcana) +30 = +23 ranks, +7 Int
Knowledge (nature) +27 = +20 ranks, +7 Int
Knowledge (planes) +34 = +24 ranks, +7 Int, +3 class skill
Knowledge (religion) +31 = +24 ranks, +7 Int
Perception +48 = +24 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 class skill, +14 extra mods
Sense Motive +34 = +20 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 class skill, +4 extra mods
Spellcraft +27 = +20 ranks, +7 Int
Stealth +21 = +20 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill, -4 extra mods
Use Magic Device +26 = +20 ranks, +6 Cha

Dark Archive

Agathion, Leonal p. 20, skill point issues

To get Acrobatics to +28 I had to use 18 ranks but Leonal only has 14 HD.
Also I gave Leonal Knowledge (local) instead of Knowledge (any one) to make my program work, I need specific skills, and I seem to have used 4 more points than are allowed.
Missing a +4 racial mod for Acrobatics? That would make it all work out.

skill points = 112
used = 116

Acrobatics +24 = +18 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill
Handle Animal +19 = +14 ranks, +2 Cha, +3 class skill
Intimidate +19 = +14 ranks, +2 Cha, +3 class skill
Knowledge (local) +19 = +14 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class skill
Perception +19 = +14 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill
Sense Motive +19 = +14 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill
Spellcraft +16 = +14 ranks, +2 Int
Stealth +24 = +14 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, +4 extra mods

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Drakir2010 wrote:
However, this led to several cases where the creature has leftover skill points in some multiple of 3. I theorized in several places that for whatever reason "Skill X was not made into a class skill". This would suggest that Skill Y, which the creature did not put ranks in, was made into a class skill. It isn't "optimized", but it makes a kind of strange sense. With some insight into why Outsiders would make Skill Y into a class skill and then put ranks into non-class Skill X, we could avoid harassing Sean about things that aren't actually errors.

I have to agree with Drakir2010, here, because his approach more often matches the numbers in the book.

p. 51 Carnivourous blob

Melee slam +17 (8d6+19 and grab)

Absorb Flesh (Ex) A carnivorous blob cannot
eat plant matter or inorganic matter, but it
devours living flesh with a voracious speed by
dealing Constitution drain on creatures it
slams or constricts.

Melee damage should likely read (8d6+19 plus X Con drain and grab)

I assume the amount of con drain is the same as the constrict (1d4), but it could vary.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The Mu spore has both acid immunity and resistance, wich is the immunty and wich is the resistance?

The Glyptodon(CR6) has no tail attack(other than there shell was there only defense) and in almost every way is less powerful than the Megatherium(CR5) but the Glyptodon is a whole CR higher, is this a mistake?

Lyconthrope stats are way off, werebear str+2?(+10-16) Con+2?(+6-8), wereboarstr+4 Con+5?(+6),and weretiger str+12 dex+0?(+4-6) con+6.

The Primate Monkey Swarm (p. 212) has the Weapon Finesse feat, which seems useless for a swarm. Is this an error?

The cloud dragon's base stats say it's breathweapon is a cone but the other three stats say it is a line.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Edit: Originally posted in the B1 thread by mistake.

Vampiric Mist wrote:
Blood Overdose (Su) When a vampiric mist gorges on blood to an extent that it gains temporary hit points, it moves much more quickly. It gains a +2 haste bonus to its Armor Class and on Reflex saves, and can take one additional move action each round.

There is no such thing as a "haste bonus" in Pathfinder. The haste spell itself grants a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

Dark Archive

Not sure if these count as errata per se, but in the interest of continuity...

The Giant Whiptail Centipede entry in the Bestiary 2 (pg 53) does not match up exactly to the version presented in the Kingmaker AP (#31 - Stolen Land, pg 35). Ignoring the stat block adjustments to the AP version due to 'squeezing' penalties, the poison DC is listed as 14 as opposed to the Bestiary listing it as 17. I see no reason for them to be different. I would also suspect the 17 is the correct value.

Also, the Bestiary version does not include the special ability:

Compact (Ex) Although a giant whiptail centipede is a Huge creature, its compact and slender frame allow it to squeeze through areas as if it were a Medium creature—it still suffers normal effects for squeezing into small areas.

Again I see no reason for this omission.


Quickling is missing his SLA. Still don't know if that was intentional or a mistake.

Dark Archive

Urdefhan p. 276 redundant naming
several places in this stat block mention a "rhoka sword." This is from Adventure's Armory where it just has "rhoka." Weapons are referred to the names as they appear in the weapons tables, and in this case it's just rhoka. The rhoka is a sword but no one says halberd pole-arm in stat blocks.
Is there another kind of rhoka so that it has to be "rhoka sword"?
just do rhoka.

I noticed a potential issue with elemental humanoid races and their associated affinity abilities. Sylph and Undine specify that sorcerers with the corresponding bloodline to their element treat their charisma as two higher for the purposes of class abilities, while Ifrit and Oread extend this benefit to spells also. It seems like, one way or the other, the four should match.

I would wager that including spells is a typo - especially considering that Ifrit also have a +2 racial charisma adjustment, and could therefore have a "theoretical charisma score" for spells unmatched by any other race with explicit racial traits (i.e. "non-level-adjusted" races).

Dark Archive

Aeon, Bythos p. 10, incorrect Spell DC

A monster's Spell-Like Ability DC is The saving throw (if any) against a spell-like ability is 10 + the level of the spell the ability resembles or duplicates + the creature’s Charisma modifier.
A monster’s spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order.

plane shift = 10 + 5 (Cha) + 7 (the sor/wiz level) = 22

SB says 20

Paizo Employee Creative Director

chopswil wrote:

Urdefhan p. 276 redundant naming

several places in this stat block mention a "rhoka sword." This is from Adventure's Armory where it just has "rhoka." Weapons are referred to the names as they appear in the weapons tables, and in this case it's just rhoka. The rhoka is a sword but no one says halberd pole-arm in stat blocks.
Is there another kind of rhoka so that it has to be "rhoka sword"?
just do rhoka.

In my homebrew world, I always called them rhoka swords. I first introduced them to the game in "Into the Darklands," along with the urdefhans.

Anyway... Rhoka sword works kinda like how short sword, long sword, bastard sword, great sword, etc. are constructed. Since "rhoka" is a nonsense word, I feel additionally compelled to include the word "sword" in its title as well, because that helps keep folks remembering what it is in the first place.

Adventurers' Armory SHOULD have kept that tradition alive, but it did not, alas.

"Rhoka sword" will remain the preferred method of denoting the weapon, in any event.

Morbios wrote:

I noticed a potential issue with elemental humanoid races and their associated affinity abilities. Sylph and Undine specify that sorcerers with the corresponding bloodline to their element treat their charisma as two higher for the purposes of class abilities, while Ifrit and Oread extend this benefit to spells also. It seems like, one way or the other, the four should match.

I would wager that including spells is a typo - especially considering that Ifrit also have a +2 racial charisma adjustment, and could therefore have a "theoretical charisma score" for spells unmatched by any other race with explicit racial traits (i.e. "non-level-adjusted" races).

Actually that was answered in another thread. Leaving off the spells was the error, not putting them on.

What I haven't seen answered is the speed for Oreads. It's either 20 feet, with nothing mentioned under the racial traits block for them being a reduced speed medium creature, or they're 30 feet like all other demi-humans and the stat block is wrong. I've been trying to get an answer on that one since the bestiary II came out. :(

Paizo Employee Creative Director

mdt wrote:
Morbios wrote:

I noticed a potential issue with elemental humanoid races and their associated affinity abilities. Sylph and Undine specify that sorcerers with the corresponding bloodline to their element treat their charisma as two higher for the purposes of class abilities, while Ifrit and Oread extend this benefit to spells also. It seems like, one way or the other, the four should match.

I would wager that including spells is a typo - especially considering that Ifrit also have a +2 racial charisma adjustment, and could therefore have a "theoretical charisma score" for spells unmatched by any other race with explicit racial traits (i.e. "non-level-adjusted" races).

Actually that was answered in another thread. Leaving off the spells was the error, not putting them on.

What I haven't seen answered is the speed for Oreads. It's either 20 feet, with nothing mentioned under the racial traits block for them being a reduced speed medium creature, or they're 30 feet like all other demi-humans and the stat block is wrong. I've been trying to get an answer on that one since the bestiary II came out. :(

20 feet is correct for the oread. They're slow and steady. 30 feet is the standard for a Medium humanoid, but it's not a requirement. Dwarves are a good example of something that moves slower than normal.

Does this mean that some of these races might be "better" than others? Absolutely. If we wanted them to be the same, we would have just made one race instead of four.

The fact that the speed callout is missing from the "Oread Characters" part of the page is, I suppose, technically an error, but since the actual information is right there on the page only a few inches to the left, it's not a big one at all.

James Jacobs wrote:

20 feet is correct for the oread. They're slow and steady. 30 feet is the standard for a Medium humanoid, but it's not a requirement. Dwarves are a good example of something that moves slower than normal.

Does this mean that some of these races might be "better" than others? Absolutely. If we wanted them to be the same, we would have just made one race instead of four.

The fact that the speed callout is missing from the "Oread Characters" part of the page is, I suppose, technically an error, but since the actual information is right there on the page only a few inches to the left, it's not a big one at all.

I'm sorry James, but I just don't see anything to indicate it other than the 20 ft in the stat block, which could have easily been a typo. I've quoted the Bestiary II below. When you say Slow and Steady, are you saying that they have the same quality that dwarves do? They are not reduced further by heavy armor or loads? Or do they take speed reduction penalties as if they were halflings? Nothing in the Oread fluff says anything about them being slow at all.

Bestiary II wrote:

This large warrior appears heavy and solid, with chiseled, angular features that make her look almost like a statue brought to life.

Oread CR 1/2 XP 200
Oread fighter 1
N Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
Resist acid 5
Speed 20 ft.
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+3/19–20)
Ranged composite longbow +4 (1d8+2/×3)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +0)
1/day—magic stone
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Iron Will, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills Intimidate +3
Languages Common, Terran
SQ elemental affinity
Environment any land
Organization solitary, pair, or team (3–5)
Treasure NPC Gear (leather armor, longsword,
composite longbow with 20 arrows, other treasure)
Special Abilities
Elemental Affinity (Ex) Oread sorcerers with the Elemental (earth) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Oread clerics with the Earth domain cast their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.

Oreads are humans whose ancestry includes the touch of an elemental being of earth somewhere along its line, often that of a shaitan genie. Oreads are strong and solidly built, and prefer wearing earth tones that match the coloration of their flesh and hair—shades of gray, brown, black, or white. In rare cases, oreads’ stone-like traits are so strong as to leave no question as to their nature, with growths like rocky outcroppings protruding from their skin or hair like crystalline spikes. Oreads tend to be stoic and contemplative, slow to anger but terrible when roused. Outside of combat, they tend to be quiet, dependable, and protective of their friends.

Oread Characters
Oreads are defined by class levels—they do not possess racial Hit Dice. Oreads have the following racial traits.

+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Oreads are strong, solid, stable, and stoic.
Darkvision: Oreads can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Spell-Like Ability: Magic stone 1/day (caster level equals the oread’s total Hit Dice).
Elemental Resistance: Oreads have acid resistance 5.
Elemental Affinity: See above.
Languages: Oreads begin play speaking Common and Terran. Oreads with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Aquan, Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Half ling, Ignan, and Undercommon.

Dark Archive

Bestiary 2 Aeon, Pleroma p. 12 incorrect cleric spell DCs

A saving throw against your spell has a DC of 10 + the level of the spell + your bonus for the relevant ability (Intelligence for a wizard, Charisma for a bard, paladin, or sorcerer, or Wisdom for a cleric, druid, or ranger). A spell's level can vary depending on your class. Always use the spell level applicable to your class.

it seems that all the spell DCs for the cleric spells are wrong
implosion = 10 + 9 + 10 (Wis) = 29

SB says 26

i think they computed 9th level incorrectly and then just subtracted 1 each time they changed a level.
All cleric spell DCs need to be re-computed

Dark Archive

Aeon, Theletos p. 14 incorrect spell DC

bestow cure = 10 + 4 + 1 (Cha) = 15

SB says 14

Dark Archive

Agathion, Cetaceal p. 17, incorrect Spell DC

A monster's Spell-Like Ability DC is The saving throw (if any) against a spell-like ability is 10 + the level of the spell the ability resembles or duplicates + the creature’s Charisma modifier.
A monster’s spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order.

plane shift = 10 + 3 (Cha) + 5 (the sor/wiz level) = 18

SB says 17

Dark Archive

Agathion, Draconal p. 18 incorrect cleric spell DCs

A saving throw against your spell has a DC of 10 + the level of the spell + your bonus for the relevant ability (Intelligence for a wizard, Charisma for a bard, paladin, or sorcerer, or Wisdom for a cleric, druid, or ranger). A spell's level can vary depending on your class. Always use the spell level applicable to your class.

holy smite= 10 + 8 + 7 (Wis) = 25
SB says 21

flame strike = 10 + 7 + 7 (Wis) = 24
SB says 22

Dark Archive

Agathion, Leonal p. 20 incorrect SLA DC

A monster's Spell-Like Ability DC is The saving throw (if any) against a spell-like ability is 10 + the level of the spell the ability resembles or duplicates + the creature’s Charisma modifier.
A monster’s spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order.

hold monster = 10 + 2 (Cha) + 5 (the sor/wiz level) = 17

SB says 16

Dark Archive

Angel, Monadic Deva p. 27 incorrect SLA DCs

plane shift = 10 + 4 (Cha) + 7 (the sor/wiz level) = 21
SB says 196

hold monster = 10 + 2 (Cha) + 5 (the sor/wiz level) = 19

SB says 18

Dark Archive

Angel, Movanic Deva p. 28 incorrect SLA DC

plane shift = 10 + 4 (Cha) + 7 (the sor/wiz level) = 21
SB says 19

Dark Archive

Axiomite p. 36 incorrect SLA DC

hold monster = 10 + 5(Cha) + 5 (sor/wiz level) = 20
SB says 19

Dark Archive

Azata, Brijidine p. 37 incorrect SLA DC

wall of stone = 10 + 6(Cha) + 5 (sor/wiz level) = 21
SB says 22

fire storm = 10 + 6(Cha) + 8 (cleric level) = 24
SB says 23

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