kixor |
Quote:a large bastard sword still isnt appropriately sized for a medium character.This is incorrect. A bastardsword is a one-handed weapon for medium-sized creatures. A large one is a two-handed weapon for medium-sized creatures.
A weapon which exceeds the size of "two-handed weapon for n-sized creatures" cannot be used by that size creature.
EWP simply addresses penalties intregal to certain weapons -- it has nothing to do with size.
The problem with the text of Massive Weapons is its "flavor text" rather clearly implies that a Titan Mauler ought to be able to use otherwise too-big weapons, but no mechanic is provided to do so -- just penalty alleviation for using weapons already permitted by other mechanisms.
I'd be careful saying that "appropriately sized" means that the effective weapon size would be between light and two-handed, because then when you look at the Massive Weapons ability, "inappropriately sized" would then mean that the Titan Mauler could wield weapons that are effectively larger than two-handed.
Which it sounds like you're saying in that last paragraph. Paizo will need to clarify this, definitely. Reword Massive Weapons or affirm its current wording and provide rules for wielding weapons that would fall outside normal limits (three-handed weapons, anyone?).