Tarondor |

My group will wrap up Iron Gods later this summer. We’re all older gamers with decades of experience. We’ve played through Legacy of Fire, Kingmaker, Shattered Star and Iron Gods. Enough of the players have played Carrion Crown and Reign of Winter to take those off the table.
We are considering what to play next, including a change of games or some modules for a change of pace, but I’m betting we choose another AP. So help me choose which one!
I own them all, including the updates of RotRL and CotCT.
I really enjoyed LoF, except the third book. I really enjoyed Shattered Star, except the last book. I’m in the midst of Kingmaker and enjoying it, particularly with Dudemeister’s amendments.I love Iron Gods but can see that my players struggled with the lack of direct motivation in the mid-game.
So, whaddya recommend?

Sunderstone |

I recommend Skull and Shackles, especially with the first module of the Serpent Skull AP (Souls for Smuggler's Shiv) as a prelude. I made a brief outline keeping this prelude at 1st level throughout, along with my planned modifications to cut it into a one shot. At the end, the PCs get "rescued" by the Wormwood (much better than the original start of the campaign). ;)
It's linear and sandboxy at times, great roleplaying opportunities, etc. I was prepping it myself, but my players are just coming back to the game and wanted something more traditional as opposed to a Pirate themed campaign. I'm doing an extended Runelords campaign currently.
If this piques your interest, let me know. I can message you my brief outline (or post it here) for the Shiv.

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Crimson Throne if your party likes potential for diverse solutions and roleplaying
I do have to note that if your party doesn't like Iron Gods' sandboxy nature, they might not like Skulls & Shackles.(though if they did like Kingmaker then I'm bit confused since all three of them kind of require players to be self motivated as far as I know)

Tarondor |

Thanks for all the ideas, folks. I’d love to hear more ideas and reasons.
I do have to note that if your party doesn't like Iron Gods' sandboxy nature, they might not like Skulls & Shackles.(though if they did like Kingmaker then I'm bit confused since all three of them kind of require players to be self motivated as far as I know)
Different players (some of them) and a different medium (PBP versus face to face). Also in Kingmaker, the general shape of what you’re supposed to do is easier to grasp. The middle third of Iron Gods requires that the PCs follow clues without initially knowing why those clues are important. Failing to see a threat, my players wondered why the PCs would follow Casandalee’s trail after leaving Scrapwall. Luckily, they had personal motives that lead them to the Choking Tower.

Papa-DRB |

I only have the APs up to 14 (Mummy's Mask), so I can not say anything about ones after that.
Of all those, and not on your out of consideration list, two stand out in my mind:
Mummy's Mask
Curse of the Crimson Throne
Unfortunately to counter some suggestions above, I was a player in Serpent Skull, and I hated it, especially the last book. However we were a strange group of old techie guys and gal with a newbie DM which might have made a difference.
-- david

Tarondor |

I've read Serpent's Skull and I found the idea to be cool, but thought the last book looked like a boring grind.
I think it must be very hard to write a good 6th book in the series - the PCs are now demigods and hard to constrain, so it's easiest to hurl foes at them. Of the AP's I've GMed, I think Legacy of Fire and Iron Gods got the last book right.
Curse of the Crimson Throne seems like it might have done so. I'm not sure about Mummy's Mask.
I'm hearing Skull and Shackles, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Hell's Rebels and Mummy's Mask as the recommendations. Of those, I sort of instinctively like the subject matter of Hell's Rebels and I'm also sort of eyeballing Skull and Shackles.
Any other advice?

deuxhero |
Do you need to stick to first party? Your group sounds pretty experienced so Northlands Saga or even Way of the Wicked could work. Could also try Shackled City, Age of Worms or Savage Tide if you're up to converting from 3.5 (though I'm sure at least one of them has a conversion instructions done by someone else).

Krathanos |

I've run eight Paizo APs from start to finish. Excluding the ones you've mentioned, I'd recommend them in this order:
1. CotCT (especially if you have the Hardcover), it's a classic for a reason.
2. Hell's Rebels, which is one of the most rounded AP experiences.
3. Jade Regent, terribly underrated fun.
4. RotRL (a bit grindy towards the end, otherwise fine)
5. Serpent's Skull (a mess as written, but salvageable through lots of work)