Mobile Fighter: Rapid Attack and 2 weapons

Rules Questions

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

If you are a Mobile Fighter with 2 weapons (with the feats to make 2 attacks with the primary and 2 attacks with the secondary weapon) and use the Rapid Attack to move and attack, do you get the following 3 attacks?
1 attack with the primary at -5
1 attack with the secondary at 0
1 attack with the secondary at -5

Yeah that seems right.

But to be clear, a mobile fighter gets rapid attack at lvl 11. So no matter what, you would have at least a BAB of +11, thereby giving at least THREE primary attacks.

So to clarify, 11th level Fighter (Mobile Fighter), using two weapons including a light off-hand weapon, with Two Weapon Fighting and Improved Two Weapon Fighting, would normally gain the following attacks:

1. Primary -2 (for TWFing)
2. Primary -7
3. Primary -12
4. Secondary -2
5. Secondary -7

With Rapid Attack, he loses attack No. 1, but keeps the other four.

Also at that level he could even have Greater TWFing, to get a third secondary attack (at -12).

He could also be hasted or be using a speed weapon, which would essentially give back the lost primary attack when using Rapid Attack.

But basically it boils down to this: figure out what attacks he could make if he weren't moving but making a full attack that round...then when using Rapid Attack he gets all those attacks except for the very first one.

Father Dale wrote:

Yeah that seems right.

But to be clear, a mobile fighter gets rapid attack at lvl 11. So no matter what, you would have at least a BAB of +11, thereby giving at least THREE primary attacks.

So to clarify, 11th level Fighter (Mobile Fighter), using two weapons including a light off-hand weapon, with Two Weapon Fighting and Improved Two Weapon Fighting, would normally gain the following attacks:

1. Primary -2 (for TWFing)
2. Primary -7
3. Primary -12
4. Secondary -2
5. Secondary -7

With Rapid Attack, he loses attack No. 1, but keeps the other four.

Also at that level he could even have Greater TWFing, to get a third secondary attack (at -12).

He could also be hasted or be using a speed weapon, which would essentially give back the lost primary attack when using Rapid Attack.

But basically it boils down to this: figure out what attacks he could make if he weren't moving but making a full attack that round...then when using Rapid Attack he gets all those attacks except for the very first one.

is Rapid Attack is a full round to use?

chaoskin wrote:

is Rapid Attack is a full round to use?


Technically it combines a full attack with a move action. You lose the attack at your highest BAB but keep all the others. Basically you can make a single move and make your attacks at any time during the move.

Its not unlike spring attack, except you get more attacks and can make them at any point during your move, but you still provoke attacks of opportunity for moving as normal.

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