GryphCon 2011: March 4th-6th, University of Guelph, Ontario

Local Play

Grand Lodge 3/5

March 4th-6th at the University of Guelph.

One of Ontario's longest running game conventions!

Pathfinder Society Scenarios will be running from Friday evening til Sunday morning. Including "The Year of the Shadow Lodge" special on Saturday evening, and A Special Surprise on Sunday morning.

More info coming soon at

Tentative schedule:

Friday 6pm: Master of the Fallen Fortress - 1st Level
Frozen Fingers of Midnight (#4) - Levels 1-5

Saturday 8am:
City of Strangers Part 1: The Shadow Gambit (#51) - Levels 1-7
Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (#33) - Levels 1-7, 1 table

1pm: City of Strangers Part 2: The Twofold Demise (#52) - Levels 1-7
Rebel's Ransom (#2-03) - Levels 5-9

6pm: Special: The Year of the Shadow Lodge - Levels 1-11

Sunday 8am: A Special Surprise!! - Levels 1-7
Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (#2-13) - Levels 1-5
Prince of Augustana (#13) - Levels 1-5

Liberty's Edge *

Hi everyone,

This is Gryphcon's first year for the Pathfinder Society so we hope people will make the trip down to Guelph to make it a success.

All events take place in the UofG's University Centre.

More information, including pre-reg information, will be posted on the website soon.

We're trying to make this one of Ontario's biggest Society events of the year with the Shadow Lodge and the Special Surprise on Sunday.

Hope to see everyone there!

Liberty's Edge *


Since this is the first time we're running Society we're a little uncertain as to numbers.

So we'd like to hear from anyone who plans on, or is thinking about attending, just to gauge interest.

The Exchange 5/5

Weather permitting, I will be there for Saturday and Sunday.

Grand Lodge 3/5

It can now be revealed that the "Special Surprise" at 8am Sunday is the exclusive scenario "The Midnight Mauler"! Looking forward to sharing this one!

Liberty's Edge *

K Neil Shackleton wrote:
It can now be revealed that the "Special Surprise" at 8am Sunday is the exclusive scenario "The Midnight Mauler"! Looking forward to sharing this one!

Updates to the website are coming at the start of the new year, so check back for more information!

We plan on being there as a vendor, just waiting for sign-ups. :)

Liberty's Edge *

Sign ups should be available on the website by January 10th.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Some of the events are now available for registration. The others should be available soon.

Please note that the schedule has changed slightly:

Friday 7pm: Master of the Fallen Fortress - 1st Level (now up!)
Frozen Fingers of Midnight (#4) - Levels 1-5

Saturday 9am:
City of Strangers Part 1: The Shadow Gambit (#51) - Levels 1-7
Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (#33) - Levels 1-7, 1 table (now up!)

2pm: City of Strangers Part 2: The Twofold Demise (#52) - Levels 1-7
Rebel's Ransom (#2-03) - Levels 5-9 (now up!)

7pm: Special: The Year of the Shadow Lodge - Levels 1-11 (now up!)

Sunday 9am: Exclusive: The Midnight Mauler!! - Levels 1-7 (now up!)
Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (#2-13) - Levels 1-5
Prince of Augustana (#13) - Levels 1-5

Grand Lodge 3/5

All games now submitted for registration.

Liberty's Edge *

K Neil Shackleton wrote:
All games now submitted for registration.

Only 3 slots left in the Canadian Premier of the Pathfinder Society Exclusive!: The Midnight Mauler.

Get in while you can!

Grand Lodge 3/5

Thanks to all of the players who came out for Pathfinder Society at Gryphcon!

And extra special thanks to Doug, Angus and Glen for travelling to GM!

Almost every slot was full, including the Special. Many new players were introduced/converted to PFS. Gryphcon organizers told me we brought in new attendees, and brought back some absent friends. And the local game club is going to start up regular PFS play!

Liberty's Edge

I had a great time coming out and playing at Gryphcon. Additionally I brought my 13 year old son out to play as well and he had a blast. While originally I was only signed up for Saturday morning and afternoon, he asked if we could return and we played that evening and Sunday morning.

The GM's were great and the games were fun, the camaraderie was fantastic. And little brought more humour than a ship captain asking a group of four dwarves, a human and a halfling to 'blend in' with his crew...

Dark Archive 1/5

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Much thanks for a great introduction to Pathfinder Society. Doug did a stellar job bringing both challenge and fun to the table - he judged both slots that my buddy and I played in.

I was impressed by the quality of the modules, the inventiveness of the players' characters. It was a great way to spend the day - and I'm looking forward to more.

Liberty's Edge

Amazing games, Amazing DM's, Great people... what more could you ask for?

Thank you guys for coming to Guelph and running the games. I had a great time, and hope to see you guys at other games in the future.

Sovereign Court 3/5

I had a great time running adventures and hope to be back next year.

I would like to thank all of the enthusiastic players for giving us a reason to work, and for making it fun for the GMs as well.

There were some really memorable characters and players and I can't wait to see them again next year.


Grand Lodge 3/5

All sessions are now reported.

Please contact me if there are any questions/concerns.
I would especially like to hear from Danlizel, the cavalier from my Saturday afternoon session.

Liberty's Edge

SKIPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO THE RESCUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Winteraven wrote:

I had a great time coming out and playing at Gryphcon. Additionally I brought my 13 year old son out to play as well and he had a blast. While originally I was only signed up for Saturday morning and afternoon, he asked if we could return and we played that evening and Sunday morning.

The GM's were great and the games were fun, the camaraderie was fantastic. And little brought more humour than a ship captain asking a group of four dwarves, a human and a halfling to 'blend in' with his crew...

Yes I couldn't have asked for a better table to make up the crew of the Throaty Mermaid. All my groups were fun. Thanks for the great weekend! - Glen

Dark Archive 1/5

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
K Neil Shackleton wrote:
And the local game club is going to start up regular PFS play!

I've just noticed this. Very exciting - I'd love to introduce more fresh blood to PFS. Consider this a request for an update once these games get started (and hopefully there'll be more PFS inroads into the GTA...)!

Grand Lodge 3/5

Rokeca, please send me an email at my Venture-Captain email (on my profile). I will keep you informed of GTA events.

Grand Lodge *

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Another player chiming in to say that it went well, and was lots of fun.
I believe we'll be trying Pathfinder Society again.

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